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Operation Scarlet Spear: Bug Reporting Megathread (Read First Post!)


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  • TYPE: In-game, Mission Results (Frozen/Stuck)
  • DESCRIPTION: Stuck after the Murex Raid with Mission Summary screen on, unable to exit. Can leave group (screen clickable trough), cannot enter chat or move. Alt+4 is only choice, after the log back cannot choose Scarlett spear instance (not on the list). Not receiving any prices.
  • REPRODUCTION: Have the summary screen on while leaving RJ mission.
  • EXPECTED RESULT: Exit button should close the window.
  • OBSERVED RESULT: Exit button doesnt seem to be clickable.
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: Two times so far.


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  • TYPEIn-Game
  • DESCRIPTION: Playing a ground mission
  • REPRODUCTION: unsure, force a host migration maybe
  • EXPECTED RESULT: after migration, mission should have continued as normal
  • OBSERVED RESULT: i am stuck inside a mission i can not complete, the condrix is just doing nothing, enemies have stopped spawning and i have no mission objective
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: one time so far
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  • TYPEIn-Game
  • DESCRIPTION: Playing a ground mission
  • REPRODUCTION: unsure, force a host migration maybe
  • EXPECTED RESULT: after migration, mission should have continued as normal
  • OBSERVED RESULT: i am stuck inside a mission i can not complete, the condrix is just doing nothing, enemies have stopped spawning and i have no mission objective
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: one time so far
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  • TYPEIn-Game
  • DESCRIPTION: Playing a ground mission
  • REPRODUCTION: unsure, force a host migration maybe
  • EXPECTED RESULT: after migration, mission should have continued as normal
  • OBSERVED RESULT: i am stuck inside a mission i can not complete, the condrix is just doing nothing, enemies have stopped spawning and i have no mission objective
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: one time so far
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This is a relatively minor bug, given the huge similar issues I have seen posted here, but I figured more information is better. Sadly, i expect there's nothing that can be done about this issue.

  • TYPE: In-game (Op SS), Inbox Rewards versus End-of-Mission Rewards
  • DESCRIPTION: After completing three waves of ground attacks, one failed mission due to the aerolyst bug (aerolyst flying into the environment and cannot be shot), and two successful missions, I "talked" to Little Duck to see how many points I had earned in total without leaving the flotilla. The counter in the Little Duck trade screen registered 3325 points, and I even suspected that was before any of the new points were added from the current murex wave. However, when the wave was finished, and I returned to my ship, my scarlet credits were only registering 3045 and I have yet to receive an inbox message from Little Duck about anything related to this series of missions. Other information includes: I was running the missions solo; the murex wave did not reach 100 murex driven away (I don't know the exact number, but it was not 100/100); I was the only ground squad for an extended period of time; I was in my mission when the wave ended and I was sent to extraction (asked by Little Duck and given the "Get to Extraction" mission objective, and the green waypoint). I switched between warframes during the series of missions using the equipment/arsenal access from the main menu, without leaving the flotilla. I used Vauban (dread/sonicor/zenistar) and WuKong (dread/atomos/cassowar). [the issue with aerolyst persists - the only way I am able to kill it is using the bug against it: I lure it into the environment where it gets stuck, then I can use the rampart guns, if available, to shoot it. Otherwise, the aerolyst either flies out of the playing area, or does not remain vulnerable for more than one second, and cannot be killed in the 30 mins time limit. That's another issue, about which I posted here already.)
  • VISUAL:N/A (I can take a screen shot of the score on my ship, if needed)
  • REPRODUCTION: Only happened this once, so far.
  • EXPECTED RESULT: To get the amount of credits due for completing the missions.
  • OBSERVED RESULT: Missing a significant amount of scarlet credits (not as much as other people, but still... ~300)
Edited by Kingseesar
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16 hours ago, PhillyFlyers said:
  • TYPE: In-Game
  • DESCRIPTION: Did not receive rank 3 Scarlet spear emblem after hitting 50k threshold.
  • EXPECTED RESULT: Receiving rank 3 scarlet spear emblem
  • OBSERVED RESULT: Did not receive anything after hitting 50k+

Same here, I thought it was just my account 😞


Edited by ElKrafT0
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16 hours ago, FotherMucker62 said:
  • TYPE: In-Game
  • DESCRIPTION: Scarlet Spear. Murax assault. Lack of kill codes received.
  • VISUAL: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198288029153/screenshots/?appid=0&sort=newestfirst&browsefilter=myfiles&view=imagewall&privacy=30
  • REPRODUCTION: Every time I play the Scarlet Spear Murax assault this happens. Getting a bit tired of this. Run approximately 18 missions since Scarlet Spear all failed. This is ridiculous. 
  • EXPECTED RESULT: Receiving kill codes regularly. 12 ground teams, 4 in space.
  • OBSERVED RESULT: 2 Kill codes received in 30minutes.
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: Every time I play the Scarlet Spear Murax assault this happens. Getting a bit tired of this. Run approximately 18 missions since Scarlet Spear all failed. This is ridiculous. 

I am getting this too. Out of perhaps a dozen attempts at running the Murax assault, I've received kill codes at a decent rate and been able to successfully extract in two missions. All the others we've aborted after 10-30 minutes (depending on our patience) of no kill codes at all. Edit - sometimes we have a full squad, sometimes it's a two-man premade. My partner and I always go in together so there's always to two-man premade and sometimes others join us in matchmaking, in case that helps.

Edited by XE7_
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12 minutes ago, XE7_ said:

I am getting this too. Out of perhaps a dozen attempts at running the Murax assault, I've received kill codes at a decent rate and been able to successfully extract in two missions. All the others we've aborted after 10-30 minutes (depending on our patience) of no kill codes at all. Edit - sometimes we have a full squad, sometimes it's a two-man premade. My partner and I always go in together so there's always to two-man premade and sometimes others join us in matchmaking, in case that helps.

I wonder if this is related to the ground teams either encountering the bug where they can't get past the aerolyst (it gets stuck in a tree or something, then the ground squad is forced to abort the mission when it times out)? Many times I see that I am sending a code, but when I get force extracted, I loose any points I was earning (of course), however, does that effect sending the codes, too? Or maybe it is causing such a great delay that the codes are not being sent in real time?

Thanks for the post! More info is a good thing! Cheers!

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  • TYPE:



After succesfully sending 100 murex ships, back home.
I placed my frame in the kneel pose, in the Flotilla.
A bathroom break was due, so I left for a brief moment, for relievement.
Nothing was noticed yet, at this point.

Upon returning, I was sitting somewhere completely different.
Puzzled as to how this occurred, I scoured the area.
And then found the cause, right outside the Flotilla window.

An angry pilot, chased me all the way here.
An Exo Gockstad Crewship, flying outside, and firing it's cannons endlessly.
It was most likely, advancing from a distance, while I went for a break.
Arriving at the time in between.



Edit: bonus video material - 04/04/2020





Especially this last one, is the most amusing.
With a crewship, circling the Flotilla spawn point.
Getting you stuck in an endless loop, of being thrown all over the place.


The most likely explanation.
Would be, that a grineer ship, translated back to the flotilla, as we extracted.

My guess is, the best way to reproduce the issue.
Is to have Exo Gockstad Crewships near your railjack.
After defeating 5 Murex, and choosing to return to the Flotilla.


Well, didn't expect this to happen at all.
But Profit-Taker was known to barge into Fortuna as well.
So this is not a shocker.

Expected all entities, to not transfer to the hub, from the last mission.


The Crewship was unable to cause damage.
But kept on trying to do it's best, to get closer.

The outside of the Flotilla, prevented it from getting nearer.
So it kept rubbing against the outside.

Moving towards it, caused the Crewships' density, to push me back.
Several times, resulting in being pushed outside.
Then respawning back in the flotilla, only to be pushed outside a few more times.

Jumping towards it, even made me leave the Flotilla boundaries.
As the Crewship's force to push me away, was of such magnitude.
Making it result, in long falls outside the Flotilla.

Video 3:

This one has the crewship, somewhere near the flotilla spawn point.
It puts you in a loop, of constantly being pushed around.
Forcing an exit, out of the flotilla.


The chance of this happening seems pretty low.
I've had multiple excursions out in space, and this is the first time, encountering this.

Though I do recall, having seen a post.
Where someone experienced the same, at their dojo.

It seems this issue, triggers more often than I thought.


The EE.log of this incident, is sent via ticket 2089182
Hope it helps. ❤️

Edited by Guest
edit section: bonus videos (contains stuck part)
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  • TYPE: End victory reward / Reward mail
  • DESCRIPTION: Only received glyph, no scarlet credits, even after confirmed victory.
  • VISUALbug.png
  • REPRODUCTION: "winning" a round of scarlet spear and being unlucky
  • EXPECTED RESULT: receiving an emblem and 4590 credit reward
  • OBSERVED RESULT: only receiving the emblem and not the credits
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: 3/28/20 13:01, 3/29/20 23:50
Edited by Caladcholg
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TYPE: Ingame/Mission
DESCRIPTION: Scarlet Spear event. It takes anywhere from 1 to 20 attempts to deploy an OpLink for the thing to actually appear. This occurs on both ground and railjack modes. On ground, sometimes the condrix upload is finished before I can even get my oplink to deploy. In the last mission, I finally got a reason for the deployment fail - no condrix available to scan (in the Railjack mission). Most of the time, there's no error message, it just doesn't deploy. I play with my partner so we're always in a two-man premade and sometimes we are joined by others via matchmaking. I always have the same oplink problem regardless of squad size. I have tried with Limbo and Frost loadouts. 
VISUAL: It isn't there
REPRODUCTION: Every time I go into any Scarlet Spear event mission. 
EXPECTED RESULT: Pull up gear wheel, click OpLink, get OpLink deployed.
OBSERVED RESULT: No OpLink deployed for many attempts until it finally works. Sometimes it never works. 
REPRODUCTION RATE: Played all weekend. Happens every time. Still happening now. In non-Scarlet Spear missions, my gear wheel seems to work fine. 

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Im mr10 in this game...not a beginner nor a veteran. Since no1 can(or will) try to explain to me how can i get a normal Flotilla in Operation Scarlet Spear i will ask you, the Digital Extremes themself. Im a big fan of the game and love every event and update you make but this...this is a different story. Im not a game developer but i think it is possible to make a field on Events tab in navigation that will lead your right into ground assault or space raid mission on the operation with your team thats in the lobby(squad). For 3 days im took 1 hour just to try play this game mode with a squad and i couldnt...why? Every singe time i get :
1. empty floatilla without a timer
2. floatilla thats about 3 minutes to end the murex wave
3. floatilla thats full and 98/100 murex
The only singe time i got to play to play for a longer time was 3 times of 17 rounds on ground assault in the same floatilla hoping i will get a Scarlet spear ground assault badge 1,2,3 but i didnt get even 1? Why didnt i get anything except 3x 2300 scarlet credits when i was told i will get a badge.
Not even my progress for Scarlet spear operation emblem didnt fill.
I was told it didnt happen because the murex didnt get 100/100 and bcs i left the floatilla but i dont know whats true with so little information and bugs.
I would really like to play this game mode but i simply cant , every time i get pissed off.
I know that you simply wont care if i say that i will just quit the game or spread bad news about it but when its the whole community thats complaining i think u cant just make a hotfix and say #*!% it we are done.

I will at least like a explanation for my problems and a guide on how to join a normal floatilla if you cant fix the event to be "normal".
Greeting from SpacePony!


I wrote this on a ticket too so i hope to get something good for an answer.


Sorry if this is not a right format im just too pissed of and want answers.

Edited by SpacePony404
Adding something
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3 hours ago, Caladcholg said:
  • TYPE: End victory reward / Reward mail
  • DESCRIPTION: Only received glyph, no scarlet credits, even after confirmed victory.
  • VISUALbug.png
  • REPRODUCTION: "winning" a round of scarlet spear and being unlucky
  • EXPECTED RESULT: receiving an emblem and 4590 credit reward
  • OBSERVED RESULT: only receiving the emblem and not the credits
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: 3/28/20 13:01, 3/29/20 23:50

Always says won, It doesn't mean that 100 / 100 have been achieve

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Type: in-game

Description: After a host migration during a space murex mission I found myself stranded in archwing mode on the outside of the murex with the railjack completely disappeared in all the map (using omni to go back to the ship was impossible as it said rank 4 tactical required but I already had that unlocked). I entered the murex and then waited a bit until I was able to use the omni to get back to the railjack, which appeared back into existence. Then I went back to the flotilla from the navigation console and found the following visual bug (inputs still worked as if I was piloting the railjack and I had to use the arsenal to get out of my stuck-in-place position):

Visual: juswwMl.jpg?1

Reproduction: n/a

Expected results: n/a

Observed results: n/a

Reproduction rate: n/a



p.s. sorry for the bad image quality

Edited by ArcaneMender
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  • TYPE: In-Game, Scalert Spear
  • DESCRIPTION:not recieving point at the end of MUREX raid (space mission)
  • EXPECTED RESULT: my point get update and i get credit
  • OBSERVED RESULT: even when the raid complete i only got the pts before update
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: 2 mission in a row
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Attempting to join a Scarlet Spear Instance.

Click on the instance that says  81 /100. Only 20 minutes left want to have a chance of hitting that 100 complete... 

Join instance and its empty and shows 0/100....


This has happened so many times and its been infuriating. 

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17 minutes ago, Hoocli said:

Attempting to join a Scarlet Spear Instance.

Click on the instance that says  81 /100. Only 20 minutes left want to have a chance of hitting that 100 complete... 

Join instance and its empty and shows 0/100....


This has happened so many times and its been infuriating. 

Yeap, something about refreshing data.....to avoid that travel somewhere else first...like your dojo

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The only bug I've met so far is that while me and a friend both fulfilled the requirement for the tier 1 event emblem, this emblem was never delivered. I later solo got to both tier 2 and 3 and got those emblems just fine, but the other one has never shown up. Would be nice to send them out afterwards as it would suck to miss out on the collection.

It's possible this might be caused by the event score going over the threshold for the specific emblem on a flotilla that doesn't end up being won.

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  • TYPEIn-Game
  • DESCRIPTION: Not receiving credits for reaching second tier of ground mission. Have received the emblem in inbox. Was in the flotilla when it reached 100/100.
  • REPRODUCTION: So far this has happened twice.
  • EXPECTED RESULT: To get my credits?
  • OBSERVED RESULT: Only receiving emblem no credits. 
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: Really don't want to reproduce this.
  • Dont really think a visual is needed since there is so many already posted here. 
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TYPE: In-Game, Host Migration

DESCRIPTION: Doing a ground raid and somewhere through a condrix fight the host left causing host migration. When we came back we killed the condrix and I noticed that i couldn't put down my oplink because my entire gear wheel was empty. I left the mission to see if that worked and all my gear was back in my wheel.

REPRODUCTION: Something to do with host migration during a condrix fight.

EXPECTED RESULT: I should have had an oplink, among other things, equipped in my gear wheel.

OBSERVED RESULT: My gear wheel was empty so I couldn't deploy oplink to do the mission.

Side Note: Not sure if it was because of the kuva bramma or the mission or both but earlier in the mission I was unable to shoot, use abilities, or change into operator. Swapping weapons would still work but they wouldn't shoot. Pressing "e" to melee would still switch to my melee but wouldn't swing and "right click" would go back to my bow but it still wouldn't work. To fix it I had to let myself die (not just jump off the map, jumping off didn't work) and then revive.

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TYPE: In-Game, Scarlet Tokens taken from me

DESCRIPTION: Last night after playing the event I had 140,000+ Scarlet tokens. Logging in today I have 139,990 tokens.

I literally haven't bought a single thing from this event, cause I am saving up for now. So now after literally losing my rewards over and over cause the game screen goes black, or "host is not compatible" which kicks me out of my instance and I get nothing as a reward, I am now being stolen even the tokens I managed to farm up suffering through countless problems from this event. Check my account, I haven't spend a single token, and then check my token status yesterday and today. It is tremendously infuriating to do this event, especially when you are stolen from by bugs when you have to suffer through them as well. Give me back my tokens, even if they were a couple of thousands that are now missing.

EDIT: So now the navigation is showing a different number then what I can see in the Little Ducks trading inventory. I am now unaware if I am actually missing tokens or if the navigation UI is bugged. Hopefully it's the UI, cause it would suck that my tokens are getting eaten while I am trying to save up.

Edited by DjemoSRBIN
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  • TYPE: In-Game
  • DESCRIPTION: Murex assault. 
  • VISUAL: Not needed, self explanatory.
  • REPRODUCTION: Normally happens when loading in with a team that is staying on for another run. 
  • EXPECTED RESULT: Load into mission, satellite spawns and we go do the thing.
  • OBSERVED RESULT: We load into the mission but no satellite spawns. No objective listed on the left. Murex are about as normal. Abandoning mission and re-launching fixes it most of the time.
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: Occasionally. Plagued me last week but was fine over the weekend. I thought it was fixed but it happened again today. Happens most often when launching with a team that have already cleared the mission once with you and want to do another run.
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  • TYPE: In-Game
  • DESCRIPTION: Murex back to back mission bug, endless loading for peers. 
  • VISUAL: No
  • REPRODUCTION: If host finishes a murex mission and loads the mode again before entire squad is back in the relay, seems to trap the others in endless Railjack loading. On re-invite unsure if in same flotilla or not. Can no longer see full party names on scoreboard. Or you get flotilla is full when re-inviting lost members. 
  • EXPECTED RESULT: Complete mission, when host gets to relay and clicks the mission for Murex again, the rest of the team should already be in relay and waiting on host to start.
  • OBSERVED RESULT: It seems the host gets to relay first / before some others, and so when they click the mission type again the others who were still extracting from the previous mission get stuck. Should be made so host gets to relay LAST to avoid this.
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: Done it to others as host, happened to me as client.
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I farmed murex rank 3 and I didn't get my rank credits also during the farm, mission kept ending after 6 murexes driven away, after the mission getting force ended, scarlet spear credit reward were irregular and after that each member of our squad was on a different place in the leaderboard.unknown.png

PS: You owe me 10k

Edited by Unlucky_John
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