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HIKARI - Warframe of Light


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Hikari - Warframe of light (electromagnetic radiation) or "EM radiation":

Passive: light speed weaponry, projectile flight speed is increased.

First ability: linear beam of light, it is used from the off hand that channels EM radiation to a linear beam rendering targets armor/shields.

Second ability: Reflection of light, it is used as a force field of EM radiation in a convex shape to reflect enemy weaponry.

Third ability: Burst of light energy that aggro, hurts, and/or stuns enemies rendering them helpless for a period of time.

Fourth ability: Rain of light, that produces an area of effect (AOE) that kills targets with EM radiation; light.


PS: If you need a back story I can come up with one. If need a quick drawing of the Warframe concept, will do.  Or, if this whole concept is bogus please disregard.

Edited by Age0fExile
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As for your warframe try to change the element and use the laser element instead of light.
Reading the skills, the warframe seems to take advantage of this science fiction element more than yours you mentioned.
how about if we combine ideas to create a warframe that is based on damage (radiation / electric, puncture)? 

I repeat as I said to another player I'm not here to steal the idea and steal the credit if this warframe ever comes out in the game.

Edited by (PS4)xX-SaBoTaGe-Xx-
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Sounds like a good idea,

Though I don't know how it would work in the game considering it sounds a bit of Hildryn's main 1 key ability mixed with wisps 4 key ability. I would say something more of a homing energy projectile would help out. The shield ability seems like a force field style ability though not sure if it should have some tweaks to it like the more damage it takes the more it degrades. We have a few frames like rhino that do that with the iron skin but nothing quite at the level you mentioned. As for the 4th ability you listed i could picture it as similair to how embers newly redone 4th ability works atm mixed with the orbital they added to vauban. I would kinda recommend a more a barrage style powered up version probably of the idea of an optional temp companion that comes out and shots things near by for a short duration like a ball of light or something that shots a single use energy beam at a target then detonates.

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On 2020-02-18 at 8:23 PM, (PS4)xX-SaBoTaGe-Xx- said:


As for your warframe try to change the element and use the laser element instead of light.
Reading the skills, the warframe seems to take advantage of this science fiction element more than yours you mentioned.
how about if we combine ideas to create a warframe that is based on damage (radiation / electric, puncture)? 

I repeat as I said to another player I'm not here to steal the idea and steal the credit if this warframe ever comes out in the game.

Lasers are already made of light though. And in-game "laser" damage has been replaced with Radiation, which OP has already accounted for.

Other than that though this idea is kinda generic; the concept of a light frame isn't all that bad, but so far this one's first and third abilities seem a little derivative, though at least the second being a channeled full projectile reflect hasn't quite been done yet. Fourth has a bit of potential too; it shares some similarities to Vauban's Orbital Strike thematically, but after World On Fire's rework I could see its niche being filled to some degree by a Judgement-style rain of lasers with some sort of "catch" to it.

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Hikari - Waframe Concept: "Rework",

Passive ability - projectile flight speed increased.

First ability - homing laser of energy that is a linear projectile that seeks a target out and damages it and/or has radial damage as well hurting other enemies.

Second ability - looks like a half a sphere of laser energy (like an igloo on it's side) protecting the player for some amount of time. Also, deflecting enemy damage.
Third ability - like (CC) or crowd control damage of laser energy. It bursts out of thin air within meters of the player and the laser energy stalls enemies movement because of the flash of energy coming out of thin air or from around the body.

Fourth ability -  Generates damage from laser energy in a circular pattern. Making range, strength, efficiency, and duration come into play. So, like the atom bomb of laser energy.

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I recommended changing the element because there is already a warframe that uses light when using skills.
Unfortunately yes, I am advising you the complicated way that concerns both the total change of skills and the concept of your warframe (which you have already changed hoping you didn't waste time)
Tell me if you want me to share what I have in my head for the design of a laser-based warframe ..

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Go ahead and share.  Anxious to see it. Time is irrelevant, concerning gaming. As far as I’m concerned. Semi-hardcore gamer, here.  Can’t talk about the hours spent late nights.  Back to the concept, let’s talk.  Discord is where my time is spent: Thalserin Keep Discord.

Edited by Age0fExile
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Thank you.
As for the idea of a warframe that is based on the laser, I took a part of here and there (films and contents already present on the warframe).
Passive (Let's make this warframe more unique) : This warframe will be accompanied by a sentinel who will help him during the battle by firing intermittent laser beams (like the Vaporize mod) that does - electric or radiation - and puncture damage.

First ability has been taken a little from Iron Man:
We keep in your configuration the fact that it chases the target directly but we make that the laser beam continues to hit and the ability does not have to be recast. (It consumes energy per second) 

The sentinel will copy the warframe by targeting the target that the first ability is attacking

Second ability:

As for the second ability I was thinking of making it a real star wars lightsaber but obviously much more particular:
The warframe sacrifices all its shields and is covered with lasers (graphic effect similar to the Spore ephemera)
making himself immune to any attack and reflecting 15-20% of the hit received.
Every time a part covered with laser is hit it begins to lose its effectiveness until the laser completely disappears in that area.
When that area is released from the ability a portion of the shield is returned to the warframe.
The ability cannot be re-cast if the warframe does not have at least 3 out of 5 zones without laser (indicated directly with a symbol in the upper right corner which specifies the areas covered by this effect).

Second ability

Third ability:

Third ability I thought to create something that would make it useful even in the defenses (Taken from Atlas' skill, in fact I would say that it is practically that) .I write it the same so you will see what to do with it in the future.
creates a laser barrier in which if the enemies pass us they are stunned and will be afflicted by radiation or electrical damage. Recasting the ability will allow you to launch it against the enemies making them suffer greater damage.
eEch enemy that hits or is hit by this ability will be marked and will suffer an additional 10-15% damage from the sentinel and will automatically be targeted once it is within range

For the last ability would say that yours is fine. It doesn't need changes.
If you want to change it, tell me I have one in mind.

Edited by (PS4)xX-SaBoTaGe-Xx-
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