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Disclaimer: this post is meant to vent, not as a serious question or request


Over the weekend, I was trying those Gift of the Lotus alerts, but I kept failing the 2nd one, the Disruption (secondary only). After my squad failed one conduit, people started to drop out - all the time - until I was all alone. And I don't know about others, but I personally don't solo endless missions on that level.

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2 hours ago, (PS4)KyomaSatomi said:

Disclaimer: this post is meant to vent, not as a serious question or request


Over the weekend, I was trying those Gift of the Lotus alerts, but I kept failing the 2nd one, the Disruption (secondary only). After my squad failed one conduit, people started to drop out - all the time - until I was all alone. And I don't know about others, but I personally don't solo endless missions on that level.

A lot of people have a very short fuse, is quite annoying when people begin to drop out for the smallest mistake, disruption seems to be one of the most common right now, there was a sortie like a month ago which included disruption and people kept rage quitting after the first conduit despite the mission not being failed like spy would be, it only made stuff harder for the other players when we had several cleared conduits in the middle of the mission only for those people to leave and thus making it next to impossible to complete the mission with one or two missing players.

Side note, am I shadow banned?

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I wish there was some way to discourage people aborting mission. People still do it to farm the sentient anomaly and it sucks having to finish railjack missions with less than a full squad. I know there are enough bugs that cause people to leave games early, but I wish they would limit a players ability to join missions for 5-10 minutes after 2 or 3 consecutive aborts. 

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27 minutes ago, Sentinel-14 said:

I dont think people would drop out so frequently if the demo units were easier to kill. Being almost entirely immune to CC with ludicrous health/damage reduction/armor/shield is just stupid. I've been in groups where guys have one-shot them but that's not common. Magus Lockdown is practically required due to the CC resistance because it's the only way to slow the demo unit long enough to kill it, but it shouldn't be. I shouldn't need a rare arcane in order to get by in this game mode.

bring kora her two hard CCs them and baruuk can slow them as well I do agree that they are tanky sobs and could use a nerf but he can still kill them with his 4 as do heavy attack weapons like ninkanas and scythes

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Just now, spirit_of_76 said:

bring kora her two hard CCs them and baruuk can slow them as well I do agree that they are tanky sobs and could use a nerf but he can still kill them with his 4 as do heavy attack weapons like ninkanas and scythes

Yup Khora is one of my favorites. Khora plus Kronen Prime with Sovereign Outcast just melts demos.

Other options are Ash with teleport augment which knocks the demos on their ass and then Garuda which works well if you time her #4 right, it stacks up some serious slash numbers quickly while shortly stunning the demo.

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3 minutes ago, spirit_of_76 said:

bring kora her two hard CCs them and baruuk can slow them as well I do agree that they are tanky sobs and could use a nerf but he can still kill them with his 4 as do heavy attack weapons like ninkanas and scythes

Baruuk is locked behind Vox Solaris, making him difficult to attain till later in the game. I'm still unranked with VS because I cant get toroids for the bribe, but that's another issue.
Khorra is locked behind SO, something most newer-to-mid-rank players don't do because they have other things to do like finishing the star map and story missions.

Demo units need to be killable with typical, easily-obtainable frames and gear like Oberon, Excal, Valkyr, etc and market-bluepint weapons. Nothing should require gear you can only get from lategame/endgame content or clans. That's one of my biggest gripes with this game.

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24 minutes ago, Sentinel-14 said:

Baruuk is locked behind Vox Solaris, making him difficult to attain till later in the game. I'm still unranked with VS because I cant get toroids for the bribe, but that's another issue.
Khorra is locked behind SO, something most newer-to-mid-rank players don't do because they have other things to do like finishing the star map and story missions.

Demo units need to be killable with typical, easily-obtainable frames and gear like Oberon, Excal, Valkyr, etc and market-bluepint weapons. Nothing should require gear you can only get from lategame/endgame content or clans. That's one of my biggest gripes with this game.

I listed the two frames I use.  

depending on what you need go do the exploiter fight you will get 12 k standing and some of the green toroids.  to get orange toroids go to the enrichment labs and make a ruckus (the second or third bounty is particularity good for this) other wise you need to go to the temple of profit/space port (I don't remember which) for the yellow ones (the cloaking shield based spider also drops them) 


other frames the work. Valk can slow them until the nullifier pulse, cold proks also work.  frames like Valk and wucong make short work of them... that and heavy attack melee build also work (as do normal melee builds) I have found baruke good at the mode but before building him I used Valk and she could clean house as well.  monkey boy is a popular pick and I have seen Vuban be used to moderate success as well

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the thing with this game mode is, that it is even for a good eqiped player hard to solo it in a group of 4, becourse the dmg you need to deal is very high, it forces all to play together and not afk it.
People leave when they see that they can't handle it with this group (not good enoth eqiuped or player are afk), i do the same then my experience is that a group that couldn't make the first  conduit is very likely to fail the mission completly and go solo. the alert was even harder with the weapon restrictions. i solod it with valkyr...

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15 minutes ago, Luciole77 said:

disruption is very annoying and sometimes demos spwan very near in the target...its random thing. Need to be fixed. Everybody go there using reedemer prime because its the weapon who kill more fast than others weapons...unfair.


umm Redeemer is unneeded and slower than a well moded zaw nicana.  disruption is one of the best places to use hybrid heavy attack builds 

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disruption can be adrag solo if you don't have the right gear, but recruit chat should work when the alert is live, as there will be people wanting to do it, so you shouldn't have much trouble finding other players to help out against Demolysts, and who should stay the duration of the mission.

but that's public for you. Dropouts, Griefers, noobs and Leechers. come one, come all!

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2 minutes ago, woisen said:

the thing with this game mode is, that it is even for a good eqiped player hard to solo it in a group of 4, becourse the dmg you need to deal is very high, it forces all to play together and not afk it.
People leave when they see that they can't handle it with this group (not good enoth eqiuped or player are afk), i do the same then my experience is that a group that couldn't make the first  conduit is very likely to fail the mission completly and go solo. the alert was even harder with the weapon restrictions. i solod it with valkyr...

yah the pistiol only limitation would hurt I tend to use melee to kill the demolyst and over all pistiols are weaker then primaries if you discount kit guns

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