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Empyrean: Prime Vault 27.1.1


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Lich still sucks.  Its over complicated mess with RNG on top of RNG states.  Please REMOVE the bullcrap with RNG stats on weapons and the railjack mods.  And for goodness sake make the Lich the way it was orignally intended to be.  Voting with my plat until you fix this and course correct the direction you have been taking the game over the last 3 months.

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6 hours ago, ShamelessFish said:

It would be cool if they add some "Murmur booster" in the shop.

How about no? How about they don't fix a problem they made and could easily fix by selling us the solution? Why do you think people got so triggered about the mod drop chance booster? They created a problem to sell the solution.

They should actually make the grind easier, giving us a place to be able to farm the thralls. A reliable mission, endless. Or anything we have CONTROL over. But please, don't support this kind of horrendous corporate behavior by literally suggesting them do create crappy RNG and selling us the easy way. There's enough of that already...

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vor 16 Stunden schrieb Squizzolo:

Just farmin for a new bramma with my Ivara after the update but...seems to me I'm taking A LOT more damage than before? Maybe the update screwed up something with armor, or arcanes or whatever?

Players have been talking about this since they halved fighter armor a month back (as mentioned here), and I haven't heard anything new since then.

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I somehow feel we get more and more visual clutter. Sure it looks pretty, but for my eyes it is often simply too much. We have weapon effects / dots, enemy dots / auras covering the whole creature, now a visual indicator of the lifted status (as if I wouldn't see them float)...of course abilities, but that was fine all along. Since the particle / effects changes, it's just over-intensified. Everything.
Any chance we might get a more classic WF approach on things? Less laser light show all over the screen? I already reduced the effects intensity, but I guess a "light mode" switch in general would be great.

Liches btw (even though I was looking forward to the new weapons) are completely uninteresting now to me. If I wanna feel like the immortal, unbeatable Tenno I am, I go play the rest of the game. This ONE arch-enemy of mine managed to snap the mighty warrior in half like the puppet he is and I loved that! I'm a big fan of konsequences in general!

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ok, so the liches animation needs improved now that they no longer kill us.. sometimes it glitches out and either one of us stand their just looking at each other or it just looks weird. why cant we get a cinematic for out attempts like we do successful ones? also who was the snowflake that decided one death outta 5 total was a big friggin deal? go die in a fire lol

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7 hours ago, ShamelessFish said:

It would be cool if they add some "Murmur booster" in the shop.

I'd like to suggest that you want to pay DE for their efforts, and that's why this seems like a good idea.  In practice though, this is an incentive to create broken systems and sell the solution such that the game becomes pay to win.  That's not a fantastic way to move forward.


If you'd like a real life example, let's look to Ubisoft.  They sold a $60 game, then decided it would be a micro-transaction to have single player XP gains permanently boosted.  Yes, they designed progression to be too slow, and sold people a way to fix it.  That's in the single player, while what you are talking about is in a multiplayer game.  It's not hard to conflate this.


Now, on the other side let's look at where we stand.  I farmed a Kuva Kraken last week, and before the update filled all three rings in about 2 planets.  I'm now doing a Kuva Nukor, and I'm just barely past the first ring with almost a whole planet down.  The math there seems to be off.


I could conjecture that the Liches have a number of silent scaling mechanics.  Maybe the planets matter, such that Pluto>Earth despite the level buffing.  I could also conjecture that the amount of resources stripped influences gains such that more "tithe" means more murmur gain.  The issue is that none of this is spelled out, and if it's baked into the mechanics DE has not communicated it.  This could be a non-transparent means of limiting power farming, a boost for those who have let Liches exist for weeks because they're an annoyance, or any other scaling.  The truth is I don't care anymore.  DE has had the community as a whole indicate the murmur farm sucks, and they need to rebuild.  Until such a time as that is done, my feedback will remain that Lich farming sucks only slightly more than Railjack, and Railjack is a buggy mess.

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Please note that the new NEO N11 Relic is dropping the wrong Gun Barrel.  It should be dropping the Burston Prime Barrel (newly unvaulted), but is in fact dropping the Braton Prime Barrel (which should have been vaulted in this update).  This is also shown on the drop table website.

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You have not, to my knowledge, ever addressed the fact that for those who participated in the previous nightwaves there were already numerous ranks in the first thirty that were completely worthless in terms of rewards (as they awarded previously earned cosmetics for which there is no reason to have duplicates).  Nor has the relatively poor value of the prestige ranks ever been addressed, and now we are stuck in this placeholder series even longer?    The list of reasons to recommend this game gets shorter by the day.

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Still need a big fix for archwing animations in atmosphere.  Boosting backwards, up, and down seem to be missing the animations that are present in railjack missions.

Also, can we fix Volt's new "cloth physics" on his tailcloth freaking out when flying around in archwing?

Lastly, while DE works on integrating Railjack with the rest of the game, they also need to integrate Liches as well.  Murmur farming in a content island over and over again is downright painful.

Thanks for the steady fixes though.  Makes a huge difference knowing things get better every week.

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i dont know if it's been said before or not but almost every time i fight mania, i keep getting teleported and glitched, my warframe looks like a ragdoll, i can shoot my primary but i cant move or /unstuck
happens in a corpus tile only

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On ‎11‎/‎02‎/‎2020 at 8:58 PM, [DE]Megan said:


The next Nightwave Series, Glassmaker, is in development! While Glassmaker work continues, Intermission II is reaching (or perhaps has already reached for some) its maximum Prestige Rank 60. In order for those who have prestiged to Rank 60 to have Intermission II Creds to spend in the Cred Offerings store, more Prestige Ranks must be given. Thus we have increased the maximum prestige Ranks to 90! 


7*1k + 5*4.5k +2*7k = 7 + 22.5 +14 = 43.5k theoreticly aviable standing per week. So 30 additional ranks, 300k needed = at last more 6 week of NightWave nonsence for a max 60 creds per week with almost nothing usefull as rewards (YES, I burn all creds on Kuva and NO - I don't think cosmetics are usefull...) 




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On 2020-02-11 at 7:58 PM, Voltage said:

Murmur progression uncovering the same Requiem that you just solved on a Lich attempt is also highly disappointing and needs to be addressed as well

This! if i guess a murmur right it should automatically be uncovered and progressions should carry over to the next murmur my last two liches i have guessed the two first murmurs, only for them to be uncovered, form my limited experience it seems like guessing the murmurs is faster alot of the times than actually farming the murmurs

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