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You guys just killed shraksun. Raids, Itzal nerf, now this. DE doesn't care about endgame nor can recognize it.


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Just went into the plains to test a few things and brought my shraksun amp. Well, I was about to smash my monitor. New self stuns are horrible. Who thought this was okay while testing it? Shraksun isn't the best amp, but that's no excuse for murdering it the way they did. Every single shot right now gives you a stun, because as soon as it hits the Eidolon (and you HAVE to maintain a certain distance to it in order to hit) you get staggered and can't do anything. This KILLS the pace of the game and makes it impossible to have any sort of fun.

Wonder why Veterans leave? Here's a quick list of things I can come up off the top of my head that have been nerfed without any consideration for those who spent valuable time and effort in it:
-Whips/rivens in general! Spent precious time grinding kuva to roll that sweet Scoliac riven? It's now garbage! Enjoy!
-Chroma! Spent an Umbral Forma on that sweet Chroma Prime? Go make a coffee while that vex armor builds up without any self damage!
-Blink/Itzal! Blink was an essential part of Eidolon runs? We don't even know what that is! NERF!
-Raids Lmao who even plays those, let's get rid of them!
-Kuva Liches Perfect! Let's bring in something cool now. Let's give these dedicated players something to sink their time to keep them busy until we release a new update in seventy months. How do we do that? Simple! Lock Mastery Rank behind insane RNG grind! (really, find me one person who enjoys hunting liches.)

Keep killing systems which require skill and something to master and become good at, while promoting braindead RNG farms like Railjack and Kuva Liches. Good job, once again.

On a sidenote however the arcanes changes and the enemy rebalancing plus status changes were a brave choice and felt like a breath of fresh air. A non sarcastic good job at least on that.

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It's almost like there are feedback threads for the new changes for a reason.

As for the rest of your complaints...

This is how Rivens were meant to work and the players hounded DE until they stuck to changing them.

Chroma has been in need of a rework for years plus if taking damage is too complex of a task then I'd recommend using Rhino instead.

Archwing wasn't made solely for Eidolons and the change is a positive improvement to all Archwings in general.

Yes, hardly anyone played Trials. The soft-lock ridden mess that was convoluted enough to warrant a community dedicated to teaching players how they work in the first place. Good riddance.

And I take it you haven't played since the previous Lich update where the weapon grind is no longer rng. But even before that trading was an option to swap weapons for the ones you needed. And if you really must have all possible mastery points available why are you complaining about acquiring weapons and not the Forma cost to get all of their mastery?

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11 minutes ago, SeRialPiXel said:

-Chroma! Spent an Umbral Forma on that sweet Chroma Prime? Go make a coffee while that vex armor builds up without any self damage!

Chroma main here: I have never, ever, once had any trouble building up Vex Armor without self-damage

I get you need to vent, but maybe vent about something that's actually true

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Just once in my life I want to see DE make Riven changes without a dozen players immediately blowing steam out their ears because of the changes. Don't expect Rivens to ever stay the same, their core design from day 1 has been to get balanced over time based on popularity. This is like getting angry at the sun for going away at night.

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Just now, YUNoJump said:

Just once in my life I want to see DE make Riven changes without a dozen players immediately blowing steam out their ears because of the changes. Don't expect Rivens to ever stay the same, their core design from day 1 has been to get balanced over time based on popularity. This is like getting angry at the sun for going away at night.

I think the problem is balancing based on popularity when it could be based on the overall stats, I don't know, It would be way better to turn mastery fodder into something you could actually bring to high level missions, and by high level I don't mean Lv50 or lower.

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19 minutes ago, SeRialPiXel said:

Whips/rivens in general!

Nobody told you to limit yourself to a specific weapon. Your own problem.

19 minutes ago, SeRialPiXel said:


Obligatory self-damage "nerf" argument even though DE didn't even touch his abilities. They changed the Meta, but they didn't nerf anything here. This kind of argument can only be made up by meta slaves.

19 minutes ago, SeRialPiXel said:


They took an ability that rendered ALL other options worthless and gave it to all of them instead of limiting your choice. Besides, itzal can still Blink. It's just that every other AW can do it too, now. There's no nerf here, only improvements that should have been made years ago.

19 minutes ago, SeRialPiXel said:


Barely anyone played them in the first place outside of premade squads. Raids with a bunch of randoms? Not gonna happen.

19 minutes ago, SeRialPiXel said:

Kuva Liches Perfect!

People wanted endgame, they got it. Now they complain about it. Make up your mind.


19 minutes ago, SeRialPiXel said:

Keep killing systems which require skill

Name one system that required any skill other than the ability to breathe.


I'll wait.


Hell, do you even know what "nerf" means? Because kicking the butt of Meta-Slaves ain't it.

Honestly, all I'm seeing here are meta complaints.

Edited by o0Despair0o
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13 minutes ago, Methanoid said:

endgame?  * scratches head * we had an endgame?  tbh tho vets want it, we will never get endgame, endgame is not profitable, "the next new thing" however often is...  sad but realistic.

End game isn't synonymous with difficulty. Warframe has endgame content, it just isn't difficult. When you look at most games out there, none of them really have difficult endgame content, and instead rely on pvp, that heavily favor people who either spend money or played at the start of the game, or release raids with artificial difficulty by forcing mechanics that require x amount of people to kill an easy boss.

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11 minutes ago, trst said:

This is how Rivens were meant to work and the players hounded DE until they stuck to changing them.

Ah yes. The good old same arguments. "RiVeNs aRe sUpPoSeD tO bE LIkE dAt". I love how apparently it's fine for people to have a system where you have to spend 1 hour to get 4 attemps at rolling an RNG slot machine, miraculously finding a good combination after who knows how many hours, and then being fine when that gets thrown in the garbage -  and no, not a simple disposition change, but by literally killing an entire mechanic.

15 minutes ago, trst said:

And I take it you haven't played since the previous Lich update where the weapon grind is no longer rng.

Are you telling me that Lich aren't an RNG hell right now? For real? You have to pray the gods to find the right combinations of murmurs while getting no rewards whatsoever for all the time you have to sink into it besides an item that you must unlock in order to progess in the game. Like, really?

13 minutes ago, TARINunit9 said:

Chroma main here: I have never, ever, once had any trouble building up Vex Armor without self-damage

You probably didn't get that from the post, but I'm not talking about jumping into MOT with a Chroma. I'm mostly talking about Chroma as a DPS in Eidolons. I want to highlight how every  time they make changes to the game they never think about how they will impact a dedicated playerbase, like they don't exist.

23 minutes ago, VanFanel1980mx said:

I don't know if you are allergic to Eidolon stomps but you can still build up Vex Armor pretty fast

No. Just, no. But will try the penta tip I guess (???)

13 minutes ago, o0Despair0o said:

Barely anyone played them in the first place outside of premade squads. Raids with a bunch of randoms? Not gonna happen.

Then just remove Flappy Zephyr, Lunaro, Conclave, dojo duel rooms, parkour rooms. Why not, right? Who even plays those? Nice argument. Warframe is really in good hands with people being so okay with things like this, jeez.


16 minutes ago, o0Despair0o said:

People wanted endgame, they got it. Now they complain about it. Make up your wind.

Endgame is rewarding. Kuva Liches are in no way rewarding. At all.

18 minutes ago, o0Despair0o said:

Name one system that required any skill other than the ability to breathe.


I'll wait.

Know what skill means? Something which you keep getting good at, something that takes time to master. Raids and Eidolon hunts required more than pressing buttons, it required team coordination. Something which you can't find anywhere else in this game where everything is done automatically and given to you for free by waypoints. Coordinating in a team means knowing how to do your job, so yes. You need more than the ability to breathe to do those.

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37 minutes ago, VanFanel1980mx said:

I don't know if you are allergic to Eidolon stomps but you can still build up Vex Armor pretty fast, alternatively use Penta and Napalm Grenades while it lasts, just use Redeemer for shattering limbs now.

Shhh plz.

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2 minutes ago, MPonder said:

You are wasting your time and patient with these people, all dumb. The guy post "get stomp by eidolon to get Vex armor" and get upvoted, then there is a Chroma Main that say he never need self-damage. There are only genius here.

That shraksun stuff is pretty annoying.

So there is still hope in this world! Exactly.

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2 minutes ago, MPonder said:

You are wasting your time and patient with these people, all dumb. The guy post "get stomp by eidolon to get Vex armor" and get upvoted, then there is a Chroma Main that say he never need self-damage. There are only genius here.

It doesn't take a genius to know that there are more ways to play than one. If you can't adapt to the changes that's your problem, not the game's. The update han't been out for a day and you're already complaining when you could maybe make an effort and learn new things.

Or at least post in a correct section of the forums about things you think don't work.

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8 minutes ago, MPonder said:

The "Shh" was because you were talking dumb stuff.

Taking damage from an eidolon stomp (among others) is dumb stuff how? because it isn't instant like throwing shurikens at the floor?

Edited by VanFanel1980mx
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18 minutes ago, SeRialPiXel said:

Ah yes. The good old same arguments. "RiVeNs aRe sUpPoSeD tO bE LIkE dAt". I love how apparently it's fine for people to have a system where you have to spend 1 hour to get 4 attemps at rolling an RNG slot machine, miraculously finding a good combination after who knows how many hours, and then being fine when that gets thrown in the garbage -  and no, not a simple disposition change, but by literally killing an entire mechanic.

No mechanics have been killed here, only dispositions have been changed. If however you're referring to the changes from the melee update then I don't know what you would have expected to change as the update was beneficial to all melee weapons. Also if you don't approve of the Riven grind then either don't engage with it as Rivens are a pure luxury to have or go make a feedback proposal in the appropriate forums.

18 minutes ago, SeRialPiXel said:

Are you telling me that Lich aren't an RNG hell right now? For real? You have to pray the gods to find the right combinations of murmurs while getting no rewards whatsoever for all the time you have to sink into it besides an item that you must unlock in order to progess in the game. Like, really?

They have rng, sure, but the amount has been reduced with each major patch related to them so far and the total rng is still far less than other systems. You still get rewarded from everything their missions normally reward, Requiem Relics, an amount of Kuva, and the Liches also have their Ephemera drops. And the mastery locked behind them is literally less than 1% of the total non-exclusive mastery currently available in game anyways on top of there not even being a practical reason to having 100% of all available mastery. But again if you do want it then the grind to get the weapons is nothing relative to the 80 forma cost they come with so I still don't see how this complaint is remotely valid.

Also murmurs aren't rng, the Requiem combination is.

Edited by trst
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1 hour ago, SeRialPiXel said:

Just went into the plains to test a few things and brought my shraksun amp. Well, I was about to smash my monitor. New self stuns are horrible. Who thought this was okay while testing it? Shraksun isn't the best amp, but that's no excuse for murdering it the way they did. Every single shot right now gives you a stun, because as soon as it hits the Eidolon (and you HAVE to maintain a certain distance to it in order to hit) you get staggered and can't do anything. This KILLS the pace of the game and makes it impossible to have any sort of fun.

Wonder why Veterans leave? Here's a quick list of things I can come up off the top of my head that have been nerfed without any consideration for those who spent valuable time and effort in it:
-Whips/rivens in general! Spent precious time grinding kuva to roll that sweet Scoliac riven? It's now garbage! Enjoy!
-Chroma! Spent an Umbral Forma on that sweet Chroma Prime? Go make a coffee while that vex armor builds up without any self damage!
-Blink/Itzal! Blink was an essential part of Eidolon runs? We don't even know what that is! NERF!
-Raids Lmao who even plays those, let's get rid of them!
-Kuva Liches Perfect! Let's bring in something cool now. Let's give these dedicated players something to sink their time to keep them busy until we release a new update in seventy months. How do we do that? Simple! Lock Mastery Rank behind insane RNG grind! (really, find me one person who enjoys hunting liches.)

Keep killing systems which require skill and something to master and become good at, while promoting braindead RNG farms like Railjack and Kuva Liches. Good job, once again.

On a sidenote however the arcanes changes and the enemy rebalancing plus status changes were a brave choice and felt like a breath of fresh air. A non sarcastic good job at least on that.

Whips require skill? roflmao.

No, no they do not. Not even kind of. Smashing a macro like an angry marmoset is not even kind of skill, much less a "skill requirement".

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3 minutes ago, Thexlawx said:

Man, this thread is same over and over and annoying as hell. You can still do 3 runs in one night without Meta.

When people can currently do 6 runs a night consistently doing 3 in a night is a 50% loss of efficiency. Not sure what your point is.

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2 minutes ago, Cpurdy777 said:

When people can currently do 6 runs a night consistently doing 3 in a night is a 50% loss of efficiency. Not sure what your point is.

Does it really take that much time to build up Vex Armor at the beginning? because I think it takes more time to gather the lures, MAYBE Chroma shouldn't be the one getting the lures if they tend to equip archwings between each Eidolon specially, Chroma should be using K-Drive and only gather the ones closest to the spawn point.

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1 hour ago, SeRialPiXel said:

(really, find me one person who enjoys hunting liches.)

I do

1 hour ago, SeRialPiXel said:

Keep killing systems which require skill and something to master and become good at, while promoting braindead RNG farms like Railjack and Kuva Liches. Good job, once again.

Now people are saying things require skill and something to master and become good at when they used to say this game is braindead?

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