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sorry my English is weak I used a translator

У меня такая идея. 1скилл - становится туманом на 2 секунды и может переместится рывком в ту сторону которую смотрит  

2скилл - тут 2 события, 1)если варфрейм вселяется во врага(управляет вражеским юнитом, но при этом если данного юнита атаковать то юнит получает 60% урона) то получает полный контроль вражеского юнита(постепенно расходует энергию), сбрасывая с себя все негативные эффекты, 2) либо варфрейм может окутать облаком защиты союзника(союзник получает только 40% урона, при этом варфрейм наносит урон в области и роняет врагов). 

3скилл - покрывает себя полем которое отражает 20% атак(на 20сек). 

4скилл - тут 2 события 1)если игрок вселился во врага то при активации он может наносить постепенный урон юниту, союзников с него начинают падать сферы здоровья или же лечит 50 едениц здоровья в секунду. 2) если игрок не вселялся во врага то он испускает волнами !пронзающий урон! и постепенно расходует энергию.


I have this idea. 1 skill-becomes a fog for 2 seconds and can move with a jerk in the direction that looks

2скилл - there are 2 events, 1)if warframe dwell into the enemy(controls an enemy unit, but if this unit attack that unit gets 60% damage), then gets full control of an enemy unit(more energy), relieving itself of all the negative effects, 2) or warframe can envelop a cloud, protect ally(ally gets only 40% damage, with secondary damage in the field and drops enemies).

3 skill-covers itself with a field that reflects 20% of attacks(for 20 seconds).

4skill - here 2 events 1)if the player has moved into the enemy, then when activated, he can cause gradual damage to the unit, allies begin to fall from it health spheres or treats 50 health units per second. 2) if the player is not possessed by the enemy, it emits waves !piercing damage! and gradually consumes energy.

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A warframe that was intercepted by the griner and tried to completely change it by creating a robot, but subsequently it was repelled and retained its shape 50-50 (50% warframe, 50 from parts of the grineer or something like that.

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Inaros wasn't the only one in the deserts of Mars.There was a sister and some say from her the modern Kavat was born. Feline and fierce, sly and deadly, charming until her claws are sunk deep and the enemies blood falls freely. The Kavat's call her Queen.

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So I say a concept here? 

Alright then so when I joined warframe I made a fun little idea of a support kinda frame called Vira (you can change it) basically it had 3 forms 

1. Energetic 

2. Organic

3. Biological

Energetic form would have you constantly losing energy at a reasonable pace while others gain (like energy siphon) but you can regenerate energy by killing enemies

Organic is similar but to health and energy at a slower pace

Biological is energetic but with health

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A warframe that can make explosions


Has a helmet that looks like a bomb with a string and has a belt with explosives around him. Hes kind of a pirate


Passive: when landing from 30 meter jump, makes an explosion that pushes and damages enemies


Ability 1: Throws a bomb that can shatter into sharp fragments in a medium range


Ability 2: decreases taken damage for a short amount of Time and after its expiration, creates an explosion. Its damage is based on how damage youve taken.


Ability 3: creates a small cannon that shoots Cannonballs that go through the enemies. It can be destroyed by the enemies though.


Ability 4: turns himself into a round bomb that can be controllable. Creates a big explosion. Detonates if time expires or gets activated again by using the ability.

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A warframe once out of control and consumed by infested, becoming a beast move like infested charger. Then it modified by a wild Sentient (like tridolon) and transfer back into Human form. But it is still out of control, the beast in its mind fighting with its human mind, the fight between slaughtering and saving every life form. Then Yukai hide in the LUA, meditation to comfort itself and becoming a Meikyo Shisui (明鏡止水)

Gain 1 ghost fire per enemy kill
Melee Damage increase by the numbers of ghost fire in Izanagi form
Ability Damage increase by the numbers of ghost fire in Izanami form

Izanagi Form -
[1] Decedent
Switch to beast-like  Izanagi forms (ref Nine tail), create a small area terror to causing enemies to run away in terror. Temporarily gaining bonus attack speed and armor in Izanagi-Form, or bonus shield and movement speed in Izanami-Form.
In Izanami form, warframe can only using the fang as weapon and can run on the wall. (like parkour in the original Warframe movement style) The fang damage will be affected by Strength and element damage affected by energy color.

[2] Akki (惡鬼)
[Toggle] Create a Shadow on the back, duplicate evey melee attack of the warframe.
The damage base on the energy color (ref. Chroma)
Strength : damage, status Chance
Range : Shadow size and attack range
Duration : energy drain
Efficiency : initial energy cost

[3] Tsukuyomi (月読)
Create a AOE under the warframe and freeze all enemies within the area.
While “Akki” is active, the Shadow will deal a range attack to all freeze enemies once a while.
Strength : -
Range : Effect Area
Duration : Freeze duration
Efficiency : Energy cost

[4] Tenchu (天誅)
Target a enemy, all enemy in range will float up and trap by rock, dealing continue damage.
After a certain time/active the ability again, the rock will drop on the ground and blow up, creating a blast area with heat DOT damage in the area.
Consume all Ghost fire when the ability active, more Ghost fire consume will higher the damage of Tenchu.
Strength : damage
Range : Effect Area and DOT area
Duration : Trap duration and DOT area duration
Efficiency : Energy cost

Izanagi form -
[1] Ascendant
Switch to Human like Izanami form, create a small area blast to stun the enemies in area
temporarily gaining bonus attack speed and armor in Izanagi-Form, or bonus shield and movement speed in Izanami-Form.

[2] Akuryo (悪霊)
The Ghost fire on the tails will start auto shooting at the enemy in range dealing the same element damage respectively to the energy color. Small AOE damage on projectile impact on enemy.
The more Ghost fire(PASSIVE) the higher attack speed
Strength : damage, status Chance
Range : Shooting range and AOE range
Duration : energy drain
Efficiency : initial energy cost

[3] Mangetsu (満月)
Dash in a round area, then continue dealing slash damage in the area. Dealing element damage base on enegy color at the end of the AOE.
Strength : Damage per sec + Final damage
Range : Effect Area
Duration : Duration of dealing slash damage
Efficiency : Energy cost

[4] Bhavacakra (六道輪廻)
Emitting a powerful Void beam in front of the warframe. Enemy near the beam will be tear into the beam. 
Consume all Ghost fire when the ability active, more Ghost fire consume will higher the damage of Bhavacakra.
Can’t move when the ability is active.
Strength : Damage 
Range : AOE Area
Duration : energy drain
Efficiency : initial energy cost

Sorry for S#&$ drawing, the present of the Ghost fire:

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How about a Warframe that works kind of like the T1000 from terminator? Like it has a special unarmed melee that causes it’s arm to extend into a blade that will pierce enemies and it can camouflage as an enemy to sneak passed security lines.

OH!! It can be named Terminuz Ex. That sounds cool. 

back story is that he was a warframe captured by Corvus and experimented on for espionage purposes but things went wrong during the brainwashing stage and Terminuz escaped.

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A shapeshifting frame 

One with a built in melee weapon like garuda that you can use if you don't have another melee weapon equipped, but in stead of claws it would be like the entire arm turns into a blade.

A warframe that could mimic the appearance of the enemies it consumes or stealth attacks like it's passive. A warframe that's stealthy when it can maintain stealth but tanky if it goes for direct combat.

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I can't keep myself from thinking about a shape shifting frame, but like two separate personalities each form. Fourth ability might be Shifting, cycling through two forms each use. If it's possible, abilities would alter as well, except 4th, for example in the first form, the styling and #1, #2, #3 abilities would be stealthy, and in the second form it'd be like a warrior or berserker. Or another idea, second form might be kinda mimic, mimicking another frame from squad, played selected like mods or randomly choosen, using it's first three abilities. Long story short, I'd madly love a shape shifting frame which also can alter abilities to forms. A name I can think of is Morphoid, or Morphax

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How about an Barrel themed Warframe

His stats

Health: 350

Shield: 250

Armor :125

Energie :500

Speed : 

when walking: slower than the slowest Warframe

when running: he climbs into his barrel and rolls like Grendel with his 4.

These are my ideas for the abilities 

1. Barrel Bongo 

The Warframe takes his barrel of his back slams it on the ground and starts beating on it 

In an AoE enemies will be stunned and frown over and teammates will get armor and attack buffs depending on the amount of enemies that are in the AoE 

Max. Duration : 3. seconds

Energy cost : 25

2. Barrel Roll

The Warframe takes his Barrel and swings it in the direction that he is looking and three smaller barrels roll out and seek out three separate entities 

Upon contact with an enemy the barrel will explode and give it in the case of survival an random elemental proc. 

Damage : 250

Energy cost : 50

3. Robo-monkeys

The Warframe takes his barrel, shakes it and then puts it on the ground and robotic monkeys start jumping out of the barrel and then attack any living enemy by jumping on them hitting them and finally ripping them apart 

Amount of Monkeys: 10

Damage per second: 20

Energie cost: 75 

4. Barrel Gun

(exalted weapon) (warning: modding this ability effects all abilities) 

The Warframe takes his barrel puts a held on the bottom of it, turns all of his energy into ammo and then can walk around shooting in different styles. 

Quick-Fire :

Used by : quickly pressing the shoot button again and again. 

Shot-type : shotgun 

Effect : none

Damage : 80

Ammo consumption : 1 per shot

Slow fire :

Used by : holding and then releasing the shoot button. 

Shot-type : grenade launcher ( bounces) 

Effect: massive cnock-back and explosion damage 

Damage : 400 

Ammo consumption : 10 


Used by: holding and releasing the ability button 

The Warframe rips the held off and throws the entire barrel into the direction that he is looking. The barrel then explodes in a massive AoE

Ammo consumption : all of the current ammo. 

Effect : explosion damage and a massive random elemental proc that lasts till the enemy's death.

Damage : 100 per piece of ammo used 

Downside : No ability can be used for 10 seconds as the barrel is destroyed and the frame also cannot run 

Passive effect :

60% damage reduction while walking


Note: all of the stats listed above are fully maxed out 







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How about a Puppeteer frame that has a few puppets that he can change in battle, that fight for him like a compain, buff him and or take controll of enemys so that they fight for him. Passiv could be something like that strings from his body lay round him and take life/energie when touched by an enemy.

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Man-spider themed Warframe. Can climb walls, hang from ceilings and eats enemies for health though that would be single target unlike Grendel.  Stealth attacks would be able to be initiated from those places.

Most abilities would deal toxin damage and corrosive because spidervenom dissolves insides.

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Frame that for their ultimate, transforms into a doggo and gets an entirely different moveset, loses ability to use guns, and faster run speed.   Like the Furion concept that has been around for ages.

(I know, a chunk of the furion ideas made it into Nidus, but not the coolest part.  Doggo mode.) 


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I had an idea for a Nuclear Reactor powered Warframe called Geiger. His design is like a hazmat suit with a reactor in his chest. As he uses abilities the heat builds up in the reactor until his 4 causes a massive explosion. He can also eject coolant rods from his body to cool down.

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Some theme ideas:

  • Computer virus/glitch. A warframe who intermingled with Orokin/Corpus computer systems a little too much, or was designed for information warware. Flickery pixely looks. Can fry anything computer-related by ease, also can draw info out of nearby terminals to figure out enemy weaknesses and thus boost damage.
  • A warframe with a large dinosaur-like tail. Grab it, whack it, smash it.
  • South American native theme (Aztec, Inca, Maya...) Maybe even a feathered dragon of their mythology? Possibly some kind of solar/fire powers, hidden knowledge, science. Visuals would be colorful and awesome at least.
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I got the idea for a Warframe that plays very differently from all the others and gives a different gameplay experience entirely:

Hush - The blind Warframe

When I say blind I don't mean completely blind, but it would have a different UI than all the others and experience the world in a different way visually. Everything is darker, colors are muted, you can't see very far. But Hush would have heightened other senses, being able to see enemies from far away from body temperature and seeing in which direction they're moving from heat signals. Sounds would be different as well, but also something that lets you track enemy movement. I'm envisioning a Warframe that can see through walls and use skills that confuse and misdirect enemies, a new stealth Warframe that doesn't rely on invisibility, who picks up on all sounds around them and tracks enemies like a silent hunter.

As a passive ability it could be something like giving innate punch-through to all silent weapons, allowing Hush to shoot through walls while staying out of their opponent's sight.

As active abilities, they could be built around first using a sort of low-cost "ping" to echo-locate enemies and make your surroundings more visually clear, something you're constantly doing. Then you'd have other abilities that interact with that. Dolphins, for example, can use a barrage of targeted sonar pings to paralyze fish and stun them so they can't escape. You could also have an ability that does one extremely loud AoE sonic spike, a "pop" of sorts that give all enemies around you various debilitating effects: some would get knocked down, others take damage, others have their accuracy depleted down to practically zero while they try to get their bearings straight. You could also have a skill where you activate some sort of "lock-on", which would give you homing projectiles against enemies you're currently tracking with your echo-location pings.

Hush would appear to be much more methodical in their approach than other Warframes, not relying on zooming around in all directions but rather standing still, listening, and picking their shots carefully. And when surrounded, detonating a massive blast of sound that paralyzes the enemies around them and finishing them off efficiently in a blaze of audio-visual chaos before returning to their world of darkness and silence. Going into operator mode with Hush would also be fun, suddenly seeing the world as it really is for a few moments before going back into the dark.

Story-wise, Hush would have been designed as an assassin, or someone you could send prowling into pitch-black caves where enemies would be in hiding. Not being concerned with the lack of vision, they would more from target to target and dispatch them before they could realize what was happening. And the few who did try to put up defenses found themselves paralyzed, deafened, losing their balance and unable to aim straight while the prowler approached.

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