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Open Call for Warframe Theme Ideas!


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Warframe Theme: SPIDER (You guys haven't made a spider-type warframe yet!)

Possible Warframe name: Arachne

I've always wanted a four-armed warframe that resembles a spider. A warframe that is capable of wielding 2 separate primaries (regardless of the weapon type), 2 secondaries (up to four secondaries, assuming both secondaries are dual type), and 2 melee weapons (melee weapons may need to vary because I have no idea how that would work).

And this wouldn't be a stupid timed ability, that's just how the warframe would be from the start. Maybe it could be considered the warframe's passive ability. Either way, it would not consume energy, it's just how the warframe is built. And let me be clear, this would not duplicate the players primary/secondary weapon, the player would actually equip two SEPARATE primary and secondary weapons in the arsenal (and also two melee weapons, if you guys can figure that out).

And the only downside would be that the player couldn't aim while playing as this warframe (because Left-Click would control the left weapon, and Right-Click would control the right weapon). 

I really just want to see warframes that are TRULY different from one another. Too many warframes only "look" a little different and they just have different abilities.

On a side-note, perhaps the warframe would also have multiple legs and would be capable of walking on walls and ceilings limitlessly.

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On 2020-03-07 at 12:53 AM, [DE]Helen said:





アビリティを使用することによって、warframeの形と強化されるポイントが、3種類に変わる。  プライマリとセカンダリの強化がされる射撃モード、近接武器の強化がされるモード、移動速度が上がるモード、4番で無敵もしくはシールドが2倍になって体のアーマーからミサイルを撃つ



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A bomb maker/fireworks Warframe, that takes inspiration in terms of looks from Chinese and Japanese traditional fireworks makers. It could make for some fun times and cool graphics and sounds.

I know DE didn't ask for abilities, but to give an idea of the possibilities I kind of imagine a frame that 'charged' an enemy, sort of like Saryn's Spore and Nova's slow attack. Eventually the enemy 'explodes', taking and spreading damage, and any enemies hit by the explosion also get charged. In the grand finale, all the charges go up at once. 

And like...a passive that buffed explosive weapon damage and reduced falloff would be kind of apropos right now...

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How about an Art based frame.

My idea would be that "it" would use an exalted  tool ( like a pen or brush but obviously a lot cooler) 

This frame has kind of a split personality and you could choose if it was calm or angry this would effect what it would draw/paint or w/e and this in turn would make it either a support or aggressive frame.

1st power: inspiration. Marks targets around the frame, when the targets are killed it gives stacks of a blood ink which would be used to activate your other powers. ( Marked targets would be shown to team mates too)

2nd power: would use 1 stack to switch from calm to angry or visa Versa and depending would also give a buff, if you switch to angry you get a speed buff and from angry to calm would give a defence buff.

3rd power: select from three choices (like wisps cabbages) that differ when calm or angry

Calm: 1 pond: paints a small body of water (effected by range) that would buff allies that enter (not sure what buffs tho)

Calm: 2 bees: flicks the ink into the air creating a swarm of pretty insects that will swarm around yourself and allies reducing incoming DMG.

Calm 3:  sketch: creates a sketch of a random Warframe that acts like a decoy.

Angry 1 pond: instead of allies being buffed the pond inflicts an elemental dot based on your energy colour to any enemies inside the aoe.

Angry 2 wasps: the flicks of ink turn into a wasp swarm that cling to nearby enemies causing panic.   

Angry 3 sketch: you sketch a random enemy that if attacked by yourself or team gives a buff. (Can also be shot through allowing strategic placement) 

4th power: exalted tool will be used like a melee weapon each swing would use a stack of ink, the ink would shoot from the tool like a wave hitting an ally gives a stacking buff in calm but would do heavy damage in angry form.

Well it's incredibly rough but that's my idea. 

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On 2020-03-06 at 8:53 AM, [DE]Helen said:


We’re calling upon the Warframe community to create the next Warframe! You can stay up-to-date on the design phases in the official Community-Designed Warframe thread.

The theme is the foundation of every Warframe’s design. Over the years, we have seen countless fantastic ideas in the Fan Concepts subforum and across the Internet. That creativity is what we’ll need to breathe life into this Warframe! Share with us a Warframe theme you’d like to see inspire the next design.

How to submit:

In this thread, share a description of a Warframe theme that you would like to see in-game!

We aren’t considering Abilities during this design phase. First, it’s all about a strong theme! Expound your idea and make it the best it can be.


  • One submission per player.
  • Theme can’t be changed after it is submitted. You may edit your post to make small changes like fixing typos. "Reason for edit" will be reviewed.
  • If there are duplicate theme submissions, only the one that was first posted will be considered - we’ll be watching!
  • Theme idea must be original. Your submission can be from a post you made elsewhere as long as it’s your own!
  • Details like back stories might be altered by the Dev Team as needed to ensure consistency with Warframe’s overall design.
  • Concept art can be included in submissions but will not be considered in the final design or when selecting the final theme.
  • Do not reserve spots in this thread.
  • Only post submissions in this thread.
  • Submissions that do not follow these guidelines will not be considered.
  • Chosen submission becomes property of Digital Extremes.

We understand that we can’t avoid duplicate Warframe theme submissions, so please do your best to submit a theme that has yet to be presented, and we’ll do our best when sorting through to ensure there is a fair opportunity for all!

Selecting the Final Theme:

Call for submissions will close on Thursday, March 19 at 1:00pm ET.

After reviewing all theme submissions, the Warframe Team will choose a Top 10 to present to the Design Council!

The Design Council will then vote to determine the winning Warframe theme. Design Council voting will begin on Friday, March 20 at 1:00PM ET and run until Thursday, March 26 at 1:00PM ET.

After the Theme is Chosen:

Community artist, Eornheit will create the Warframe’s official design based on the chosen theme! Once the design is complete, we will make an open call to the community once again to design the Warframe’s Abilities. Follow each phase here!

The community-created Warframe’s name and final design will be revealed on Saturday, July 11th during the TennoCon 2020 Live Stream!


Let us hear your Warframe ideas, Tenno!




Darkness/ The manipulation of light and enemy psyche to create an artificial darkness (both physical and psychological) that the user can take advantage of.


Examples include (but are not limited to):

  • Teleportation

  • Stealth

  • Enemy debuffs (lethargy, unwillingness to engage in combat, etc.)

  • Extreme violence

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There are 2languages Japanese & English .

(Japanese ver)



母なる大地を象徴するツヴァイは万能フレームとして活躍します⑴ELEMENT(3つの効果:回復/攻撃/防御のいずれかのバフを味方に与える/長押しでアビリティ効果変化が可能)CONDUCT(周囲の敵の攻撃を無効化し吸収した分をエネルギーに変換し味方に分け与える)DRAGON BUMP(大地を隆起させ、うねるように地面を変形させる。この範囲内にいる敵はしばらくの間ノックダウン状態となる)PRAZMA(漂うプラズマを集めて一気に放出し敵に電気と火炎の持続ダメージを与え続ける。長押しで敵を引き寄せ放射能の持続ダメージを与えることも出来る)




吸血鬼のように敵の精神を貪り喰らうその姿は敵の血を一滴も残さずに搾り取ります⑴CURSE(コウモリを敵に飛ばし呪いの効果を与えます。効果時間中には混乱と持続切断ダメージを与えます。)FEEDING(敵のヘルスを吸い取り自分の体力を回復させます。⑴の効果時間中に発動すると広範囲ボーナスが付与されます。)BAT ATTACK(コウモリの群れを連れて、広範囲の前方に向かって範囲攻撃を仕掛けます。⑴の効果時間中に発動すると広範囲ボーナスが付与されます。)DARKNIGHT(月夜に紛れたVampireからは誰からも逃れることは出来ません。黒い霧を広範囲に発生させ腐食ダメージを持続的に与え続けます。⑴の効果時間中に発動すると広範囲ボーナスが付与されます。)


巨人の名を冠するユミルは巨大化した身体を駆使して戦います。⑴Scream(ユミルが睡眠から覚めて叫び声を響かせた時に敵は恐怖心を覚えます。ユミルが睡眠状態に入り受けたダメージの分だけ攻撃力が上がります。※再発動でリセット可能)Gigant Impact(巨大な身体の一部を出現させ広範囲に攻撃を仕掛けます。両手/両足/:叫び声のいずれかから任意で選択出来ます※トグル式アビリティ)Divide(自身のエネルギーを消費する代わりにユミルに与えられている上昇効果を味方に加算します。)Tirant(暴れ始めたユミルを誰にも止めることは出来ません。シールドを向上させ全ての攻撃速度が上昇します。)






鏡を使った彼女の攻撃はいかなる攻撃も跳ね返し、いかなる防御も壊滅させる。⑴Sunlight(太陽の光を照射し盲目にさせる。)Mirroring(写し取った敵の能力値をそのまま自身に加算する)Magatama(勾玉を出現させ味方に装甲値を上昇させる)Orochi Sword(浮遊する大剣で敵を薙ぎ払う)









Burst Rise(自分の能力値を下げる代わりに時間が経つにつれて最大値まで能力値が上昇するバフを味方全員に付与する、発動時に敵はよろめく)Phoenix Blaze(目の前に燃え続ける炎を出し、通った敵を燃やし尽くす。最大で4つ設置可能)Resurrection(アビリティ⑵を発動中に発動し効果時間中に炎の中に入ると装甲値と体力を回復させる。味方にも同様の効果を与える)Fire Storm(自分を中心に広範囲の炎の竜巻を発生させる。発動後に⑴を発動すると膨張し超広範囲に炎の風を浴びせる)




Hack(ハッキング時間を延長する。5%の確率で自動でアンロックされる)Package(備えあれば憂いなし。対象に向かって放つと回復する。対象がいない場合は自分が回復する)Trap(見えないトラップを置き敵を足止めします。長押しすると敵を弾き出すレーザートラップを仕掛けます※チャージ式アビリティ)Pro Thief(逃げ足なら誰にも負けません。目標地点にワープをします。発動毎に移動速度も追加上昇します。この効果は味方にも適用されます)



鬼の形相をした恐ろしい見た目のDAEMONは妖怪を繰り出し敵の精神を侵していく⑴Apparition(妖怪を出現させる。自分の周囲15m範囲内の敵に自動攻撃する。最大で4体を出すことが可能です)⑵Roar(雄叫びを上げて自分の攻撃力と攻撃速度を上げます)⑶Absorption(妖怪を吸収して身体を大きくします。移動速度が減少する代わりに装甲値が上昇し、どんな衝撃にもよろめくことはありません)⑷Spike Hammer(巨大な棘の付いたハンマーを取り出し衝撃波を放ちます。エネルギーが消費し続ける間はハンマーを使用することが出来ます。妖怪に当てると周囲に爆発ダメージを与えます)




(English ver)

New frame: Zwei female frame
 * Passive: Increases shield / armor / strength on maps where the ground is exposed.
 Zwei, a symbol of Mother Earth, acts as an all-purpose frame.EMENT ELEMENT (3 effects: Healing / attacking / defending buffs to allies / press and hold to change ability effects) ⑵ CONDUCT (surrounding enemies 攻 撃 DRAGON BUMP (Elevates the ground and deforms the ground to undulate. Enemies within this area will be knocked down for a while) ⑷PRAZMA (  Collects floating plasma and emits it all at once, continuously damaging the enemy with electricity and flames.A long press can also attract the enemy and cause sustained radiation damage.)
 The origin of the name is Drill from the bump of the earth → Hairstyle of TwinTail → Named ZWEI from two
 Second new frame: Vampire masculine frame * Passive: Automatically regenerates health when in shadow
 A figure that devours the enemy's spirit like a vampire squeezes out the enemy's blood without leaving a single drop. CURSE (Batters bats against the enemy and gives a curse effect.  ⑵ ⑵ FEEDING (Recovers your health by absorbing the enemy's health. If activated during the effect time of ⑴, a wide range bonus will be given.) ⑶ BAT ATTACK (Take a bat swarm and head forward in a wide area  A range bonus will be granted if activated during the duration of ⑴.) RK DARKNIGHT (No one can escape from Vampire lost in the moonlight. Widespread black fog and corrosion  (It will continue to deal damage. If activated during the duration of 効果, a wide range bonus will be given.)
 Third new frame: Ymir male frame * Passive: Moves faster as you take damage
 Ymir, who bears the name of a giant, fights using a giant body.  ⑴Scream (The enemy is afraid when Ymir wakes up from sleep and shouts. The attack power increases by the amount of damage that Ymir entered while sleeping. * Resettable by reactivation) ⑵ Gigant Impact (Huge  Appears a part of the body and launches an attack on a wide area.Hands / feet / face: You can choose from any of the screaming * Toggle type ability) Divide (given to Ymir instead of consuming your own energy)  Adds the rising effect to allies.) ⑷Tirant (No one can stop Ymir from rampaging. Improve the shield and increase all attack speeds.)
 4th new frame: Visnu male type frame * Passive: Color changes attribute damage
 The appearance of landing on the battlefield is an incarnation of destruction, and the glittering decorations defeat the enemy's will to fight.  ⑴Syamantaka (syamantaka affects the surroundings from the jewel on the wrist. In a wide area, all allies will buff shields and enemy armor values will be buffed during the duration of the effect) ス Influences the surrounding gem from the jewel that is being spilled.Allies will automatically regenerate health during the effect time within the range. ⑶ Sacrifice (increases power by sacrifice. Duration depends on the number of enemies killed)  During the attack, your own attack power rises. * You can reset by reactivating) 動 Ending (manipulate the time to end this world, eat the enemy in despair. When activated, create a black hole that sucks the enemy,  If you keep pressing it, it will continue to inflict chain damage to nearby enemies as much as you spend energy.)
 Fifth new frame: Amaterasu female frame * Passive: enemies within 8m range will be blinded
 Her attacks with mirrors bounce off any attacks and destroy any defenses.  ⑴Sunlight (to illuminate the sun and make it blind) ⑵Mirroring (to add the captured enemy's ability value to itself) ⑶Magatama (to make a magatama and to increase the armor value to the ally)  (Strike down enemies)
 Sixth new frame: Chaos male type frame
 * Passive: Over time, the prototype of your frame is exposed and your armor decreases to the lower limit.  The same effect is applied to enemies within 30m.
 It was sealed because it was too dangerous, but wakes up one day
 ⑴ Leviathan (Leviathan cuts armor value regardless of ally and enemy and fills his armor value) ⑵ Tarascon (Tarascon reduces his armor value and increases attack / movement / loading speed during the effect time) ⑶  Needs Heg (Nidhaegg keeps increasing its attack power for the duration of the effect, as much as the ally's health including himself decreases * Reset by reactivation) 動 Uroboros (Uroboros transforms into a monster while continuing to consume energy  (It will be erased without any trace on the road you have passed. * You can reset it with reactivation)
 Seventh new frame: Phoenix women's frame
 She means resurrection and renewal, she revives many times and elevates her ally * Passive: 3 times immortal
 ⑴ Burst Rise (Instead of lowering your own stats, give all allies a buff that increases to their maximum value over time, enemies stagger when activated) ⑵ Phoenix Blaze (Blows out a burning flame in front of you,  Burns out enemies that have passed through. Up to 4 can be installed. ⑶Resurrection (Ability 発) Activates while activated and enters the flame during the effect duration to restore armor and health.  ) ⑷Fire Storm (generates a tornado of a wide range of flames around itself. After activation, activate ⑴ to expand and bathe in a super wide range of flame wind)
 Eighth new frame: Hermes male frame * Passive: Enters stealth when hacked
 You are a master stealing missions and performing missions safely for your precious purpose
 ⑴Hack (extends hacking time; automatically unlocks with a 5% chance) ⑵Package (does not worry if you have it. Heals you when you fire it toward the target.  Place an empty trap to stop the enemy.Long press and set up a laser trap to pop out the enemy * Charge type ability) ⑷ Pro Thief (If you run away, you will not lose to anyone. Warp to the target point. Move every activation  (The speed also increases. This effect also applies to allies.)
 Ninth new frame: Daemon male frame * Passive: Recover your health by the damage dealt by the youkai
 A terrifying looking DAEMON in the form of a demon will unleash a monster and invade the enemy's spirit.  ⑵⑵Roar (Raise your scream to increase your attack power and attack speed) ⑶Absorption (Absorb your monsters to increase your body. Instead of decreasing movement speed, increase armor value and stagger against any impact あ り Spike Hammer (takes out a giant spiked hammer and emits a shock wave. You can use a hammer while energy consumption continues. If you hit a monster, it will explode around you)
 10th new frame: Lilith female frame * Passive: Tempts all enemies within 5m range to sleep for 3 seconds.
 The most attractive Lilith in the frame is the elimination of the enemy's will to fight, and even the allies have a beautiful ⑴HeartKiss.  Medium, puts the enemy into a sleep state. Allies have the effect of automatically restoring their physical strength.) OKittenVoice (A cute voice like a kitten keeps the enemy off guard. During the effective time, the enemy's attack power and attack speed are reduced. 減少 Dance (She dances to the eyes of all who see it. Enemies and allies outside of the specified range will increase their movement speed while trying to see the dance. シ ー ル ド Legacy (Beautiful she invites you to the repose of mercy with mercy. It will continue to inflict penetrating damage around your heart and exhaust energy.  Lycee  When her until the door be activated .⑴⑵⑶ in triggering that will continue to dance temptation effect will be enhanced each other)

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I always wanted to come up with a frame idea. I brought together a few ideas because I feel like there are some things that would be cool in the game. Firstly, I think there should be more frames with exalted weapons. Secondly, I felt that it made no sense to have no stand-ins for nekros while we already got one for hydroid. This idea is the Entropy frame, Tyrus.


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I am dying to have a Beast-themed Warframe!!! One that can run on all fours on the floor, walls and ceiling. Pounce on enemies, ripping them apart with a giant mawed helmet and large claws, like a savage beast tearing into the carcass of its prey. Something like Furion, the fan-made concept by Daemonstar.

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A Warframe that uses powers based upon the animals of "Ancient Earth". 

Concept is an idea similar to Vixen of the DC Universe. 

This Warframe can use the spirits of animals/ beast that Earth once had.

An animal spirit could embody the frame and allows the Warframe to use the animal's abilities. Animals like Elephants, Rhinos, Tigers, Bears, Cheetahs, Eagles, etc, etc.

The different move-sets could be based off of different animals as well. For instance, moves like an Elephant/ Rhino Charge, Hippo Chomp, Cheetah's Speed, Tiger's Jump.

This frame could maybe fly with the powers of Earth's "Ancient" birds like Eagles, Falcons, Hawks. 

And when entering the water, maybe the powers of marine animals like Sharks, Dolphins, Octopus and Squids. 

Maybe abilities of unique creatures could even be incorporated or used for the frames instead.

For instance, Echolocation skills of Bats could be a skill and maybe the frame can sense enemies nearby and/or see enemies through walls at a certain distance.

Ideas from Animals: Electricity from Electric Eels, Echolocation of Bats, Pit Vipers can see Infrared, Ibex Mountain Goats can scale Vertical Cliffs, Venom of Snakes, Strength of Elephants/ Rhinos, Roars of Tigers, Jumps from Jaguars/ Tigers, Speed of Cheetahs, Chomp of Hippo/ Crocodile, etc, etc. 

ALL IN ALL, an Earth animal based Warframe. 

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Name: Golem.

Appearance: a very thick male, I mean thicker than any of those that exist for now. Roundish body that may remind a modern 21st century sapper dressed in mine defusing armor.

Theme: the feature of this warframe is that he is closer to a regular trooper-soldier than any of others. This warframe model could be the first ever created (at least, as a prototype) and because of lack of engineering experience designed for straightforward battles, so that's why it's both very tough and immobile and relies more on armory and ammunition, than on energy abilities. Unlike other warframes, Golem uses energy to perform complex movements (like wallrunning for example), but he is still able to run, roll, jump and do other more or less simple movements, though even those go awkard; also instead of energy his abilities require regular pistol/shotgun/rifle/sniper ammunition boxes that can be found during the mission.

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Tesseract, the spatial distortion frame.

With flesh of infinite geometry, and skin like a mirror into the void, Tesseract forever walks between the physical and beyond. Her form in this world is even more of a puppet than most infested golems, composed of clean porcelain-like lines and faint moving ripples in the void, but alters to suit the powers she uses.
Tesseract's state of being focuses around the bending of reality and her puppet body. On the offensive, she can pull or twist the fabric of space itself into a cutting edge or point, and just as easily into a reflective barrier to protect herself, but her more esoteric abilities are not without risk. To employ on her more potent abilities, Tesseract must draw upon her true body, which lives within the void - in doing so she may bend time and gravity with her very hands, at the expense of disabling her substantial shield protection.

Tesseract is what stares back from the void, a guardian of lost causes, but her vigil must never rest lest the walls of the void come upon her.

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I want a warframe that strong in the fight against the majority and indiscriminately use ability.
For example, a passive that reduces ability's cooldown and recovers warframe's energy in proportion to the quasi-damage.

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Hi, i will love to see a shapeshifter based warframe, 1st  ability  ELUSION: when this aura is active the nearby enemies have -40% probability of hitting(in a 20 meter area, you can extend with mod the radius, and give aura to allies by touching them), 2nd ability WILD CALL: whistle to call a crow  (Condroc from the plains), 3rd ability REBIRTH: turns bodies into skeletons ( 3 skeleton max), 4th ability SHAPESHIFTER: change your shape into that of a bear. This warframe aim to be a close contact one, you have companions that allow you to go nearby enemies easier, fragile if enemies are all around you and you have no energy. When you reach the close distance transform yourself into a very beast and slice horde of enemies. The energy in this warframe is splitted in two, half is red and half is normal color,abilities use both, you can recharge the red one killing enemies and the other half with orbs.  Bye everytenno 😄

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I don't even know if this'll be seen, but I'm gonna go ahead and put the idea out there...


A wildman Warframe. A Bear-serker, if you will, in which the whole theme is a warframe of the forest and wilderness in which they will grab and fling and destroy anything they deem a threat to themselves, their allies, and most importantly, the fauna around them. 

This is different from Oberron, the Fairy King, in which his keywords are "Avenger of Beasts"

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A blade master warframe

has more than 4 exalted blade/knife that he can use at the same time(depends on pwr str)

passive:  the blade that is stuck to an enemy will suck their health and the blade uses the stolen health to add base healt to the warframe


launch all of his blade to his enemy and re-cast to recall them for double damage


deflect all incoming bullet and melee attack from all direction9depends on how many blade you have


teleport to the blade that you have thrown,if the blade is stuck to an enemy you will do an instant finisher


slice your enemy with the blade floating around you(like gara blade storm but now you can actually control them like an exalted weapons)


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On 2020-03-06 at 9:53 AM, [DE]Helen said:


We’re calling upon the Warframe community to create the next Warframe! You can stay up-to-date on the design phases in the official Community-Designed Warframe thread.

The theme is the foundation of every Warframe’s design. Over the years, we have seen countless fantastic ideas in the Fan Concepts subforum and across the Internet. That creativity is what we’ll need to breathe life into this Warframe! Share with us a Warframe theme you’d like to see inspire the next design.

How to submit:

In this thread, share a description of a Warframe theme that you would like to see in-game!

We aren’t considering Abilities during this design phase. First, it’s all about a strong theme! Expound your idea and make it the best it can be.


  • One submission per player.
  • Theme can’t be changed after it is submitted. You may edit your post to make small changes like fixing typos. "Reason for edit" will be reviewed.
  • If there are duplicate theme submissions, only the one that was first posted will be considered - we’ll be watching!
  • Theme idea must be original. Your submission can be from a post you made elsewhere as long as it’s your own!
  • Details like back stories might be altered by the Dev Team as needed to ensure consistency with Warframe’s overall design.
  • Concept art can be included in submissions but will not be considered in the final design or when selecting the final theme.
  • Do not reserve spots in this thread.
  • Only post submissions in this thread.
  • Submissions that do not follow these guidelines will not be considered.
  • Chosen submission becomes property of Digital Extremes.

We understand that we can’t avoid duplicate Warframe theme submissions, so please do your best to submit a theme that has yet to be presented, and we’ll do our best when sorting through to ensure there is a fair opportunity for all!

Selecting the Final Theme:

Call for submissions will close on Thursday, March 19 at 1:00pm ET.

After reviewing all theme submissions, the Warframe Team will choose a Top 10 to present to the Design Council!

The Design Council will then vote to determine the winning Warframe theme. Design Council voting will begin on Friday, March 20 at 1:00PM ET and run until Thursday, March 26 at 1:00PM ET.

After the Theme is Chosen:

Community artist, Eornheit will create the Warframe’s official design based on the chosen theme! Once the design is complete, we will make an open call to the community once again to design the Warframe’s Abilities. Follow each phase here!

The community-created Warframe’s name and final design will be revealed on Saturday, July 11th during the TennoCon 2020 Live Stream!


Let us hear your Warframe ideas, Tenno!

Can do a shadow frame, can be related to the stalker and be the frame the has the head of the stalker

1 ability: shadow shot it'll be a single shot of shadow power and leave the enemy paralyzed for a certain amount of time 

2nd ability: shadow sphere blinds all enemies in a certain range

3rd ability: shadow walker warframe cases itself in shadows moving faster and harder to detect in dark area

4th ability: shadow control warframe controls the enemies around it and damage them also copying the player movements and attacks the same enemy 

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How about a frame that consumes ore (eg azurite, pyrol etc) and receives different abilities or buffs depending on which one is consumed. Like consuming azurite can give it a larger energy pool or give it more shields. The change in abilities is temporary (1 day duration) but can be changed throughout the day.

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