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2020’s First Mainline: Review, Revise, Refresh: Part 2!


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1 hour ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

Repeat single-target Impact Status Effects will escalate the efficacy of the Impact Status (from Stagger to full Ragdoll).

Oh god please no. Impact is a status that many dislike for the sole reason of the stagger effect it causes making consecutive headshots more difficult on the already wack AI


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All those nerfs to meta mechanics. Mechanics that have been left alone for years to rot the gameplay. This makes be both very happy as well as sad, as it took you this long to do something about it.

I'd have helped fund a kickstarted for an update like this years ago. Can't wait to see the effects this'll have. And please, don't be afraid to balance these mechanics in the future.

Edit: Impact should have a more interesting effect than just ragdolling, like finisher staggering enemies. Or, alternatively, make ragdolling them worth it damage wise. 2 times buff to enemies who are on the ground or recovering, or something.

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17 minutes ago, HomicidalGrouse said:

It really doesn't matter what the prices are. The addition of selling them via a vendor removes the otherwise completely RNG-based drops as arcanes currently exist. With the exception of something extreme, like making the rewards for Scarlet Spear so paltry that it takes you days or weeks to farm a single arcane, this argument that it's going to take years for the average player to max a single one is dead in the water.

So you've basically just agreed with what I've said but tried to put a spin on it so you look like you didn't.... yep so there IS a valid reason to be concerned until those prices and/or grind is revealed....

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1 hour ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

Faction Aura Changes

There are 3 Auras that target specific Factions:

Infested Impedance, Corrosive Projection, and Shield Disruption.

We are rebalancing the faction Auras to not completely bypass our rebalancing effort. More importantly though, with the complete Enemy defenses rescale these Auras (mostly Corrosive Projection) will not be as necessary as they were. 

Why: We think being consistent is key. Passively removing 100% of an enemy's defenses is not an interesting choice, and we were completely inconsistent in this regard with Auras (i.e the efficacy of 4x Corrosive Projections vs 4x Shield Disruptions). Expect these Auras to reach somewhere in the 60-80% Range when 4x are equipped as we are still testing.

Pls, balance armor on eidolons very carfuly. We dont need less choice in ding that content, we need more. Right now, meta is stable but stale. We need new option with our old ones still being viable.

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Just now, AuroraSonicBoom said:

And please, don't be afraid to balance these mechanics in the future.

"continue to nerf the stuff that are doing their job, rather than buffing everything else up to a decent level to see more use"

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@[DE]Rebecca I noticed there has been no mention of Chroma and how the newest changes are going to negatively affect how he works as explained in my thread here

Going ahead with the idea that every change involving self damage is implemented, is there any talk of a rework for Chroma? Possibly just changing how Vex armor works? People have been asking for a Chroma rework for a long time now, and since all these changes are going to negatively effect Chroma the worst out of any other warframe, is now the time? The changes have started to grow on my and I love the big Dragon, so I hope a rework is at least being discussed.

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Heat proc (from wiki)


Deals 350% base Heat damage over 6 seconds while causing the target to panic for up to 4 seconds (depends on enemy type) and stripping up to 50% Armor.

Corrosive proc


The first Corrosive Status Effect strips 26% Armor. Subsequent Corrosive Status Effects strip 6% more Armor, leading up to 80% Armor removal.

Each Corrosive Status Effect lasts 8 seconds.

Is Corrosive at risk of becoming redundant? There's Heat proc that also offers a similar armor stripping effect - although 50% compared to 80%, and its duration seems to be shorter. But with changed armor scaling 50% might be enough, and Heat also adds crowd control and damage over time on top of that.

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21 minutes ago, IgnisDraconis4316 said:

For all the idiots complaining about Impact Procs. 
Unless you are using mainly impact weapons or have 300% to 400% status on your weapons that deal mostly Impact you will not notice it. 
And everyone is basing their "FACTS" on how the game is currently. Wait till it comes out as these changes are massive in scope and may not be as bad as you think.Entitled Video Gamers and their whiny attitudes. "We want the game to change cause it sucks." Game changes. "Why the hell did you change it we don't want the game to change."
Either you want the game to grow or you want it to die. MAKE. UP. YOUR. MIND. 
Devs are listening but they don't listen to all the 30 some odd gamers that whine like a 4 year old.

Imagine being so basic of a human being, you'd ve williing to post by-the-books contrarian tantrum just for the sake of it, without accounting for surface level things like IPS status weight distribution and forced (Impact included) procs.🤡

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8 minutes ago, (XB1)TheWayOfWisdom said:

Alt Fire has 6m AoE on impact

i don't believe it, the Beam just has physical width like how Opticors' Beam was finally given width. which isn't an Explosion (unlike Opticors' contact Explosion which is an Explosion).

7 minutes ago, HomicidalGrouse said:

It's a recurring event. They compared it to Plague Star, Ghoul Invasion, etc. Considering it's bringing a major chunk of Railjack content along with it, and they've specifically stated that you won't need to farm Eidolons for arcanes anymore, it's naive to just assume that it's a temprary one-off thing just to keep your fearmongering conspiracies alive a little longer.

that's still temporary, and you basically gave two opposing extreme examples. Ghouls are there so often it's basically not Temporary, and Plague Star is one of the 1-2 times a year Event, in which case may as well not exist for a Player that wasn't there for it already.
if it ends up being 1-2 times a year will you still try and justify it with that it's technically recurring?

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11 minutes ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

Blast Correction! 

So basically, the knockdowns have been removed from Blast (where we could equip them as an option), and moved to Impact instead (which is unavoidable on most weapons).

That's... not a great idea. You (like, DE as a whole) have tried to push these Impact changes in the past, but got overwhelmingly negative feedback when players saw it in action on the devstream.
Impact should "stun" enemies (i.e. let them stand still and make them easy to headshot) instead of knockdown/ragdolls. And Blast should stay the same as it is right now, because players can opt out of Blast's knockdown by simply not equipping Blast.


I hope you reconsider the changes for Impact/Blast. The accuracy debuff on Blast is inconsequential to the point of being worthless, and the ragdolling on Impact benefits enemies more than it benefits players.

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vor 1 Stunde schrieb [DE]Rebecca:

2020’s First Mainline: Review, Revise, Refresh: Part 2!

Faction Aura Changes

There are 3 Auras that target specific Factions:

Infested Impedance, Corrosive Projection, and Shield Disruption.

We are rebalancing the faction Auras to not completely bypass our rebalancing effort. More importantly though, with the complete Enemy defenses rescale these Auras (mostly Corrosive Projection) will not be as necessary as they were. 

Why: We think being consistent is key. Passively removing 100% of an enemy's defenses is not an interesting choice, and we were completely inconsistent in this regard with Auras (i.e the efficacy of 4x Corrosive Projections vs 4x Shield Disruptions). Expect these Auras to reach somewhere in the 60-80% Range when 4x are equipped as we are still testing.

Totally agree here !

But just remove all 3 - Job done !   Give us an aura forma package to compensate - everyone should be happy and other nice auras that are already in the game get thier meaning

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Just now, LSG501 said:

So you've basically just agreed with what I've said but tried to put a spin on it so you look like you didn't.... yep so there IS a valid reason to be concerned until those prices and/or grind is revealed....

Not at all. The current fearmongering argument is that it's going to take years for the average player to earn maxed arcanes because of the current rate at which you can farm arcanes from Eidolons.

This is no longer going to be an issue, as they've clearly stated that Eidolons (and the RNG-based aspect of farming them) is no longer going to be the only way to receive arcanes.

Your only argument here is an assumption that the rewards are going to be such an absurdly long time sink, that farming RNG-based Eidolons would either be comparable at best, or somehow more efficient at worst... and you have literally no evidence to support that assumption.

Are the drop rates and rewards going to be perfect when Scarlet Spear launches? I don't know. But I'd be willing to put money on it being easier to get the arcanes that you want from Scarlet Spear than from farming Eidolons... which makes the fearmongering completely baseless and irrelevant.

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1 hour ago, [DE]Rebecca said:


Repeat single-target Impact Status Effects will escalate the efficacy of the Impact Status (from Stagger to full Ragdoll).

Why not make it a disarm rather than ragdoll as tehre are plenty impact status guns and ragdoll will just cause a lot of inaccuracies.

i just wanna shoot off enemy weapon for once rather than needing a frame skill to steal em all x(

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10 minutes ago, alchemi80 said:

Lol at the impact complaints. Ragdolling is hilarious and I'm glad of the change.

Consider: easy enemies will never be ragdolled because they are going to die in 1-2 seconds anyway.

Difficult enemies (200+ bombards, etc.) can be ragdolled (if status% is high AND it's highest in the proc order...) which will act as a form of CC (so you don't get one-shot) so warframe abilities can finish it off as it's helplessly laying on the ground.

Like, of all the things to complain about, impact?

Just Jat-kittag and Sonicor.
Yes, impact. Seriously. We hate forced ragdolling and we don't need to write a book about it. We listed reasons countless times

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7 минут назад, anfuerudo сказал:

OMG! No! Please, no! Impact is horrible enough as it is, this will make it even worse! Weapons like Grakatas will just yeet enemies away instead of killing them.

Just realized that Mesa's Peacemakers have Impact as primary damage. Thaaaaaanks, now instead of killing enemies she will ragdoll enemies around. This is just stupid.

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Oh my god! The new radiation status effect will be scary because irradiated enemies can still harm you (and now do upwards of 550% of their original damage!).

Imagine killing a +550% damage irradiated Nox and walking by his Gas cloud? Or even busting open the helmet of an irradiated +550% Nox and walking by the Gas cloud! Yikes!

Unless only damage directed enemies is enhanced?

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1 hour ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

Repeat single-target Impact Status Effects will escalate the efficacy of the Impact Status (from Stagger to full Ragdoll).

That was a stupid idea in the Damage 2.5 proposal and it's a stupid idea now. Impact will actively hinder the player and it'll be a damage type to avoid. Please stop sabotaging your own game.

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Yes, yes, headshots. Use the right tool for the right job. Instead of removing ragdoll, maybe change IPS values of high accuracy weapons meant for headshots, like the vulkar.

Impact has always been about CC. Now it's even better CC. People take the right elements for the factions they're facing already. Why not do this for IPS? Wanna bypass armor? Take slash. Wanna pierce armor / reduce enemy damage? Puncture. Need extra CC? Impact.

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Rebecca how is this going to happen on console because I imagine all of us who have moved over will need a second update to get operation scarlet spear unless you plan on releasing it as a hotfix but yeah us players who converted to consoles are interested in how we'll get the event after the mainline that we still wont get for 2 weeks 

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