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Operation Scarlet Spear: Bug Reporting Megathread (Read First Post!)


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  • TYPE: In-game
  • DESCRIPTION: Switching to operator while inside the Murex may result in instant mission failed
  • REPRODUCTION: More likely to happen when I don't go into operator before the Murex.
  • EXPECTED RESULT: Not instant fail
  • OBSERVED RESULT: Freeze for a moment then Failed Mission
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: Doesn't always happen, but fairly common if I forget to switch to operator before entering the Murex.

I'm playing on inferior hardware (Surface Pro 4 i5), so I'm not sure if it would happen on my desktop PC. All the times I was solo.

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  • TYPE: In game UI - Orbitor
  • DESCRIPTION: in equipment section - arsenal option is not available
  • REPRODUCTION: happens every now and then after the latest hotfix
  • EXPECTED RESULT: fix this as its annoying to run to the arsenal section every time this happens as all other options seem to be still available under equipment submenu
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: Happens 40-60% of the time after a entering orbitor, seems to not get fixed once you have entered manually into the arsenal segment/hub. 
Edited by Velvetfox
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  • TYPE:  In-Game
  • DESCRIPTION: Trying to use the forge in Railjack
  • VISUAL: [This is where you would add your screenshot or video]
  • REPRODUCTION: Not sure how. Apparently, it began after I killed a vomvalyst in the forge.
  • EXPECTED RESULT: appears and x to use the forge 
  • OBSERVED RESULT: The x button doesn't appear and I can't use the forge.
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: Not sure. It seems to be random but since Hotfix 27.3.4 this bug appears more often.
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  • TYPE: In-Game
  • DESCRIPTION: Using the slingshot to reach the Murex ship. I also have rank4 in Artillery .
  • VISUAL: [This is where you would add your screenshot or video]
  • REPRODUCTION: Using the slingshot to reach the Murex.
  • EXPECTED RESULT: Get in front of the door.
  • OBSERVED RESULT: I phased through the Murex ship and the slingshot animation didn't stop until it reached 30km from the Railjack. Also, the slingshot works fine against the grineers crewships.
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: about 90% sure it happens.
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  • TYPE: In-game
  • DESCRIPTION: Credits for Murex are sometimes are not given to all squad members. We did 3x5 and 2 of squad members (including me) only got 3750 instead of 5265 (which 2 squad mates got). The network on last x5 raid was acting very weird aswell - i had 60 ms but was lagging hard. Same with one other teammate. Host also said that he felt like he was lagging which was super weird (is gameplay handled by dedicated servers now?). Oh and the rewards popup at the end of last x5 (the one when you're still in the mission) didn't show any items - just golden text "Mission rewards" or something like that.
  • REPRODUCTION: No clue - happened on patch 27.3.4 while doing Murex raids at ~1-2 am CET, 27.03.
  • EXPECTED RESULT: Got rewards for all 3x5 runs (5265 credits)
  • OBSERVED RESULT: Got only rewarded for 2x5 runs (3750 credits)
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: Happened on my first long Murex raid session and made me promptly ragequit.
Edited by SparedCookie
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In game murex raid
Description: tried to go in sentienent space building and screen would go black and only chat would be visible

enter space sentient building
expctation is to enter the building and be able to see the inviroment.
how often every time i tried to go in.
i have observed black.

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  • TYPE: Network
  • DESCRIPTION: Im not joining any missions, only hosting then everyone crashes out while im host-Also, im entering servers where only 30 murex should have been sent away but when I arrive they were all defeated some time ago-ie:  100/100 with 45 min remaining for next wave
  • VISUAL: "Network Response" red sign
  • REPRODUCTION: Just play scarlet spear
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: Over the last 45 min
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Type: In-game

Description: When I entered my dojo, I joined the ‘operation link’ chat channel despite not being in the flotilla. Minutes later, the “ghosts” of players from the flotilla were visible inside my dojo.


Reproduction: Enter your dojo, possibly after finishing a mission node on earth.

Expected result: I should not have been in the flotilla chat, and I shouldn’t be able to see the players inside it while in my dojo.

Observed result: I can see players that are inside the flotilla, but I assume they cannot see me. They move as if they are walking around the flotilla.

Reproduction rate: When I left my dojo the 'operation link' chat froze. My dojo wasn’t haunted when I re-entered it. So no idea how to reproduce this really.

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  • TYPE: In-Game
  • DESCRIPTION: Grenades and presumably other explosives damaging OpLink through Frost's ice globe.
  • REPRODUCTION: Create a small globe around an OpLink, wait for grineer to throw grenade to it.
  • EXPECTED RESULT: I understand that explosives are AoE, but ice globe shouldn't let damage to go through, right?
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  • TYPE: space crew not recieving kill codes when it hit 90/100
  • DESCRIPTION: the past 3 days ive not been able to hit the bonus because the murexs never hit 100/100 because the kill codes stop flowing in.. my squad hits 11k+ space points everytime just to not get the reward
  • REPRODUCTION: play the game
  • EXPECTED RESULT: kill codes to flow in like they should
  • OBSERVED RESULT:they stopped flowing in after the flotilla hit 90/100
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: everytime i do space missions
  • https://imgur.com/a/TftbSK3 for screen shots
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  • TYPE: In-Game
  • DESCRIPTION:[I play the same missions in a four-member squad with my clan members and I get a smaller score EVERY TIME! How can you screw this game so much? Only you can do it!
  • VISUAL: z1p8aXE.png
  • REPRODUCTION: HOW?! Give me back my lost time!
  • EXPECTED RESULT: This is obvious! Since we play exactly the same missions, we should get the same result, right?
  • OBSERVED RESULT: I lose time, I lose my nerves, I lose points scored exactly the same way as other team members!-Pose”]
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  • TYPE: In-game 
  • DESCRIPTION: Started a space run for the event. Noticed something was a little off when my HUD didn't show the oplink satellite health or the oplink health or kill code progress. Realised 20 minutes into the game that I wasn't getting the rewards, only item pickups. Finished the mission and didn't get any rewards for finishing the mission and my leadboard status for the relay wasn't updated.



I had done 2 runs total with grigor33 and after the second one, he got the points for it and I didn't

  • REPRODUCTION: Haven't tried to reproduce it
  • EXPECTED RESULT: I should have gotten the rewards
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: Haven't tried to reproduce it, first time this has happened
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  • TYPE: In-Game, Scarlet Spear servers.
    • DESCRIPTION: [Sorry for mistakes, not native english speaker but this might be important]
      I'm not sure, but I think your game uses some kind of method to merge Scarlet Spear\relay servers if there are too many of them or I don't really know how this works. I'm not a developer by no means, but I am seeing some things so I should report it just in case.
      The problem is that after some time it "happens" that Railjack Teams(RT) just won't receive kill codes anymore, or receive them at a VERY lowered rate(20-30 mins per kill code). And that happens abruptly after many Murrex were successfully kissed off.
      However, Earth Teams(ET) are, in some cases, in the majority and their work just flows into the abbyss, yellow messages state that codes being received by them but those codes just don't transfer to RT for some reason, (also that problem creates a huge ping, me being already in the flotilla could see yellow messages about me receiving kill codes). And there are multiple cases. 
      At the same time some other flotillas have a good time with no problems at all. If my theory is correct and servers are really merged together then there might be something desyncronizing, overflowing(or whatever) after that, I came to that conclusion after I joined a flotilla with 80\100 murrex to ask how were they doing to see no yellow messages at all with 3 RT and 8 ET, however there already was a player that told me different team statistics, he too was in the flotilla, but we were unable to see eachother and team stats were different for us both, so I presumed that I connected to a freshly merged server, in which that other person was doing good long before my connection.
      One more thing that made me thinking about this is that I, in many cases, coudn't find flotilla that I've been in for a long time and then have returned to orbiter. I approximately remembered relay number but I just couldn't find recognizable people there.
      I might be completely wrong about OR you could be already informed about that being a problem if it is right, but whatever the case -- please fix it as soon as possible, it annoys many people and might badly affect future popularity of the event, as it will be up 25 more days but some people would just buy weapon blueprints and won't participate in the event any longer in fear of gaining nothing and wasting time.
Edited by -YS-OmgRocket
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... OpLink Satellite self-destructs during Solo runs, while its invulnerable. I made sure that there are no Grineer Ships next to it as Sentient ships do not engage it, and I kept my eyes on its status bar the whole time.


This tends to happen more frequently with the number of Murex ships running away. It doesn't happen on the first Murex leaving, it happens after the first Murex is gone. The more Murex ships are gone, the higher is the chance of it happening, with an above average frequency after the 3rd Murex.

As far as I can tell, I'm not the only one being affected by this. We would appreciate if you could take a look at it. Thanks in advance and keep up the good work.

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  • TYPE: Chat
  • DESCRIPTION: I joined Flotilla 1 and was put into its chat, where I've remained since. I ran an arbitration and I'm still present in it. There's no chatbot and some people are spamming some... colorful language. Mostly one guy spamming racial slurs.
  • VISUAL: sorry got none 😞
  • REPRODUCTION: I have no idea! I left the flotilla and it's continued since.
  • EXPECTED RESULT: I should have been removed from the flotilla chat when I left the flotilla.
  • OBSERVED RESULT: The chat has remained after leaving the flotilla and returning to my orbiter, through a lengthy arbitration, and still as I'm chilling in my orbiter now.
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: I... literally have no idea. It seems like a bunch of us got chucked into the chat all at once and haven't had the ability to leave.
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Just noticed this one. Pretty minor, but... Played with my usual squad, did a nice long 17-scan ground mission. We head back to the flotilla, then we split up at the end of the night.

But while I'm on the flotilla, I notice my railjack outside the window. But, instead of having MY railjack's name painted across the side, it has the name of my previous host's railjack.

Even when I exit the flotilla and head to my dojo, when I go to check the name? It's not mine.

It might be from the space side, because we did that LAST night, and I only just noticed today. But either way... weird, yeah?

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DESCRIPTION: This is becoming more common, Huge Desyncs causing not receiving kill codes or taking too long. You can see this with the very delayed messages. There is a lot of ground teams so engagement is out of the question


REPRODUCTION: If you see delayed messages then you know your Railjack runs aren't gonna be smooth. when there is no desync the message "Playername's squad travel to space" should happen as soon as the squad loaded into space, if there is a desync the message doesn't pop instantly but instead got a huge delay before it's showed in the flotilla log

EXPECTED RESULT: Railjack squads should receive kill codes instantly

OBSERVED RESULT: Very long wait to receive codes, can take 10 minutes or more for 1 code!

REPRODUCTION RATE: Very common recently as the time I am writing this

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  • TYPE: Rewards
  • DESCRIPTION: Got 7305 points as a kill code sender and placed first in my relay. Received condrix 1 badge, condrix 2 badge, and space operations 1 badge. I dont even own a railjack.
  • VISUAL: -
  • REPRODUCTION: im not grinding 7305 points again to lose the bonus
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  • TYPE: In-Game - Condrix ground mission
  • DESCRIPTION: Using Mag's Crush ability on the Condrix during one of its vulnerable phases causes it to close its eye prematurely.
  • VISUAL: Attached. Note the undamaged, vulnerable Condrix, yet the... eye... is closed.


  • REPRODUCTION: Use Mag's Crush ability within range of the Condrix while it has its eye open (vulnerable phase). The Condrix must be within the range of Crush.
  • EXPECTED RESULT: Magnetic damage and possible armor strip from Fracturing Crush.
  • OBSERVED RESULT: The Condrix closed prematurely, as it does during its invulnerable phases.
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: 100%, once I realized what was causing it. I tried both with and without the Fracturing Crush augment equipped, it occurs either way.
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I know these are known issues, but they occurred in conjunction. Perhaps a review of this specific floatilla's logs on your end can help shed light onto what exactly went wrong since a lot seemed to go wrong on this floatilla..

  • TYPE: [In-Game]
  • DESCRIPTION: [ To keep things short, we'd already done 2x17 ground runs, and were finishing on our 3rd with 84/100 murex. Kill codes stopped transmitting completely to space crews, even though there were at least 8 ground crews active. Upon returning to the floatilla after completing the 3rd run, we got dumped into a zombie floatilla. After checking inbox, it seems we only got the appropriate emblems, but without any bonus credits. I assume this is because the system considered our floatilla "complete" but without having actually 100/100'ed the murex.  ]
  • VISUAL: [N/A]
  • REPRODUCTION: [Review Floatilla #19 (NA region) logs from before 3/27/20 05:24, the date of the relevant Little Duck mail to me after the closure of the instance]
  • EXPECTED RESULT: [ Kill codes to continue transmitting, and floatilla not turning into a zombie]
  • OBSERVED RESULT: [ Kill codes stopped transmitting, upon returning floatilla was a zombie]
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: [ Fairly common ]
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if there is one thing i want them to fix. This has been an ongoing issue for me for the last three days now and i have about had it with this and no acknowledgment of the issue that other people with the same issue have reported. It is based around this updated because it worked perfectly fine before it.






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On 2020-03-25 at 5:03 PM, Schwarzsturm said:

A minor bug, but a bug still.

In-game, during the missions.

When i do the mission on earth, the helios don't scan the Condrix. I have done like 3-4 runs of the scarlet spear mission on the ground, on earth, but helios don't scan the Condrix while in the mission.


My helios prime made 4 scans of the Condrix on the first day of the event, but hasn't done the other 16 to complete the codex entry. Investigator is the first mod I have slotted. He's scanned the other stuff ok. Though the loot containers on the Murex ships aren't in the codex even if they were scanned.

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4 minutes ago, smkd13 said:

if there is one thing i want them to fix. This has been an ongoing issue for me for the last three days now and i have about had it with this and no acknowledgment of the issue that other people with the same issue have reported. It is based around this updated because it worked perfectly fine before it.




Maybe it's because everyone is at home and it's making the internet between you and others less than ideal.

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Just now, Hobie-wan said:

Maybe it's because everyone is at home and it's making the internet between you and others less than ideal.

well i would worry that it was my network if everything else and other games were having issues. go figure COVID screwing up even more stuff


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