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Warframe Revised: Bug Report Megathread! (Read the First Post!)


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All of this is about the Ash Prime warframe

1 Ash be able to teleport doesn`t consistently pass in and out of the same grates and it doesn't work on all grates.

 2  Does not open enemies up to  finishers consistently with the 3rd ability.

 3 Sometime ash is glitched and stabbing the air and he is unseen when using bs due to camera angle while in the animation.

 4 the “clones” visually change when using bladestorm (hologram, ash p, original Ash)

 5 When blade storm is done, Ash doesn’t appear at the same place he started at but instead is teleported in a different location.

  • TYPE: In-Game
  • DESCRIPTION: 1,2,3,4,5
  • VISUAL: n/a
  • REPRODUCTION: 1,2 use 3rd ability, 3,4,5, use 4th ability
  • EXPECTED RESULT: 1. make it consistent, 2. make it always open enemies to finishers, 3, fix it to where he is closer when in bs animation, 4. make it look like Ash prime (or ori ash depending on what you are using) 5. make he appear in the same spot he teleported before the animation started.
  • OBSERVED RESULT: 1. it just teleports you to it, 2. teleports you without opening enemies to finishers, 3. visually glitch, 4. visually unpleasing and inconsistent, 5.  it`s confusing.
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: (rating from 1 doesn`t happen -10 happens all the time)
  • 5, 7, 3, 10, 5
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vor 11 Minuten schrieb smseas:

TYPE: Orbiter, Deferred rendering (probably)

DESCRIPTION: Looking out the big window in the middle of the orbiter you can see a layer with an effect layer that is only being partially rendered depending on the camera angle.


  Inhalt unsichtbar machen




same rendering lines but in POE but I dont have them in the ship like him

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  • TYPE: Weapon Status Chance
  • DESCRIPTION: Ballistica Prime's status chance was reduced from 20% to 5%.
    With the new changes affecting weapons with innate multishot, it should have been 15% per projectile.
    It appears it was simply missed when updating the status chances.
  • REPRODUCTION: Look at Ballistica Prime's stats in the arsenal
  • EXPECTED RESULT: 15% Status Chance
  • OBSERVED RESULT: 5% Status Chance
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  • TYPE: In-Game, Railjack customization UI
  • DESCRIPTION: Values shown for extra RNG weapons are not applied to stats in the UI. If it's intended, at least let us have a check for the bonus to be applied to them, like we have in the Arsenal when equipping a weapon and checking their stats (no mods vs modded).


  • REPRODUCTION: Having the weapon is enough to see it.
  • EXPECTED RESULT: Bonus stat is applied in the UI.
  • OBSERVED RESULT: Bonus stat is not applied in the UI.
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: Always happens.
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  • TYPE: In-Game
  • DESCRIPTION: ends of Wisp's robe cloth effect glitching in the kneeling position on login screen.
  • VISUAL: N/A (I don't have video capture software).
  • REPRODUCTION: Select Wisp with default skin as your frame. Exit the game. Restart the game. One of the ends of the robe in the kneeling position will probably be glitching
  • EXPECTED RESULT: Cloth of robe drapes normally
  • OBSERVED RESULT: one or both ends of the cloth twitch between two positions.
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: seems to be 100% that at least one piece of cloth will be glitching out. Lower, but non-zero probability that others will.
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Couldn't find a controller feedback thread on the main update post, but it's also sort of a bug so here we go...

Note: I also posted this in the Railjack feedback thread since it's Technically possible to consider it working as intended, but the design of the button mapping itself is at fault here causing the issue so I decided to list it here as well for extra visibility and hopefully targeting the right people.

  • TYPE: Controller Key Bindings
  • DESCRIPTION: Cannot remove useless key bindings (Cycle Power Left, Cycle Power Right and Toggle Railjack Camera) that prevent power activation.

My Railjack keybindings on controller:



My regular gameplay bindings for reference:




    1. In the General key binding menu bind Power A, Power B, Power C and Power D to D-pad Up, D-pad Right, D-pad Down and D-pad Left.
    2. Make sure nothing is bound to the D-pad in the Railjack bindings on everything except D-pad Left since we only have 3 power anyway.
    3. Bind Cycle Power Left (or Right) to one of the remaining D-pad buttons because you cannot remove the binding completely.
    4. Equip a power in each Railjack slot (those represent Power A, B and C).
    5. Enter Railjack freeroam (or any railjack mission).
    6. Press a D-pad button (not left/Power D) that has nothing bound to it in the Railjack binding menu.
    7. Observe power being cast as normal.
    8. Press a D-pad button which has Cycle Power Left or Cycle Power Right bound to it.
    9. Observe nothing happening since the game performs the Cycle Power Left/Right action instead of activating the power with the same binding.
  • EXPECTED RESULT: Powers activating anyway, being able to remove the useless bindings instead or being able to manually bind Power A/B/C/D like the general key bindings so they can be overwritten.
  • OBSERVED RESULT: The power did not activate and I cannot remove the (useless) key binding that is preventing this from happening.
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: 100% reproduction rate since Railjack's initial release.
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  • TYPE: In game
  • DESCRIPTION: Phantasma with>100% status per pellet not always procking on main fire in simulacrum 
  • REPRODUCTION: Equip phantasma with 3 60/60 mods
  • EXPECTED RESULT: Prock on every damage tick
  • OBSERVED RESULT: status procking about 50% of the time.
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  • TYPE: In-Game, Hepit the void
  • DESCRIPTION: Khoras strangledome isnt effecting Corrupted Lancers or Corrupted Crewmen]
  • REPRODUCTION: go to hepit with khora and use strangledome with 150 range
  • EXPECTED RESULT: it should catch everyone in range
  • OBSERVED RESULT: didnt catch corrupted lancers or corrutped crewmen. they run freely inside and outside the strangledome
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: 15 out of 15 times i cast the ability during 4 missions on hepit the void
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  • TYPE: In game, Railjack skin
  • DESCRIPTION: It always occurs whether in Dojo or in railjack mission.
  • VISUAL: failed to insert it. Don't know why, maybe asian region cause?
  • REPRODUCTION: just using railjack caballero skin.
  • EXPECTED RESULT: Railjack Guns and Engines angle should be aligned with both ship's side.
  • OBSERVED RESULT: They still misalign. and keep using original railjack skin's angle.
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: Happens always.
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  • TYPE: In-Game, Archwing Missions
  • DESCRIPTION: Newest update allows me to enter Archwing missions without having an Archwing. When loading, the opening cutscene is glitched and then I load into the environment with just my Warframe, floating in mid-air. I can move around in the environment.
  • VISUAL: https://imgur.com/a/JLydQs2 
  • REPRODUCTION: Use an account with no Archwing and attempt to load into an Archwing mission.
  • EXPECTED RESULT: The game should stop me from entering the mission as I don't have an Archwing.
  • OBSERVED RESULT: The game allows me to enter the mission without an Archwing and I can roam freely in space.
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: I currently only have access to Earth and Venus Archwing missions and this happens in both cases.
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  • TYPE: In-Game, Spy Missions
  • DESCRIPTION: Hack a console with any weapon except primary equipped, including locked melee.  Once the hack is complete, reverts to primary weapon equipped.
  • REPRODUCTION: Change to non-primary weapon, then hack a console
  • EXPECTED RESULT: Currently equipped weapon should remain currently equipped.
  • OBSERVED RESULT: Switches to primary weapon.
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  • TYPE: In-Game,
  • DESCRIPTION: Empyrean Mission
  • VISUAL: Not have yet but will acquire one soon
  • REPRODUCTION: Shoot a black hole with deferred tethering on
  • EXPECTED RESULT: Normal black hole graphics
  • OBSERVED RESULT: weird black hole shadow glitches
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: every time a back hole was initiated
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  • TYPE: riven challenge bug (mission)
  • DESCRIPTION: I am unable to unveil the following riven, I tried 3 different missions all above level 30 and no dice.
  • VISUAL: pjfePaa.jpg
  • REPRODUCTION: I completed hydron, akkad and kala-azar with no success using frost/limbo prime and riven on ignis wraith
  • EXPECTED RESULT: unveil the riven
  • OBSERVED RESULT: did not unveil the riven 🙂
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Le 02/03/2020 à 07:22, [DE]Bear a dit :


There is a lot of ground being covered in the Warframe Revised update, so here is an updated guide on how to submit a bug. Please note, this thread should only be used when encountering a bug related to the recent update and the revised systems within.


  • Include a video or a screenshot if possible! Visual references can help direct us to issues faster than without them.
  • Steps to recreate the bug, if known. Again, this is to help us locate the issue faster.


  • TYPE: [Launcher, In-Game, Chat, etc.]
  • DESCRIPTION: [Tell us what you were doing when the bug occurred. Details here are helpful]
  • VISUAL: [This is where you would add your screenshot or video]
  • REPRODUCTION: [Tell us how we can replicate this bug, if known]
  • EXPECTED RESULT: [Tell us what you think should have happened, ex: “I should have drawn my weapon”]
  • OBSERVED RESULT: [What actually happened, ex: “I went into a T-Pose”]
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: [How often it happens when you try to reproduce it, ex: “It only happens half the time / when I am crouching / when using Hydroid.”]

Let us know what you find, and please make sure to keep your posts constructive and civil. The better and closer to this format you follow, the easier it is for us to find these bugs and fix them!

mag does not do magnetic procs on corpis at all 3 and 4 abilitys dont strip shield like they should

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TYPE: In-Game
DESCRIPTION: Testing Bramma in Simulacrum with Ivara, while invisible, enemies started firing in my direction.
VISUAL: I'll be back with this
REPRODUCTION: [I'll be back with this, but it seems like being invisible with a weapon with a silence mod is what triggers it from when I first experienced it
EXPECTED RESULT: Since the weapon has a silence mod on it, the enemy should not have heard where it was fired from
OBSERVED RESULT: They heard exactly where I was, and started firing at me
REPRODUCTION RATE: For now only with Ivara with Prowl and Bramma, will test further to see what else triggers this

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1 hour ago, Diavoros said:

Seriously DE, this update has some awfully lazy coding, you didn't just exchange self damage for a stagger/knockback, you just applied that property to EVERY weapon with a radial attack/explosion, even those that never dealt self damage! Tombfinger, Staticor, Shedu, etc.

  • TYPE: In-Game
  • DESCRIPTION: All weapons with radial attack stagger the player at close range, even weapons that never had any self damage
  • VISUAL: 
  • REPRODUCTION: Firing the affected weapon within range of the area of effect of its attack.
  • OBSERVED RESULT: Weapon that didn't have the self-damage property to its attack now staggers the player within the area of radial attack.

Thats not a bug, thats intentional, its noted in the Dev workshop for Self damage as well as the update notes

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TYPE: In-Game
DESCRIPTION: Playing Hildryn in missions.
REPRODUCTION: Play Hildryn and lose your shields from enemy attacks.
EXPECTED RESULT: Once Hildryn reaches 0 shield, she should gain damage immunity for 3 seconds. (shields and health should grey out)
OBSERVED RESULT: Hildryn still takes damage to her shields (but not to health) during the 3 second "immunity" period.

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  • TYPE: In-game, Railjack
  • DESCRIPTION: infinite loading screen
  • VISUAL: (How do i link a video file?)
  • REPRODUCTION: Click back to dry dock
  • EXPECTED RESULT: back to dry dock
  • OBSERVED RESULT: Infinited loading screen
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: not tested yet
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  • TYPE: In-Game, Self-damage removal / Stagger
  • DESCRIPTION: Nezha's Warding Halo gives status immunity, thus bypasses this new "Stagger" mechanics completely. I suppose that other WF abilities with status immunity will have the same effect. I'm not sure if it's a bug or it was intended.
  • VISUAL: None.
  • REPRODUCTION: Take Nezha with Kuva Bramma on a mission, cast Warding Halo and enjoy shooting your foots without any consequences.
  • EXPECTED RESULT: I was expecting that status immunity won't block "Stagger" effect from AoE weapons completely.
  • OBSERVED RESULT: WF with status immunity effect doesn't care about self-caused explosions.
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: 100% with Nezha and Kuva Bramma, didn't test but expect to be the same for other combinations, e.g. Rhino's Iron Skin and Ogris.
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TYPE: In-game

DESCRIPTION: Garuda's 4 (Seeking Talons) does not make enemies prone to bleed even with 100% Status Chance


REPRODUCTION: Use Garuda's 4 on an enemy, shoot them while they're marked with the debuff.

EXPECTED RESULT: Enemies taking Slash procs from weapons/abilities

OBSERVED RESULT: Enemies not taking any Slash procs besides from the initial talons.

REPRODUCTION RATE: Every time Garuda uses her 4


BONUS PSA: In the video there are still certain weapons which also have innate multishot, but they aren't buffed like every other shotgun in the update. 

These weapons include:-

- Ballistica Prime (listed Status Chance before was 20%, now it is 5%)

- Fusilai's Secondary Fire (listed Status Chance before was 30%, now it is 11.5%)

- Cernos Prime (listed Status Chance before was 30%, now it is 10%)

- Twin Grakatas (listed Status Chance before was 11%, now it is 5.5%)

Hopefully these weapons also get the extra Status Chance buff like the shotguns family. Thanks and have a nice day.

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Dont't know if this is a Bug or intended:

  • TYPE: In-Game
  • DESCRIPTION: Rhino Prime not getting the stagger animation on any Self-Dmg Weapon when iron skin is active.
  • REPRODUCTION: Works whenever Rhinos Iron Skin is active % and Ferrit Armor does not matter.
  • EXPECTED RESULT: Getting the intended stagger animation.
  • OBSERVED RESULT: Rhino is just standing inside of the Blast Radius.
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: Works every time you shoot close to you with a Explosive Weapon.
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