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Nova is great and all but like. Can we take away the wormhole?


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I would not like Wormhole to see any changes, and removal is out of the question. It is arguably the best skill she possesses depending on who you ask, and it has aged tremendously well. Even with the existence of Gauss, Nezha, Volt, Wukong (when Cloud Walker was affected by toggle sprint), Wisp, etc, Nova has still been a really good choice for a mobility Warframe. Sure, her Wormhole takes much more skill/practice compared to Gauss, but that doesn't make the ability a poor choice, it just has a skill ceiling to it. Escape Velocity is her best augment bar none as it is unaffected by Power Strength while also being an Exilus Mod. This allows you to use it on literally any Nova build you want with little downside. It also allows great synergy with Telos Boltace and Parkour Mods/Arcanes.

I understand the most obvious use for Nova is the classic "Max duration 145% Strength Slowva/Max duration 10% Speedva", but she has capabilities well beyond Molecular Prime.

Nova is good, has aged well, has arguably 4 useful abilities which is rare (especially on older Warframes), and she needs no changes.

On 2020-01-24 at 11:18 PM, (PS4)slova77 said:

As a 2400 hour nova main (45% Nova Prime, 16% Nova, I know the stat pages are wrong, but still, it takes a lot to get those numbers where they are) I would hate for them to get rid of worm hole.

I agree:




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Imo her 3rd is useless unless it`s used in the open world. (which most ppl don`t even go to anymore) if DE decided to get rid of the ability I won`t have an issue but if not I think it should do more than just what it currently does. If I were to improve it I would;

·       If an enemy walks into it on the opposite end it will send the back to the direction its pointing at (this is good to put in doorways)

·       You can shoot through the worm hole which will convert into explosions in a 10m radius.

·       Make the worm hole bigger for multiple enemies to walk through it.

·       Decrease energy cost to 50 energy.

·       (Synergy) her 2nd ability can pass through it.

Edited by (PS4)Vexx757
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2 hours ago, AzureTerra said:

No reason for her to be, she is good.

When I say "she hasn't been touched in a while", I mean there are visual bugs and stat bugs specific to nova that have been there for a long time now. Just because she doesn't need a rework, doesn't mean she isn't deserving of some love and affection. 🙂

All I really want is the neutron star augment to be part of the base ability, and for escape velocity to show my correct energy color apart from just when I'm host. And maybe if I'm being real greedy, change wormhole from an awkward rounded rectangle to an oval like any other portal. Literally all of her other abilities are round in some way, why is that one a rectangle? pardon my ocd.

portal portal

rick & morty portal

nova's portal (i like the idea of wormhole having two entry points rather than just one)

Edited by (PS4)slova77
changed image links, again
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There are a lot of frames for which people will argue that this or that augment should just be a part of the base ability, and almost all of them are wrong. Nova uniquely has two augments for her first ability, and the second, ostensibly an augment for her 4, is significantly better and more useful in play. In context of these two statements, I hope it'll be clearer exactly what I am and am not saying when I say that Neutron Star, the weak augment that is actually meant to be about her 1, is a bandaid for a bad gameplay decision and would remove dumb from Nova's gameplay if it were integrated into her 1. It's not that she needs a buff, she needs a fix for broken gameplay incentives. In fact, she already has the augment for her 1 at all times, it's just that it's called "going out of bounds". So she does indeed need touching for that reason; Neutron Star needs to be built into the base ability. 

But yes, bigger, rounder wormhole for 50 energy, please. And preferably make its range fixed as well. The five people still using her to farm Cetus wisps will riot and I don't care. Consider replacing her 2 with anything remotely useful when you get around to it. 

(Nova is good, she just happens to be good on the basis of two and only two abilities and a couple of augments that aren't bandaids.)

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5 hours ago, (PS4)Vexx757 said:

Imo he 3rd is unless it`s used in the open world. (which most ppl don`t even go to anymore) if DE decided to get rid of the ability I won`t have an issue but if not I think it should do more than just what it currently does. If I were to improve it I would;

·       If an enemy walks into it on the opposite end it will send the back to the direction its pointing at (this is good to put in doorways)

·       You can shoot through the worm hole which will convert into explosions in a 10m radius.

·       Make the worm hole bigger for multiple enemies to walk through it.

·       Decrease energy cost to 50 energy.

·       (Synergy) her 2nd ability can pass through it.

These are smart ideas

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Another nonobvious perk of a bigger wormhole is that she could cast it while falling. Half of the time I want to use it for mobility rather than laser-grid-cheesing reasons, I'm in the air and all out of double jump and could probably make it in with a roll, but it's awkward and I'm just going to pop out and void dash instead. Making the portal bigger already gives it more purpose as a non-mobility ability for funneling enemies or whatnot, but it'd at least throw it a bone for mobility too. And considering it was created before void dashing was a thing and didn't need to compete with it, it could certainly use the boost.

I would say it really ought to just teleport Nova to the endpoint instantly on cast, but then you don't have the extra utility roles for it. That'd probably be a fair trade if we weren't adding the 2 synergy though.

Edited by CopperBezel
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On 2020-01-27 at 11:28 PM, Voltage said:

I would not like Wormhole to see any changes, and removal is out of the question. It is arguably the best skill she possesses depending on who you ask, and it has aged tremendously well. Even with the existence of Gauss, Nezha, Volt, Wukong (when Cloud Walker was affected by toggle sprint), Wisp, etc, Nova has still been a really good choice for a mobility Warframe. Sure, her Wormhole takes much more skill/practice compared to Gauss, but that doesn't make the ability a poor choice, it just has a skill ceiling to it. Escape Velocity is her best augment bar none as it is unaffected by Power Strength while also being an Exilus Mod. This allows you to use it on literally any Nova build you want with little downside. It also allows great synergy with Telos Boltace and Parkour Mods/Arcanes.

I understand the most obvious use for Nova is the classic "Max duration 145% Strength Slowva/Max duration 10% Speedva", but she has capabilities well beyond Molecular Prime.

Nova is good, has aged well, has arguably 4 useful abilities which is rare (especially on older Warframes), and she needs no changes.

I agree:




Since you're a Nova main I'm gonna go ahead and call bias here, so what I'll do is this- I'm gonna present to you my opinion which is biased according to my playstyle and (fairly liimted) experience with Nova, and I'm just gonna hope you're disproof me and motivate me to give Nova another chance, because I really really want to truly discover here.

Nova seems incredibly one dimensional to me from a combat perspective, with one additional dimension opening up as a utility only when you completely drop her combat abilities for movement

Her optimal build (Capped str+Max duration + 2 Survivability mods) has negative range, which makes Wormhole totally useless and counterproductive to her playstyle, while it is incredibly beneficial for you to drop her Range in favor of your 1, because why the hell would her null stars be expandable, that's just doing you a disservice by outputting negligible dmg and unstablizing your tankyness AND waste a mod slot because you're then obliged to use an Augment. So-

Her 1 is great for tankyness, but it makes you waste a slot for it because it's unreliable without an augment

Her 2 is terrible- It's slow, hard to aim and doesn't scale with power str. Now, I know some ppl build around it and make it a passable nuking ability with terrible range, but this is impossible if you don't have Tigris Prime

Her 3 is effectively useless on the build you'll use 95% of the time

And her 4 is obviously perfect and incredibly strong and that's all she's got

Edited by (PS4)SrebX
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1 hour ago, (PS4)SrebX said:

As a Nova main I'm gonna go ahead and call bias here, so what I'll do is this- I'm gonna present to you my opinion which is biased according to my playstyle and (fairly liimted) experience with Nova,

wait ... you are a nova main that have ... limited experience with nova? 

and no you don't need tigris p to work with her 2nd, u just need a gun that doesn't mod for crit, with either fast fire rate or high base damage, i been using it with strun wraith, euphona p, akstilleto p and recently kuva stubba, tigris p is just the optimal option. (and of course, you need to be either the host, or have good connection to the host).

On the topic, i don't really understand the reason u want nova 3rd to be change OP, you did not provide any straight up reason anymore than.... err ... it not fit for her? .. So i would say no to that.

side note that i sometime don't understand why ppl got too worked up with the backward synergy between her 1st and 3rd. She's not suppose to be a tank (and it's fair that if you want her to, then sacrifice mobility), mod for normal range and the 1st skill become a retaliation skill aeit with unpredictable duration instead of a tank skill. There suppose to be a trade off and the middle ground is far from uncomfortable.


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11 minutes ago, FireSegment said:

wait ... you are a nova main that have ... limited experience with nova? 

and no you don't need tigris p to work with her 2nd, u just need a gun that doesn't mod for crit, with either fast fire rate or high base damage, i been using it with strun wraith, euphona p, akstilleto p and recently kuva stubba, tigris p is just the optimal option. (and of course, you need to be either the host, or have good connection to the host).

On the topic, i don't really understand the reason u want nova 3rd to be change OP, you did not provide any straight up reason anymore than.... err ... it not fit for her? .. So i would say no to that.

side note that i sometime don't understand why ppl got too worked up with the backward synergy between her 1st and 3rd. She's not suppose to be a tank (and it's fair that if you want her to, then sacrifice mobility), mod for normal range and the 1st skill become a retaliation skill aeit with unpredictable duration instead of a tank skill. There suppose to be a trade off and the middle ground is far from uncomfortable.


Nono, I meant he was a Nova main, I see how my phrasing was confusing and you're right, I'll edit that

As for the 2nd ability- I'll give those weapons a try, it might be interesting, but I still think it's a subpar ability which requires too much investment and time with too little range, and although the dmg (can) be really good the range is just bloody awful

As for Wormhole- I've never said I wanted it changed, I actually like it, I just think that if you have 1 ability out of 4 that's entirely useless 95% of the time because of your build, then something should be done.
Make it a fixed range? Make it scale with Power? Not sure, but something needs to be done
And for the record, I like the OP's alternative ability suggestion, I'd just replace it with the 2, not the 3

As for the side not-
That is a fair trade off and I agree with you in concept, but in a game like Warframe, where your Frame's entire identity rests on 5 abilities+(Maybe sometimes) A Passive, you can't make 1 of them awful
And I know it's true for a lot of frames, and a lot of frames even have 2 useless abilities and not 1, but that's just as wrong there as well


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I’m glad to see all of the different stances and feedback about nova, her wormhole, and her kit as a whole. So far from what I’ve seen that I agree that the wormhole should get a new look, some abilities on frames are just outstanding with their visuals. I also think some of the ideas about how using the wormhole to shoot projectiles through, her antimatter orb through, and making it double sided are all great. All of these ideas and concerns are greatly appreciated!

Edited by (XB1)Cephalon Vol
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11 hours ago, (PS4)SrebX said:

As a Nova main I'm gonna go ahead and call bias here, so what I'll do is this- I'm gonna present to you my opinion which is biased according to my playstyle and (fairly liimted) experience with Nova, and I'm just gonna hope you're disproof me and motivate me to give Nova another chance, because I really really want to truly discover here.

Nova seems incredibly one dimensional to me from a combat perspective, with one additional dimension opening up as a utility only when you completely drop her combat abilities for movement

Her optimal build (Capped str+Max duration + 2 Survivability mods) has negative range, which makes Wormhole totally useless and counterproductive to her playstyle, while it is incredibly beneficial for you to drop her Range in favor of your 1, because why the hell would her null stars be expandable, that's just doing you a disservice by outputting negligible dmg and unstablizing your tankyness AND waste a mod slot because you're then obliged to use an Augment. So-

Her 1 is great for tankyness, but it makes you waste a slot for it because it's unreliable without an augment

Her 2 is terrible- It's slow, hard to aim and doesn't scale with power str. Now, I know some ppl build around it and make it a passable nuking ability with terrible range, but this is impossible if you don't have Tigris Prime

Her 3 is effectively useless on the build you'll use 95% of the time

And her 4 is obviously perfect and incredibly strong and that's all she's got

I'm not going to look at usage %s and hours played because I don't care and it's just another proxy - like I'm sure I still have more hours with Trinity than with Khora, and that is very not representative of how I play or what I can or can't do atm.

But yeah, Nova is my #4, and to me, this is an exactly accurate summary of what Nova is and how she works right now.

Much of the trouble is that Nova is designed to be a nuker, not a debuffer, who comes with knockdown balls, not DR, and overall sits somewhere between old and new Ember. The build that makes her viable was never intended to be her thing. She still fits together by accident and her augments are suited to the way she plays now, but if you wanted to rework her seriously, you'd probably have to start with the assumption that she's going to work more or less always as a version of how her kit does with this one extreme build, so that getting what she is now would require, say, 200 strength and 150 duration and 100 range instead of 145 / 300 / 34 and whatnot.

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On 2020-01-28 at 6:51 PM, (XB1)Cephalon Vol said:
On 2020-01-28 at 1:48 PM, (PS4)Vexx757 said:

Imo he 3rd is unless it`s used in the open world. (which most ppl don`t even go to anymore) if DE decided to get rid of the ability I won`t have an issue but if not I think it should do more than just what it currently does. If I were to improve it I would;

·       If an enemy walks into it on the opposite end it will send the back to the direction its pointing at (this is good to put in doorways)

·       You can shoot through the worm hole which will convert into explosions in a 10m radius.

·       Make the worm hole bigger for multiple enemies to walk through it.

·       Decrease energy cost to 50 energy.

·       (Synergy) her 2nd ability can pass through it.

These are smart ideas

Well how do you feel about these ideas?


Passive improvement:

·       Enemies with a grappling hook will also be knocked down.


1st ability:

·       Increase damage to 500.

·       Instead of it inflicting slash damage it will proc impacted damage which will have a 100% stagger affect. If the particle hits the same enemy again it will knock them down.

·       The more enemies it hits the more the damage increases.

·       If you hold the ability it won`t seek out enemies but instead can be used for damage reduction however status procs will consume particles. Pressing the ability will revert it back to seeking out enemies.

·       Damage reduction will not disappear until all particles are gone.


2nd ability:

·       After cast, it won`t move, giving you a 1 second window chance to shoot into it before it moves.


3rd ability Add on:

·       Throwing weapons can pass through it. (glaives, spears)


4th ability:

·       (Synergy) If an enemy under the effects of the 4th ability is damaged by the 1st ability, it will cause a chain reaction by knocking enemies down in a 15m radius. (if the enemy is not killed off by the 4th ability)


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I'd take damage out of the 1 completely. If you try to accommodate how abilities work now vs. how they're being redesigned, you're just going to end up with a lot of complexity that doesn't serve the overall playstyle. I like a lot of the rest, though, like the passive triggering on harpoons. Antimatter Drop I really like. Neutron Star and Molecular Prime will honestly have a pretty good synergy already without the chain reaction effect, since the slow multiplies the effect of any knockdown proc. And let's just make "stuff goes through the wormhole" a feature of wormhole in general. If it applies to enemy fire, too, it's enough curse to balance the blessing.

My take would be something like this: 


Spontaneous Reaction: When Nova is knocked down or dragged by a harpoon attack, she releases a defensive burst that knocks down all enemies within 10m.

Null Star: 50e. Nova creates a protective bubble of 6 (dur) particles, reducing damage by 50% (str, caps at 90%) and colliding with any enemy within 5m with a 1s cooldown. Recast to release all remaining particles to seek out enemies within 15m (rng).

Augment, Neutron Star: Enemies killed by Antimatter Drop or under the effects of Molecular Prime restore one particle to Nova's Null Star. 

Antimatter Drop: 75e. Launch an energy container orb at 50m/s that absorbs all incoming damage from allies and enemies, including status procs and critical hits. The orb will attach to the first surface or enemy it encounters.  Recast to release 100% of dealt damage (str) and status effects applied to the orb in a 10m (rng) radius. If the ability is not recast, the orb will persist for 2s (dur) before exploding automatically. If the orb attaches to an enemy rather than a surface, killing the enemy will not destroy the orb.

Augment: Antimatter Absorb: Antimatter Drop creates a vacuum of 3m (rng). This bubble also slows enemies passing through by 50%.

Wormhole: 50e. Create a wormhole that immediately teleports Nova 50m or to a targeted surface within the range, and persists for 15s (dur). Wormhole leaves pair of circular portals with a 3m (rng) radius at Nova's entry and exit points that teleport any enemy, ally, or weapon fire in the direction Nova traveled. Nova can have up to 2 (str) portals active at a time; casting a new portal beyond the limit will remove the oldest remaining portal.

Augment, Escape Velocity: Nova or an ally passing through the portal receives a 1.5x multiplier to sprint speed for 15s (dur). 

Molecular Prime: 100e. Enemies within 10m suffer knockdown. Nova releases a slow-moving wave that travels 35m (rng) and slows enemies by 40% (str, cap of 75%) for 30s (dur). Afflicted enemies also suffer 200% vulnerability to damage from all sources.

Augment, Molecular Fission: Enemies release 50% (str) of dealt damage and status effects in a 10m radius on death.

The idea is to remove all of the funky scaling, normalize everything so that a generic, non-specialized build plays sort of like Nova does now, get rid of the jank that her 1 augment fixes, remove the token damage all her abilities do right now, and then throw her a bone with a couple of damage-dealing options to live up to her name and theme.

Edited by CopperBezel
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Jesus leave her alone, one of the better designed warframes. Literally 0 issue with that frame, shes easy S tier frame.

This thread could be winning over "Remove HM from primaries" in stupidity.  👍

Also pro tip: you dont need max duration on nova for normal play (12 seconds is more than enough).

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23 hours ago, (PS4)SrebX said:

Her optimal build (Capped str+Max duration + 2 Survivability mods)

I'm geniuinely curious where you pulled this from.

She can achieve the same task (Soft CC + damage buff) with any build, max duration (in a slow build) is easily detrimental in content where you rely on enemies following specific paths, as this only makes missions painfully slow.

From there, you can either pick tanking or being mobile (which also brings tanking since we have Vazarin), so how's the tank build optimal when it's useless to the other side? It's too relative to straight up call it "optimal" bud.

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Well, you don't take her into a Defense, but there aren't any other mission types where you depend on enemy movement, so. I suppose that using Vazarin would change the optimal builds for a lot of frames, and I certainly don't have any experience with that. The difference between 75% and 90% DR doesn't seem quite worth the two mod slots IMO in most contexts, but I wouldn't want to go completely without any, even if I was using Adaptation.

Guess it also might be a factor how much you're playing in a squad vs. solo.

2 hours ago, Benour said:

12 seconds

Of what?

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4 minutes ago, CopperBezel said:

Well, you don't take her into a Defense, but there aren't any other mission types where you depend on enemy movement, so. I suppose that using Vazarin would change the optimal builds for a lot of frames, and I certainly don't have any experience with that. The difference between 75% and 90% DR doesn't seem quite worth the two mod slots IMO in most contexts, but I wouldn't want to go completely without any, even if I was using Adaptation.

Guess it also might be a factor how much you're playing in a squad vs. solo.

Of what?

First you do take her in defense its called speednova btw.

Second what does Vazarin have with nova teleport i have no idea (and you neither).

Third you dont need 2 augments to achieve 90% DR on nova (no idea what you blabbing about, and you neither). 

And obviously 12 seconds on her Molecular prime.

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1 hour ago, Benour said:

First you do take her in defense its called speednova btw.

Second what does Vazarin have with nova teleport i have no idea (and you neither).

Third you dont need 2 augments to achieve 90% DR on nova (no idea what you blabbing about, and you neither). 

And obviously 12 seconds on her Molecular prime.

First, yep, that's her only build I'll take to a defense and it's not always desired

Second, I assume @CopperBezel was suggesting that a drop in her duration, which would also result in drop of tankyness because of her Null Star, would require you to bring Vazarin to make up for that lost tankyness, thereby allowing you to mod into range and make her Wormhole ("Teleport") better

Third, and I'm amazed I'm actually feeling obliged to explain this , I assume @CopperBezel was talking about the last 2 mods required to get Nova from 75% DR (Which you get after throwing in Narrow Minded+Primed Continuity) to 90%, because it was suggested that these mods could be used for Range mods in favor of mobility instead of using them for the last 2 duration mods that exist in the game (Augur Message and Constitution)

Fourth, that's a really aggressive comment to a person wasn't even talking to you, and not to mention he was being very civil about his arguments, What the hell made comment you so nastily

2 hours ago, Bloop said:

I'm geniuinely curious where you pulled this from.

She can achieve the same task (Soft CC + damage buff) with any build, max duration (in a slow build) is easily detrimental in content where you rely on enemies following specific paths, as this only makes missions painfully slow.

From there, you can either pick tanking or being mobile (which also brings tanking since we have Vazarin), so how's the tank build optimal when it's useless to the other side? It's too relative to straight up call it "optimal" bud.

Well, her duration also ties to her DR, Prime range and well her Prime duraion, so it seemed rather obvious to me that that's the way to go with her

https://tennoware.com/warframes/nova prime/1201000000000000000p710c903w605y810m6100u03a210y91000000000 

That's the build I was talking about, which also brings you only to 80% DR, at it does start to fall off somewhere around 8~10 rotations of Defense/Interception/Survival/Whatever endless mission

Please show me what you're running and why, and I'll be happy to try it

Edited by (PS4)SrebX
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Benour and I despise each other, so I can't say his reply surprised me too much, but thank you for painstakingly unravelling all of that when I couldn't bring myself to. X ] 

Vazarin relating to Wormhole I have to take Bloop's word on because I'm Zenurik for life, but yeah, Bloop was suggesting dropping Narrow Minded, forgetting about Null Star because you're already a tank, and keeping Wormhole useful. Narrow Minded actually benefits Null Star both ways, because having base range or more gives the stars more opportunity to expend themselves uselessly attacking enemies and reducing your DR - Wormhole and Null Star are entirely incompatible. (Which is why it's a bit funny when people refer to Nova as well designed. She's a great frame but it's entirely by accident, and she was never designed to work the way she's used now.)

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7 hours ago, (PS4)SrebX said:

Please show me what you're running and why, and I'll be happy to try it

https://tennoware.com/warframes/nova prime/12011320002d305f703p710l510t310h003y810w805m703w605a903d203

Exactly the mobile alternative, it hasn't changed much, even when long ago it was "discovered" that null star granted damage reduction. Instead of the tank approach, I kept the glass cannon side, and it's not like I need to tank anything since I'm running both rolling guard and protective dash, which makes incoming damage almost irrelevant.

Consider this take to be on the extreme side of things, but I'm of the mindset that if I'm too mobile, there's no reason to do long missions anymore (besides for fun, obviously) and if I don't facetank past level 100+ with no trouble, then I won't bother with modded survivability. Rather enjoy the cheese from the current system and boost that mobility.

That's just the 145% version, which is enough for most missions as they are small tilesets, otherwise I'll switch to 190-235% range instead (14% slow instead of 75%, which in some content even for general use, is nice to have as you will get the damage bonus, while maintaining their regular speed).


PD: Regarding the (almost) full slow build, just push it to the 300%, that 18 seconds cast won't really request the 130% efficiency, and the EHP boost is very noticeable. Adaptation is at average 50 to 70% damage reduction most of the time, as you'll rarely find an enemy that fires only one damage type.


6 hours ago, CopperBezel said:

people refer to Nova as well designed

I'd argue she's well designed exactly because of that freedom, sacrifice your mobility for tanking, or sacrifice tanking for mobility, but in either case your main damage ability still remains useful. Would I prefer to have both ends? Of course, but I don't think it's possible without punishing Wormhole.

Edited by Bloop
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That nova build you posted is AWFUL btw.

On 2020-01-30 at 3:50 PM, (PS4)SrebX said:

First, yep, that's her only build I'll take to a defense and it's not always desired

Second, I assume @CopperBezel was suggesting that a drop in her duration, which would also result in drop of tankyness because of her Null Star, would require you to bring Vazarin to make up for that lost tankyness, thereby allowing you to mod into range and make her Wormhole ("Teleport") better

Third, and I'm amazed I'm actually feeling obliged to explain this , I assume @CopperBezel was talking about the last 2 mods required to get Nova from 75% DR (Which you get after throwing in Narrow Minded+Primed Continuity) to 90%, because it was suggested that these mods could be used for Range mods in favor of mobility instead of using them for the last 2 duration mods that exist in the game (Augur Message and Constitution)

Fourth, that's a really aggressive comment to a person wasn't even talking to you, and not to mention he was being very civil about his arguments, What the hell made comment you so nastily

Well, her duration also ties to her DR, Prime range and well her Prime duraion, so it seemed rather obvious to me that that's the way to go with her

https://tennoware.com/warframes/nova prime/1201000000000000000p710c903w605y810m6100u03a210y91000000000 

That's the build I was talking about, which also brings you only to 80% DR, at it does start to fall off somewhere around 8~10 rotations of Defense/Interception/Survival/Whatever endless mission

Please show me what you're running and why, and I'll be happy to try it

If you want to tank with Nova you put Quick Thinking/Hun. Adrenaline on with adaptation + Molecular (and yes there is enough mod slots to do so and still having perfectly functioning nova).

Obviously you never played single arbitration "endurance" with her. I run speedva in arbies and use Vazarin for healing defense targets or slowa for easy mode interceptions. Also LUL at using zenurik with nova, you guys ever heard about energize (yeah i know its to expensive for you.... 4Head)

Shes actually decent tank with proper build.

Also LUL how you trying to get 280+ duration on her, just useless.

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