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2020’s First Mainline: Review, Revise, Refresh: Part 3!


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On 2020-03-20 at 1:09 PM, [DE]Bear said:

7. Grendel Changes:
Grendel has been out in the wild for some time now, and with the player feedback, we have made the following changes to the hungriest Warframe:

  • Grendel’s Nourish now mimics Titania’s Tribute buff selector. If you’re unfamiliar with Titania’s Tribute buff selector, you can tap the Ability to select a different buff, then hold the Ability to cast the selected effect.
  • When consumed by Grendel, Sentients now have a max duration they can be consumed before popping out, on a timer that is affected by diminishing returns. This change was made to prevent Grendel from stopping mission progression where all Sentients must be exterminated for the mission to succeed.
  • Grendel can now consume Grenades, because why not add a bit of spicy seasoning to your meal?

This change was to make power selection more consistent with other Warframes, as well as reduce the potential for exploiting missions with sentient threats by either removing them from play or locking down the mission. As for eating grenades? Well, why not? He’s a hungry boy.

Yay for Grendel attention!

RE: the buff selector.  While this will be a huge improvement, I think the real problem (besides the Nourish buff icons being too dang small)  is how much time he spends casting.   Between the long cast times of his 1 and 2, the frequent fizzles of Feast as targets are just out of range or dead before they get in his belly,  needing to cycle through three different buffs, and vomiting enemies to manage his energy consumption--there's a lot of downtime.   Three solutions, together or separately...

 1.  Reduce the cast times of Feast and Nourish.

 2.  Consider making Feast require a target to start, as long as it could still devour multiple enemies around the initial target.   Honestly, I'm not positive this wouldn't make him worse, but it's worth a look.  If that's a no-go, then maybe just adding some extra base range would do the trick.

 3.  And the big one.  Allow him to cast two or three buffs in one cast, provided he has at least one of each of the required enemies in his belly.   This would reduce the time he spends casting drastically, and would be so much better  than fiddling with  a selector.

Anyway, thanks for giving the big guy some love.   I'm definitely looking forward to eating some grenades.

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Oof Lockdown. I believe you just nerfed this thing to oblivion. Instead of removing the damage and capping it, how about adding a cooldown per cast? It worked on Energize because it limits the OP factor without banishing it to the realm of uselessness. Add a cooldown of 5 seconds per cast so it will no longer nuke rooms using the infinite Naramon Dash.

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nooo Magus Lockdown, my one of the biggest ways of earning plats 😭😭😭 I am so glad I sold 7 of them at 400p when ranks increased, I was wondering why nobody buys from me now and checked the market, prices dropped by half 😭😭 🤧😷

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GJ DE, now the Operation: Arcanes Destruction is completed. After ruining Energize and Grace with an infinite cooldown and Guaridan with a nerf, the last useful arcane has been eliminated. You may now remove the arcane slots altogether. (and refund me all the plats i spent for them)

Was Magus Lockdown overpowered? Yes. Did it deserve a nerf? Yes. But was it only one worth mentioning and using? Yes. So what do we use now? Yes.

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I have a suggestion for the impact status change and parazon kills overall. I think that every enemy that's available for mercy should only get killed by that mercy. On 5% health we could just kill them off with anything else and parazon mods are not that powerful to rely on right now. But if enemies that can be killed with a mercy could only get killed with a mercy then that would make a significant change in parazon usage rate. 

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My thoughts 


1.    Impact Damage

When the parazon finisher is displayed, give the enemy a 1 or a half a second vulnerability so that we don't kill off the enemy before we get a chance to preform a finisher.


2.    Gas Damage

It makes sense for gas to be able to bypass shields (I shouldn't have to explain why) so make it so, may be on proc does high damage but the more it procs, the bigger the range the less damage it does and maybe make enemies get stunned for four seconds.


3.    Kuva Liches

This is good but more work needs to be done for it to be great. Here are my thoughts.


4.    Foundry Crafting Times

How I see it this is still bad, it should be a least 12h craft time. I really want a good logical reason to why it can`t be much less than 23h.


5.    Grendel/Titania Changes

This is not good enough and it doesn't address the problems he has. The passive for Titania is good ON PAPER however the only way this is going to be good is if she recives 20 health on ability cast (5 casts = 100 health) if its like Nekros` passive that this will be bad so make it 20 health. Even through the changes for Titania are good she still needs more.

Here is a post I put up of improvements of most frames (skip to Grendel and Titania or better yet read all of it)

6. Scarlet Spear ETA

Imo (which is an unpopular one) SS should not be released until railjack is in a good enough place coz as of now it still has some probs so much so that I can hardly get ppl to join me to do railjack missions. (which says a lot)

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Am 20.3.2020 um 19:09 schrieb [DE]Bear:


6. Magus Lockdown Changes:
We are making some changes to Magus Lockdown that will keep it as a tactical option over the ‘do-everything’ solution. Here are the changes coming with the Scarlet Spear update:

  • Magus Lockdown will no longer apply Puncture damage to tethered enemies.
  • The amount of active Tether Mines is now limited to 2 per player (with 10 Tethers a piece at rank 5). This means that if you cast Magus Lockdown a third time, the first Tether Mine will stop, and the new Tether Mine will take its place.
  • Magus Lockdown no longer affects the Golden Maw due to the Arcane killing the Maw and preventing Quest completion. This also fixes a script error that was causing some problems when the Golden Maw is encountered.

Magus Lockdown has a reputation for being the CC and Damage meta, and after some review, it is not hard to see why. There are cases where Magus Lockdown has wiped entire waves of Elite Sanctuary Onslaught without the need for a weapon or a Warframe power and that is not what we had in mind for the design of this.

I didn´t see anyone wiped out a entire squad. It is puncture damage with damage reduction from armor. Really bad after the r5 change, really bad. It was very useful in Tridolon, but currently there are a lot of bugs in eidolon (getting out of archwing and cant shot or jump) that this is the top of making the game less fun. All the arcane changes are bad and this is also bad. Realizing after 2 years that it is overpowered. Some ppl bought this for a lot of plat. This is not ok. 

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On 2020-03-20 at 8:44 PM, (XB1)sinamanthediva said:

I have never seen Arcane Lockdown used to clear ESO its certainly never worked for me and lord knows I've tried!

The power of PC macros and DE's heavy handed response to them.  The lockdown change is the telos boltace / slide attack situation repeated.  On console the boltace was never a cancer simply because we couldn't macro the crap out it.

Take away an operator's ability to get energy from an energy restore (which to me doesn't make sense any way) and the problem with lockdown is solved.  You can't spam what you don't have energy to cast.

Frankly I'm a little pissed about this HARD HARD nerf and the timing of it.  Two weeks after they jack up the cost of something by 110,000 standing to nerf it like this is not being fair to the player base.  The vast majority of which is NOT abusing the stupid busted arcane that was just buffed to be stupid and busted.  Seriously who at DE thought 60% scaling damage on top of hard CC was a good idea?  But good idea or not that was the arance DE just shipped out to us and that was the arcane I PAID for. 

I surely would not have paid that cost for zero damage and a limit of 2 tether mines.

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On 2020-03-20 at 2:09 PM, [DE]Bear said:

6. Magus Lockdown Changes:
We are making some changes to Magus Lockdown that will keep it as a tactical option over the ‘do-everything’ solution. Here are the changes coming with the Scarlet Spear update:

  • Magus Lockdown will no longer apply Puncture damage to tethered enemies.
  • The amount of active Tether Mines is now limited to 2 per player (with 10 Tethers a piece at rank 5). This means that if you cast Magus Lockdown a third time, the first Tether Mine will stop, and the new Tether Mine will take its place.
  • Magus Lockdown no longer affects the Golden Maw due to the Arcane killing the Maw and preventing Quest completion. This also fixes a script error that was causing some problems when the Golden Maw is encountered.

Magus Lockdown has a reputation for being the CC and Damage meta, and after some review, it is not hard to see why. There are cases where Magus Lockdown has wiped entire waves of Elite Sanctuary Onslaught without the need for a weapon or a Warframe power and that is not what we had in mind for the design of this.

DE we are experiencing a Global LOCKDOWN. Its not funny that you are choosing Now of all times to pick on this arcane. I didnt even know this did damage as I would kill everyone before this thing popped. my proposal; just remove damage but keep the tethers as is. Why rank it to level 5 just to have it hardly matter 

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A little off the topics mentioned. Regarding the variety of use of states in the next changes to the Gas damage; It would be possible for them to implement combo counter efficiency mods like: [Focus Energy] for heat and cold damage, since at the most viable states today, efficiency builds are only usable with the Corrosive damage and it would be nice if could be carried out with Viral y Gas. Sorry if the wording reads strange, I am not a native English speaker.

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Can you implement new arcane for the operators, with the same effect as primed surefooted ? 

tridolon hunting is a bit tedious now since there's stagger on the operators without any benefit, and in the past selfdamage on the operators didn't benefit them at all. 

And please fix kuva siphon / flood in the corpus tiles. 

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3 hours ago, HammerremmaH said:

The funniest thing about the whole Lockdown thing is that this is you guys telling us that a 6.X - 8 second TTK is overpowered.  Your playerbase knows better.

The TTK is laughably long compared to other things *cough cough* Saryn Equinox Volt....

The current 60% dmg doesn't ignore armour. The amount of mines you can place is limited by operator energy which is restored by energy pizzas mostly (which are a *@##$ to farm).

I don't care about the percentage dmg as long as the dmg stays but be flat so it still stays useful in Eidolons. (Although DE are still butchering operator's ONLY damage output because amps are trash).

CC part was NEVER overpowered, it's literally the only use of my operator in normal non-eidolons gameplay.


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On 2020-03-20 at 7:09 PM, [DE]Bear said:

Magus Lockdown has a reputation for being the CC and Damage meta, and after some review, it is not hard to see why. [..] that is not what we had in mind for the design of this.

Seriously ? And what did you expect ?

It is as if parents were giving coke to their children instead of water:
-Drink as much as you want, Sweeties
-But it would be bad for our health
-Don't you like coke ?
-We love it very much.
-So what ?

And 2-3 years later:
-Stop drinking coke. From now on, it will only be water.
-But we like coke
-It's bad for your health.
And after some review, it is not hard to see why. That is not what we had in mind.

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