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Why did you quit warframe (for those of you that did)?


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4 hours ago, (PS4)Black-Cat-Jinx said:

So in contrast to something else i said... I am actually growing closer and closer to quitting warframe, or atleast the community. This was once a friendly place where people could talk freely. Now people suffer from the delusion of internet anonymity... They think they can say what ever they want and the worst that can happen is the moderators yell at them even though that's provably not true.

What else is new? Unless a company really cares about its player community, you are not going to see many `waste money` on a proper investigation system to make sure to YEET people who do toxic behavior in the game system. Which is something that should be handled on the same level of public profanity, freaking forcibly evac the toxic individual or they are going to make anyone in the nearby location feel uncomfortable to not want to shop at nearby places, live in any residencies at the place and would especially piss off many if its in the middle of a event or gathering of learning and what not.


Though honestly i would say PART OF, some of the major defining factors that caused Warframe to get a good deal of toxic, was letting people get away with it for too long. Such as letting the guides of the lotus & moderators that were assigned get toxic themselves and not enforcing measures to prevent toxicity to breed in not only region chat, but it should of also been handled with market chat & recruit chat. Plus would of helped to have some measures put in place to promote re-directing that toxic energy into some more positive things?

Wanna know some good ways that PSO2 yeets out toxicity? Having things like Symbol Art(They had it first but its basically like how Splatoon lets you have art-work cards where you can make anything, but can be used for alot more then just the lobby and people can copy and use said art for sharing), player customization in both class builds & appearance designs (especially since PSO2 lets you buy outfits off of players who want to get rid of `useless duplicate outfits the pulled but could make loads of mesetas from f2pers).

Plus plenty of fun activities to burn steam on when tired of doing normal missions, like how PSO2 even has a casino with Black jack, Slots, Roulette & Shooting mini-games with PLAY-money. In addition to Emergency quests for big goods of loot for people to focus on more when they near arrival time.


Rule of thumb. Never say something on the internet that you wouldn't say directly to someone's face. If something would get you punched in the teeth if you said it to someone in person? Don't say it online, because people CAN find you. As it happens you can't even discuss a matter without people going all "git gud". I'm kinda glad that the "game as service" concept is sorta dying out now, after all the new ones that appear on the market tend to fail rapidly. I think over all the concept has been a *cancer on the gaming community.

Besides maybe me being a nervous complex i tend to be in R.L., once thats passed i definitely try to make sure i can gladly say whats on my mind while making sure to apologize if i am making another uncomfortable and see if they would like me to stop with me venting my frustations on some elements or interesting things to look into if someone has a interest in a `good game to play`. In addition to letting them know what kind of games are good ideas to avoid, Especially if said games are going to push toxicity like the Git-Gud syndrome, no one deserves to get stuck on those things just as much as the b.s. of games with bad gambling designs, that are especially not mobile games.


Never the less, if warframe was in a much better state, i would like it to go the way of Phantasy star online 1, yes the first one, where people could still get the software and host thar own small private serves to play the game. But likely the spahgetti code is terrible and the fun of someone putting administrator tools together to squelch the whole plat thing would likely be a pain in the rear if D.E. were to somehow decide to let people host thar own warframe servers that they can tweak and customize into more stable states.

I mean, you can pretty much use Skyrim as a fine example to see how much people pulled on a game like that to vastly improve alot of problems on it or have different ways on how to fix it. Even if it is not a online game, though i would not be amazed if someone already made a working mod to play Skyrim on a multi player online setting.

But seriously, i only consider the game as a service a major problem when people are not able to play an offline version of the game, especially if they purchased it or have had a long-while subscription, Since its the same gag as Google Stadia, where Google could easily flip you the middle finger and not give you a physical or digital copy you get to keep if said platform crashes, despite you paying likely the price of a full physical copy, to get the `right` to play it on thar platform.


(*I don't use that word lightly, I've lost multiple family members and friends to cancer. I use it because it's accurate. Uncontrolled (cellular, ie player) division which rapidly spreads and infects surrounding tissues until the body as a whole begins to fail. This is what is happening to the gaming community.)

Never something one wants on anyone in real life, but i have seen plenty of similar situations where a game just gets screwed over in some way, via its own kind of cancer coming into existence. Mabinogi, Vindictus, Wakfu, Even the original maplestory to an extent and a few others i cant remember off the top of my head.

Not usually the same situation but it tends to have things like the game puts in way too many frustrating systems or it gets boringly monotonous or it forces you into more ridiculously risky systems to `git good enough` for the most recently released content, but your also stuck with low drop rates or expensive market boards to get the stuff to have a chance to make the stuff. 

Plus lets not even get started on games that just REGULARLY ship out a brand new character, likely requiring you to buy a new slot(worst if a game does not even give a free slot out or requires real money to buy them) to make said new character, cause they either end up being super powerful and breaks alot of content, despite you doing the same content over and over to bring it up to max level like the rest of your op characters who are not so much op anymore. 

Course soon as you get thru the hype you likely stop using the character and then you might get situations where your forced to delete your old characters after selling off all the gear you took a while to make in order to make some money to use with your other characters.~


Seriously theres a reason why many people might see me mention PSO2, Because i find games that have you only focus on ONE character, who can play as whatever class you feel like and can freely change between them all with no huge penalty involved, tends to be more favorable games these days, then ones that turn your character selection screen(or arsenal) into a barbie wardrobe of suits you likely will rarely touch, till one of them gets revamped or they secretly have some exploitative use like one gets with Khora in Disruption, just as Vauban & Limbo do in defense/interception missions.


Edited by Avienas
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On 2020-02-25 at 11:51 PM, (PS4)GEN-Son_17 said:

See the pattern? "I've played for X amount of years or 1K -3K hours and THEN I stopped playing". My dudes...you've gotten your money's worth, hand over fist. It has very little to do with updates. You're just too used to the same game and wanted something different. No harm in that.


Myself and many other players want the old game back and simply don't like majority of the new content DE has added.

It's boring and repetitive with atrocious limitations in build and play variety. Something this game used to shine at.

I have about 5k in-mission play time and majority of that are doing endless missions like Survival because that's pretty much the pinnacle of re-playable content DE has ever done. Literally. Nothing they've done has kept the same level of re-play value. How is that I wonder when it's such a simple concept.

DE no longer cares about the game play portion of Warframe. They've devolved into Mobile game tactics with carrots on a stick in otherwise short lived and shallow content. The funniest part is they've convinced players to grind for all these things they don't need because there's no place to use them.

Just a buncha Simulacrum Warriors left in the game these days. No one wants to spend 3+ hours in a mission for some difficulty.

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On 2020-02-21 at 5:07 PM, ThePHiLsTeR said:

For me:

1. I'm a warframe vet max MR, been playing since 2016, got all the best items, 100 weapons completely formad, and at least 50 good rivens for the weapons i use. Then you put nightwave there and now I got to fish, farm resources like minerals etc THAT I'VE ALREADY DONE. You want me to forma weapons when I have nothing left to forma and gild weapons when I have nothing left to gild. It's just plain boring. I do a lot of stuff like farm resources a ton so that I don't have to do it again for a long time, then you want me to do it? Yes, I can skip nightwave, but I want the rewards from it.

2. Not enough content, too much focus on ambitious updates only for them to be mediocre.

3. Nerfing of rivens. I spent so much time hooking up my rivens only for them to be nerfed into the ground. Some of the weapons I went for specific percentages too so that it reaches specific stats without of which the build wouldn't work well. Now I don't even feel like getting rivens anymore.

People who haven't quit. Ya'll can troll me and say so what no one cares. Except the player base has shrunk which speaks for itself.

Hi, I have had a very similar experience (although started in 2013). 

I've actually stayed and not quit warframe. But only because I discovered a single game-mode that beats all the rest in terms of replayability, challenge, balance, and interesting mechanics. 

That mode is conclave. It's balanced (when they fix the bugs every 6 months or so), always challenging, always new, and always interesting. I fell in love with this game because of the mobility mechanics, and then watched as 90% of updates literally punish us for using it (Hello adaptation! What's that? The most effective way to play is to stop dodging things? Seriously?) Conclave is the only game-mode that truly embraces what I love about warframe. As much as I want them to fix the bugs, I'm afraid they'll do to PvP what they did to PvE: Make it a ridiculous grind with rng instead of challenge. I'm gonna milk conclave for that awesome warframe experience for as long as I can, and I'll avoid the "Recent PvE update involving 10 hours of fun attached to 100 hours of grind to make you hate it" stuff.

In all seriousness, conclave revitalized the game for me in a totally unexpected way, I loved warframe's PvE when I started, but since I discovered the fun of conclave all of my best moments are in that mode. If warframe is feeling stale for you, I suggest you try it!

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16 hours ago, fx25v said:

It doesn't matter how much you have played or how passionate you are about the game. "playing relaxed" won't make it that:

  • It's impossible that the game is getting worse
  • The devs can't make a series of bad decisions.
  • Everything will be fine for the game "just because"
  • People pointing out flaws in the game must be wrong on everything they say "because I'm playing relaxed so I don't see any problems"

I never stated any of those.

I simply stated that burn out can have a hand in our perception of the game. (as in addition to the other issues it may already have not in exclusion of those issues.)


16 hours ago, fx25v said:

Anyway, congrats on your new "more relaxed play-style".

Thank you!

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On 2020-02-26 at 1:57 PM, fx25v said:

Yeah, sure, "everyone that has played a lot should get over it and let the game get continuously worse and die without saying anything while the white knights defend every bad decision DE takes"

White Knights....here we go with this stupidity.

The game is not "getting worse and dying". All of the same great elements are still in game while new, innovative elements are being created. You guys remind me of old senior citizens that talk about the "good ole days" while the world continues to evolve. This old barking never changes and you "salty vets", if that's what you are, will always get left behind. Either play the game, give feedback and let it grow or play something else. Simple. 

Second, YOU don't like their decisions but I do. However, feedback has tuned the lich system and railjack, as intended. Endgame style game modes were introduced, as requested by the same nagging group that's STILL complaining. New quests have and are implemented, as requested. Older players have new content and challenges at higher levels while newer players have a mountain of content to get through. So, my question to you is: where is the game getting worse? Seems to me that those same few YouTubers and players like you are the only ones that are working hard to spread negative light on this game. It's your fault new players think the game isn't worth it.

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On 2020-02-23 at 1:25 AM, Steel_Rook said:

Do you expect to see a lot of people who stopped playing Warframe but still keep coming to the forums to complain about it?


Actually, never mind.

Actually yesssss. I love the game, still miss the game that I often wander the forum to see the changes.

Basically, i quit the game after railjack, it;s not railjack is that bad (yeah, it;s kinda bad). And it frustrates me because new content and future contents are behind that wall. The main thing is, DE hasnt seen things in a big picture.
The problems start when DE forces people to coop on the network with the host thing existing, which has caused many problems and people try to find a way to do solo. The vision is good, ambition is good, but the foundation of network and technical issue is still old.

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On 2020-02-25 at 11:51 PM, (PS4)GEN-Son_17 said:

See the pattern? "I've played for X amount of years or 1K -3K hours and THEN I stopped playing". My dudes...you've gotten your money's worth, hand over fist. It has very little to do with updates. You're just too used to the same game and wanted something different. No harm in that.

Some of you are listening too hard to certain YouTubers though. They suck you in with BS and then you help spread the virus. A vet who loves endurance is not the same as a vet who loves spy, railjack or eidolan hunts, but those dudes only do it for the likes. Bottom line: the game is massive but, like everything else that spoils us, it will get tiring for some faster than others, regardless of how good it is.

This is a very bad perspective to have. I'm just under 2500 in-game mission hours and I nearly quit with how Kuva Lich was handled because it showed such a drastic change that it felt someone else entirely made it.  I've played games like Fallout new vegas or Fallout 4 for more hours than I have Warframe (3,258 / 4,582 (with mods mind you)) and still play them.  My 'most played' is 11,927 hours on Mount and Blade Warband, 120ish of those being online. The point of all that is to say this, all of those are singleplayer games that no longer get updates, what keeps them alive is mods created by players that know and care about what the community wants and deliver.  In the time I've played Warframe (just before plains of eidolon dropped) with almost every update DE has released is what I call a "sensationalism update" or a "hype train" update. They release it, you do the content, then never touch it again unless something new is added, and move onto the next thing.

That is very very very poor design. 

On 2020-02-26 at 11:05 PM, VenomousValentine said:

There is NOTHING in this game to mitigate burnout.

And this is shown brilliantly with Plains of Eidolon to Fortuna and how the base game of warframe works with the kuva lich system.  The kuva lich system is a poorly painted asset flip of what warframe has been since it's inception, but taking out the rewards and putting a singular goal in mind as the end reward (the weapon/cosmetic). When it could be so much more. 

Other games that don't receive updates have entertained because they have depth, and variety / mitigation for burnout, and DE just cannot grasp this concept. It's normal for players to get tired of playing a game, eh - sure. However I've never had it happen in a way such as warframe.  I've played other MMOs for longer and only stopped playing when it changed too much (WoW) or died entirely (SWG).  DE keeps using the same 'formula' and wondering why players get turned off, and when they do try something new, it doesn't compliment or benefit the rest of the system, nor do they go back and try to diversity or change those concepts that have real potential. It's just more of the same with different colors and coats of paint. 

The below comments show it perfectly. DE's negligence to truly look at themselves and their creation from a player point of view, and the community that blindly defends DE not seeing we want change that will enhance Warframe and bring it higher to its true potential, rather than the mess it is.

On 2020-02-24 at 2:08 AM, Xzorn said:

One of DE's biggest issues is they never really learned how to create content that inherently extends other content. Nothing is integrated well and thus nothing they add really adds much to any other portion of the game. For some reason the concept of "a little goes a long way" seems to elude them.


On 2020-02-26 at 4:57 PM, fx25v said:

Yeah, sure, "everyone that has played a lot should get over it and let the game get continuously worse and die without saying anything while the white knights defend every bad decision DE takes"


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9 hours ago, Libpea said:

The problems start when DE forces people to coop on the network with the host thing existing, which has caused many problems and people try to find a way to do solo. The vision is good, ambition is good, but the foundation of network and technical issue is still old.

Supposedly they're working on a "solo" (and hopefully small team) path to Railjack content with AI Crews. I'd have expected them to get THAT done before they started pushing Railjack events, but no such luck apparently. I myself am not touching Railjack until I can play it comfortably with just myself and one other person without having to cheese content. Maybe that  means AI crews, maybe that means a smaller ship - I don't know.

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19 hours ago, (PS4)GEN-Son_17 said:

White Knights....here we go with this stupidity.

The game is not "getting worse and dying". All of the same great elements are still in game while new, innovative elements are being created. You guys remind me of old senior citizens that talk about the "good ole days" while the world continues to evolve. This old barking never changes and you "salty vets", if that's what you are, will always get left behind. Either play the game, give feedback and let it grow or play something else. Simple. 

Second, YOU don't like their decisions but I do. However, feedback has tuned the lich system and railjack, as intended. Endgame style game modes were introduced, as requested by the same nagging group that's STILL complaining. New quests have and are implemented, as requested. Older players have new content and challenges at higher levels while newer players have a mountain of content to get through. So, my question to you is: where is the game getting worse? Seems to me that those same few YouTubers and players like you are the only ones that are working hard to spread negative light on this game. It's your fault new players think the game isn't worth it.

If YOU like their bad decisions, that's not my fault. Not everyone takes whatever BS "just because".

I'm not saying everything they've been doing is bad, but they have made enough bad decisions already at least in the past year or so. The last devstream gave me a little hope though.

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On 2020-02-21 at 5:07 PM, ThePHiLsTeR said:

For me:

1. I'm a warframe vet max MR, been playing since 2016, got all the best items, 100 weapons completely formad, and at least 50 good rivens for the weapons i use. Then you put nightwave there and now I got to fish, farm resources like minerals etc THAT I'VE ALREADY DONE. You want me to forma weapons when I have nothing left to forma and gild weapons when I have nothing left to gild. It's just plain boring. I do a lot of stuff like farm resources a ton so that I don't have to do it again for a long time, then you want me to do it? Yes, I can skip nightwave, but I want the rewards from it.

2. Not enough content, too much focus on ambitious updates only for them to be mediocre.

3. Nerfing of rivens. I spent so much time hooking up my rivens only for them to be nerfed into the ground. Some of the weapons I went for specific percentages too so that it reaches specific stats without of which the build wouldn't work well. Now I don't even feel like getting rivens anymore.

People who haven't quit. Ya'll can troll me and say so what no one cares. Except the player base has shrunk which speaks for itself.

For me. I joined Warframe when i was looking for a substitute for a game called Gunz the duel. Warframe had a nice parkour system, a wide variety of weapons,and was ninja themed.
For a good bit i enjoyed it. But then they removed the old parkour system.  It had its flaws, but to see wall running replaced with the lazy bunny hopping annoyed me. but it still sorta stuck with its theme, and I found that i really enjoyed how glaives functioned as a tool to support gunplay more than a actual melee weapon. but as time moved on they all had but forgotten the ninja theme, and with the old blood update completely screwed my playstyle with glaives. Thats why i quit.

I have tried to get back into it from time to time but its just not the same.

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Warframe has an awesome style. DE are very good at how this game looks and how controlls feel. In my humble opinion Warframe needs a mission creator so that players invent their own interesting missions, share it, have weekly top 10's and such. DE could just update tools for the level creator and draw awesome skins, add more frames, weapons and such.

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Girlfriend. 😛

Still having some time to hop in and play, but at the time nothing interests me in Warframe to do so. Railjack and Liches are basically a pain in the arse and I don't see what else I can do here. Maybe I'll hop back for Scarlet Spear but that's unsure yet.

That's even worse to say that recently, I have preferred installing 25Gb worth of Anthem's updates rather than connecting to Warframe to do nothing.

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I've been playing on and off since the PC closed Beta. I found it harder and harder to get back in each time. 

3 things made me quit.

1. Endless mission type rewards. They are either filled with junk ( some of which is finally being addressed ) and it often better to quit and restart rather then just to continue playing the mission due to the way the reward rotation works.

2. Too much power, game requires no thought or effort  for  a majority of the content due to either you or others spamming room sized killing powers or guns being able to tear through enemies with ease.

3 (Which ties into number 2) Needing to do content that is so easy and low level that with half decent mods you once again barely have touch enemies to kill them or they just die instantly from powers.

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