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2020’s First Mainline: Review, Revise, Refresh: Part 2!


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Why has arcane aegis been nerfed at rank 5 to be slightly more effective than a rank 1 arcane aegis currently.

Current rank 1 is 3% chance +30/second for 10 seconds 

New rank 5 is 3% chance 30% recharge for 12 seconds.  

The current rank 3 is 6% chance for 60% per second for 20 seconds.  


Wtg nerfing it into the ground DE

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4 minutes ago, (XB1)TheWayOfWisdom said:

So why make it even more worthless then

Magnetic is getting better in my opinion. Preventing Tech Gunners from regaining their shield is awesome.

As for Impact, per my clan, all you would need is depending on the stagger it does damage. Similar to when warframes get ragdolled and slam into a solid object. Have it so that if an enemy is ragdolled they have damage done per each surface they slam into multiplied by a percent of the damage used to fling them. Imagine repeatedly slamming a grineer into a wall or barrel and damaging him without shooting. Or if he ragdolls and slams into a wall he takes half his health. 

It would make Zipline good on Valkyr. (Clan mates Idea)

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2 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:


AoE Impact that goes through enhanced stages of Crowd Control and Knockdown with repeat Status.
Grants the Blast Status Effect to all enemies in radius.
Blast Status reduces enemy accuracy by 30% base. Subsequent Blast Status Effects add +5% innacuracy for  for 75% total at 10 stacks. Each Blast Status has a 6 second Duration.

~ ~ ~Menacing glare~ ~ ~

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Maybe have Impact stacked effect give the enemies a concussion. You can reuse the sleeping animations and have them wake up a few seconds after (a longer stun, basically). That'd make the headshot savvy players happy.

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3 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

AOE weapons are receiving a 90% Radial Damage Falloff from central impact. This means on the very outer section of the explosion Radius 10% of the Damage will be dealt.

And so the Bramma dies, and every other AoE weapon with it. Welp, it was nice while it lasted...

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3 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

Arcane Guardian Details + Reminders

Arcane Guardian

On Rank 5: On Damaged:

15% chance for +900 Armor for 20s

  • Arcane Energize will still give energy to toggled Warframe abilities - this has been asked a lot. 
  • Arcanes will require 21 Arcanes to reach the new Max Rank of 5. Scarlet Spear will feature a buy-what-you-want shop for Arcanes based on the currency earned in the event. It will launch in March shortly after the Mainline. 

So totally gutting Arcane Aegis was not a typo in the other thread? And does the new wording "30% increased shield regeneration" mean what it implies - no longer bypassing shield regeneration delay?

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2 hours ago, WeeDao said:

Viral will be the new meta, magnetic is interesting, toxin is better tho so we dont care, puncture is interesting, need testing inVHL endless,  the reste isnt really interesting, beside impact who's gonna annoy the hell out if headshoters

Can confirm.  It'll be weapons that can have viral and toxic or gas damage simultaneously with high status, or that force toxic or gas procs.  Crit hybrid weapons particularly that can do this will be the new holy grail.

Magnetic needs a much better proc.  With Corrosive at least the way to completely bypass its effect is tied to IPS slash proc that can't be had on any weapon someone pleases, unlike basic toxic damage that just ignores shields even before it procs.

Personal suggestion?  Make stacked magnetic procs pull in nearby enemies with magnitude based on the number of procs stacked.  You'd see unicorn magnetic/gas combos return from long extinction.

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3 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:


AoE Impact that goes through enhanced stages of Crowd Control and Knockdown with repeat Status.
Grants the Blast Status Effect to all enemies in radius.
Blast Status reduces enemy accuracy by 30% base. Subsequent Blast Status Effects add +5% innacuracy for  for 75% total at 10 stacks. Each Blast Status has a 6 second Duration.

I'm not really a fan of this personally. Here is what I would do with blast. 
Keep it so that it causes the inaccuracy to enemies in the radius, but then make it so that an enemy being attacked with blast damage can explode. For example, 3 blast procs on the same enemy will cause them to explode for a percentage of your weapon's damage. And in order to make it explode again, the requirements add 3 more procs. so it'd go something like...
First Explosion: 3 procs = 20% damage, 1.5 meters

Second Explosion: 6 procs = 40% damage, 3 meters

Third Explosion: 9 procs = 60% damage, 4.5 meters

Fifth Explosion: 12 procs = 80% damage, 6 meters

Fifth Explosion: 15 procs = 100% damage, 7.5 meters

And then it will start over after 5 explosions. 

This damage from the AOE will not chain and cause other enemies to explode, but will keep them inaccurate.

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3 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:


New Status Effect entirely: enhanced Damage! First Magnetic Status Effect deals 100% additional Shield damage, subsequent Magnetic Status add +25% for a total of 325% (capped). Enemies under a Magnetic Status Effect cannot regenerate Shields. Magnetic Status Duration is now 6 seconds.


New Status Effect entirely: enhanced Damage! First Viral Status Effect deals 100% additional Health damage, subsequent Viral Status add +25% for a total of 325% (capped).
Note: Before Viral would halve a target’s health pool and simply refresh the duration. Now it deals 2x Damage to Health, and can scale up to 4.5x Damage on repeat Status Effects. 

Does this mean those damage bonuses apply only to the respective status *procs*? Formerly, viral would effectively buff all damage sources. I think at the very least these damage buffs should apply not just to the procs, but the whole damage type.

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12 minutes ago, (NSW)Gunz said:


GrindHardSquad discord has come up with a solution to the impact problem.

No, please God no.

How many enemies in the game currently kneel when damaged? Let's count.

1. Capture targets
2. Thralls
3. Larvlings
4. Liches

Did I miss any? Last thing we need, IMO, is trying to pick out one of the above from a bunch of kneeling targets, all with the Mercy symbol over their heads.

I hate ragdolling living enemies as much as everyone else, but having them kneel is a mistake. Stagger them if they're going to live, ragdoll only when dead.

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It's well-known by this point that impact is extremely undersirable as a status effect for even just moderate-precision weaponry. There's no real situation where you want it except maybe with bullet hoses where headshots are irrelevant (Which, they rarely are).

Moreover, the lifted status renders redundant the need for impact when it comes to melee crowd control.

My opinion on the matter is that impact should cause enemies to "flinch" (Minimal animation shift) and drop aggro for a half-second. Impact can also tenderize, increasing the damage enemies receive from external sources. Blast should get impact's old stagger, since that is more in alignment with the fantasy, and blast is a more controllable status effect.

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A simple note about the Impact status stacking = ragdolling.

In my experience of the game, there's three major issues with ragdolled enemies.

  1. They look dead. I have to check the red arrow icons on the map to check if there's a living targets left in a ragdolled group. So many players gloss over those enemies until they stand up and resume animation. This isn't such a big deal to me, as long as they're not attacking I'm still in control of combat.
  2. Ragdolled and sent flying, while extremely entertaining. Long live the Tenno space program. Can actually cause serious problems. Although this may have already been addressed, its been some time since I saw a living enemy sent flying, ragdolled flight should be something that only happens to dead enemies. No one wants to chase a target after your explosive weapon launched them 300 meters on the plains.
  3. This is the major one for me. Certain frame powers seem to ignore ragdolled enemies. Atlas's Petrify comes to mind. This is aggravating because there are a lot of other frame powers that cause incompatibility here. Atlas doesn't play well with other crowd control frames, like Vauban or Khora. As well as Atlas's own power to knock enemies around with punches. I think Frost's freeze ability might also be effected, but I'd need to test that one specifically. I use a low duration Frost, so I ignore the freeze effect most of the time. Not to mention, Ore Gaze Atlas = more loot, while freeze is just crowd control, so it doesn't matter which power crowd controls as long as its happening. This effect also plays out in reverse, Frozen or Petrified enemies aren't able to be pulled by Vauban's Vortex, Khora's Strangledome, or most annoyingly Nidus's Larva. Larva is the most annoying because Larva still counts them as attached to the ability, and won't disable until those attached enemies are killed. Which works actively against his combat flow. Would be nice to see this friction resolved somehow. Like... being able to petrify ragdolls, and maybe be able to pull petrified enemies.
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2 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

No damage buffs have been added, but any weapons with AOE are receiving ~20% increase in Radius. Additionally, AOE weapons are receiving a 90% Radial Damage Falloff from central impact. This means on the very outer section of the explosion Radius 10% of the Damage will be dealt. Tactics will be deadly - aim true, Tenno. 

Why: Several players brought up the history of the Tonkor and we want to make sure we ship this change in a place that’s conservative in its starting point from a balance perspective. The complete removal of Self Damage does change the pace of destruction with some of the game’s most powerful weapons, so we want to make sure we can iterate upwardly instead of releasing a bonanza of explosions with no other choices. 

I still don't get this part. Tonkor WAS ALREADY NERFED stat wise. Kuva Tonkor cant explode under the user feet since it has minimum arming range. Why would Tonkor history even matter again?

As for the radius buff yet introduced diminishing damage it's like punishing everyone because some incompetent user failed to use weapon safely.
Currently (or previously in case update landed) 0-100% radius deals 100%-100% explosion damage.
Planned change has it at 0-120% radius dealing 100%-10% explosion damage.
That means even at half of the old radius the damage has already shrunk into 62.5% of the explosion damage.
At the outest end of old radius it only deal 25% explosion damage.
And now you drag even more weapons into the explosive category.

HOW, DID YOU COME, TO THE CONCLUSION, that explosive weapons does NOT need damage buff? When it is clearly SUFFERING under the current planned changes? Is this what everyone must pay just because few part of the community cant handle Self Damage? the Removal seems even more pointless right now.

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Impact weapons ragdolling enemies will not be fun. I think Impact needs a revision overall, maybe stacking impact procs should lead to a full stun instead of throwing the enemy away.

Corrosive proc nerfs are sad, but I guess it had to be done. That wont stop it from being the most used element along CP being the most used Aura. The problem here is that armor GIVES TOO MUCH DR. I would love to see armor turning into something like it was in Mass Effect, where its basically a stronger shield that cant regen, but cant be bypassed, instead of an exponential damage reduction.

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2 hours ago, Ka-Jin said:

Any thoughts on Hema research changes? 


Personally, I'd be just as satisfied if Mutagen Samples (and other clan tech resources) were dropped based on the enemy's faction and not the place you're fighting them at. I would easily have 10,000+ Mutagen Samples by now if they dropped from any Infested enemy, instead of two sectors that no-one plays.

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