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COMING SOON: Devstream #139: Review, Revise, Refresh.


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You guys like resting on your loralls don't you. We already know what you've fixed (and still haven't.), as you keep telling us! Meanwhile people are leaving the game! Annoyed, and bored. Waiting on you guys to keep your promise when it comes to doing better this year and having more active progress, and consistent updates. You know, with actual content. Lore. And something fun to enjoy as a community. Sometime this year! ?? !

I wanted to believe your words when you said your determined to have more regular updates. And would bring better content for us. But.. Even I'm to the point Im getting burned out with things, and just want to go play other games as there's nothing else to do in warframe that's actually fun. Too many problems. And too much look at what we did, instead of look at this "new content" as were bringing it to you now. To much we fixed these things, and not enough recognition that those were only the beginning of what still isn't working and that needs fixing as we speak.

Don't keep making us wait. We waited enough last year! And were loosing people who we play with, who would have stayed had you delivered on your promises sooner and gave them a reason to stick around.

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Aw, sweet! Fixes and the sort are nice.


On-theme (albeit probably not in this mainline) what's the overall plan regarding the armour scaling/Damage 3.0? Shape, if not texture would be nice. Is it just a look at armour, or is there anything planned to ensure that one health type never runs away again? Any alterations to weapons as a consequence?

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1 hour ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

Ask your questions here

Any changes to Grendel in the works?

He's got a number of issues.  If I had to pick one thing that stuck out the most, it's Nourish's buffs being clunky to cast, hard to see, and tedious to maintain.

Being able to cast all three buffs at once after meeting some kind of requirement would help tremendously.

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Is Titania's flight model going to be reverted/reworked with her prime release? Her normal movement is way too slow to avoid getting shot without razorwing blitz and sprinting in razorwing mode is worthless for anything but transit since it instantly accelerates you and forces constant forward movement.


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1 hour ago, -Manks said:

From the revisions you have planned, what lessons are you taking from it to improve content additions in the future so they (hopefully) shouldn't need an adjustment later on?

I think this is a fantastic question. Arguably the most important one in this thread and it applies to the entire game.

The implication of this question might ruffle some feathers but it needs to be asked.

What's stopping these proposed updates from needing another revisit down the line? What's been learned in 7 years that will FINALLY make these systems 1.0 and DONE? 


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1. Scaling kuva survival rewards and syphon hp. Can incorporate the boosters that void fissures get every 5 minutes.

2. Make it so you don't get the same sortie reward twice in a row. We are all on anasa rolls recently. Turn up the rng knob.

3. Improve enemy vs enemy damage to make nyx and revenant better.

4. Ps4 performance in a squad is still getting terrible performance since November. It's so slow recently Saryn's spores and Oberon Hallowed ground have huge lag casts.

5. Enable hard mode selection for missions.

6. Make railjack enjoyable before getting a Maxed out railjack.



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Are there any thoughts on a relic transmute system? For example: taking 4 of the same category relic (lith, meso, etc) and transmute a new, current relic of the same category. My second question is will there be a way for solo players to equip 4 relics for fissure missions in the near future? 

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<> Any plan to give a good look to corrupted mods, in particular to power and efficiency modding?

we currently have:

Mod TT 20pxBlind Rage Increases ability strength
Reduces ability efficiency
Madurai Pol Rare
Mod TT 20pxFleeting Expertise Increases ability efficiency
Reduces ability duration
Naramon Pol Rare
Mod TT 20pxNarrow Minded Increases ability duration
Reduces ability range
Vazarin Pol Rare
Mod TT 20pxOverextended Increases ability range
Reduces ability strength
Vazarin Pol Rare
Mod TT 20pxTransient Fortitude Increases ability strength
Reduces ability duration
Madurai Pol Rare

we don't have the other plausible combinations: 

+ strength   - range

+ range       - efficiency  or - duration

+ efficiency  - strength or -range   (+ efficiency - duration runs counter to actual power efficiency as it  depends on both! and it's capped at 75% anyway!)

+ duration    - strength (- efficiency is nonviable due to above considerations)

<> Any chance for a primed efficiency mod at all? efficiency is capped so there's no  risk of power creep

<> What about folding warframe power augments into their respective powers considering that most are band-aids released as an afterthought instead of fixing the relative power? 90/95% of power augments are not worth the investment, the remaining ones are simply too good not to use them.

<> or at least giving warframe augment slots to prime frames

<> Any chance of adding parazon's and kuva liche's weapons lvl 40 limit to all exalted weapons to compensate for lack of stance bonus?

<> Considering how much acolite mods have been reigned in by varous changes to the point that they aren't gamebreakers anymore is ther still any valid reason why exalted weapons are ineligible for them?!

<> Any plan to rework lich system into something actually part of the game instead of the nth farm?

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A good revision should include:

Story Mode/New Player Experience - no news since Tennocon...and, story mode should include old operation that are meaningful to understand the current storyline

QoL - like getting rid of stasis for companions and duplicate modes necessity for sentinel weapons

REWORK/Rebalance of all the rewards, because some rewards are silly either in quality or quantity...also move some ephemeras from drop tables and give them like the esotic stuff

Revitalize syndicates with new stuff like armors, unique weapons, operator suites

Tenno Reinforcements - avaibilty of weapons used by enemies in game, from Cadus (Trinity Specter) to Nox goothrower, to Ghoul weapons, to new Corpus weapons

Remove wall-hopping and return to wall running

Rework Operator movement animations because they're not very good and operator moves like a baboon

Also, uncap purchasable loadout slots, or at least allow us to buy slots for each Warframe released (not counting primes)

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My first main questions which I deem of maximal importance are:
-Captura update featuring a new Captura mode to allow us to pose enemies, props, etc... - whatever is used to make cinematics, ingame and accessible to everyone.
...Or make Evolution filmmaker so people don't have to use outside software to make Warframe fan animations... Though they'll still do that for crossovers.

-What's going with cross-save, or cross-progress, or cross-something...? I have stopped playing on Xbox-sided Warframe because of my sheer progress on PC, and I'd really like to carry my content/progress across to my Xbox-side to help people there and join others over there too. 


Destiny/Bungie managed cross-save due to having sufficiently universal versions of their game. Warframe is capable of similar, but will have to cut out [insert latest update here that isn't on both platforms] and [platform exclusives] upon transferring from platform to platform, not unlike how Destiny doesn't allow people to play Shadowkeep without buying Shadowkeep on that platform.

This would give you an unprecedented edge over possible competitors, though the next major opponents would be far, far larger - like Star Trek Online and World of Warcraft, though those are different genres entirely.

-Alerts. They need to return, because most people need that option for when they can't spend long for that one resource, those credits, or Nitain. Especially Nitain (and cosmetics).

-Clan-generated alerts, built out of Clan-generated missions, where the Clan can dump stuff (decorations and resources) from the Clan Vault that they don't need into this 'Alert fund', and give back to the community, and then be given trophies for contributing to other events by offering up resources that way.

More questions in the spoilers:


-Lich Murmur progression is slow. Difficult and painful. Especially when your Lich evolves to Empyrean mid-high level Grineer armour/health values -plus- radiation procs.
-Lich weapons do not deserve 5 Forma each. I see no stat benefits. Can there please be a reason for this? If not, they should need only one Forma to hit level 40, as it gets boring leveling the same weapon over and over and over again until it's over-Forma'd since you can't fit all the mods you'd want on it even though it's cap would've allowed for more crazy combos - an entire extra ROW of mod slots for weapons like this would be justification enough for the extra levels and Forma.


-Any news on the plot of one-off events getting reworked into Quests, so that the dialogue used in them can be heard once again? 
This is IMPORTANT for new people not to have to look at the wiki to figure out what's going on! Jupiter's rework had disrupted the lore flow with amalgams fighting new Tenno.

-New armour, helmets, cosmetics that aren't deluxe or Tennogen?
Ever since Tennogen, the newer Frames have significantly less variety to pick from for alt helmets, and a lot of them still haven't been given the PBR treatment. Can this be addressed in action?

-Stalker mode? More news about him, Stalker, and The Sentient mother?
Is Hunhow dead? Did we delete him? What happened to Natah's mother? Will we get Sentient-ized Stalker weapons besides (Broken) War?

-Be able to pilot other vehicles (like the wheel-car or enemy dropships)?
Also, a lot of people seem to have forgotten about how you can hijack Dargyns. Can those be buffed to make them worth stealing, or be adjusted to deal high damage against Grineer (vehicles) to incentivise capture?

-Be able to change the Launcher/Login screen music?
When Empyrean is 'over' and the next update drops, I'd like to swap back to the Sacrifice music.

-Have more music (more ingame tracks, including stems and unreleased music pieces/prototypes/fan music) on the Somachord?
Or on Nightwave.

-Have Shazwin for Mandachord?
The sounds are there. Would like the option.

-What should we expect to receive PBR treatment next?
A lot of skins/weapons/frames visibly look ugly in current rendering due to still living on pre-PBR textures (i.e: Stalker, pre Second Dream, and his weapons; Rhino, Vauban)!

-Will weapons signature to a given frame, and their Prime versions, before Frames that release(d) with weapons that have synergy effects for being equipped together, ever be given that treatment (i.e: Skana, Lato, Braton: Excalibur), or at least have their item text include the Frame it's associated with (i.e: Chroma and Tiberon)?
This is needed to maintain a standard for signature weapons retroactively!

-Chroma feels like he could do with a revisit to his 1st and 4th abilities to make them more useful. I suggest making his 1 an exalted flamer, mix his 2 and 3 into a singular ability, and introduce something new that alludes to what that pelt of his came from.
Or at least give him Adaptation while the pelt is equipped, or something. His pelt is Sentient, would like more Sentient Fighter-themed powers as something he would be able to swap to (like Equinox, but with Pelt on being Sentient-related defensive/offensive powers, with the ult being to dump the pelt; Pelt off turns his exalted flamer into exalted fireball handguns shaped like Battalyst forks and gives him the old powers, except he has no ult as it's deployed).

-Vauban's speed booster for floors feels redundant. A Tenno barricade/shield generator would be nice from Vauban to better shield objectives or control the battlefield. He needs a spot to plan his tactics, after all.



-Conculyst arms are missing in Codex. Conculyst and Battalyst variant spotted across the system.
-We saw Sentient dropships in the Vallis!
-What happened to that Shedu-armed quad-legged Sentient mecha-tank?
-Shedu is visually broken. The core piece flickers angrily on occasion, and is not nice to see.
-Kitguns. Would like more variation, at least in firing style/sound/feel - perhaps recycling some weapons (i.e: the Corpus Braton that still exists as Conclave/variant skins) to fit into this may be worth thinking?
-Any news on the next Orb Mother?
-When will we get to play that Railjack demo from when Fortuna was teased at that Tennocon, now that we have a Railjack, as a 'preview' of Corpus Empyrean missions?
-I miss being able to loot Archweapon parts from Archwing missions. They are now useful only to level Archmelees. Can we have Archweapon parts drop from Archwing missions again?
-Since we have Empyrean now, will we see Empyrean mission content be factored into Archwing missions (i.e: ability to enter and exit a ship)?
-Will Archwing enemies get a makeover to make them fit for Empyrean integration, or vice-versa?
-Archwing missions are tiny. Can they be sized up to fit Empyrean space enemies?
-Enemy infantry armour scaling is so high, only finishers and melee weapons are good enough.
-When will we be able to modularly modify our Railjack's visuals?
-Grineer, Corpus, Infested, Prime, Umbra, and Sentient Railjack types (and weapons?), when?
-What happened to the other Dax who got turned into Warframes? Is Excalibur 'Steven Hayden' Umbra the only one?
-Umbra weapons besides Skiajati?
-Will the older (Prime) weapons get a visual redo to be in line with their updated visuals (i.e: Burston looks better than its Prime!)?
-Where's Dual Zoren and Kunai Prime?
-Can they use Prime weapons instead?
-Visual rework, or addition of Prime cosmetics.
-Voice should include the old mumbling garbling up the existing lines to make them sound less like edited existing enemy dialogue.
-Can Prime Warframes serve as minibosses (not unlike Bursas)?
-Will Vor be revised into being a Lich, since he died and then came back demoted from admiral?
-When will the Eidolon Ropalolyst rise?
-Expansion of the Plains via additional gates to get more landscapes, when?
-Prime Zaw/Amp parts, if not recycling some existing weapons into Zaw-viable components?



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Ever since the deletion of the coptering back in...2015(?) addition of bullet jumping for mobility's sake and the rework of the corpus tileset with bigger doors to go through there's still a mechanic that's left behind.

Manteling. (https://gyazo.com/a9bfee3b8ab6776d3c995f5f1273edeb)
Its outdated with the current pace of the game.

Are there plans to rework/remove/toggle this mechanic in the same spirit of mobility like back in 2015?
Maybe switching it to this?:

Maybe add reload when rolling too :D?

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Any chance we can get a Frost update?  He's fallen behind other warframes as of late.  He's a great warframe and his toolkit is great, but he needs a bit of a rework. 

1. His first ability is only good for freezing a single enemy at a time and slowing down enemies by freezing a small section of the floor for a few seconds.  Maybe just let us charge it like he does in the original E3 trailer when taking down Vor.  Why can't we charge his 1, DE? 

2. Ice Wave Impedance should be built into his kit.  His 1 already does the same thing, so why can't his 2 do it without an augment? 

3. We should be able to see how much health a snow globe has left so we can recast it before it's blown up.  

4. He needs scaling ability strength and a useful passive.  So let's fix both problems by letting him gain ability strength when freezing enemies, like Ember. 

5. A bigger energy pool!  Being a Frost main means that you're always struggling for energy.   

Please make this Frost main very happy, DE!

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Will we ever get a decor and Dojo rework? The current decor system is a little frustrating to work with at the moment due to...

  • Bugs that make constrained movement tilt objects slightly sometimes
  • Constrained movement not showing the object being moved until you finish moving it the first time
  • Placement in certain places not being possible unless you do some trick that only works 80% of the time
  • Not being able to fix misplaced rooms easily (This is when a player makes a poor planing choice and wants to change a room without destroying another room they spent hours working on)
  • Not being able to reset decor in dojo rooms just like in orbitors (I had to destroy an entire Dry dock just to get an object I lost in the sky box back, don't ask why)

Suggestions on changes

  • Making more objects scalable (Also big Floofs when?)
  • coloring objects, not just for dojos but for orbiters too (Mainly the Sukshma set or even the set you get from Baro)
  • One click fund all in room option (Going around and individually funding every object is imo the worst part of dojo decor atm)
  • Down size the Floof compacity cost in dojos from 20 to at least 5? (Please?)
  • Reorganizing rooms, rotating and swapping one room for another of the same size
  • Include new Dojo decor based on past updates and other factions (Fortuna, Ostrons, sentients)
  • Multi select, move and save as group option (This would make placing multiple objects and moving them much more easier and also give players and option to copy a group from one room and placing it in another)
  • Giving the option in enable object clipping or collision
  • An undo and redo option
  • Placing animals and npcs into Dojos
  • Option to change music inside dojo rooms and also sound effect decor (Birds tweeting, nature sounds, tile set ambient sounds)
  • more intractable decor (Make pets actually play with pet toys?)
  • Furniture such a beds, chairs and other luxury items (I feel so sorry for Tenno sometimes)
  • Weapon display rack (I think players have being wanting this for a long time too)
  • More non prime/umbra Warframe noggles (Inaros was the last one we had)
  • Adding Dojo tiles based on other places (Orb Valis, Fortuna, plains of eidolon, planets such as mars and earth ext.)

I know this was a long post, but I want to put this out so you guys can hopefully see this.

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