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Rivens Should Be Satisfying AT LEAST


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19 minutes ago, Aldain said:

The reason why Rivens aren't satisfying is because unless they are on a super broken OP and make the super OP weapon even more OP they are useless?

That reasoning shows exactly why Rivens failed in DE's initial intention, they only serve weapons with the base stats to boost in the first place and are useless on anything that can't exploit a massive disposition.

And this is why honestly they would if been better off just straight up buffing the weakest weapons every 3 months if they had too large of a DPS gap compared to other weapons until the DPS min/max values were tightened up.

Granted this might make more op weapons less relevant but at the very least, people who were stuck on weaker guns would not feel TOO screwed over if they have to take a long while to get a much better gun.


Riven mods won't be satisfying because they don't actually achieve anything but making the OP more OP and the few middle tier weapons decent.

Which is why people groan and roll their eyes when they see their veiled Riven roll as a Dual Toxocyst or some other equally disappointing weapon or pitch a fit when their "I can kill a level 700 Grineer in one shot" riven gets nuked into the ground.

Honestly there is a good reason why i even had STUPID ideas where riven mods would be based on weapon type instead of weapon name. So you had stuff like Rifle, Shotgun, Sniper, Bow, `Launcher`(aka opticor and tonkor like stuff with maybe ignis crammed in), one-handed secondary, double-secondary (aka any thing that basially is a Aklex), throwing secondary, etc.

It would greatly reduce the number of riven mod types, plus since its covering multiple weapons, D.E. could not just straight up nerf riven mods if they are used too much because of X weapon can capitalize it the most, but it still drastically buffs lesser used weapons of that type too. Which honestly due to how they have new approach to how VARIANTS work, could easily apply to more common used weapons so a CORN-ITH would likely get less impact from a riven mod VS a vanilla Tigris which likely gets alot less use and could have a stronger impact with it.

But at the very least it would likely still come down to base stats & mechanics to decide why one would use a CORN-ith over a tigris. Since they could have those dispositions adjusted to where a riven modd`ed tigris will not ridiculously out-perform a Cornith but would be close enough to still make use of it for a long while till one gets other guns to update on.


The disparity between weapons has become even more noticeable now that even some of the most mediocre Melee weapons are stronger than the guns they occupied the same space with, the Stug is as bad as ever but something comparable like the Pangolin Sword is now at least usable past Saturn with even basic mods.

The balance of the game shouldn't suffer just because people want to see 8 digit numbers popping out of enemies.

If D.E. fixed the issue with things like armor scaling by just redesign armor as another form of shield that is just bulky and does not regenerate, i feel like the desire for bigger numbers might be curbed a bit on top of tweaking the mod bench to make less damage mods present by removing them and buffing weapon stats in general so people have more mod slots for putting utility mods. The meta might actually be able to freaking shift a tad so people start capitalizing on reload speed for low-clip guns. Cant say set mods will become more popular except those that just stack more duration/strength/range and mods like hunter munitions & augur pact, since honestly those need to be changed into a 2 to 4 set batch of mods and have actual space to where they can be considered options.

Overall, warframe is suffering from a big old cancerous boil it left to fester too long: Lack of revisiting older content, updating and polishing it and straight up have that also lead into things they should of also fixed up, which could of eventually cause a chain reaction where we would of never needed crap like Riven mods in the first place.

Edited by Avienas
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1 hour ago, 6-BristleBack-9 said:

yeah some rivens got buffed... their dispositions are now higher like... 0.05 point.... Balancing

Hahahaha... Oh my... You sweet summer child...

Rivens never ever go up or down more than 1 point at a time. The multiple changes over time is what's made some of them so bad, because despite the nerfs the actual weapon is still... wait for it... powerful and popular! That's right! The actual metric stated by DE as to how they decide whether to nerf or buff Rivens!

Who would have seen that coming? Oh, wait... Everyone who actually read and listened to DE when they actually explained this.

And I'm so, so sorry that your feelings are being hurt by mentioning that dreadful word 'meta'.

But guess what 'meta' is? It's the combined function of Popularity and Power. It's never just 'power' and it's never just 'popularity'. And you even pointed out just what this kind of thing creates; and that's Efficiency! Wonderful. Do you know what makes something efficient? Power and ability to apply it. A great example of this is the Catchmoon. This one was not actually the most powerful secondary out there, that spot is taken by things like the Aklex Prime (which actually has raw damage stats on headshot that are better than a fully loaded set of Peacemakers, at least for the first three shots before her ability actually ramps up that performance).

But as you pointed out in your own little example there, it was popular because it was efficient in its power. It applied high amounts of damage in the most effective way for what we're doing and so it was that special combo of powerful and popular, so the weapon got nerfed. What you'll notice is that before this functional nerf, DE actually tried to ensure that it was balanced in the more normal way of nerfing the Riven Disposition, all the way down to the very lowest point a Riven can go. They only nerfed the actual gun when it turned out that over 50% of the entire high MR base was using the gun anyway, even without the Riven to buff it.

It was, in fact, because the gun was powerful and popular that both the Riven and the gun itself ended up getting nerfed.

It's almost like they actually followed through with that philosophy of only nerfing things if they're both Powerful and Popular, making them... [gasp]... Meta.

Also, I have actually seen 5x3 squads trying out the Opticor, because it's so powerful, and do you know what? It actually works. The only reason people can't seem to enjoy this is because of something that DE have literally just stated they're trying to fix; beams that have 'girth' like the Opticor and the Tunguska Cannon on your Railjack, do not apply their damage to a target if the outer edge of their 'girth' clips another hit-box before it would hit the actual target. So unless you're aiming at a very specific point on the Eidolon, and ensure that no other hitboxes are in the way, of course the Opticor doesn't work well in those scenarios. It will, however, because DERebecca literally dropped into another thread to say that the next Hotfix is aiming to actually fix this exact problem.

So... sucks to be you, I guess? But don't worry too much, things will get better. Over time. If you have patience.

1 hour ago, 6-BristleBack-9 said:

It is a sin having those rivens in the first place.

Not that I see you having a lot of patience beneath that really large victim complex you have there...

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2 hours ago, Birdframe_Prime said:

Rivens never ever go up or down more than 1 point at a time. The multiple changes over time is what's made some of them so bad, because despite the nerfs the actual weapon is still... wait for it... powerful and popular! That's right! The actual metric stated by DE as to how they decide whether to nerf or buff Rivens!

But guess what 'meta' is? It's the combined function of Popularity and Power. It's never just 'power' and it's never just 'popularity'. And you even pointed out just what this kind of thing creates; and that's Efficiency! Wonderful. Do you know what makes something efficient? Power and ability to apply it. A great example of this is the Catchmoon. This one was not actually the most powerful secondary out there, that spot is taken by things like the Aklex Prime (which actually has raw damage stats on headshot that are better than a fully loaded set of Peacemakers, at least for the first three shots before her ability actually ramps up that performance)

DE actually tried to ensure that it was balanced in the more normal way of nerfing the Riven Disposition, all the way down to the very lowest point a Riven can go. They only nerfed the actual gun when it turned out that over 50% of the entire high MR base was using the gun anyway, even without the Riven to buff it.

you misunderstanding one thing here mate, popularity is not the deciding factor of meta, it is the result of it. if one weapon outperform other alternatives in being efficient doing desired thing, that weapon becomes popular, therefore becomes meta. it will not become meta because it is popular. it becomes meta because... it is more efficient than other options and not because it is more popular than others. you could say efficiency and power actually same thing.

(there is another factor which is ''fun'' when deciding popularity, but irrelevant to this subject.)

Again, weapons became popular is the result of them being better alternatives. Hope you get what i meant this time.

and now about nerf stuff, i will say this again with oversimplified words so you don't get the wrong idea.

[gasp]...nerfing a weapon because it is popular is so wrong in the first place. do you understand why? well i can say if you didn't, it doesn't serve for balancing purpose *sigh*. not one bit. Incase you didn't use this perspective, look at this angle -> maybe players find that weapon enjoyable in the first place, so they couldn't care less about nerfs DE do on it.

instead DE should just do turning other into fun ones with adding some new aspects in them... but noooooo... 👏 

i never claimed catchmoon is the most powerful secondary out there, i can only claim that that weapon is one of the most fun secondary to play with. aklex is fine (though also nerfed so much, i remember 400k yellow crit headshots on 100 lvls that weapon inflict back then)

lastly, try using peacemaker on anyother frame rather than mesa... oooppsie... you can't. that is an exalted weapon and have fun using when inside the crowd of +120 lvl grineer/corpus mobs. irrelevant example you typed there mate. unlike what you think and despite i stated numerous times, i couldn't care less about meta etc... all i said was DE is killing fun. i give value in fun over meta, but that doesn't mean meta isn't fun.

and yeah, if they would buff low tier rivens and made them viable that could be counted as balancing (how many times i stated this :facepalm:)

if every(at least a few more) weapon outthere were to became viable then there will be no meta in the first place. But... yup... you could just say things like ''sucks to be you'' or some other nonsensical edgy things and mistaked i got hurt by the word ''meta'' but in truth that squad who goes with opticor never actually used that weapon on synovas am i right. turns out the other guy who bring lanka/rubico actually the guy that was destroying synovas all the time.

very very very oversimplified verdict -> nerfing rivens is not justified/logical or serves the purpose for balancing. 🙏

nerfing just because a weapon is fun, only shows that DE know so little about their own game. like wtf for real :crylaugh:

and one :clap: from me to you mate. i couldn't get the wrong idea better.

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2 hours ago, Avienas said:


If D.E. fixed the issue with things like armor scaling by just redesign armor as another form of shield that is just bulky and does not regenerate, i feel like the desire for bigger numbers might be curbed a bit on top of tweaking the mod bench to make less damage mods present by removing them and buffing weapon stats in general so people have more mod slots for putting utility mods. The meta might actually be able to freaking shift a tad so people start capitalizing on reload speed for low-clip guns. Cant say set mods will become more popular except those that just stack more duration/strength/range and mods like hunter munitions & augur pact, since honestly those need to be changed into a 2 to 4 set batch of mods and have actual space to where they can be considered options.


This bit I agree with, cracking armor and exposing the enemies health bar would make plenty of sense. Even in something like Warhammer 40k Space Marines can have their armor rent and cracked if they take too many hits from high power weapons, a similar thing could apply to enemies like the Grineer. And the Grineer equip clones with mass produced armor, so it wouldn't hold up as well as something made for a super engineered specialist warrior. 

Edited by (XB1)Red Dough Boy
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15 hours ago, 6-BristleBack-9 said:

very very very oversimplified verdict -> nerfing rivens is not justified/logical or serves the purpose for balancing. 🙏

Balancing involves both buffs and nerfs.  To say that nerfing something does not serve the purpose of balancing is simply wrong.

If one weapon among 300 is outright more powerful and efficient than all the others, then it makes a lot more sense to tone down that one weapon than to try and buff 299 other weapons in different ways to match.  Trying to only buff is how you get power-creep as well.  Would it be fun if you had a gun that wiped out all the enemies on the map with a single trigger pull?  It would be efficient as all get out, but it wouldn't be fun (or maybe it would be fun for you as you seem to equate efficiency and fun).

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1 hour ago, (XB1)R3d P01nt said:

Balancing involves both buffs and nerfs.  To say that nerfing something does not serve the purpose of balancing is simply wrong.

If one weapon among 300 is outright more powerful and efficient than all the others, then it makes a lot more sense to tone down that one weapon than to try and buff 299 other weapons in different ways to match.  Trying to only buff is how you get power-creep as well.  Would it be fun if you had a gun that wiped out all the enemies on the map with a single trigger pull?  It would be efficient as all get out, but it wouldn't be fun (or maybe it would be fun for you as you seem to equate efficiency and fun).

in a game where you only play against infinitely scaling bad AI mobs 😪

Trying to only buff is how you get power-creep as well.

Would it be fun if you had a gun that wiped out all the enemies on the map with a single trigger pull?

oh yeah, what i was saying is not buffing for low tiers but already op ones, right.

can't wait to see a lato to become power-creep and kill all enemies in map with a single trigger pull, changes will come with ''the third dream'' quest patch, i believe DE will do this.

give players rivens > nerf them > don't actually buff bad weapons > everything is still exactly the same, nothing changed > go to sleep (what DE did all this time, summerized)

unbelievable... if every weapon were to have the possibility of reaching the same power level as good ones (not exactly as you think, but pls get the point right) there would be balance in the game.

it is like > DE : we want players to have their favorite weapons viable in any stage of the game so we did rivens

it is not like > DE : we first give you good stuff then take it back, just for the gig. so that we can pretend we are working for making our players happy.

but it went like second line.

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15 hours ago, 6-BristleBack-9 said:

nerfing a weapon because it is popular is so wrong in the first place

Great, fine opinion there, but guess what? DE stated that the actual purpose of Rivens is to adjust the Popularity.

Again, anyone who actually paid any attention to them when the entire system was explained, when nerfs and buffs started happening, when more nerfs and buffs happened, when it became a regimented four-times-a-year to match up with Prime Access function. All of those times when they actually told us what they were doing and why. Anyone actually reading that would know this.

Rivens adjust the meta, sure, but again, the stated purpose is to adjust what's Popular and Powerful. The meta is formed because something is both, and funnily enough it's actually a complete coincidence, but has to be noted.

You might think it's wrong, that's amazing for you.

It is, however, the exact purpose of Rivens.

Though, I kind of gave you the actual credit of being able to read these things until you had to all-bold this:

15 hours ago, 6-BristleBack-9 said:

i never claimed catchmoon is the most powerful secondary out there

Because I never said you did. I used the Catchmoon as an example of how this system works. At no point did I ever draw that back to you. The only thing I used as a direct reference to what you said is when you drew attention to Efficiency. Efficiency is born of something being both powerful and functionally able to use that power. It's why I also brought up the Lex Prime, which is the by-the-numbers most powerful secondary in the game. That kind of power is actually kind of pointless if it can't functionally deliver it in a reliable fashion.

The entire point of my Catchmoon reference was to show that DE are actually following through on the ethic they literally state multiple times.

15 hours ago, 6-BristleBack-9 said:

and yeah, if they would buff low tier rivens and made them viable that could be counted as balancing

And I pointed out they do. The difference between them and the most powerful weapons is this: There are only a dozen or so actually top-tier weapons that need nerfing, and so they will be nerfed repeatedly because of the over-use, meanwhile there are 180+ lesser tier primary and secondary weapons that have to be buffed, but the player base is actually using them on average more than you'd think so only the ones that are proven to be the least popular over time will get repeated buffs.

Considering that most of the lower tier weapons have a 3 point disposition already, they can actually get some pretty powerful Rivens for them and make them viable enough for general play, not super strong, but viable. This means that people are actually using them more and so they don't get further buffs.

DE moves on to the next 'least popular' because they have the numbers right in front of them and can see that the buff they gave has already shifted the 'least popular' onto something else.

Now if you don't get that simple logic, there's no more hope for you.

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7 minutes ago, 6-BristleBack-9 said:

unbelievable... if every weapon were to have the possibility of reaching the same power level as good ones (not exactly as you think, but pls get the point right) there would be balance in the game.

Again, it's much easier and makes much more sense to balance one weapon than 299 weapons.

But, it seems that you're not really open to exploring any possibility except that any nerf makes something trash, efficiency is the measure of fun, only certain weapons are viable, and DE hates their player base.

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2 hours ago, Birdframe_Prime said:

1) Rivens adjust the meta, sure, but again, the stated purpose is to adjust what's Popular and Powerful.

The ultimate goal? To make it possible for all players to be able to choose their weapon on preference and make it a viable choice. (just reminder)

2) You might think it's wrong, that's amazing for you.

3) It is, however, the exact purpose of Rivens.

4) Because I never said you did. 👈 👌

5) Considering that most of the lower tier weapons have a 3 point disposition already, they can actually get some pretty powerful Rivens for them and make them viable enough for general play, not super strong, but viable.

1) look to the action they took, not what they stated.

2) if scamming doesn't wrong according to you, that's amazing for you.

3) now recall back what DE said and think about it. think if they can actually reach their ultimate goal by doing some adjustments on(0.05 which is buff according to you/also turn many other low tiers into viable ones, again, according to you, not in reality) what's popular and powerful. (soundslike deciding meta on their own nonstop, just like what they do league of thrash. nerf some, buff some, so that 8 years olds won't get bored ever)

are you sure purpose is not turning this game into thrashy league? i hope you get right what they said while you listen.

4) https://prnt.sc/qv33qx / you made an example like it is based on i claimed something like that in the first place.

5) considering arbitration is in general play, them being viable now in general should have mean 'they are super strong' not 'you can kill 40 lvl mobs ez' but what do i know. They are viable now right. (sure they are after receiving 0.05 buff, go and try killing some with gorgon - one of the weapons that got buffed - because you said they are VIABLE now. you can't even kill 70 lvl now without shooting whole mag into his head, which is hard thing to do.) (or try doing ambulas sortie with it)

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Yes some weapons needed nerfing cause DE just make them to powerful (aka catchmoon, Arca plasmor,) AND/OR they have huge AOE (synoid simulor, tonkor.)

Some weapons are trash no matter how godly riven you slap on them, such weapons need just adjusting their stats (mostly older weapons).

Some weapons are to good as they were created to good by DE. Thats why they have very low dispo so if you slap god tier riven they are not completely broken.

And btw even Tigris Prime is worth slapping riven on if the stats are TOP TIER (i run DMG/MS/PT/negative and yes it makes the weapon MUCH better).

And btw Gorgon Wraith can melt 165 CHG like butter with TOP TIER riven (CC/MS/CD/negative is my riven).

Im bleeding braincells just by reading/posting in this thread.

Edited by Benour
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2 hours ago, (XB1)R3d P01nt said:

it's much easier (true) and makes much more sense(great sense) to balance one weapon than 299 weapons

never take a viable weapon that being useful for the most part of the game as example and buff nonviables, instead delete one of its main features (be able to get so much better) so we don't need to work for other low tiers. really great sense yes, makes much much muuuuuch more sense if person thought this were to be lazy.

oh i didn't know they could reach red crits with that, quick team prepare for nurfeeng. (then you shouldn't give something like that in the first place)

exploring same things with different stats is what i like yo xD what are you talking about. i like exploring braton, mk-1 braton, braton prime, braton vandal, kuva braton, prisma braton, dex braton, braton umbra etc. ofcourse im open for possiblities even if they seem pointless upfront.

edit : addition

@Benour like butter... cool story bro 

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2 hours ago, 6-BristleBack-9 said:

1) look to the action they took, not what they stated.

Yes? They buffed low-usage weapons, and nerfed high usage weapons. They frequently buff the weapons at the lowest end and frequently nerf the weapons at the highest end. It's a shame that the weapons at the highest end stay the weapons at the highest end because they're at the highest without the Rivens anyway, but that's how good the top ranks are.

2 hours ago, 6-BristleBack-9 said:

2) if scamming doesn't wrong according to you, that's amazing for you.

Where is there any scamming? Tell it plain kid, where is there a scam in any of this? Unless you're talking about the players that managed to scam other players out of Platinum by selling them a really good Riven that was already stated to be likely nerfed by the actual rules of Riven balancing?

2 hours ago, 6-BristleBack-9 said:

are you sure purpose is not turning this game into thrashy league? i hope you get right what they said while you listen.

What I said was that they nerf the weapons that are popular and powerful, and buff the weapons that are neither. They have done exactly that, and I can back that up with the actual amounts over time just by reading back the patch notes to you. Would you like to have that lovely little embarrassment of truth dropped on you here? Because I can.

2 hours ago, 6-BristleBack-9 said:

4) https://prnt.sc/qv33qx / you made an example like it is based on i claimed something like that in the first place.

[Sigh] Alright, let's look at the quote and the context of it:

20 hours ago, Birdframe_Prime said:

But guess what 'meta' is? It's the combined function of Popularity and Power. It's never just 'power' and it's never just 'popularity'. And you even pointed out just what this kind of thing creates; and that's Efficiency! Wonderful. Do you know what makes something efficient? Power and ability to apply it. A great example of this is the Catchmoon. This one was not actually the most powerful secondary out there, that spot is taken by things like the Aklex Prime (which actually has raw damage stats on headshot that are better than a fully loaded set of Peacemakers, at least for the first three shots before her ability actually ramps up that performance).

In this paragraph I call out the Catchmoon. It is in no context to your own comment at the beginning. I use it in isolation. In context of my own argument.

What could possibly confuse this is that I then said this:

20 hours ago, Birdframe_Prime said:

But as you pointed out in your own little example there, it was popular because it was efficient in its power.

Which was referring to this quote of yours:

22 hours ago, 6-BristleBack-9 said:

meta ➡️ most powerful ✖️

meta ➡️ most viable choice in terms of efficiency ✔️

proof ➡️ ever seen 5x3 squads using Opticor which is most powerful primary by far.

Which is why I followed up the argument with my statement of why the Opticor isn't actually used in 5x3 squads, and it's because it has a known bug that DE are addressing, not because it's not powerful, and not because it's not actually effective.

You can now stop bringing your little victim complex to the fore on this. It's a non-issue in this discussion.

2 hours ago, 6-BristleBack-9 said:

5) considering arbitration is in general play, them being viable now in general should have mean 'they are super strong' not 'you can kill 40 lvl mobs ez' but what do i know. They are viable now right.

Wait-wait-wait, you actually consider Arbitrations to be in need of super strong weapons?

Arbitrations starts at level 60, most un-Rivened weapons can handle at least to the first Round C, if not more. There are some literal trash tier ones I wouldn't take, like the Stug or the Kraken, but seriously picking a Warframe that can just stay alive a little is all you really need there in order to take the slight extra time needed to kill things with the less powerful weapons.

'Viable' as a concept means that you can choose the weapon and take it to the content you want to do, it may not obliterate level 150's in a long survival, but it can actually kill them in combination with your preferred Warframes. Damage for most weapons, especially ones you build the right Riven for, is viable well beyond the difficulty level of base Arbitrations.

Hell, I took an un-rivened Mk-1 set (Paris, Furis, Bo) to Arbitrations with a Jet Stream Zephyr and succeeded. It's difficult, I'll admit, but it's still possible. Hell, I can give you my Mk-1 Paris build that can headshot-oneshot most enemies at level 60-70, and will often bleed out level 100s with a Hunter Munition's bleed proc from that one shot, and because it's not a very popular weapon I have a Riven on it that lets it clean up level 150 and over. As long as you can hit with it consistently, which is why I use Jet Stream Zephyr ^^

This game, once you use the right setups, has no challenge to kill things. DE might try to gimp us with enemies that can avoid our Abilities or with enemies that make other enemies invulnerable, but that's how powerful we and our gear can be, the enemies need a way to actually ignore what we can do because they have no way to actually deal with us otherwise.

So yeah, it's genuinely fine if some Rivens, for the most powerful and popular weapons in this game, are functionally side-grades or even become useless. Those weapons are powerful without them.

And DE do, and I can run that back to you if you need direct examples, buff the lower tier ones. The reason you don't see much of that is because those lower tier weapons start out with a Riven disposition that's actually high enough to make them reasonably powerful anyway, so they aren't un-popular enough to actually get buffed further.


Actually, wait, do you know what? Let's think about this logically. Because in writing this I actually went to the Wiki and looked up the unpopular weapons, like the Convectrix, like the Dual Cestra, these bottom of the barrel weapons that have absolutely no power or popularity compared to the others. And guess what? They have all had their Rivens buffed.

I mean, most of your entire argument seems to stem from the idea that DE don't buff under-powered Rivens in proportion to the ones they nerf, but I have to ask you, seriously:

What weapons do you know that are used so in-frequently, that are literally the bottom of the barrel in terms of power and popularity that have not had their Rivens buffed? What weapons out there can you actually name?

Go on. I'll wait.

The only weapon on that list that isn't actually possible to get a functional Riven on is the Stug, and that's because of the way the Stug actually functions, the weapon itself is the opposite of the Catchmoon and needs a functional buff to the weapon itself in order to make even its rank 5 Disposition (1.48, one of the highest dispositions in the secondary category, only slightly lower than weapons like the Mk-1 Kunai, the regular Spectra and the single Magnus, which cap out at 1.53) actually matter.

Everything else that's lower tier has actually been buffed as much, if not more than, the other powerful weapons have been nerfed.

So... what were you actually getting at?

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On 2020-01-29 at 9:52 AM, (XB1)Deputy Facepain said:

This has already happened. My Tigris roll went up to 98% multi shot, but it’s till 83% when equipped on Tigris Prime. Same goes for the rest. Well, other than melee. Melees disposition hasn’t been changed at all yet, and is coming in the next round. 


Exactly, When melee Riven’s dispositions get adjusted, shall we say nerfed, there will be a lot of angry players again. Each time driving few % of players away from the game by destroying and nerfing their favorite items, Mods, builds they have worked hard and ground hard to get. 

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11 hours ago, 6-BristleBack-9 said:

in a game where you only play against infinitely scaling bad AI mobs 😪

give players rivens > nerf them > don't actually buff bad weapons > everything is still exactly the same, nothing changed > go to sleep (what DE did all this time, summerized)


 > DE : we first give you good stuff then take it back, just for the gig. so that we can pretend we are working for making our players happy.

Exactly, DE has created a system to enrage  players. Most players, especially new ones, don’t know all these rules, until they find out and start to get mad, they leave and uninstall the game. 

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24 minutes ago, George_PPS said:

Exactly, When melee Riven’s dispositions get adjusted, shall we say nerfed, there will be a lot of angry players again. Each time driving few % of players away from the game by destroying and nerfing their favorite items, Mods, builds they have worked hard and ground hard to get. 

This might be somewhat true, but things will change with time. Take Soma Rivens as an example. They were rock bottom when Rivens came out, and it took a long time for anything to change. But now it’s disposition has climbed up quite considerably. 

don’t get me wrong. It does suck when something you really enjoy gets repeatedly nerfed. Other things do get buffed at the same time though. Having a large arsenal with a lot of Rivend weapons helps. I’ll just put something down for a while if it keeps getting hit with nerfs. Eventually it’ll get some strength back. Just gotta be patient. 

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