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The Space Shanty Contest [Winners Announced]!


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With the Liset we were sent to hearth
With the Liset we were sent to hearth
With the Liset we were sent to hearth
Blood in the water, Blood in the earth

With the Archwing we were sent to fly
With the Archwing we were sent to fly
With the Archwing we were sent to fly
Blood in the water, Blood in the sky

Take all my ducats to Baro Ki'Teer
They have no use way up here
It's truly a lot of titanium I need
Blood in the water, Blood in the greed

With the Railjack we were sent to power
With the Railjack we were sent to power
With the Railjack we were sent to power
Blood in the water, Blood in the tower

With the anomaly we were sent to find
With the anomaly we were sent to find
With the anomaly we were sent to find
Blood in the water, Blood in the mind

Take all my cryotic to Cephalon Ordis
One hundred Sibears! Yes I need this
We are space's champion
Blood in the water, Blood in the galleon

my kubrow wrote this ty

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Sing ho! for a brave and a golden ship
and a shield that never fails
With a bully good crew and a captain too
to carry me over the rails
to carry me over the rails, me boys
to my true love far away
I'm taking a trip on a Orokin ship
Ten thousand lightyears away

And sing blow the winds high-o
A-roving I will go
I'll stay no more on Cetus' shore for to hear the shawzin play
I'm off from the rushing plains
And I won't be back again
I'm taking a trip on an Orokin ship
Ten thousand lightyears away

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We sail with the solar breeze

(chorus)...away haul away.

Among the bones of dead gods, in this deep space freeze


The troops of the queens stand in our path

Our forays against them have earned their wrath


The creatures of Tau wish all of us dead

But our good ship is strong and we'll come out ahead


Now come sail with us as we scavenge the sky

No faction can stand against us, but they all shall try


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Hull Breach Imminent - Emmett Baber
I remember well the day, I first set foot aboard,
A tenno bought my family debt, blood upon his sword.
Now that we were free, they had but one request...
"I need a swabbie for my crew, and you could be my guest."
Me ma and Pa were overjoyed to see me from the vents,
I'd get to do some honest work and keep my back unbent.
If only I could warn myself, this is what I'd say,
"Living on that star machine will suck your life away."
Until there's no more room in our blasted cargo hold,
we'll keep on taking all we can and trading it for foreign gold.
Every canon that we buy? No money better spent.
Except of course for welding flux, a hull breach imminent.
Hai! Hai! Put out the fires! Hai! Hai! Seal up the cracks!
Hai! Hai! Batton the wires! Hai! Hai! Fight back to back!
Once I tried to man a gun, to blow a clone away.
I loaded up the magazine and thought I'd have my day.
I'd fired not but seven rounds before it got too hot,
and I was needed elsewhere to de-perforate a yacht.
Our cephalon he said to me "It's time to do or die,
The enemy is close enough to stab them in the eye!"
I gathered up my courage, thinking "Finally a taste!"
By the time that I arrived, they needed welding paste.
If my parents knew just what they had spent,
I have to run in circles every time it takes a dent,
I make an effort not to sneeze, at least while I'm indoors,
It easily could make a rift in ceiling, wall or floors.
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I call it, No Time to Play (we've all been there at some point)

Edit: Wanted to add one last verse at the end, I hope that's allowed.


Way Hey, Sail Away
Back to home where the ground won't sway
Way Hey, Sail Away
Through cold space and the light of day

I woke to Grineer Ships in space
Heard "Tenno Scuum, prepare to race!"
I waved them off and down I lay
This Tenno has no time to play

Way Hey, Sail Away
Back to home where the ground won't sway
Way Hey, Sail Away
Through Cold Space and the light of day

A Corpus salesship blocked my path
Wants too many credits, I did the math
One quick boost and a turn made way
This Tenno has no time to play

Way Hey, Sail Away
Back to home where the ground don't sway
Way Hey, Sail Away
Through cold space and the light of day.

Was Passing Eris when I saw them roam
Infested freighters chilled me to the bone
"Avoid that planet", I heard Cy say
This Tenno has no time to play

Way Hey, Sail Away
Back to home where the ground don't sway
Way Hey, Sail Away
Through cold space and the light of day


Finally back and safe from harm

To Lotus here with open arms

So I'm home and here I'll stay

Now this Tenno has time to play


Way Hey, Sail Away

Now we're home and here to stay

Way Hey, Sail Away

Through cold space to the light of day

Edited by (PS4)Silenced1
Wanted to add one last verse.
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What would you do with a broken warframe

What would you do with a broken warframe

What would you do with a broken warframe

Give it to the Void! 

How the depth of the void calls us deeper

The mountain we climb is getting steeper

The mod I found is quite a keeper

Go kill Captain Vor! 

Let's go level on Helene

I'm not gonna be pristine 

Please don't make me carry the team

Your banished into the Void! 

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[Tenno Bonds]

Take to the skies, day and night,

Show the Grineer of your true might!

Take to your ship and bring the fight,

Behold the bloody sight.


Watch the Grineer as they flee and run,

Keep on fighting till we’ve won.

None shall survive when we are done.

The reinforcements come.


We will fight for all us,

We will fight for trust.

We will use our battle lust!

All for the Lotus!


Down they fall again one by one,

Grineer clones will come undone.

The true threat has not yet come,

Launch their ship to the sun.


With our Warframes we are strong.

Show Corpus why this is sung.

Stand united we are one!

This is too much fun!


We will fight for our justice,

Will not fall for distrust.

We will use our battle lust!

All for the Lotus!


The Sentients are approaching fast,

With their power, we will not last.

One more ability cast

Here come the future and past.


The true battle is coming soon,

Sentients will come to meet their doom!

But what will we be forced to do,

To keep our mother too?


We will fight for the Lotus,

With honor and our trust.

Our Warframes just left to rust,

Time to settle this

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Poor slaves they've been,
But stronger they became,
Now free they are,
And dead will they be!

Pure childs we've been,
And asleep we were,
But Tenno we are,
And victors will we be!

Exiled they've been,
But stronger they became,
Now back they are,
And angry will they be!

Pure childs we've been,
And asleep we were,
But Tenno we are,
And victors will we be!

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Title: Coming Dawn



The night unending breaks away

As the dawn brings us new light

Sharp our blades

True our aim

The Railjack starts to sing


As dreams end, a quick decay

Our shining star grows ever bright

Fight the raids

Strong our team

The ship begins to ring


A purpose lost, forever sought

Hold no fear, begone our fright

War our art

We all take part

As our dreams turn to dawn.

Edited by (NSW)JonTheShadow
Forgot an "s"
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Fill the payload, Release the clamps
Set sail, Set sail
Man the turrets, Prime the bombs
Set sail, Set sail

Boarding parties raiding, Set Rattleguts to kill
Set sail, Set sail
Hull breach detected, set Omnitool to mend
Set sail, Set sail

Onward to Veil Proxima, to farm some Shedu parts
Set sail, Set sail
Ivara, Nekros, Hydroid, Atlas, all primed and onboard
Set sail, Set sail

Paracesis at the ready, Symbilysts fall with ease
Set sail, set sail
Sentient threat extinguished, to rise again another day
Set sail, set sail

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('Tis Cephalon Cy)

Ship's on fire and the ship's on ice,

Boarders on, and they don't look nice,

We're out of missiles and we're out of time,

'Tis the report of Cephalon Cy!


Crewship's in and a Tenno's down,

Sentients here, don't make a sound,

Need more repairs, the supplies gone dry,

'Tis the decree of Cephalon Cy!


The hull's in pieces, and the shields are dead,

Fighters are blastin' us full o' lead,

Catastrophic failure, say good bye!

'Tis the cry of Cephalon Cy!


The crew's gone down, the Grineer have won,

There's no revolite, it seems we're done,

But we're not done yet, here's one more try!

'Tis the command of Cephalon Cy!


We're all stocked up and ready to fight,

They'll cower in the face, of the Tenno's might!

The void's on our side, it's time to fly!

We'll win alongside our Cephalon Cy!

[Edit:  Changed some words]

Edited by Anduril0103
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I based this mainly off how the tenno are in constant combat and partially off of what is to come in later updates.


With the system in constant turmoil
What will we do? We'll fight of course!
Way hey hey, hey filling the void with our majesty
Way hey hey, hey filling the void with our majesty
We'll expel the grinder, and purge the corpus
Try to figure out the infested's purpose
Way hey hey, hey filling the void with our majesty
Way hey hey, hey filling the void with our majesty
We'll fight with fury
We'll fight for glory
Then we'll share our stories
Way hey hey, hey filling the void with our majesty
Way hey hey, hey filling the void with our majesty
We won the first we'll win the second
The war with the sentients is all the beckons
Way hey hey, hey filling the void with our majesty
Way hey hey, hey filling the void with our majesty
We've fight all night
We've in spite
We will not stop for the lotus' sight
Way hey hey, hey filling the void with our majesty
Way hey hey, hey filling the void with our majesty
Way hey hey, hey filling the void with our majesty
Way hey hey, hey we'll be filling the void with our majesty

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title:voyage of the tenno

From forth we went out amoung the stars
we go and come, from ship land and sky
for hope of something more,
we go and come, from ship land and sky
for hope of something more.

Sail amongst the stars, both near and far
sail amongst the stars, both near and far
both near and far.

twisted for others use, 
used for purpose once known, 
after hunted like a kubrow to its prey. 
Saved yet lost, saved yet lost.

Sail amongst the stars, both near and far
sail amongst the stars, both near and far
both near and far

Wars come and go, 
they pass with all lives, 
time will tell if found and lost.
Wars come and go, 
they pass with all lives, 
time will tell if found and lost.

lost amongst the flow of time, 
forgotten until were once again found,
Lost amongst the flow of time,
forgotten until were once again found.

fighting foward once again,
woken by a enemy turned friend,
fighting forward once again,
woken by a enemy turned friend, 
this time for our own friends.

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Old ships were once called clippers
Before the starward race
But now I clip right through mine
And T-Pose in open space

May your host be spared migration
And your squad's ping ne'er dip
May your UI stay clear and present
Aboard your Railjack Ship

Ancient craft called galleons
Once sailed the salty seas
When boarding Railjack's galleons
Be warned your game might freeze

May the gunnery keep working
And the forge burn ever bright
May your public crew remember
Your ship's a privilege, not a right

Atop the tallest tallships
Was once the crows' nest's place
But a slingshot tops the Railjack
To yeet a fool through space

May your Amesha finish building
And your Itzal get some rest
May the Universal Blink mechanic
Prove equal to the test

Long-ago terrestrial navies
Sailed the seas in men-o-war
The Railjack has no gender
'Least not 'til there's more lore

May the creepy reliquary
Keep it's creepy lid shut tight
May you never hear that finger
Come tap-tapping in the night

For a long time now we've lingered
Between wars new and old
Between our first and second dreams
As our stories still unfold

Once every so often
A paradigm will shift
When something old is new again
And we get another gift

May we all lift together,
May we ninjas all play free,
May we be glad for what we're given
As we sail our starry seas

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2 minutes ago, PreludeInZ said:

Old ships were once called clippers
Before the starward race
But now I clip right through mine
And T-Pose in open space

May your host be spared migration
And your squad's ping ne'er dip
May your UI stay clear and present
Aboard your Railjack Ship

Ancient craft called galleons
Once sailed the salty seas
When boarding Railjack's galleons
Be warned your game might freeze

May the gunnery keep working
And the forge burn ever bright
May your public crew remember
Your ship's a privilege, not a right

Atop the tallest tallships
Was once the crows' nest's place
But a slingshot tops the Railjack
To yeet a fool through space

May your Amesha finish building
And your Itzal get some rest
May the Universal Blink mechanic
Prove equal to the test

Long-ago terrestrial navies
Sailed the seas in men-o-war
The Railjack has no gender
'Least not 'til there's more lore

May the creepy reliquary
Keep it's creepy lid shut tight
May you never hear that finger
Come tap-tapping in the night

For a long time now we've lingered
Between wars new and old
Between our first and second dreams
As our stories still unfold

Once every so often
A paradigm will shift
When something old is new again
And we get another gift

May we all lift together,
May we ninjas all play free,
May we be glad for what we're given
As we sail our starry seas

(I'm aware that there's a hard tonal shift towards the end of this but I started feeling ungrateful and guilty about all the salt)

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4 little devils sat in their frame
Intent to kill for loot and fame
4 bloody frames sat on a ship
Sailed into the black void of space for a trip

Yo ho tenno drink blood
Give up your live, give up your loot

3 bloody frames were boarding to kill
Only the captain forfeited the thrill
One little devil got called back
required repairs for 3 holes on the deck

Yo ho tenno drink blood
Give up your live, give up your loot

2 cursed groups brought to their fate
Grineer or sentient no difference was made
2 little devils came geared to steal
prowl, desecrate make fortuna's appeal

Yo ho tenno drink blood
Give up your live, give up your loot

1 day the devil himself rode with our ship
we forgot to repair and vanished in a blip

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What do we do when there's fire on our ship
- We grab our omni and supress it
What do we do when that's not a success
- We extuinguish it... with our piss

What do we do when there's hazard on our ship
- We grab our omni and fix it
What do we do when its not fixed by the engineer
- We take out our anger on the grineer.

What do we do when theres a ramsled outside
- We tell them that they can't come inside
What do we do when our request is ignored
- We tell 'em again, with lead and sword.

What do we do when our resources are crumb
- We go to the forge and craft some
What do we do when there's nothing to retrieve
- We resort to plunder, loot and reave

What do we do when there's a crewship nearby
- We knock on their door with our boarding guy
What does he do when he's their guest
- He puts the crew, into eternal rest

What do we do when theres a breach on our ship
- We grab our omni and seal it
What do we do when that doesnt work
- We celebrate death, with a big firework.

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with greedy milk to fill our cups
we talk about our warframe butts
we shoot and smash and slice and cut
with greedy milk and revelry

cephalons from yonder weave
amalgams up old alads sleeve
mid tridolon when hosts shall leave
with greedy milk and revelry

the void the wall the man the kiddo
from haunted pasts the haunted tenno
harvest kuva farming endo
with greedy milk and revelry

the clones that feast upon their weak
merchants of death and the profit they seek
inside your head the infested speak
with greedy milk and revelry

awake from dreams and nightmares tragic
a plague of plains and ostron panic
regor loves his tubemen and manics
with greedy milk and revelry


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A yo-ho to the Lotus up high!
A yo-ho to our Cephalon Cy!
A yo-ho! Ten-no!
In Empyrean ‘ts do or die!

I rise in the mornin’ and what do I see?
A yo-ho, tis’ the Grineer we see!
Time to hit the rails with me mateys three!
A yo-ho, a new mission for me!
Our finger on the triggers and our minds in the void!
A yo-ho, got our Archwings deployed!
The Sentients ‘ve no choice but to be destroyed!
A yo-ho, Natah’ll surely be annoyed!

A yo-ho to the Lotus up high!
A yo-ho to our Cephalon Cy!
A yo-ho! Ten-no!
In Empyrean ‘ts do or die!

‘ll be farmin for new ‘frames ‘till I’m dead!
A yo-ho, do some relics instead!
‘nd me Kuva Lich ‘ll steal me hard earned creds!
A yo-ho, Kuva’s got me seein’ red!
Call up Nora Night, she’ll be lookin’ for me!
A yo-ho, time for Season 3!
‘nd I’ve got to fill out all me focus trees!
A yo-ho, down to Cetus with ye!

A yo-ho to the Lotus up high!
A yo-ho to our Cephalon Cy!
A yo-ho! Ten-no!
In Empyrean ‘ts do or die!

A good yo-ho to the friend’s we’ve known!
A hearty yo-ho to how we’ve grown!
A cheery yo-ho to what’s in store!
And to the Tenno forevermore!
In Empyrean ‘ts do or die!

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Driving the ship through space, everything is quiet
Just me and my 3 friends
Oh no there's a crewship
Guess our rest time ends!

Everything is currently on fire, the ship is blowing leaks
Everyone's manning the guns
Oh no that's a ramsled
Guess our rest time ends!

The Raiders are breaking the ship, the cephalon is mad
So about those fires...
Oh no a catasrophic failure
Guess our rest time ends!

The engineer is skrewed
Ok we got 45 seconds left
Guess our rest time ends!

Oh... I guess we lost...
Do you guys wanna try it again?
Guess our rest time ends!

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