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Should there be a "auction house" in warframe.


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I'm a new player and find the trading scene a bit less then efficient. I know that comes from a place of ignorance/nooby-ness. For the veteran players I have a question. Would you as endgame content chasing folks prefer a change to the system as it stands. Something more akin to WOW, FF14 and the like or something completely new or keep it the same.


Any feedback would be appreciated thanks.

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Nope there shouldn't be. Posting stuff, logging out for a week and coming back to plat would be horrible.

That's how it was in WoW. I would post stuff for sale, ignore the game for 3 weeks and have enough gold to get another month of play time. That's not playing the game, it's just getting rewarded for not playing.

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1 minute ago, --Brandt-- said:

Nope there shouldn't be. Posting stuff, logging out for a week and coming back to plat would be horrible.

That's how it was in WoW. I would post stuff for sale, ignore the game for 3 weeks and have enough gold to get another month of play time. That's not playing the game, it's just getting rewarded for not playing.

this is literally warframe market.

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At this point I think an auction house probably isn't going to happen just because Warframe's economy has settled into the current system too much, and introducing a completely different way of doing it would be too crazy. However, I think we definitely need a way better trading system, the current one is a nightmare of spam and junk that clutters up the chat.

What I think we need more than anything else is item-based filtering. The current text-based system is completely worthless when it comes to actually filtering stuff out, as some of the most popular trade categories (ie Rivens and Prime parts) can't be accurately filtered out unless you create 100 different filters for every single Riven prefix and suffix. We just need a big list of every category of tradeable item in game with toggles, and then a text filter on top of that for granular filtering.

Unless all of the Riven flippers selling "10k plat godly super Meta Riven" can get out of the way, then it remains incredibly difficult to trade normal stuff, like Augments, other Mods, or normal Prime Parts that aren't either the newest set or Vaulted sets. That's why so many people suggest an auction house.

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49 minutes ago, --Brandt-- said:

Nope there shouldn't be. Posting stuff, logging out for a week and coming back to plat would be horrible.

That's how it was in WoW. I would post stuff for sale, ignore the game for 3 weeks and have enough gold to get another month of play time. That's not playing the game, it's just getting rewarded for not playing.

Not all "auction houses" in games function while offline or even afk, just because it does for WoW, doesn't mean it does for every game. Some games only show listings but you can't actually get the item if the person isn't online, or there's a heavy tax on automated trades if the person is offline or afk. Even just an in-game variant of Warfame.Market would essentially be one that doesn't work for offline players and would still require direct trading.

It's also not as if DE actually cares about the value of traded items either. Nightwave completely devalued mods from Lua Halls, you could get 30+ plat for one of the mods, despite it being the easiest of them to get, but after that first Lua Hall challenge it immediately dropped to 10 plat or lower. Veiled Rivens also lost a lot of their value due to alerts that rewarded them, and it takes a while for their price to go up, assuming an alert doesn't reward the same one again. Undesirable rivens are also very low in price as it is too.

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1 hour ago, --Brandt-- said:

Nope there shouldn't be. Posting stuff, logging out for a week and coming back to plat would be horrible.

That's how it was in WoW. I would post stuff for sale, ignore the game for 3 weeks and have enough gold to get another month of play time. That's not playing the game, it's just getting rewarded for not playing.

But instead of play warframe, you'd rather sit staring at trade chat for hours to make plat?

And if your answer to this is you don't do that, cool, play how you want. I like to make plat off the items I've farmed for so I don't have to spend as much $$$$ on this game. I personally would like to be rewarded for HOURS of farming prime parts, rare items, etc. rather than spend that time staring at spam in trade chat. An auction house isn't necessarily the best answer but I know that trade chat in it's current form definitely isn't. Is there another way that DE could have implemented trading into the game that took less effort than what we have right now? I personally don't think so.

If we traded any amount of time we spend in trade chat for more time to farm, we would make more plat, meaning we wouldn't have to buy plat, and that would mean less profit for DE, so yea, we're never getting a more efficient system, unfortunately.

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1 hour ago, bad4youLT said:

A: no

Q: why ?

A: auction house will ruin economy

this implies it's not already in shambles

riven market is absurd for one.

a lot of prices people give out for other items are worthy of being called a scam. 
a market would put people in line, and it'd be off of supply and demand. 

warframe.market is already a basic regulator of prices and a outside source of a auction house.
that /most/ players already use. 

may as well already place it in the game already.

but to answer the thread;

They don't "see a place for it" in the world. 

I think they just don't wanna deal with the fake plat charge back people abusing the market that they already do. 
or spend the time to make it not buggy

Edited by Vesiga
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2 hours ago, PidgeTheWitch said:

For the veteran players I have a question. Would you as endgame content chasing folks prefer a change to the system as it stands.

Hell yes, absolutely, 100%.

All the usual objections to it have been debunked time and again, the main one being that more efficient trading would cause more people to trade and prices to crash as a result. That's why artificial restrictions need to be implemented to prevent that, so that making trading easier won't result in an increase volume of trades. Call me crazy, I don't think making trading an inconvenient hassle is a good way to regulate an economy.

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3 hours ago, PidgeTheWitch said:

I'm a new player and find the trading scene a bit less then efficient. I know that comes from a place of ignorance/nooby-ness. For the veteran players I have a question. Would you as endgame content chasing folks prefer a change to the system as it stands. Something more akin to WOW, FF14 and the like or something completely new or keep it the same.


Any feedback would be appreciated thanks.


Prices would crash because youd suddenly be competing with every single warframe player with a copy of any given item- as opposed to only having to compete with whomever also happens to have said item and be looking at trade chat at any particular time. 


Which might seem nice to newbies... until they realize it's more difficult, not less, to make plat without reaching for your wallet. 

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2 hours ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

if DE got a dollar for every time someone asked for an Auction house, they wouldn't even need to sell platinum...

when are people gonna learnt that the answer always has been and always will be "No"!

Because people are drawn to the idea of being able to be lazy, setting something for sale and forgetting about it. And dont want to actually think it through. 


Good luck getting anything for Adaptation (or whatever) when you're competing with EVERYONE who has it period, not just anyone who has it and is looking at trade chat at that moment. 

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