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[Feedback] We need a chance to mercy them.


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i am against this. a lot.

given my average ttk in 2-3 seconds i'm already in another room, maybe even further. this means i would actually miss out on a possible loot drop. this would further slow down the pace of the game and i think in the vast majority of cases this would be counterproductive.

however i would be ok with this if: 

a) the loot drops occurs at the time of them being downed

b) there is universal vacuum 


i don't wanna wait around or watch animations if i could be finishing the mission faster instead. but i also don't wanna miss out on loot, as insignificant as it may be.

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Honestly, I think finishers should be able to proc the special effects, as well as mercy kills. Because as people have already said, it's near impossible to perform mercy on regular enemies, unless it is a very, very high level mission. Means you could benefit from them while being sneaky (hit and run would be amazing for prowling Ivaras) or by using abilities to open enemies up to finishers.

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On 2020-02-05 at 3:06 PM, Goldbar_ said:

I really like the execution animations and mods such as [Hit and Run] and [Out of Sight].

But I've noticed that it's difficult to conduct mercy in normal missions other than murmur farming.

So here's the deal. Let us down them when the Parazon mark is on. Just like thralls!

However, someone can't be bothered to mercy them. Then my thought says let them die in 2~3 seconds after downed!

I hope Dev accept this idea so I can play Warframe happily.

I like your suggestion on making the enemies invulnerable when they can be mercied. It gives us a chance to utilize the Parazon as it was meant to outside of Kuva Liches. However, I ponder that some people may feel disrupted by this invulnerable enemy standing post-mortem. Those same individuals may not even want to bother with the Parazon, and it makes me concerned whether the invulnerability factor may interrupt with their play-style of mindlessly weaving through the enemies as if they were crops on a plantation.

After seeing Devstream 137, an idea came to my mind. Instead of an invulnerability timer, how about we put them on a health gate? Within that duration, the enemies receive 75% less damage or enough that no weapon can defeat them in less than two strikes under that state.

For melee preferred players, they can rack up their combo counter as they strike the mercy enemy if they wish to avoid the entire system.


P.S. I was thinking of Doom and it's glory kill as something to consider the mod buffs for the Parazon. For mods such as [Blood For Ammo] and those that provide energy and health orbs upon a mercy kill, they could scale depending on the amount the player has. [Blood For Ammo] could always refill up to 50% of the available ammo for a weapon, and [Blood For Life] can give more health to the player the lower its current health is (up to 90%). The same can be said for [Blood For Energy]. It can be a nice implementation of Risk vs. Reward.

Edited by SnowWarFr
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I didnt realize this thread existed so I made my own discussing the energy economy, but my idea was to convert the parazon to a grapple you could use anytime, with an energy drain by holding the grab and the option to either use the fire button to shoot them point blank with a secondary and using the melee to throw them to the ground where you can use a melee gound finisher. If the enemy was at low health, the grapple would automatically perform an existing finisher if the player chose not to use the energy drain. This would let you use it regardless of any health threshold as a whole combat option with either scaling damage based on your weapons or the ability get resources from it to balance and streamline the energy economy to not rely on Zenurik or energy pass, but rather something universally accessible. A grapple would be a welcome addition for me to represent the more visceral, personal side of the combat warframe can provide, and the parazon is the perfect vehicle for it. I think this would improve the functionality a lot instead of restricting it to mercy finishers only. 

Edited by Sarulas
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i want this more than anything for the parazon, but there a few things to consider first:

first, it would be fair if there were simply a chance for enemies to go into this bleed-out state, because having all enemies in this state when there health reaches zero would be very awkward.

second, i also want to point out that i think it would be safe if enemies were officially considered dead when in this bleed-out state; meaning their bleed-out state would essentially count as one death/kill, thus rewarding an appropriate amount of affinity, loot, and progression if the mission requires it, not after the mercy kill is executed. this to prevent a delay in mission progression or credit for the kill as well as loot drops.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Just adding my contribution to this topic since it's something I'd really want to see implemented (and have thought about since the whole lich system was added), and hopefully more people will agree with.

I think it's absolutely fair to have regular enemies stay waiting for a mercy kill if their health is fully depleted for a few seconds (from 3 to 5), ESPECIALLY now that the status effects have been changed. Since it can only happen at (relatively) small percentages of the enemy health total (5% or less) you either a) have them not actually be available to use the finisher or b) you are not actively trying to get a mercy kill and your weapon setup is likely just trying to get damage-over-time effects to happen and actually kill the enemy without having them pose a threat anymore or massive crit chance and damage to nuke them outright.

The entire problem is compounded when you also add in the conditions that MUST be met for a mercy kill. It is not just that their health is below a certain threshold and that their chance has triggered the event, they also need to be in a valid animation state. Most of the time this means that a grineer is stumbling around as we mash the interaction key, but they'll likely just die from your team's firepower while you're stupidly standing next to them. Same thing for corpus, but even worse since statistically a significant amount of enemies are non-humanoid AND as far as I'm aware their shield value isn't added to the total for triggering the threshold of 5% health. And if I'm wrong about this animation thing, at least it sure feels like it. Furthermore, since physical status effects chance was... "normalized", if it's the correct wording... to disencourage stacking bleed effects (most likely), some effects will also cause the enemy to enter animation states that might influence whether or not you can mercy kill them (fire panic or electrical stun for instance).

It feels really great when you're getting a parazon mod's mercy bonus from an enemy, and I do understand that they shouldn't be so common that you'd base your entire strategy around those bonuses, but on the other hand everytime I see the indicator pop up for less than half a second on an enemy with that distinct whir sound and it gets replaced by the experience numbers popping up to tell me they're already dead, well... It doesn't feel great at all.

If the problem is implementing the enemy staying "alive" for 5 more seconds, "kill them" but leave the body in a state in which we can still use the parazon on them. Make it REALLY a mercy to end their dying life rather than glorify the killing. Why was the wording considered "mercy" in the first place? Currently we're just executing them, not giving them mercy... except for liches, I guess.

Thanks for your attention,

 - A concerned Tenno

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