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Fang Prime Or Dual Ichors?



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I have to admit, I have both and I had the most fun with the ichors, specially with berserk installed.  I guess maybe a pref or whatever youre going to fight more,  fang has ap ichors do not, but ichrs deal poison damage and crit like crazy

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both for mastery obv. i found that fang prime was one of the best melee weapons in the game. fun and stupid strong. innate armor ignore on top of massive AP modding with dmg and speed. freeze mod is good for CQC raping. it takes down level 100 corpus enemies like a plasma cutter through butter. not so good vs infested if no freeze mod but still fun to just hack your way through everything

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I have to admit, I have both and I had the most fun with the ichors, specially with berserk installed.  I guess maybe a pref or whatever youre going to fight more,  fang has ap ichors do not, but ichrs deal poison damage and crit like crazy


Poision damage acts like AP for most intents and purposes.

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Armor piercing ignores armor. It joins Poison, Serrated Blade and Physics Impact (except on Grineer Rollers, Seekers, Commanders) as being part of the armor-ignoring pool. Armor-piercing, however, is subject to specific enemy resistances, but these have nothing to do with armor.

Edited by Xuande
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Dual Ichors do far more damage than fang prime. and as far as i know, fang prime doesnt have armor ignore....it just has ap damage.

Poison damage is generally the closest to actual armour ignore, as it only has one multiplier (3x against MOA torso).

Armour Piercing damage is only slightly further, and has two multipliers (1.5x against medium Grineer and 0.5x on light Infested).

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Dual Ichors benefit far more from the crit mods than Fang Prime, and thus can have a higher %age of thier dps as AI damage, while Fang Prime enjoys a higher total damage, but mostly elemental. The +crit damage mod is worth +270% damage on a crit, and Ichors have a 40% crit chance properly modded, while Fang Prime has room for 2 more elemental cards.


AP is close to AI damage, but not the same thing. AP has modifiers as listed below.


Poison damage is pure AI damage, it has no modifiers (the moa thing is a misinterpretation of how DoT's tick on the center of a mob, which is the 3x multiplier part of the moa - it works for fireball too btw).


Other forms of AI damage do have multipliers. Serrated Blade does 3x to light Infested, AP does 1.5 to grineer and .5 to lesser Infested, and Physics Impact doesn't ignore armor for Grineer Seekers, Commanders and Rollers.


Edit: Actual Numbers


Dual Ichors with both crit mods (+150% ap) is (35*5.7*.4+35*.6)*1.2=(79.8+21)*1.2=100.8*1.2 DPS= 121 dps (181.5 AP)

Fang with Molten Impact and Focus Energy is (25*.05*.5+25)*3*1.17=76.875*.1.17 = 89.95 AP DPS + 80.95 Fire + 53.95 Elec =

224.85 Rainbow DPS (134.95 AP)


Ichors AP + AI DPS = 302.5 AI DPS

FP AP + AI DPS = 224.9 AI DPS


So you can see while FP has more damage overall, it comes from the extra 2 mod slots which can be filled with elemental damage. Using the crit mods the Dual Ichor has a far higher %age of armor ignoring DPS and thus is currently more effective against armored targets.


TLDR: Ichor is better against everything but Corpus Moa's.

Edited by Darzk
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Physics Impact does 50% to Grineer Seekers and Commanders.


https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Au6mBXle3cFtdHBYUzVJaDJfdkIzSEN1cUh5UlRvckE#gid=12'>Physics Impact has no multipliers with Grineer or any other enemy. Physics impact is simply not part of the Ignored-Damage type pool for Seekers, Rollers, and Commanders. Physics Impact damage is reduced by armor for these specific enemies.

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Dual Ichors benefit far more from the crit mods than Fang Prime, and thus can have a higher %age of thier dps as AI damage, while Fang Prime enjoys a higher total damage, but mostly elemental. The +crit damage mod is worth +270% damage on a crit, and Ichors have a 40% crit chance properly modded, while Fang Prime has room for 2 more elemental cards.


AP is close to AI damage, but not the same thing. AP has modifiers as listed below.


Poison damage is pure AI damage, it has no modifiers (the moa thing is a misinterpretation of how DoT's tick on the center of a mob, which is the 3x multiplier part of the moa - it works for fireball too btw).


Other forms of AI damage do have multipliers. Serrated Blade does 3x to light Infested, AP does 1.5 to grineer and .5 to lesser Infested, and Physics Impact doesn't ignore armor for Grineer Seekers, Commanders and Rollers.


Edit: Actual Numbers


Dual Ichors with both crit mods (+150% ap) is (35*5.7*.4+35*.6)*1.2=(79.8+21)*1.2=100.8*1.2 DPS= 121 dps (181.5 AP)

Fang with Molten Impact and Focus Energy is (25*.05*.5+25)*3*1.17=76.875*.1.17 = 89.95 AP DPS + 80.95 Fire + 53.95 Elec =

224.85 Rainbow DPS (134.95 AP)


Ichors AP + AI DPS = 302.5 AI DPS

FP AP + AI DPS = 224.9 AI DPS


So you can see while FP has more damage overall, it comes from the extra 2 mod slots which can be filled with elemental damage. Using the crit mods the Dual Ichor has a far higher %age of armor ignoring DPS and thus is currently more effective against armored targets.


TLDR: Ichor is better against everything but Corpus Moa's.


why would u use focus energy with fang primes? their not meant for charge builds i thought?

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why would u use focus energy with fang primes? their not meant for charge builds i thought?


Cause the 60% elec is cheaper than Shocking Touch and you already have all 3 90% elemental mods on so thats all thats left as an option. But it was meant as an example anyways.

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Cause the 60% elec is cheaper than Shocking Touch and you already have all 3 90% elemental mods on so thats all thats left as an option. But it was meant as an example anyways.


Well, the main bonus behind Focus Energy is the increased charge speed that can stack with Reflex Coil. Fang Primes are meant for charged attacks (90 damage per hit, for a total of 180 base damage), not for spamming. 

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... That never even occurd to me.


Why then are we comparing a charge attack weapon to a e-spam weapon? Completely different things, and the charge build is always better DPS.

Edited by Darzk
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The normal Fang focus on melee spam, while Fang Prime focus on charge spam.

they all weak with nazi gunner 80-90lvl  


6-7 strong blows its just too much for 1 enemy



one handed weapon,and old type melee is usefull balance for they is dead

Edited by JDante
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