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FPS Drops, Stutters, Cursor Latency and General Lag Inside Orbiter


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Try disabling "multi threaded rendering" and deferred rendering in the launcher options. and setting a max limit +5% of your max refresh rate of your monitor. 

for example. for 60hz monitor set to 63~65,  for 120 set to 126~128  etc. this allows the game to keep up to date with the refresh rate of the screen.  

I had stuttering on the orbiter a few months ago.  turning off multi-threaded rendering and limiting my FPS according to the above settings (hardware depending) fixed my issue. I have zero lag or stuttering on any level now, except when connecting to a slow host. 

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I've experienced this too, intermittently. Load into orbiter, heck around petting the cat or checking on foundry or whatever, and then my framerate will randomly tank from 60 to 10 or less. That lasts a couple minutes where there's nothing I can do but be patient, then all's fine again with no further issues, again for no apparent reason. I don't think it's a RAM problem, given I've got 16GB and tend to play with nothing but the game and Discord open; my computer is prone to overheating and has integrated graphics (so I run WF on lowest graphics settings all the time, oh well), but the potential overheat starts when I first launch the game, not a minute or two after getting into my orbiter proper. 

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On 2020-03-23 at 4:30 PM, Mysteoa said:

This is how I was able to reproduce the frame drop in the orbiter for me.

I start the game and log in. Then I open the star chart and close it. From there it start to frame drop from 120 to 60 every 1 minute. 

I have done the Verify and Optimized download cache. Video card it is at 50%, so no bottleneck there. No browser open. It happens with deffer rendering On and Off.

Someone suggested that it may be related to when a session is made, which is exactly after you have open the star chart.

I tried to recreate this

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6 hours ago, danewgui2 said:

I tried to recreate this

well there is clearly something wrong in that video. your disk access is too high and too constant to be running at 80%+ most of the time.   other than warframe there must be something else running. when i play warframe my SSD has little to no access, even on loading.  it peaks at abnout 80% when loading the main game,  then never goes over 12% sometimes going to 40% when loading to a slow host. 

so if you have a bottle neck its your HDD.  you should check it for malware, or other running background apps. having a disk access at that high a percentage during gaming is going to cause alot of stuttering. 

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