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2020’s First Mainline: Review, Revise, Refresh: Part 3!


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On 2020/3/21 at 午前3時9分, [DE]Bear said:

Magus Lockdown has a reputation for being the CC and Damage meta, and after some review, it is not hard to see why. There are cases where Magus Lockdown has wiped entire waves of Elite Sanctuary Onslaught without the need for a weapon or a Warframe power and that is not what we had in mind for the design of this.

It is not correct.

Magus Lockdown has been explaining the puncture damage and cloud control from the beginning. This is the intended design.
Explaining that it was not intended now denies your actions.

Players quickly realized that Magus Lockdown could be used continuously to achieve high DPS.
Did you not foresee this?

If it's unfortunate to be misused by ESO, you'll need to set a tether mine cap, but removing damage is not good.

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14 hours ago, [DE]Bear said:

Gas Effects will continue to cause damage-over-time to targets even after the original target dies.

In case no one has asked, can you please please please do this for Ember's Inferno too. Specifically talking about the rings of fire. We must burn the corpses.

14 hours ago, [DE]Bear said:

Gas Status Area-of-Effect radius increases with the number of stacks

Scaling the area of effect radius for the rings with ability range would be nice too.

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14 hours ago, [DE]Bear said:

2. Gas Damage:
Gas damage has been reworked to have a radius stacking effect with a focus on how it continues to work after the death of an enemy who is affected by it. In short, this means the following changes have been made:

  • Gas Effects will continue to cause damage-over-time to targets even after the original target dies.
  • Gas Status Area-of-Effect radius increases with the number of stacks, to a max of 10 stacks.
  • Gas damage resistance has been removed from Toxic Ancient Auras. 

This is not the point, who want a bigger cloud when the cloud still deals no dmg at all? Just give us the old gas back, we dont want stupid big useless cloud, we need something that can actually kill stuffs, something that be comparable with the stupidly OP viral!

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14 hours ago, [DE]Bear said:

We wanted to be respectful of a player’s playing time

This quote only works in the context of the forma QOL change, but I really need to call you out on this because if you consider everything else you've done to us, the answer is a resounding:

No, you do not.

By making arcanes require more to reach the maximum effect, you nerfed a lot of things that required the previous max rank to work well (which is, all of the "% chance to resist [status effect here]" arcanes). Now anyone who used it is required to grind more for no real reason, because the original meaning was to nerf double arcane energize but you blanket struck EVERYBODY.


You massively changed status effects and how mods work, but gave us no forma to play around with or catalysts to send us out looking for new weapons to try. All high-impact precision weapons can go into the bin (or require negative impact rivens) because impact status just means "inconsistency". Knell is a special case because you only need one headshot and any others can easily be spray & pray.


You just did a double-nerf on the most used Magus arcane for endurance and other high-level content.


Zenistar, a weapon rewarded to players for their time, was nerfed to the ground in melee 3.0, another weapon used in high-level content.


Still want to say you are respectful of your player's playing time?

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I don't like the lockdown killing happening after giving us just enough time to burn all the standing or plat on pushing them to R5. Signaling that nerf before having people invest into something new that's about to get heavily devalued would've been more player-friendly.

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Maybe you should... get some playtesters? Relying on your PC playerbase to test the game just causes disillusionment. The changes to Magus Lockdown (where you more than doubled the amount of arcanes needed AND BUFFED IT) and Rakta Dark Dagger should've been made before the last update. As it happens, I spent yesterday potatoing and formaing said dagger. How has my time been 'respected' exactly? I expect changes to the game over time but things like this really need to be nipped in the bud a lot sooner and before crucial updates.

Re. parazon finishers - the animation needs to be at least 100% faster. Blood For Energy buffed to 100% to keep it in line with Blood For Ammo and Blood For Life. Remove the animation cutscene to keep it in flow with the rest of the game so we can still see the action around us (like someone else said - if you're gonna rip off glory kills, do it right). And stop having enemies target your sentinel while you're doing the finisher - these things already explode way too quickly and are in need of a bit of love.

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16 hours ago, [DE]Bear said:
  • Each stack of Impact Status creates a slightly bigger stagger effect until a heavy stagger occurs at 5 stacks.
  • Each stack of Impact Status increases the chance of a Parazon Finisher move by 10%, available when the enemy falls below the required health threshold.

I like the Parazon Finisher part. but is bigger stagger necessary? I mean even before revise, staggering was already quite annoying when we aim at head and brought inefficiency in dps.

What about slower stagger motion instead of bigger one? so we can aim at head more easily.

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OK so:

Impact: it won't be useful. The issue with impact and explosions before was not that  " they fall down " the issue is that they move too much. And it makes impossible to have reliable headshots. We already have stuff that locks in place enemis, magus lockdown, electric, equinox etc, can't we just have impact stun the enemies still ? maybe like 1 second per proc to a max of 6 ? you proc once he will stay still for 2 seconds, then all subsequent procs 1 more second ? or something like that ? this way you can just keep on headshotting ? Also, the parazon stuff is pretty useless. under 10% health 99% of the game content is considered dead. you just kill them with a stray bullet. 

Changes to IPS:

With the status changes it's more important than ever to have all 3 of IPS WORTH USING, this is why i think all 3 should be able to cause more damage :

SLASH: leave as it is

IMPACT: stun as i mentioned above + a passive 5%  more damage up to 10% more damage with more procs.

PIERCING: Create weak spots ( like sonar from banshee ) where you hit the enemy, the weakspot grants from +15 to +20% damage if you hit on that spot. ( higher than impact since you have to aim at a specific point and not the whole enemy )

DISCLAIMER: the 3 IPS DO NOT interact with each other. Meaning slash won't be buffed by the other 2 IPS, otherwise it will become insane.

DISCLAIMER 2: If you think this is too strong then remember that actually slash is dealing WAY more than 10/20% more damage, it's dealing a ton of damage,

feedback is welcome XD


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DE: Claims they knew Magus Lockdown was too strong for a long time.
Also DE: Buffs it to the point where it is even more powerful, so they can destroy it with "reason"

In a matter of fact a simple removal of the scaling damage and it being replaced by a flat number like idk 500-800 (given zenurik dash lightnings deal 800 electricity tics) and changing the element to Void, because its a Tenno and GRENEER ARMOR DOESN'T TAKE EXTRA DAMAGE FROM IT.

Do you even see from where the main problem was stemming from ? Scaling Puncture against armored enemies - letting it go to 60% was a mistake too, an enemy that was dual or triple tethered was more than sure to die, be it sentient or anything else. 

I am utterly disappointed because the same eyes that oversaw the buff and rebalance of Magus Husk oversaw Magus Lockdown, but the relative power jump of Husk dwarfs in the shadow of the literal 50% damage increase to the already scaling damage PLUS increase in range AND number of targets.

To sum it up (if i remember correctly ) Magus Lockdown gained:

Damage - 40% increased to 60% scaling Puncture (50% buff)
Range - 12m increased to 15m (25% buff)
Target count - 8 increased to 10 (25% buff)

Buffs on all 3 vectors? And which one is the biggest? The most unreasonable one ofc, but Fear Not now that giant buff in SCALING damage is completely deleted along with any damage. Oh and now you can't even web more than 20 total enemies (we all know it will tether the same enemies so maybe actually just 11-12) too btw have fun with that CC nerf too.

P.S. After that ridiculous nerf that DE enable themselves so its seems justified at first glance, they should also change the terminology. A MINE implies damage, implies it will explode, i suggest renaming it to TETHER PAD, just to not confuse new players why the 210k  (8-11 days worth of capping lil duck) Mine laying thing they bought has mines that dont do damage 🙃

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13 hours ago, (PS4)MahdeH232 said:

Changed to Magus Lockdown are just too stupid imo, DE is always going the WRONG way in regards of balance, instead of buffing the horrible arcanes (which are 90%) of the ones available from Fortuna and Cetus, they nerf the only viable ones.

Magus lockdown is perfectly balanced because it is limited by the operator energy, if said player wanted to really SPAM it, s/he would be needing to invest resources into energy pizzas, which is already a balancing factor.

Please DE, stop with this horrible mentality regarding balancing, butchering a certain mechanic/weapon because it's the "meta" isnt gonna get you anywhere good, you always miss the point WHY it's the meta, because other options arent even remotely close to being useful or offering something worth looking at or even using.

This %100

DE never listen but claim they do constantly while nerfing things instead of buffing the trash and really giving us more options. 

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Hi all,... my mood is really not in style ...


Since the Catchmoon nerf Im softly pissed but still hey..Who cared ? But now I am really mad, it feels like we are not best friends anymore me and you - the game. Do you bear a grudge against me?

WAS it ME you targeted with all these nerfs , tell me because you ruined my Solo Gara Index setup so much that I barely touch her now, thus before, well Lord forgive me, I was having a blast ! 

I needed that daily challenge, strip shields, get rid of that armour, deal damage, lots of damage, hold Index points, dont die, make no mistake and then say hello to my friend John Prodman and yes I was rather energy hungry, very hungry.

But now all of sudden....

Firstly, you nerfed my no multishot high firerate alternative Gas Ferrox zip-turret into a joke, a joke. This was the best tool we had after the Zenistar gimp.

Then you gave Arcane Energize an unbearable 15 second cooldown, nuts, just nuts. I cannot sustain a solo index run with that frame anymore, maybe 5 or 6 rounds but not like before...

And the augment Spectrosiphon was so good and underused, but now its hardly worth the modspace in the arcane energize aftermath.

And now you want to destroy what little left there is of this whole approach, why someone would use stacked Splinterstorm damage in combination with soon to be useless magus lockdown paired with magus anomaly to get these highly shielded and armoured devils sucked into my Splinterstorm range ?

Do you even grasp this concept ? This concept where you use all synergies Warframe has to offer: the chosen warframe - the operator - your weaponry - the right amp - the ideal approach and above else your moveset and when you do what and why? I highly doubt you do, Because you dont play your game the way we do. But you would like us to play your game the way you think we should play it  - WRONG - plainly wrong.

At this point I salute you my fellow solo Tridolon runners, soon you will feel the same pain I already feel keenly. 

Why would you do this ? Is this all unintentionally or purposefully happening ?

I changed my mind . Please dont answer the question. I wouldnt believe you either way and that tells already enough: well you my friends, you, you are on the verge to harmful pretentiousness. And that is never a good sign for those who can read between the lines.

Dont you have better things to do then this late non-sensical "patcheria" ? You are very bewildering indeed like somebody had some leverage over you. How about getting some new points of view and some new brains who dig this stuff ? - Dont you recognize your playerbase skillset is at an all-time-low. Im not kidding here. Lets not talk about the general frustration, but cant you see the signs ? If you are tired and want to get rid of it then say so. After all these years we would understand, but this, this is not ok. Just be a man about it and not a puppet.

And why didnt you fix the kuva siphons and floods, BEFORE the double ressource weekend?

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16 hours ago, [DE]Bear said:

6. Magus Lockdown Changes:

We are making some changes to Magus Lockdown that will keep it as a tactical option over the ‘do-everything’ solution. Here are the changes coming with the Scarlet Spear update:

  • Magus Lockdown will no longer apply Puncture damage to tethered enemies.
  • The amount of active Tether Mines is now limited to 2 per player (with 10 Tethers a piece at rank 5). This means that if you cast Magus Lockdown a third time, the first Tether Mine will stop, and the new Tether Mine will take its place.
  • Magus Lockdown no longer affects the Golden Maw due to the Arcane killing the Maw and preventing Quest completion. This also fixes a script error that was causing some problems when the Golden Maw is encountered.

Magus Lockdown has a reputation for being the CC and Damage meta, and after some review, it is not hard to see why. There are cases where Magus Lockdown has wiped entire waves of Elite Sanctuary Onslaught without the need for a weapon or a Warframe power and that is not what we had in mind for the design of this.

so, uh... I assume this is why the company is called Digital Extremes. all in all, it's still more useful and powerful than most of the other magus arcanes, despite the huge nerf.

can we get a revision on Husk/Firewall, Cadence, Nourish, Replenish and Drive too?

Husk and Firewall have a huge shock at the endpoint of the operator progression, since Unairu's waybound Basilisk Scales actually adds 500% armor, bringing Husk to an unconditional 77.77% damage reduction while Firewall caps at 75% and requires you to build charges by being invisible and invulnerable. if Basilisk Scales wasn't supposed to increase it that much, despite the effect not matching the description being a known fact in the community for years now, Husk still stands at an unconditional 60% dr against 75% (so a relative 37.5% increase in dr) which requires you to replenish charges every time you're hit and matches this theoretical unconditional dr after only one hit, going under that value very fast right afterwards. not sure of what could be done, but this shock has existed since Firewall's release with the PT heist;

Cadence is flat-out pointless, since operators are synonymous with void dashing, not ground movement. ;

Nourish is irrelevant, since the way the syndicate system works encourages every single player to get to max rank before purchasing anything and Elevate exists at a higher tier while being just better without even being overpowered;

Replenish is honestly just baffling. Glitch takes away the only real disadvantage to operator "dying", which isn't a big deal in the first place, even for the most affected frame (Hildryn);

Drive is a buff that affects the only system in the game that is mastery fodder on its entirety. can it at least buff archwing speed too so it makes traveling around the orb vallis less pointlessly time-consuming? mobility is still the only point of archwing through most of the relevant content, after all. would also allow for small but useful synergies on railjack missions without being that powerful , so... 

there's much more to be said about focus schools, Virtuos arcanes and especially amps themselves, but since I'm commenting specifically on Magus arcanes that will remain something to actually talk about at another time. 

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4 hours ago, Hyohakusha said:

And still nothing said about how players asking for something to be done about self damage turned into "let's nerf every AoE weapon in the entire game." Instead of just replacing the self damage on weapons that actually did self damage, dev time was spent doing three entirely unnecessary things. The fall off wasn't needed. Neither was the increase in radius, to try and offset the justified pushback that whoever decided to do this knew would happen. And the blanket application is the worst of all.


These changes were not well thought out. They were not implemented in a balanced way. They were applied to weapons that aren't even good, let alone meta. The feedback thread for these changes is 25 pages of people echoing all of these sentiments. Weapons that didn't do self damage previously shouldn't have had self stagger added to them. A slight nerf to the Bramma would have been fine. I cannot understand why that much effort was put into doing this to so many weapons, nor can I understand why nothing was said about it in the Dev Stream, and nothing has been posted about it. It just comes off as a waste of dev time and resources, or worse, outright spiteful, a way to use something the players asked for to nerf an entire class of weapon that someone felt was too OP. And like I pointed out above, it didn't even work. Addressing it in any way would help, but it seems like it's just going to be brushed under the rug.

Emphasis mine.

Still perplexed if not outright pissed off by the lack of communication on this from DE.

Area of effect weapons have never been that great due to all the limitations that DE saddled them with, removal of self damage seemed interesting - if it was the only change to them.

All the other changes have been shortsighted nerfs to a weapon class that wasn't ever popular since the tonkor debacle.

Self damage needed changes/fixes due to depending on factors outside a player's control, like enemies spawning or crossing the line of fire from outside field of view, pets intercepting the projectile/s, allies bulletjumping or crossing our line of fire at the worst moment (sometimes very intentionally).

What made selfdamage unfair was also that damage that oneshotted most frames was inconsequential on most enemies, the fact that enemies didn't have it (hello bombards and napalm grineer shooting on their own allies to get us) and allies that sent other players to revive screen due to their lack of any regard (usually running off without even bothering to revive after the fact) didn't suffer any consequences, leading to griefing. (Git gud my orbiter...)

Meanwhile weapons like the ignis have Aoe and no downside, frames like Saryn can murder entire maps without line of sight (a bit less now due to changes to elements, but it was probably an "unintended" nerf)

So, why the heck was necessary to geld most Aoe weapons? Shield gating mostly solved the selfdamage issue: if you still have a sliver of shield and things go pear shaped with your launcher? no problem, you survive it.

Insted: you shoot marginally nearer than expected? have a nap on the ground while enemies keep shooting your face off - because getting up isn't automatic anymore as well.

pThe change from self damage to knockdown in some cases proved ironically more lethal or annoying than the old mechanics

But what incenses more? No answers from the devs. Players provide feedback, criticize decisions etc, at least have the decency of answering and defend your choices and being further criticized for them instead of hiding as usual waiting for the outrage to pass.

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17 hours ago, [DE]Bear said:

6. Magus Lockdown Changes:
We are making some changes to Magus Lockdown that will keep it as a tactical option over the ‘do-everything’ solution. Here are the changes coming with the Scarlet Spear update:


Ah yes, nerf the only thing that makes operators decent for enemies instead of buffing other arcanes so that more options are available that don't make the operator feel like a wet towel.

Think about this for a second, the most used arcanes are the ones that: Heal the warframe (Nourish, Elevate, Repair) and this one, the only real damaging arcane. Sure, I get that it may be "too good", but did it need to not only have a limit on tethers, but also damage removal? Why not buff the other arcanes, or why not buff the Operators' Amps to not be useless? Why was this the go-to move instead of fixing the issue of Operator's simply not being useful for much outside of Eidolon Hunts?

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17 hours ago, [DE]Bear said:

8. Titania Changes & Fixes:
Titania has seen a few changes in recent history, but there were a couple of additional quality-of-life modifications we wanted to make to bring her in line with other similar systems:

  • Titania has a new Passive: Titania generates Health for herself and nearby Allies every time she casts an Ability. NOTE: The personal Titania Parkour Boost is staying, just the communal Trampoline isn't.
  • Titania can now use Blink while in her Razorwing ability.
  • We fixed an issue where casting Razorwing while in a specific Simarlacrum situation would result in a white screen.

Since Titania uses the same systems as Archwing in her Razorwing form, we wanted her abilities to match with what players are used to. The new Passive Ability was a replacement that we felt would make her more enticing to play, while also thematic.

That's cool. I take it this will work on archwing missions? 

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4 hours ago, Sannidor said:

Apparently majority of the community is extremely forgiving or suffers from amnesia because this is another case of DE profiting from something obviously broken for months or years and now when they are ready to sell the next novelty - directly or indirectly, does not matter, we get nerfs.

Is current rotation on new players stable enough to encourage them into buying plat and spending on arcanes someone else farmed? Because I've seem a LOT of "WTB Magus Lockdown" in trade chat.

If it's so obvious ML was OP why not nerf it sooner or why it got released as it was in the first place? Fortuna was a fine update, was it absolutely necessary to put several crazy items behind the grind wall just to make money from utterly broken mechanics?

This cycle must stop, DE. You can't keep on intentionally releasing broken stuff, encourage players to spend money and then go "it was fun till it lasted", again and again.

For things genuinely slipping through pre-release balancing, nerf it faster to avoid this awful power creep and predatory selling tactics and constantly keep buffing underplayed stuff.

Digital Extremes would rather Nerf things later than buff them. To put this into perspective, Lockdown got buffed when Arcanes went from 3 ranks to 5 ranks. That buff happened a couple weeks ago. Now? They see that Magus Lockdown is, and has been, one of the most used Arcanes.

Why is this? Because Operators simply are not strong against anything that isn't an Eidolon. Lockdown was a way to make the operator more than "Energy Zone here", or "Void-Strike Eidolon". Operators need to be buffed, mainly their weapons need to be buffed so that the other Arcanes actually matter in some capacity.

Nerfing the only decent Damaging / CC Arcane only further relegates Operators to this ever shrinking pocket of uselessness. God, I'd hate to be anyone (especially right now!) who spent money for that arcane, only to see it and operator's as a whole trivialized into further mockery.


DE, if you are reading this, undo the Magus Lockdown Nerf.

Go and take another look at the Arcanes, and this time instead of asking yourselves "Why are players only using these Arcanes?"

ask instead "Why are players NOT using these arcanes?"


  1. Magus Melt, get some heat Damage... Why? Why would I use such a useless Arcane when Operator's hardly hit hard at all? Why would I use this if I have Madurai Fire Trail? What is the selling point here?
  2. Magus Vigor? Why use it when Vazarin has a way-bound that will free that slot up? Again, what's the selling point?
  3. Magus Cloud? Again, there is a way-bound that does the same thing. Why waste the slot?
  4. Nourish? Heals a warframe by a flat amount, made useless by Repair or Elevate, both of which are significantly better. Why use it?
  5. Overload? Niche and primarily for Robotics, and why would I use my operator to kill Corpus units when my Warframe does it better and quicker?
  6. Drive? What's the point, does anyone seriously use K-Drives over archwings?
  7. Anomaly? Again, Zenurik has an ability which does something similar. Why use it?
  8. Cadence? Seriously, sprint speed on void dash? Do you all not see how ridiculously ironic that is? Using the operator's fastest form of movement to buff a significantly less faster form of movement?

That is a list of 8 out of 18 Magus Arcanes, or 44% of the total Magus Arcanes. If it were 9, it'd be half of the Magus Arcanes (the list is actually far worse when you look at the others I excluded).

I mean, look at that list, and give me a solid, good-all-around reason why I should use any of those arcanes, even after this nerf. Instead of nerfing the only real damage option for operators outside of Eidolon hunts, Buff or change any of these other useless arcanes. That is a list of 8 out of 18 Magus Arcanes, or 44% of the total Magus Arcanes.

Anomaly? Make it so that it changes the otherwise useless Void Bullet-attractor status to a status that greatly affects the target. The Bullet attractor thing is a joke, and it often is worse (bugs out projectiles, i.e. granmu, and make them do nothing at all).

Melt? Make it more passive and add heat damage to the attacks of the operator (allowing heat procs and armor removal so that the operator is more than just a free energy station).

I could go on, but this is literally beyond me at this point. I mean, first you buff it, and then you take it and absolutely wreck it.

The problem is clear, there's too many over-lapping solutions to singular problems, and obviously the best ones are going to be used the most! Some of the Magus Arcanes are flat out useless/pointless to even have when other vanilla options exist. So what is my incentive now to change from Lockdown to any of those other useless Arcanes? What is the point of grinding Quill or Vox Rep for those, especially with Rep being time-gated?

You all have put it on the back-burner for too long, and now that you see one thing that is really good, you react in such a nonsensical way that it's baffling. Stop, and fix Magus Arcanes as a whole. Buff or change them so they are not wastes of patch-data, people's time, and their money.


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3 minutes ago, zhellon said:

I would be happy if DE made an arcane for the operator that could replace zenuric dash. Other schools are useful, but nothing can be as strong as restoring energy.


Energize was that alternative, but that got nerfed. Meanwhile, we have Protea soon to join in, and she appears to offer Energy restores for free.

I personally would love to have a viable, on-demand alternative to Energy Dash that wasn't Pizza Party Pads so I could use Madurai.

Instead, we get 3 Arcanes revolving around health restoration (Making Vazarin kind of niche), with two (Elevate and Repair) being clear Best-In-Slot.

Why not have Nourish restore energy while outside of the frame? There you go, just made that one viable.

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18 hours ago, [DE]Bear said:

3. Status Chance Mods:
With all the changes to Status effects, we have made a broad increase to Status Chance mods, increasing them dramatically. There are a few other mods that required a buff, however. The exact numbers can be found below:

  • Increased Hammer Shot Status Chance from 40% to 80%.
  • Increased Shattering Justice Status Chance from 20% to 90%. In addition, this buff has been changed from an additive chance to a multiplicative chance.
  • Increased Stunning Speed Status Chance from 10% to 30%.

What about Modified Munitions? Can you please buff it to 90% status chance like Shotgun Savvy and similar mods?

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1 minute ago, SyBuhr said:

Instead, we get 3 Arcanes revolving around health restoration (Making Vazarin kind of niche), with two (Elevate and Repair) being clear Best-In-Slot.

Well, I use vazarin for invulnerability more, so vazarin doesn 't suffer from other healings + vazarin can heal objects, which many healing things and abilities can't.

But now, when lockdown will actually become useless, I have a free slot in which there is simply nothing to put . And I would like to have something that would allow me to give up equilibrium. Well, if I had the ability to create health orbs, I wouldn't mind either .

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I think these changes to gas or impact don't really solve any underlying issues and seem more like change for change's sake.

On a side note, please also consider removing friendship doors from all missions, or at least missions with multiple objectives like Kuva Siphons and Floods. They simply hinder by preventing the squad from splitting up to tackle separate objectives.

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19 hours ago, [DE]Bear said:


6. Magus Lockdown Changes:
We are making some changes to Magus Lockdown that will keep it as a tactical option over the ‘do-everything’ solution. Here are the changes coming with the Scarlet Spear update:

  • Magus Lockdown will no longer apply Puncture damage to tethered enemies.
  • The amount of active Tether Mines is now limited to 2 per player (with 10 Tethers a piece at rank 5). This means that if you cast Magus Lockdown a third time, the first Tether Mine will stop, and the new Tether Mine will take its place.
  • Magus Lockdown no longer affects the Golden Maw due to the Arcane killing the Maw and preventing Quest completion. This also fixes a script error that was causing some problems when the Golden Maw is encountered.

Magus Lockdown has a reputation for being the CC and Damage meta, and after some review, it is not hard to see why. There are cases where Magus Lockdown has wiped entire waves of Elite Sanctuary Onslaught without the need for a weapon or a Warframe power and that is not what we had in mind for the design of this.



I have one more question , how is possible magus lockdown wipe entire waves of elite sanctuary onslaught , if operator and warframes  CANT USE GEAR ITEMS.

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