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FPS Drops, Stutters, Cursor Latency and General Lag Inside Orbiter


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On 2020-02-23 at 9:53 PM, Alira0Blexiera said:

i have witnessed (and not alone) similar behavior, basically hosting a mission causes massive lag for host(only if there's other players in same mission) i found some interesting data in the log file
"4171.470 Net [Error]: Discarding packet with invalid signature from: XXXXXXXXXXX"
got many of these, suggesting the netcode between host and client is broken
host would have around 1-3 fps 95% of the time while other players in some cases experienced massive enemy teleportation, both normal missions and railjack.

I added this another thread but thought I'd post it here since this seems to be the dominate thread about this issue atm and in the hopes that someone from DE will see this.

I think these findings are spot on with what I'm seeing. Looking at resource monitor I can see a huge spike in ethernet I/O usage and that's when I get the stutter. Just sitting in the orbiter I can see this happen at 60 second intervals. It's not that there is some massive amount of data being sent or received, which made this issue hard to figure out, it's just simply I/O usage.

Other things I've noticed

- The 60 second intervals don't necessarily start up right away. But once it does start it will go on for several minutes and then sometimes stop for a min or two and then start up again.

- In general missions the lag spikes do not seem to be nearly as bad. It's not something I can really monitor like I can just sitting in the orbiter doing nothing, so I just have to go how the game "feels"  But I certainly don't notice it as much. On the flip side, it is really really bad in sanctuary onslaught. I always know the portal is spawning in because I get a massive lag spike when it does.

I'm not sure that I can say for sure one way or another if it's a host thing or not.



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Same issue here, and checked drivers. Everything up to date.

It's definitely most noticeable in the orbiter, fps drops from a few seconds apart to ~1 minute, range from 30 - 119 fps, and last 0.5 - 2 seconds. I've also noticed it in missions for sure. Just did a 35 min kuva survival and the consistancy seemed less (maybe...) than orbiter, and fps drops were lower (~ 20 - 40 fps).

WF has always maintained 110 - 120 fps for me, until very recently.


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On 2020-02-25 at 1:53 PM, DJN00B said:

I added this another thread but thought I'd post it here since this seems to be the dominate thread about this issue atm and in the hopes that someone from DE will see this.

I think these findings are spot on with what I'm seeing. Looking at resource monitor I can see a huge spike in ethernet I/O usage and that's when I get the stutter. Just sitting in the orbiter I can see this happen at 60 second intervals. It's not that there is some massive amount of data being sent or received, which made this issue hard to figure out, it's just simply I/O usage.

Other things I've noticed

- The 60 second intervals don't necessarily start up right away. But once it does start it will go on for several minutes and then sometimes stop for a min or two and then start up again.

- In general missions the lag spikes do not seem to be nearly as bad. It's not something I can really monitor like I can just sitting in the orbiter doing nothing, so I just have to go how the game "feels"  But I certainly don't notice it as much. On the flip side, it is really really bad in sanctuary onslaught. I always know the portal is spawning in because I get a massive lag spike when it does.

I'm not sure that I can say for sure one way or another if it's a host thing or not.



So I just wanted to add some extra information. Looking through my logs I keep getting the following repeatedly.

5516.372 Sys [Info]: Budget overrun updating WebGet (68.6 ms)
5516.372 Net [Info]: MatchingService::AggregateSessions
5516.374 Net [Error]: Failed to start a session aggregating; already aggregating.
5516.374 Script [Info]: OnAggregateComplete
5516.375 Net [Error]: Failed to start a session aggregating; already aggregating.
5516.375 Script [Info]: OnAggregateComplete
5516.376 Net [Error]: Failed to start a session aggregating; already aggregating.
5516.376 Script [Info]: OnAggregateComplete
5516.378 Net [Error]: Failed to start a session aggregating; already aggregating.

The same two lines are repeated like 50 times. And that is just one instance of it and there are multiple instances of it. My log is filled with it.

Edited by DJN00B
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Same thing for me. Noticed today when I decided to play the game for a bit. While in the orbiter, even without moving camera or anything, Frames per second drops from 144 which I have locked to 60-70 for half a second then back up. At this time the game madly stutters. I hope they can fix this problem. It's kinda annoying.

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Got the same issue in orbiter. At times the fps just drops for a second and you notice a short hitch. Happens when going up from foundry to the syndicate machine at times, other times when just standing still. Happens at time when just sitting and looking at the star chart aswell.

Kuva Fortress has also had some hitches for me since the latest changes they made to it recently. Sometimes theres a short hitch out of nowhere. It used to happen previously aswell but only when picking up the rare multi stat "movement" mods that drop there.

Other than that the game runs butter smooth.

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having the same issue. incredibly noticeable once i hit the arsenal and certain animations play like excal's new deluxe animations. once it starts it doesn't stop anytime in the orbiter. every minute or 2....crunch for 2-3 seconds...then normal.

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1 hour ago, Clasbyte said:

Not sure, but based on the reply's everyone that has that problem runs an over 60 fps setup.

For testing, lock frames to 60 and see if the stuttering still occurs.

Just for giggles I did a little testing with what you suggested. I tried at both 100 fps (because I have a 100 hz monitor) and 60 fps. Both while vsync was enabled. All this did was lower my overall gpu usage.

It's not a graphics thing. There is a network error (as mentioned in a previous post) that is being spammed in the logs and I believe this is the issue. The 60 second lag intervals don't start until you interact with the star chart. They also don't happen at all if you have your session set to solo. 

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13 hours ago, DJN00B said:

Just for giggles I did a little testing with what you suggested. I tried at both 100 fps (because I have a 100 hz monitor) and 60 fps. Both while vsync was enabled. All this did was lower my overall gpu usage.

It's not a graphics thing. There is a network error (as mentioned in a previous post) that is being spammed in the logs and I believe this is the issue. The 60 second lag intervals don't start until you interact with the star chart. They also don't happen at all if you have your session set to solo. 

Ok, does it also happen when you set the game to friends or invite only?

Do you run WF over Steam or Standalone?

What FW or/and AV are you running?

There has to be something that is common to everyone that has the problem, if it would be purely a coding issue on the WF site, all users would be affected.

  • Rewrote how Navigation caches the active session counts to reduce latency and reduce server load (it should now update roughly 5x as frequently).

Hotfix 27.1.2

Feb 18


It could be something that only gets triggered if certain request are made to often like a DDoS Guard or something like that,

Could someone provide me with a full log from a game session?

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4 hours ago, Clasbyte said:

Ok, does it also happen when you set the game to friends or invite only?

Do you run WF over Steam or Standalone?

What FW or/and AV are you running?

There has to be something that is common to everyone that has the problem, if it would be purely a coding issue on the WF site, all users would be affected.

It could be something that only gets triggered if certain request are made to often like a DDoS Guard or something like that,

Could someone provide me with a full log from a game session?

Good questions.

- It does not happen if you set your session to solo or invite only. (haven't tested friends). The issue starts as soon as you interact with the star chart. If you change your session back to solo. If you change it back to public, things are fine until you once again interact with the star chart.

- Steam. I did try disabling steam overlay to see if that might be causing the issue from some steam update. No change

- Using windows defender. Tried running without it. No change.

I've posted this already in this thread but the following is getting spammed in my log

296.099 Net [Info]: MatchingService::AggregateSessions
296.102 Net [Error]: Failed to start a session aggregating; already aggregating.
296.102 Script [Info]: OnAggregateComplete
296.104 Net [Error]: Failed to start a session aggregating; already aggregating.
296.104 Script [Info]: OnAggregateComplete
(It's repeated about 20 more times. I just  cut it short)
296.156 Script [Info]: OnAggregateComplete
296.221 Sys [Info]: Budget overrun updating WebGet (59.0 ms)

This is repeated multiple times in various lengths, some of which are nearly 50 enties of the same two lines.

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this is not a solution (and some experiencing this issue have done some real data collection that should give Digital Extremes a starting point) but i think it should be important to mention that if disabling VSync has a remediation effect to this issue for the time being, and one is not playing Video Game(s) in Exclusive Fullscreen, then those that do see an improvement from it should disable VSync.
as, when you are not in Exclusive Fullscreen, everything is already VSynced, ergo enabling VSync inside of a game while in Windowed or Borderless Fullscreen does nothing but double Sync, which provides no benefit at all and adds another 20-ish Milliseconds of Latency from the extra Sync despite no benefit resulting from it.
and therefore, if one is not playing Vieo Game(s) in Exclusive Fullscreen anyways, VSync should be disabled even if this issue was not present. :)


since a few said disabling VSync did make a positive impact, then that information should positively impact atleast a few people for the time being.

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I have submitted a support ticket with my findings and logs already. I just got a first response asking if I was still having the issue. So hopefully this will lead to getting some answers. Of course I'll post anything here if we get some resolution.

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Am 24.2.2020 um 18:33 schrieb Worbane:

Nah, pretty sure this is server side. It just started with one of the last 2 patches. My friend and I get the same stutter at the same moment when grouped or not. I have AMD Ryzen 5 2600, she has older Intel Core i-3 6100. We're in different locations, with different internet providers. We both get it in the orbiter, and seem fine in missions. Seems to be almost like clockwork every 1 minute we get a second or 2 of stutter/hitching, sort of like when a new player loads into a mission.

I suspected Discord may have caused at first, but we both get it when not running Discord as well.

I have the same cpu as you and get this weird, small stutter just like you. They really need to fix this, it plays with my brain too much 😕

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I'm in the same boat, though I can't recall if it was one of the recent hotfixes or the last mainline that kicked this off. My hardware isn't the issue apparently, as mucking about with graphical settings makes no difference at all. The menus and orbiter environment used to be smooth as butter, but now it hitches and hiccups to an alarming degree.

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