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2020’s First Mainline: Review, Revise, Refresh: Part 3!


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20 minutes ago, (PS4)Darkrya said:

 You seem unhappy with the game, which I can understand, and are voicing your criticism, which I can also understand

But from some of the comments you wrote, I see you venting, rather than constructing feedback.

DE has never once listened to their player base unless it was a partner making a criticism about them that is garnering very large attention. Or literally everybody says "NO" to their.... ideas.


I'm still wondering when DE will finally get over the fact that AGGP can't realistically do anything to harm them and finally de-partner him. He's excessively toxic and literally any post of his videos or twitter or streams will prove it over and over and over again.


The point is DE just does things in an insanely backwards method.

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DE, please say you're not done reviewing AoE.

  • Some things missed the review like Ivara's Concentrated Arrow
  • Shraksun and Proppa amps have become a complete nuisance to use
  • Stagger distance and amount is wonky on a few weapons like Staticor

You dropped a damage boost to the explosive but what about something for just the hit if we're supposed to be aiming true?

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Man these regular hard nerfs are really killing my desire to keep playing. I want to keep playing but DE just seems like they don't want me to.

And it doesn't really make sense either. This game isn't competitive, in fact most people I know play alone. Rather than nerfing the few things people actually regularly use hard to the point that they're useless like everything else, why not focus on making the useless things nobody uses better?

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10 minutes ago, (PS4)MahdeH232 said:

Please DE, stop with this horrible mentality regarding balancing, butchering a certain mechanic/weapon because it's the "meta" isnt gonna get you anywhere good, you always miss the point WHY it's the meta, because other options arent even remotely close to being useful or offering something worth looking at or even using.

This. I've been playing for a little over a year now on the Switch. Over the last year We've gotten a lot of cool stuff. And then a hard nerf is snuck in to a weapon or utility that doesn't always need it. Ok sure Catchmoon was a little busted, but that nerf was way too much. Melee update was great, except the Zenistar was gimped (Which btw killed my UFO Ivara before I even had a chance to get a potato on the 5 forma Ivara I made just for that meme) and the Tastu's stance was made excessively clunky. The looting nerf that was later reverted because you caught too much heat over the mod drop booster. I won't even get into Liches and Railjack, you already know all about those.


There's always that one teeny tiny little thing you sneak in that makes our player experience more tedious and doesn't respect our time and effort. I spent last weekend hunting down the exploiter orb for that absolutely atrocious rep sink just to get lockdown and repair, and I only just got a rank 5 lockdown last night. Come on. I'm definitely a little salty on this one.

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1 minute ago, (NSW)Xelthor said:

This. I've been playing for a little over a year now on the Switch. Over the last year We've gotten a lot of cool stuff. And then a hard nerf is snuck in to a weapon or utility that doesn't always need it. Ok sure Catchmoon was a little busted, but that nerf was way too much. Melee update was great, except the Zenistar was gimped (Which btw killed my UFO Ivara before I even had a chance to get a potato on the 5 forma Ivara I made just for that meme) and the Tastu's stance was made excessively clunky. The looting nerf that was later reverted because you caught too much heat over the mod drop booster. I won't even get into Liches and Railjack, you already know all about those.


There's always that one teeny tiny little thing you sneak in that makes our player experience more tedious and doesn't respect our time and effort. I spent last weekend hunting down the exploiter orb for that absolutely atrocious rep sink just to get lockdown and repair, and I only just got a rank 5 lockdown last night. Come on. I'm definitely a little salty on this one.





Say it with me now.

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These changes are really welcome but, and this will probably be an unpopular opinion, we also need some kind of Viral nerf.

In general, some Status changes I'd like to see:

Cold: 10 Stacks Freeze target, open him up for Melee Finisher. On Finisher the target shatters to pieces if he dies or the ice shatters and they get cleansed of all Cold Procs if they survive.
Why: Currently it's a decent Defensive Status, but most people don't build for or go for Defensive Status types. Giving it a Damage oriented use will help it a lot.

Magnetic: Each Stack increases the Shield Gating Damage Bleedthrough by 10%. Any Bleedthrough Damage retains the up-to-325% Damage Increase on Shields.
Why: While better than the previous Magnetic Status Type, it still lags behind especially against units with more Health than Shields. This would bring up the usefulness of this Status Type against more Shielded Units.

Viral: Reduce the Damage Scaling to 75+20*9 for a maximum +255% Damage compared to the current +325%
OR Have it affect only Flesh and not Armored Health (there's several ways to fully remove Armor in the game, it should still be usable, but maybe too much)
OR Have it deal reduced Damage against all Armor and Shield Types, paired with giving increased Damage towards all Armor Types for Corrosive
Why: Currently Viral is the Damage Type that can work well against any Faction, while also being the most effective Type against the tankiest Faction. Paired with the several existing ways to remove Armor, Viral quickly became the Dual Elemental Type to set and forget on Weapons. And while I like the idea of an Element that works decently well on all Factions, it shouldn't be the best for any of them.


Viral will still be Godlike, because there are several old ways to reduce or even completely remove Armor, from its days as King, including:
Weapons' Heat Status Effects, Melees' Shattering Impact Mod, Corrosive Projection Aura(s), Ash's 1 Augment, Banshee's 1 Augment, Ember's 3, Frost's 4, Gauss' 3 Heat + Blast in Redline, Hildryn's 2, Hydroid's 1 Augment, Mag's 3 and 4 Augment, Nezha's Heat Status Effects, Nyx's 2, Oberon's 4 on his 2, Saryn's 1, Trinity's 3 Augment, Vauban's 4, Wisps' 4 Heat Stauts Effects and I'm probably forgetting more stuff.

Blast: 10th Stack causes an AoE Fire Proc. It doesn't reset the Blast Status Effect, but it resets the AoE counter, re-triggering on the 20th, 30th, ETCth Blast Status.
Why: Same as Cold, decent Defensive Status, no real Reasons to build for it. This change would allow players to focus a stronger target and start cooking those around him before they're done with their priority target.

Radiation: Enemies affected by it deal and receive 100+50*9 more Damage to and from their Faction (additive), for a maximum +550% Damage taken/dealt and up to 1100% Damage taken/deal if both Targets are under the influence of 10 Radiation Stacks.
Why: While this is a fun idea, even under 10 Rad Procs, Enemies still don't deal enough Damage to each other to outdo a Tenno just using a directly Damage oriented Status Type and just killing all of them. For the effort needed to spread all of these Rad Procs, and the few Frames actually able to do so, the value should be much higher.

Corrosive: Not a Status Change, as proposed in the Viral changes, give it a Damage Bonus against all Armor Types, instead of its current only vs Ferrite.
Why: Now that it's not the undisputed King and has been overthrown by Viral, it should be the anti-Armor Element, even in brute Damage, like how Magnetic is with Shields. That said, it doesn't need a +75% vs Alloy, even as little as +25% would make a significant difference.

Anyway, these are just a moron's ramblings. I'm hoping I at least got my feelings across, on why these Status' types need some changes and that I sparked some ideas.


Really looking forward to the Patch! Thanks and stay safe!

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Ah, its glorious to see people look down on parazon finishers. They most likely never heard of utilty as a concept, never heard of arcane ultimatum and never heard of any parazon mods other than "blood for ammo" - yet they already have a very strong negative opinion on what can possibly become the best supporting damage type for caster frames. Too bad they'll discover that "sacred" knowledge a month later thanks to some Warframe YouTuber lmao

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3 hours ago, [DE]Bear said:

When consumed by Grendel, Sentients now have a max duration they can be consumed before popping out

Why not just make it so consumed enemies don't count towards the "kill remaining enemies" requirement like in defense or interception missions?

Also blast is in a worse place than either current gas or impact, and the disparity is gonna be even worse after the changes. It should probably be considered aswell for the rebalance.

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3 hours ago, Tyranq said:

The Grendel Missions need a little bit of a nerf to be honest. They are harder now ❤️

I second this. There's no way I can complete any of those, especially since nobody is even doing public matchmaking on these to make it easier.

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Shotguns still suck. 3x status by divided by 10 pellets, is a solid decrease. Exergis with 3 pellets didnt change at all, and tigris prime fell behind sancti tigris thanks to the status nerf.

Also, I cant get the shield gate to work with the augur set. Shield gate hit + casting ability for shields + a subsequent hit = dead?

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 y'all seriously need to think about reducing the damage of viral it's to powerful and already know what's going to happen y'all going to wait and wait and wait until one day you'll realize hey everyone is using vital your need to do something about it then you're going to change it and then people go to even more upset with you because there are going to DE use to 

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3 hours ago, [DE]Bear said:

Each stack of Impact Status increases the chance of a Parazon Finisher move by 10%, available when the enemy falls below the required health threshold.

This is entirely meaningless. Unless the required health threshold is increased for Impact-triggered Parazon finishers, there is no reason to use this function and it will go entirely unnoticed by the playerbase at large.

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17 minutes ago, Lone_Dude said:

Ah, its glorious to see people look down on parazon finishers. They most likely never heard of utilty as a concept, never heard of arcane ultimatum and never heard of any parazon mods other than "blood for ammo" - yet they already have a very strong negative opinion on what can possibly become the best supporting damage type for caster frames. Too bad they'll discover that "sacred" knowledge a month later thanks to some Warframe YouTuber lmao

I can already see the "Out of sight" parazon mod becoming staple with impact weapons. Blind everywhere.

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1 minute ago, HolySeraphin said:

I can already see the "Out of sight" parazon mod becoming staple with impact weapons. Blind everywhere.

He doesn't even know what an energy pizza is. Or zenurik. Or literally the other 100+ methods we already had to recovering energy. Too self-deluded to realize why it won't ever become viable in its proposed state.

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12 minutes ago, cococciolo said:

Why not just make it so consumed enemies don't count towards the "kill remaining enemies" requirement like in defense or interception missions?

Also blast is in a worse place than either current gas or impact, and the disparity is gonna be even worse after the changes. It should probably be considered aswell for the rebalance.

They are probably concerned about mobile defense and interception, because the game has a limit on how many enemies the map spawns at a time. Also, if Grendel holds all of the sentients, the Scarlet Spear event will be too easy.

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1. Since the shield changes Equilibrium is kinda trash, you need to rebalance it. It was better when enemy damage could directly bleed into health, now I can't pick up health globes and I have zero Energy left on most frames (I run it in all Energy frames).

2. Radiation still doesn't make sense. We have Nyx for that. Please rework it into something that makes sense and its impactful.

3. I really liked the knockdown on Impact and I prefer the change to be reviewed/reverted.

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3 hours ago, flaicher said:

Please, no.

Seems rather miniscule compared to her current absolutely amazing passive.

I love her speed..

Just thought I would let you know that they are keeping the personal buff and only removing the "trampoline" 🙂


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I wish you all the best on this next expansion. But I would like to stress again - please, if it needs more refinement! Take the time you need to make sure it's polished enough so there won't be much issues like some of the previous releases. 🙂

I do expect it out sometime, but I'm not going to be entitled and demand instant gratification - as long as there is open dialogue as to what happened, why, and whats being done about it, I have no problem waiting.

Good luck on this release, DE!

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I'm concerned by the lack of changes to Viral.  Currently, it is nigh impossible for any elemental combination to come close to Viral/Heat or Viral/Slash, and even Viral by itself excels far past the other elements in most situations.  A straightforward damage multiplier to health (something every enemy has, and even shielded enemies usually have large quantities of) is a very strong effect, even in a low amount, and needs to be balanced as such.  Buffing other elements won't be meaningful until we stop having one element that stands so far above the rest that the others are largely irrelevant.  Weapon build diversity is now dead or nearly dead.  And for those of us who like weapon build diversity, that makes the game itself less appealing.  Which is worse than the temporary backlash of a nerf.  Better to nerf it now than wait until the playerbase has come to rely on the current unbalanced state of Viral and will have a stronger reaction if it gets nerfed.

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