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2020’s First Mainline: Review, Revise, Refresh: Part 2!


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7 minutes ago, Jarriaga said:

We don't know what the final impact proc will do now that Reb has clarified they will look into it, but we do know that whatever it is, it can't not be a ragdoll.

In your own example, it's not about moving just to chase enemies. It's about being unable to even deal 3 melee hits in a row to a single enemy because some stances will send them flying automatically if ragdoll is involved.

There's no need for you to be such a condescending douchebag.

I have used alot of the stances that ragdoll and use the new floating mechanic with them and I have no issues with it. I am still able to get hits on them with little effort. 


Oh I can't but everyone else can LOL good one

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2 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:


The first Corrosive Status Effect strips 26% Armor. Subsequent Corrosive Status Effects strip 6% more Armor, leading up to 80% Armor removal.

Each Corrosive Status Effect lasts 8 seconds.
Note: Corrosive was the only Status with infinite Duration and 100% Efficacy toward a defensive stat. This was necessary to some based on how Armor Scaled. We feel our rebalancing efforts need a differently behaving Corrosive to balance out all Status overall. 

Image result for nichijou god is dead


I mean I kind of saw it coming, but damn...


You guys really are taking a shotgun to the status quo. I'm glad, there's a lot of status quo that needs it. Speaking of, those armour changes look spicy. The closer we are to a plausible average, the closer we are to balance.

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Self damage adds excitement to the game.  It adds player engagement.  It gives players an option: Use this incredible powerful weapon, but learn how to handle it, or its power will destroy you as well.  This is fun.  Removing self-damage from weapons is not fun.  Additionally nerfing the radial damage of explosives to compensate is even less fun.  This just streamlines what few weapons that stood out as being different before into being even more samey as the rest now.  The impact of player choice is lessened and the thrill that comes with having dangerous explosions at your fingertips (and the occasional humor that results when your friends watch you blow yourself to pieces) is lost.  A mere knockback is small punishment, even as already demonstrated in the dev streams it's much less of a slowdown than simply getting leashed by your average Ancient.  Dull.

Some have mentioned the obvious flaws such as "kavat jumping in front of the projectile", "lag", etc.  This is understandable.  The solution to that should be obvious: make projectiles not collide with allied entity meshes.  Or at least not explode, or not explode harmfully, in such cases.  They may follow ballistic trajectories but this is not rocket science.  Tearing out a core facet of shooting gaming going back to Doom feels more like a harmful bandaid, not something that ought to be the go-to response in my opinion.  Even that game had a god-mode cheat, and not surprisingly, it quickly gets a lot more boring when nothing can hurt you, especially your own rockets.

I implore you, please go back on your decision to remove self-damage from the game.  I can only see this ending in a game that has fewer genuinely entertaining options available to its players.


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7 minutes ago, Xsoskeleton said:

If it's a mere knockdown it'd be that easy.

But ragdoll is another thing, enemies in ragdoll state can be flung all over the place by splash damage, grenades and explosive projectiles, or melee slams, or even weapons with aoe like ignis run by grineer scorch or hyekka masters. and the more hit the ragdolled enemy took in shorter time flies them faster throughout the place. Won't be an issue in older cramped space missions but missions with huge area like bounties can have them fly all over the place. I think it's not just "how bad it is" its more of "how bad it could possibly become".

I've accidentally flung enemies using exodia epidemic in plains outside the bounty stage zone since the first plague star, causing guaranteed failure unless someone is outside bounty area can chase the enemy flown away from the zone. If u solo u'r done for lmao.

Complaining about how bad it could possibly become is pointless until it happens. And I know what you mean with that Exodia but I see that more as a bug or issue with Open Worlds. In a corridor they just become a ping pong ball I love punting around cause they can do nothing to you while in that state. And with the changes to armor they may not be that hard to kill until higher level.

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With all these armor/shield changes and how it can open the path for more interesting enemy engagement, can we outright remove Status immunity from enemies\Lich and bosses? You can give then diminishing return or whatnot but outright immunity shouldn't be the option unless a last resort, especially now thag you've finally given more depth to the damage model.

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Any chance, to combine arcane rank 3 or rank 2, with another rank 3 (Sum of arcanes)?
Rank 3 = 10 arcanes + another rank 3 = +10 arcanes + 1 Rank 0 = 1 rank 5. (21 arcanes)
It would help a system a lot so do not restrict the amount of Rank 0, necessary to level up an arcane either because we have many of the same type, already in a higher range or by mistake

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Good riddance to CP, just make sure to take coaction drift into consideration.

Ragdoll is absolutely terrible(even more than the stagger) and will kill all IPS based ranged weapons that can't access -100% impact rivens for me... Impact status NEEDS to have a optional opt-out if this is implemented.

Change to Blast very welcome if it removes the knockdown. Won't be desirable but at least not detrimental either.

Puncture and Magnetic statuses still(more?) irrelevant but at least not outright detrimental like impact and blast currently are.

Viral looks much more interesting that way.

Will need to see how it plays out but capping corrosive procs doesn't look like a good idea, duration change is fine. Proposed change makes fully stacked corrosive procs not much better than a mere Fire proc. CP is bad because it is passive set and forget that promotes brain-dead "do whatever you want" loadouts under the guise of diversity. Being able to fully remove enemy defenses with deliberate actions and chosen loadouts is fine. If handled poorly, this could just remove corrosive status from relevance.

edit: damage falloff on noob-tubes and stagger on most AoEs also great, but reminder that ignis exists...

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8 minutes ago, anfuerudo said:

When it comes out it will be too late.

Also, just so you know, Mesa's Regulators have 50% Impact on them. And Mesa is pinned down in one place unless you're running an augment(which should've been included in the ability itself, DE).

So, yes, sometimes it's "hard to hit W key".

So you want it changed for one frame. Just like everyone wants self damage back for just Chroma........ And I have used mesa and the impact proc does nothing and in that mode your killing so fast it isn't an issue. Unless you modded for crap damage. 

Right now Impact and Magnetic are the most worthless procs cause they do nothing. All this does is push back the update further and further. In the majority of gameplay unless if you using a impact weapon it will not matter since everyone uses Slash weapons and the change of Puncture and Impact procing is remote.

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9 minutes ago, (XB1)TheWayOfWisdom said:

? it's called feedback. I believe I speak for most players (as seen by the reaction to impact stacking to a ragdoll in this thread) when I say ragdolling enemies when you're trying to kill them is counterproductive and unfun. As for void dash, yes ragdoll is annoying, but I'm not using it to actively kill an enemy, so it becomes more or less irrelevant

EXACTLY. That is why there is CC in the game. It isn't all about damage. Else they need to change everything and WARFRAME becomes a one dimensional unfun game where it is all about who has the higher POWER (cough Destiny cough).

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1 hour ago, sitfesz said:

I just hope that a 33 fire rate grakata (highest impact ips) won't pinball people like the firetruck watergun in gta vice city.
If the target drops on it's back, you can't aim for the head from further angles, which already makes it counterproductive to aiming. Full continuous ragdoll would make it impossible.

Tbh if it'd be like Blast and keep stuff pinned to the ground I'd be happy, I like the CC and don't care about headshots anyway. But that's personal preference

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2 hours ago, Skaleek said:

Corrosive nerf eh. Okay. Magnetic still seems like a terrible status element to me but time will tell! If shields are more relevant i suppose the proc will be too.

Puncture is still entirely useless. We don't care how much damage an enemy does, dead = 100% damage reduction. The only ones that matter for this type of debuff are immune to status anyways.

The choice to raise arcane costs to 21 to max it out was entirely unnecessary. You guys control the dials and have decided to create this rank and the need for these arcanes to introduce a new grind, even after explicitly stating you were not introducing a new grind. Not impressed. Not drinking the kool-aid.

Are you going to take a look at the way damage over time effects are calculated while you are under the hood of status? Ie. Gas and toxin only benefiting from base damage and modded toxin damage? Ie. heat being an entirely useless towards gas damage calculations?

90% damage falloff on explosive weapons kinda defeats their purpose, don't you think? I'd scale that back to 50% or even just 35%. I don't see many explosive weapons dominating people's loadouts (Maybe bramma, but its new). Ignis is far more common, and surprise, it has a huge aoe with no damage falloff.

I'm also curious if we have two R3 arcane's and then they become R5 arcane's; which Arcane will we need just one of, if indeed it does go to 21 to double stack?

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Is there any scope for giving other frames custom weapons like Garuda has with her claws?

Frames such as Khora, Atlas, and possibly Gara whose damage is based on your melee weapon mods could really benefit from getting their own moddable whip/fists/sword to affect their damage output, rather than relying on a stat-stick weapon.


Regarding Impact, if the ragdoll is in the form of a Lifted status, like melee slams inflict, then I think this would be solid. Alternativly, instead of ragdoll, the enemy could be briefly stunned and opened up to finishers/mercy.

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2 hours ago, LogaMC1995 said:

Ma boi Oberon Prime gets no buff 😞

Contrary to major players, I like the nerf to Corrosive and Viral. It balances the enemy armor scaling nerf, and also makes Radiation+Corrosive pair more lethal since there still be 20% armor left for the Radiation bonus damage to apply.

Viral seems like a buff to me. Now enemies won’t recover their health when viral wears off, and additional stacks will actually do something.

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