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Why did you quit warframe (for those of you that did)?


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For me:

1. I'm a warframe vet max MR, been playing since 2016, got all the best items, 100 weapons completely formad, and at least 50 good rivens for the weapons i use. Then you put nightwave there and now I got to fish, farm resources like minerals etc THAT I'VE ALREADY DONE. You want me to forma weapons when I have nothing left to forma and gild weapons when I have nothing left to gild. It's just plain boring. I do a lot of stuff like farm resources a ton so that I don't have to do it again for a long time, then you want me to do it? Yes, I can skip nightwave, but I want the rewards from it.

2. Not enough content, too much focus on ambitious updates only for them to be mediocre.

3. Nerfing of rivens. I spent so much time hooking up my rivens only for them to be nerfed into the ground. Some of the weapons I went for specific percentages too so that it reaches specific stats without of which the build wouldn't work well. Now I don't even feel like getting rivens anymore.

People who haven't quit. Ya'll can troll me and say so what no one cares. Except the player base has shrunk which speaks for itself.

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same as 1. i done everything in 2014 and got max possible mr. friends quit warframe and i was alone. i could search for an other europe clan or try with russian/german people but this takes a loooooot of time... so i switched to an other similar games like d3.

there will be always not "enough content". devs are doing very good job and new patches are very very good. but you still dont need most of the new weapons or warframes 😉 i can play high end stuff with old and pimped gear. only friends keep me alive here. and in warframe you dont get new friends so easy like in other popular games.

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6 minutes ago, -AxHx-Vile said:

Oh, another one of these threads.

The vast majority of people that can answer this properly are long gone or were never even here.

Well DE used to listen and now I feel like they don't anymore. They try to fix things that weren't a big problem in the first place. Like alerts. Yea, for some they miss the alerts a lot. But at least you can farm platinum in some other way then buy the stuff from the alert. The nitain was a pain for people who miss alerts. Well simple solution would be to put nitain somewhere else. Instead they create nightwave nobody asked for.

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7 minutes ago, fuffi2milka said:

but you still dont need most of the new weapons or warframes 😉 i can play high end stuff with old and pimped gear

That is definetly a problem that isn't DE's fault. That's just the nature of such a large game. The +tau damage from weapons and more enemies that benefit from +tau could be a solution. Implementing special damage types. I'm just trying to think of answers, but im no expert on game development.

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I didn't really quit in a "I have decided to quit playing way".. I just haven't logged in for idk 2 months now. Why? Never liked the Nemesis system in the MIddle-earth games so the Lich update was a complete miss for me.. then came Railjack and it doesn't have the Command intrinsic for solo players like me so it was another update that was a complete miss. And then I found out I need Paracesis for a quest and it requires materials I am unable to get (Eidolon shards). Well ok I'll just buy it with plat then.. oh wait for some reason that weapon can't be bought with plat. Then PoE had a new league and Monster Hunter got an expansion and WoW got a new patch and Black Desert Mobile turned out to be more fun to play & watch than most of my PC games... and now I'm playing WoW Classic with my husband 😄

So I guess I just found more interesting games to play for now.

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No game exists or will ever exist that will provide you with constant content update week in week out 

You max out you get bored jump ship ,max somewhere else then rinse/repeat until there is nothing left but Tetris or Board games..gl with that

Nightwave is great addition to the game...maybe there is nothing in it for you but there is for other players 

All Tau thing will come into game with next big update (Sentients and all )

As for DE not listening ..they do ...to a certain point ...it is their game and they have one view as to how to take it forward ..you and tens of thousands of others have your own vision ...if they tried to please all of you we would end up with something like Fallout 76 ..

Great George Carlin put it best and i think it applies here :


Long time ago god made a divine plan. Gave it a lot of thought. Decided it was a good plan. Put it into practice. And for billion and billions of years the divine plan has been doing just fine. Now you come along and pray for something. Well, suppose the thing you want isn’t in god’s divine plan. What do you want him to do? Change his plan? Just for you? Doesn’t it seem a little arrogant? It’s a divine plan. What’s the use of being god if every run-down schmuck with a two dollar prayer book can come along and **** up your plan?"


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1 hour ago, Leyvonne said:

I didn't really quit in a "I have decided to quit playing way".. I just haven't logged in for idk 2 months now. Why? Never liked the Nemesis system in the MIddle-earth games so the Lich update was a complete miss for me.. then came Railjack and it doesn't have the Command intrinsic for solo players like me so it was another update that was a complete miss. And then I found out I need Paracesis for a quest and it requires materials I am unable to get (Eidolon shards). Well ok I'll just buy it with plat then.. oh wait for some reason that weapon can't be bought with plat. Then PoE had a new league and Monster Hunter got an expansion and WoW got a new patch and Black Desert Mobile turned out to be more fun to play & watch than most of my PC games... and now I'm playing WoW Classic with my husband 😄

So I guess I just found more interesting games to play for now.

Same. Lots of Red Dead with my wife 

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I hopped on to build Ivara P but the love for the game has just eroded away. There's continually more grind introduced with players being spread over more and more and more of that grind if they want to keep up. K-drives and modular weapons and modular Moas and Railjack and Nightwave and Operator trees and Amps and Fractures and Plague Star and Kuva and additional leveling for new Forma types... and grind as far as the eye can see. I can't even imagine being a new player starting out and knowing so much is ahead of you. This game is supposed to be a fast-paced Looter Shooter. Now it's an RNG-based grindfest; what's fast-paced about that? Why would any sane person want to continue investing in that with it clear that the only reward is more of the same?

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I had 3K hours on xbox and quit after all the awful choices and bad updates DE has come out with. They don't deserve anymore time or money from me at this point and the complete alienation of their veterans doesn't help if im being honest. I have lost faith in DE and only wish the worst for them so the fact they are doing bad finally hits them head on and they have to change. They are well on their way to that with how they are bleeding players like someone who has been stabbed 23 times in the chest though so I just have to wait. I still wont come back but I want them to fail so they realize they messed up at every turn and apologize, followed by reverting all their booty changes and respecting those who remained!

Edited by (XB1)Zweimander
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6 hours ago, ThePHiLsTeR said:

Well DE used to listen and now I feel like they don't anymore. They try to fix things that weren't a big problem in the first place. Like alerts. Yea, for some they miss the alerts a lot. But at least you can farm platinum in some other way then buy the stuff from the alert. The nitain was a pain for people who miss alerts. Well simple solution would be to put nitain somewhere else. Instead they create nightwave nobody asked for.

There is a good reason why i stopped caring about having a plat stock of over 2300ish from selling mostly syndicate & weapon stance mods, It literally just turned into the same cycle. While i wait thru the content droughts:

  • Get to a certain threshold of plat stock.
  • Buy the new deluxe skin that shows up, with maybe the bundle if it actually looks good. With Excalibur Deluxe 2 Zato or whatever you call skin, felt like it was kind of EH for its bundle and might be doing that with Mag deluxe 2. Which pretty much devolves into my just waiting for a coupon to make it cheaper.
  • Get frustrated when a new prime drops and the poorly designed, un-optimized, needs a fking rework Relic Fissure system keeps forcing me to build a massive stock of relics and then spam recruit chat for repeated runs. Only to just keep getting bad rolls that could be as much as 5 or even 10 bad rolls nearly in a row. Which is likely only thanks to disruption that i can do it as fast as possible to keep grabbing recruit randos to have the best odds to get the parts. Which is a major funny that the price on goods should go up as the supply drops because not many people are trying to farm it anymore.
  • Enjoy all the `grind` for the new stuff(aka the phase 3 or 4th one which would likely include forma for me to replace my old regular warframes and weapons that i actually make use of sometimes, which is not often cause Opticor Vandal & Kuva Douba Stuba exists and before the latter was the Catch moon and before that was the pyrana prime and before that was the Akstilleto prime and before Opticor Vandal was me just using a Lenz cause freaking crowd destroying measures for mobbing is just too important these days), which more then likely, i will never use again unless its a frame with a good kit like Ivara, after she got her prime, but then just go back to the more reliable Equinox P. or Rhino P. or Oberon P. cause they are a heck of alot more useful on what they provide for general content.

I mean, When was the last time Warframe had something super-amazing released that was NOT Disruption and actually still had a lasting, POSITIVE, impact since they released it?

Sadly due to the fact i do not have playstation plus anymore and i do not plan to re-new it any time soon, I could not try to re-attempt to get back into Destiny 2, even if i were to avoid doing PvP and pretty much everything else F2P & NOT PVP centic on PSN, is not really that good. Aka RIP until PSO2`s PC global release hits to tide me over till the PS4 version comes out.

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About a year ago after Fortuna.

I hang out because I've been a part of the community for 7 years and I'm hardly writing off Warframe it's just nothing they've done recently interests me and for the most part I feel veteran interests are entirely ignored.

I did get a kick out of Primed Chamber on Baro though. Now I can truly say that nothing is exclusive in this game which I feel works against DE when it comes to keeping long term player interests. After all whatever I miss will 100% of the time be easier than when said item or content released. 

In the interest of time I should do everything 3-6 months after it comes out.

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3 hours ago, Xzorn said:


I hang out because I've been a part of the community for 7 years and I'm hardly writing off Warframe it's just nothing they've done recently interests me and for the most part I feel veteran interests are entirely ignored.

I did get a kick out of Primed Chamber on Baro though. Now I can truly say that nothing is exclusive in this game which I feel works against DE when it comes to keeping long term player interests. After all whatever I miss will 100% of the time be easier than when said item or content released. 

In the interest of time I should do everything 3-6 months after it comes out.

Yes 100%

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In the past I spent a lot of money on this game because I wanted to support the DEvs and the future of this game. I, over time, became more and more disillusioned and felt that fun had been replaced by grind. My liking for the DEvs has eroded and I no longer trust them to do the right thing, particularly, for the vets. The writing on the wall, for me, was when their greed/survival involved opening the game to Chinese investment.

The last straw was when they nerfed some of the Rivens and weapons that I had spent a lot of plat.on. My fault, but they introduced Rivens to the game without much thought about the consequences and their effect on the market place.

Devs misleading the players. (I think that it was Dev stream 266 where Reb and the ginger one lied about the nerf to the Zenistar, at 29 min mark). Devs more concerned with their online profiles than the state of the game. It goes on and on, so sorry about that.

I'll continue to lurk on the forums but will never invest another penny in this game. DE couldn't care less though!

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I quit around 10 months ago, came back just last weekend for primed chamber lol (vectis p was always my favorite weapon). 

Reasons why I quit: fundamentally broken core combat mechanics that make any attempt of challenging content and endgame practically impossible. Before I quit Arbitrations was the only game mode I still had fun playing (endurance runs were where I had my fun in WF). But what really kept triggering me was how despite the lack of challenge and inflated power creep with each update, DE kept dumbing down the game, making everything easier, more trivial and casual (eidolons started as a good potential for world bosses, then profit taker was made easier and more solo friendly, then the upcoming orb and ropalolyst bosses were even more trivial, just fun puzzle bosses and nothing more). Nightwave elite challenges which showed promise at first were nerfed, etc. Basically I saw no point in grinding in a game to become stronger while the content just kept getting easier. 

I came back now and have been playing some of the new content I missed in the last year, and I was happy to see Arbitrations is even better than it was before (still my favorite game mode). Kuva Lich is okay in its current form, it was a nice distraction to do content in the 50-110 level, same as sortie. Better than farming primes in lvl 10-30 braindead missions at least. Railjack looks like a huge mess, I've been avoiding that for now. So yea, seems like nothing changed. 

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I haven't stopped playing it, just kinda not as interested as I was.... Mostly as a care giver i don't have time for all this trash. There is too much grind intended to force people into spending plat and i just don't really have the time or energy for it anymore. 

At the very least for weapon mastering and formaing they could allow you to spend school focus on weapons and frames so that there is a reason to continue earning it after all your schools are maxed. There's probably someone out there with tens of millions of focus points on a school they completed long ago, letting people apply that on weapons and frames means that there is a reason to play the game, and earn focus, between releases instead of showing up to master a new weapon, decide if it's trash or not, then leave. 

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I don't think you realize how far you've come!

I envy you!! You have your WF account on PC. On PS4 I have everything I want and did everything I care to take part in! I don't plan on getting a PS5 so I started a PC WF account because I have a good gaming PC now. OMG!! Just getting my fav reg warframe took sooo long!! Now I have to wait for the Prime to be unvaulted, not to mention the starchart and the story missions with just the mods I can get my hands on plus the building time of everything!!! There's also all the forma-ing and gear leveling to do the ranking up to be able to get the gear I want!!! I sooo wish I could just transfer my PS4 warframe account to PC!! :,,,(

No game will ever be infinite, but do realize how far you've come! As people like you fade away from burning through new content with perfected gear, new people will always be discovering warframe for the first time and have to travel that looong grinding road that you enjoyed for so many years. Grinding is really what this game is all about! I don't mind the grind because I love the game play mechanics!!!

Take a warframe VACATION!!! Don't play or search it for a full year! Burnout on any game is natural! I took a year off from Unison League on tablet and when I came back, top gear score went from 100K to 1MIL and plus!!! My burnout on that game is gone and I'm still working my gear score up!!!

I hope this helps ppls like you!! 

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Yeah, I feel like this game will be spending on it remaining days to entertaining selfish and dumb people. Game turning into kid mode NW doesn't have much real and proper counter.

This game have broken it's own system nearly to the core. Things are too hard, things are too easy in a same f*cking level as scenario.

Look at melee now, The Lich ? COUNTLESS BUGS.

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1 hour ago, Twilight-Knight said:

Yeah, I feel like this game will be spending on it remaining days to entertaining selfish and dumb people. Game turning into kid mode NW doesn't have much real and proper counter.

And this is why despite the fact that most F2P titles that do not have something like a playstation plus requirement (which kind of defeats the purpose of Destiny 2 BECOMING free to play since being unable to do pvp, strike, raid or basic group up activities makes it a ver restrictive game), are pretty generic on console, atleast for PS4. Seriously the only ones i noticed that are not full-on pvp focused are TERA, Caravan Stories, Space Lords, Dungeons & Dragons and the only good one if you do not hate the nightmare build making fuel, known as Path of Exile. There honestly is a lack of good f2p titles to really make Warframe get roasted on.

I mean, move onto PC only stuff and games that require a one time payment and that list becomes quite huge to make warframe not that much of an impressive pick anymore, especially the recent content botch ups further messing with it.

This is why i will keep using PSO2, as i have repeated likely a hundred times by now, as 8 year old title finally coming to global in Spring for Xbox & PC and apparently Summer for Switch & PS4, will do a much heavier beating on siphoning off warframe`s playerbase, then Destiny 2 did, when they waivered the entry fee cost for it.


This game have broken it's own system nearly to the core. Things are too hard, things are too easy in a same f*cking level as scenario.

Look at melee now, The Lich ? COUNTLESS BUGS.

Oh i could make quite  a fun list that i think i`ll list 10 long-time or newly problematic issues, especially with some being either right from the start of its introduction of the improvement to some being bad idea changes. But i will try to avoid Railjack & Kuva liches as long as i can to poke at other problems.

  • Introduction of Relic system which seemed to make it easier, but required people to run full groups for forma & ducat farming or specific part hunting which encouraged short term runs instead of long-term farms to maximize loot from a single key. Where instead you are burning a `KEY` aka Relic, for each round instead.


  • Void Traces being a piss-poor solution to fixing prime part hunting by slightly askewing drop rates to be better for rarer stuff, but the time it takes to get 100 traces is ridiculous unless you have people picking your part constantly for that 5-15 extra MEASELY traces. In addition to abusing resource booster and Smeeta charm to boost the very fixed value that sticks to 6-30 dice rolls with nothing else to boost the gain rate. Which just further pushes the idea of doing short runs instead of pushing for longer runs which normally in such situations, would boost loot quality or quantity gain as you tackle more tough stuff.


  • The fact it took this long just for PETS to get Stasis finally removed, But we still have yet to get a fang/claw weapon bench for beast companions, similar to Sentinel/Moa guns so they actually have build space to make something good, then being stuck running damage mods, durability mods and utility mods on one bench. Which we can imagine how FUN that would be if warframes had to balance weapo mods on thar warframe bench also if it was left like that, even if the weapon mods would apply universally to the weapons.


  • The fact focus system is another forgotten relic of improvements since plenty can say certain abilities are good. But the rest of them are just MEH DPS garbage which suffer the same B.S. as warframe abilities, no real way to reliably improve the damage against high-level enemies to make them more like Vooben`s Flechette orb, but instead they are stuck to the idea of NEVER using them, when even the amp is better since it can apply status procs AND can do criticals, even if its still not that useful against enemies, since the status proc is just mag`s magnetize in a worse version. Seriously, when focus 3.0 D.E.?


  • Fact that Arch-Melee had to suffer when D.E. had to redesign archwings for railjack release and it resulted in arch-melee & Titania`s exalted melee losing the useful feature that made them worth using, a lock on & latch to while melee`ing a enemy. Despite the fact D.E. does not exactly have a lock-on system for warframe.


  • U.I. certainly needs some fix ups, because i get sick of the objective parts suddenly breaking by being stuck on the same elements when others have not run into it so i have no idea what the timer is at or in things like plague star`s cases, if everyone even fully filled the mixer and so many other fiascos. Plus who ELSE hates it when the communication poke takes up half the left side of your screen? Seriously D.E. games like Final Fantasy 14 lets people move the U.I. all over the place, GIVE US something like that so i can have the communication bit shrunk down, moved to the right side or have it only display a small faction icon, the name of the speaker and maybe even disable the text shown so its not clogging part of my screen, especially when it covers objective information.


  • The fact resource extractors have not been turned into a AUTOMATED system. Just let us plop several of them down and it will continuously pull up resources that i can just click to TAKE what it delivered and let it continuously go without me having to keep placing them again. Durability system on those might as well be removed and boost the amount of resources it picks up by about 10x its current quantity, since even if it can pick up 10 times the amount in the same amount of time it extracts which is 4 to 8 freaking hours. We can easily pick up more than 5 times or 50 times, the original loot it picks up in that time, with us just casually strolling thru a farming map, such as Dark Sector for that planet, in addition we can get multiple resources then just a single particular one. Plus might be nice if we could just designate them to only pick up rare loot and maybe be able to throw them in the void since unless they can start picking up Nitain extract or Argon crystals, they do not even serve a purpose for even newbies. So otherwise, they might as well just be removed and just give a lump of plat to those who got the prime extractors if they do not plan to give them those extractors as decorations for thar ship.


  • The fact that even when we get the return of events like Ghoul Purge, Acolytes, Operational Alerts, whatever the Fortuna Thermia one was called, have yet to be updated with meaningful rewards to revisit them, like how some could give out potatoes or forma similar to Plague star and how the invasion `alerts` let people get something like 100k credits and a potato from it...course speaking of invasion `alerts`.


  • The fact invasion alerts & invasion assassins feel so meaningless on the worth to do them, besides the former can blow up a relay if it wasnt for people wanting to farm for the special arch-gun gold mods and the imperator vandal gun parts, Which usually just turns into people selling for platinum cause so many issues get resolved with the market place.


  • And finally, the fact that alot of the solutions to solve the bad ideas that D.E. pulled on warframe, is just using MARKET CHAT to buy/sell things from it. Ridiculously low drop rate mods, night-wave exclusive weapon parts before D.E. let us get a weekend to directly spam Wolf of saturn six, the solution to fixing part of the B.S. of Kuva Lich weapon hunting & the railjack avionics/weapon-salvage? Oh lets not forget how market chat absolutely chomped on when eidolons replaced on how to get arcanes, making them a lot cheaper and when RIVEN mods came in, it just got even worst.

Anyway i could push further on my many issues warframe has which most could of been over-looked, except they have been ignored for so long that its now a problem when they keep showing up or i have to keep using them as the END-game of warframe these days. But i think i will just go back to Yakuza 6, clearing up the post-game and contemplate what else i can enjoy for the next 1-3 months, while i wait on more enjoyable titles to show up and Phantasy star online 2 coming in to remind D.E. what a real Free to play, long-term game should be aiming for its peak, especially on making even its old stuff not extremely boring....


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I'm not there yet but I'm struggling to stay with the game right now. Kuva liches are am assive grind, the recent improvements haven't been enough for me. On top of that railjack is an absolute chore. I just spent 40m in a Saturn mission painfully trying to finish a mission with an arch gun that does no damage (taking literally three full clips to kill one minor enemy) while three losers did god knows what elsewhere. Then said losers started leaving the game as obviously it was taking too long because only one of us was actually fighting. I lost any resources and experience I had from that one, thanks host migration. I need two levels in Gunnery to get to the Veil when I can properly start farming for a decent railjack (because the ship building system is so patently broken aswell) but I just don't see myself doing it. The multiplicative levelling for intrinsics is cancerous and slow as hell thanks to the overall railjack system. But hey, at least I've gotten the hang of abusing Amesha's ultimate... Because needing to have constant immortality to actually play the game as it is (presumably) meant to be played is definitely the sort of gameplay I like.

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On 2020-02-22 at 1:25 PM, Steel_Rook said:

Do you expect to see a lot of people who stopped playing Warframe but still keep coming to the forums to complain about it?


It's more a community thing and a long term abusive relationship with DE that you just can't break away from.

The development of this game was influenced by the community much more back in the day. A smaller community for sure but you can generally see the player numbers on a slow and steady incline for that period. DE got a giant boon of players around The War Within / PoE and they seem to be chasing that dragon every since at the expense of the game's Identity and substance. Now the player numbers look like a heart rate monitor jumping up and down which gives evidence to the changes in development.

Everyone who plays long enough takes breaks. I've taken two before this but I watch and unlike the others; nothing has peak my interest.

...My interests are pretty simple also. "Reasonable Balance" and some Difficulty/Challenge.

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