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Why are Kuva Weapons not locked behind mr rank? (people have been bullying me in missions since I have kuva weapons/prime access weapons)



Hello my in game name is H3XW17CH, and I was concerned with what a bunch of high mr rank players had told me while I was playing a defense fissure mission. Well in a way they were rather rude to me, and quite judgmental questioning my integrity as a player while calling me a cheater when I have no reason to cheat in a PvE game..


They had noticed that I had Kuva Weapons, and one of them said that because I was mr rank 10 that I should not be able to use my Kuva weapons? They also kept questioning me as if they were some kind of detective so now I am reaching out to the forums since this seems to happen to me quite a lot since I use my revenant warframe which as the cool disco ability, and my kuva ogris.


Yet when I was mr 7 and I went to the kuva fortress after I beat The War Within quest to find the soma chords (had no intention of summoning a lich) for the song that comes from the kuva missions I accidentally parazoned a kuva larvaling (have parazons mods [blood of life] and [ammo for life] so parazoning enemies was commonplace). I had to fight my Kuva Lich after that with no way to opt out of fighting it, and failed quite a lot of missions trying to defeat my Lich which messed up my overall profile stats, but we live and we learn. My Lich almost made me quit the game but I stuck with it since I didnt want to let a bully push me out of the game. Although now bullies are pushing me out of the game. Upon defeating my Lich I was given a Kuva weapon. I even shed a tear since the Kuva Lich almost ruined my entire gaming experience.


I earned all of my Kuva weapons fairly, and went through the same anguish other players have to defeat the liches I had fought. I fought them bravely and faced my fear of them now fighting them more often without worry. Yet players are challenging my integrity as a player when they see I have a Kuva Weapon while bulling me?


I even read in a reddit post that a player had made about how the kuva weapons are not locked behind mr rank, and if you defeat a kuva lich you get the weapon that is in there possession regardless of mr rank. If that is the case why is this not common knowledge? Also why are players of a high mr rank telling me that I should not have a weapon that was awarded to me?


Yet as of now I have these angry high mr players saying to me that they are going to report me since I have Kuva Weapons which is getting really old, and is starting to anger me so much that I am starting to really not trust this community as a whole. I have gone through the same anguish, and the same trials and tribulations as everyone else who has fought Liches. I hunt them, and it takes me a while to do so, but I enjoy hunting them even though they beat me senseless.


Not only that but I had also bought the prime access pack with ash and vauban prime, and that had come with weapons that also are at a higher mr rank. I go into a defense mission and play a few rounds. Then the players leave the mission calling me a cheater, and saying that someone of my mr rank should not have fragor prime. Yet I was able to buy it for 59.99$ in the prime access package, and get access to the weapon right away, and all the other items that came in the package. Why do I have access to the weapon if players are going to leave the mission every time I use it? Its my right to be able to spend money how I chose, and I should not be reviving such hate, and being bullied by high level players for using a weapon that I own, and paid good money for.


Can someone please tell me why players are constantly doing this, and why it obviously seems it is not common knowledge that a player can obtain a weapon of high mr rank from I.e either defeating a Kuva Lich, or from Prime Access/Market packs?


For example if I buy the limbo pack from the market place will players say I am a cheater for having the Opticor even though I paid for the pack that gives it to me early?


Or will I be banned for spending hours/days of hard work farming thermia fissures to get the opticor vandal? Just because I am not a super high mr rank although I went through the same anguish as other players as well to do that?


I just want to have fun and play the game yet I have to get on the forums, and make a long post because I am worried that some high mr player is going to report me for weapons that I obtained from either buying them from prime access/market packs. Or even because of the weapons that I have obtained fairly from defeating Kuva Liches. Personally my feathers were only ruffled today because these individuals had finally gotten to me. I dont understand why it is not common in game knowledge that these things are allowed. When they are in plain view.


I mean I even saw a forum post of a player saying that these weapons should be locked behind mr rank, and people should not be able to get them through prime access/kuva weapons should also be locked behind mr rank.


Yet other players wanted players like myself who actually pay a lot of money for convenience in this game to spend our hard earned cash so the game keeps going? I mean profits are good so I dont see why prime access is such a issue?


I mean if its really going to be this much of a problem why not lock the kuva weapons behind mr rank, and only allow high level players to be able to parazon lichlings. I have seen other people around my mr rank (mr10) that also have these weapons, and they too say that people call them cheaters at times when they are using them. Although these players also got these weapons just from defeating Kuva Liches fair and square which anyone can summon after completing (The War Within Quest). Anyways I am going sum up my very long post.


I would just like to play the game, and I am sick of always having an anxiety attack when using weapons I obtained fair and square that I either bought up front from the in game market/prime access/defeating kuva liches.


I.e I will possibly buy the limbo pack, and I had purchased the prime access vauban/ash pack. Or for using Kuva Weapons that I obtained fair and square. Most players are cool and just ask me about the weapons, but others just seem to have a serious chip on there shoulder, are rude, and, seriously judgmental of others.


If I want to spend 400$ on a game, and I want to purchase weapons from prime access with money that I earned from my job then I should be able to. If I want to fight my kuva lich at low mr and get beat senseless before getting a Awesome weapon then I should be able to. As a semi new player to this game since its been quite a bit of months now I should not be bullied just because I am not mr13/14, but have weapons that I bought from prime access packs/ gained from defeating relentless kuva liches.


So can someone please educate me on why these weapons are available yet have a higher mr rank than my warframe? Or as to why players are bullying me for being fortunate to be able to get prime access, or for having a kuva weapon that I obtained by spending hours/days/weeks fighting each lich I summoned?


Also should I stop fighting Kuva Liches although its fun to me since players keep having these issues with the weapons that I use? Should I stop the fun I am having because a few players that are bad apples, and literally making my experience in game worse? I would just like to know why this is happening?


If kuva weapons are supposed to be locked behind mr rank like these people say then why are they not locked? I just want to get back to having fun, and playing the game. I am just so irritated that people have to do this. I have a disability and play this game to kind of escape from reality ever so often. It just sucks that occasionally I run into people like this who think I should be the worst player just because I started this game a few months ago. I just dont get it :(

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7 minutes ago, EDM774 said:

The reason for MR lock is to make players who don't have money or haven't participated in certain activites, play the game more. That's why MR locks aren't enforced on quest rewards, event rewards, Prime access purchases and weapons purchased for platinum from the market.

If you don't have money = you have time to play the game. this is how a lot (if not all) of F2P games work.

I was referring to the lock in regards to the Kuva weapons. Not in general

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19 minutes ago, Grey_Star_Rival_Defender said:

Previous replies have the answer to your question. In addition, DE would have a lot to lose from enforcing MR requirements on reward weapons.

”Congrats on beating Shadow Stalker and rescuing your Operator! Please get from MR4 to MR10 to use this stupidly powerful sword everyone else got.”

That’s how you get someone to quit the game.

”Congrats on beating our Anniversary Alerts / newest Operation / Thermia Fractures! Please get from MR5 to MR10 to enjoy the reward you worked for!”

”Congrats on beating your Kuva Lich! Please get from MR5 to MR13 to enjoy the single, only fun thing about this system.”

Okay, so I'm going to ask again.

What's the point of MR locks on a weapon that doesn't lock players out of its use before said level?

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Just now, Hawk_of_the_Reborn said:

I was referring to the lock in regards to the Kuva weapons. Not in general

those fall in the " participated in certain activites " group of my statement. any tenno can get a lich at any MR can can get the mods needed and kill their lich, ofc not alone but this is a Co-Op game and public exists for that reason.

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Just now, EDM774 said:

those fall in the " participated in certain activites " group of my statement. any tenno can get a lich at any MR can can get the mods needed and kill their lich, ofc not alone but this is a Co-Op game and public exists for that reason.

Okay you keep repeating the same thing in a different flavor.

It still need an answer to the question.

Why have something that is pointless to begin with? Remove the MR lock or put it so you can't use it until you are at said MR no matter what. It's just weird inconsistency that adds confusion

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8 minutes ago, Hawk_of_the_Reborn said:

Okay, so I'm going to ask again.

What's the point of MR locks on a weapon that doesn't lock players out of its use before said level?

you seem to have the mentality of the people who harassed OP
why do you want new players to "suffer"  when even you didn't have to? Kuva weapons are accessible to any player at any time as long as they can put the time and effort in to kill the lich.

You did that, he did that.  Why does MR have to  be a factor? 

oh and just FYI MR rankings on weapons serve another purpouse. DE have stated they want the MR restrictions to also depict how relatively strong the base stats of the weapon are, so a MR3 weapon is weaker than a MR10 weapon.

So when a new player wins a MR 10 + restricted weapon by any means (be it from an event or killing a lich or just buying it with plat) he should have a vague idea of how strong it is by looking at the MR restriction.

Edited by EDM774
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3 minutes ago, EDM774 said:

De have stated they want the MR restrictions to also depict how relatively strong the base stats of the weapon are, so a MR3 weapons is weaker than a MR10 weapon.

You could have said this from the beginning, instead you had to repeat yourself and make yourself look dumb for thinking you were "owning" me in this argument



Whoa slow the hek down, buddy.

I'm asking a simple question

WHY, key word.

WHY is there an MR lock on those weapons when it doesn't even work?

That is all, no implications, no one way or another. It's only a question. I don't care that an MR 0 player gets it. I do care if there is an MR lock on something that doesn't even have a point to be there in the first place FFS man

Edited by Hawk_of_the_Reborn
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2 minutes ago, Hawk_of_the_Reborn said:


WHY, key word.

WHY is there an MR lock on those weapons when it doesn't even work?

simple answer: because it's not only about MR locks but also a Power gauge for the weapon.

Edited by EDM774
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Honestly, those MR judging Players are the same kind of White Knighting Clowns you see in this Forum. MR shouldn’t be a think to Judge when it comes to having Weapons since there’s ways to bypass the System so those “High MR” Players being toxic to you for having a MR lower than the Weapon is just having their Brains blown out of their Heads. Have fun with your Kuva and Prime Weapons man.

Edited by GPrime96
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Just now, Hawk_of_the_Reborn said:

Again, it should be either changed or removed

To. Avoid. Confusion. 

Is this so hard to understand?

why is it confusing?

picture this: you're a new player who just found out about warframe and you go on the market scouring for weapons.

you are greeted with  a weapon list with weapons locked to MR ranks from 3 to like what 13?

you have no idea what the numbers on the stats of the weapon mean but you see that weapons locked at higher MR have bigger numbers = they're better.

 now you're faced with 2 options : play the game and get to mr 13 to get your weapon or pay plat to get it now.

it can't be more simpler than that.


again MR locks aren't just there to lock people from stuff, they're there to show how strong a weapon is.
Ofcourse the whole strength thing becomes relative when mods and forma get involved but for that you need to play the game.

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18 minutes ago, Hawk_of_the_Reborn said:

Okay, so I'm going to ask again.

What's the point of MR locks on a weapon that doesn't lock players out of its use before said level?

“The point of MR locks on a weapon that doesn’t lock players” is that the MR lock in that case is a sign of power rather than actual requirement.

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Just now, Grey_Star_Rival_Defender said:

“The point of MR locks on a weapon that doesn’t lock players” is that the MR lock in that case is a sign of power rather than actual requirement.

that's what I'm trying to tell him but he refuses to listen lol

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On 2020-02-03 at 5:19 AM, EDM774 said:

The reason for MR lock is to make players who don't have money or haven't participated in certain activites, play the game more. That's why MR locks aren't enforced on quest rewards, event rewards, Prime access purchases and weapons purchased for platinum from the market.

If you don't have money = you have time to play the game. this is how a lot (if not all) of F2P games work.

Can't get kuva weapon unless we kill kuva lich, and if under MR13 players can trade for lich (where kuva weapons have been listed as being MR13-MR15), why did DE bother with MR lock on kuva weapons? Seems to be no point in kuva weapons being MR locked.

Edited by Twisted_Wisdom
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On 2020-02-01 at 10:09 PM, H3XW17CH said:

I even read in a reddit post that a player had made about how the kuva weapons are not locked behind mr rank, and if you defeat a kuva lich you get the weapon that is in there possession regardless of mr rank. If that is the case why is this not common knowledge? Also why are players of a high mr rank telling me that I should not have a weapon that was awarded to me?

could have been players were jelly cause they couldn't get a larvaling to spawn with the weapon they wanted. so once they saw you with a nice kuva weapon they wanted to be weeniebutts an harrash you.
please next time take screenshots of this an report said users as bullying an harshing fellow players is frowned on.

tho over all many players worked hard for there MR to get access to certain weapons an cause of various methods to get these higher MR weapons didn't exist for them or didn't know about. some people will get all butt hurt over it an act like spoiled 8 year olds.


On 2020-02-01 at 10:09 PM, H3XW17CH said:

Yet when I was mr 7 and I went to the kuva fortress after I beat The War Within quest to find the soma chords (had no intention of summoning a lich) for the song that comes from the kuva missions I accidentally parazoned a kuva larvaling (have parazons mods [blood of life] and [ammo for life] so parazoning enemies was commonplace). I had to fight my Kuva Lich after that with no way to opt out of fighting it, and failed quite a lot of missions trying to defeat my Lich which messed up my overall profile stats, but we live and we learn. My Lich almost made me quit the game but I stuck with it since I didnt want to let a bully push me out of the game. Although now bullies are pushing me out of the game. Upon defeating my Lich I was given a Kuva weapon. I even shed a tear since the Kuva Lich almost ruined my entire gaming experience.

o3o-b you did good, you overcame a challange an became better than you were before the litch came after your tenno booty.


On 2020-02-01 at 10:09 PM, H3XW17CH said:

I.e I will possibly buy the limbo pack, and I had purchased the prime access vauban/ash pack. Or for using Kuva Weapons that I obtained fair and square. Most players are cool and just ask me about the weapons, but others just seem to have a serious chip on there shoulder, are rude, and, seriously judgmental of others.

dont bother with the players that 😄 are being children an focus more on those who make the game fun for you. tho you totally should get the kuva nukor ;D its fun as it chains enemies an will really peeve them haters off seeing you use a microwave gun on your enemies


On 2020-02-01 at 10:09 PM, H3XW17CH said:

If I want to spend 400$ on a game, and I want to purchase weapons from prime access with money that I earned from my job then I should be able to. If I want to fight my kuva lich at low mr and get beat senseless before getting a Awesome weapon then I should be able to. As a semi new player to this game since its been quite a bit of months now I should not be bullied just because I am not mr13/14, but have weapons that I bought from prime access packs/ gained from defeating relentless kuva liches.

dont let the haters ruins the game for you. as you want to support the game an get sweet in game swag for it, then thats your choice. They want to play the game freely an get annoyed with RNG making it hard for them to get something while you a hard working person that enjoys your gaming spends some hard earned cash on a video game is your choce. 
along with you doing something that some players your rank are not suitable for but still like >:O oh hello again my litch i shall defeat your an take that fancy kuva weapon from your cold dead hands sooner or later.


On 2020-02-01 at 10:09 PM, H3XW17CH said:

So can someone please educate me on why these weapons are available yet have a higher mr rank than my warframe? Or as to why players are bullying me for being fortunate to be able to get prime access, or for having a kuva weapon that I obtained by spending hours/days/weeks fighting each lich I summoned?


Also should I stop fighting Kuva Liches although its fun to me since players keep having these issues with the weapons that I use? Should I stop the fun I am having because a few players that are bad apples, and literally making my experience in game worse? I would just like to know why this is happening?


If kuva weapons are supposed to be locked behind mr rank like these people say then why are they not locked? I just want to get back to having fun, and playing the game. I am just so irritated that people have to do this. I have a disability and play this game to kind of escape from reality ever so often. It just sucks that occasionally I run into people like this who think I should be the worst player just because I started this game a few months ago. I just dont get it 😞

the kuva weapons fall under special means acquired but a sub category of it as weapons an frames gained through special means grant the item itself, slot an catalyst/reactor in it.
while kuva weapons are in the sub category it just gives you the weapon in your foundry instead. as you did not craft the weapon even tho it has  MR on it you did not craft the weapon at all.
items gained through gifting, events, alerts, missions, an prime access fall under the special means.

it's upto you if you wish to keep doing the kuva litch fights as the weapons can go upto rank 40 with 5 formas in them but higher ranks dont provide more stats just provide higher ability to raise stats through mods.
Kuva weapons have some pretty wicked gimicks to them that are very nice but also some are just reskined boring weapons.

like i said let the haters hate as you got cool weapons that other people had harder time getting an you did earn your kuva weapon like everyone else who earned it.
in all honestly you should start to make a group of friends that will play missions with you ;3 so those haters cant get to you as you will have people who instead of making you feel bad are making you feel great an are offering advice on varous things in teh game you dont understand.

tenno keep strong an don't let the void of emptyness consume you but consume the endless void of endless possibilities 

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Same thing happened to me today, i vanquished my 1st lich and received Kuva Twin Stubbas thought they will stay in foundry till i reach the requied Master rank which is 13 turns out i can claim and use it immediately. kinda happy that i don't need to wait but low-key worried.

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