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Operation: Scarlet Spear [OVER ON PC]


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This event is poorly explained, the reward currency is also not explained on how it works, I only found out about bonuses through forums and they don't appear to be working anyway, despite it apparently being fixed (lol of course not). Finally completed a Flotilla this evening and didn't get a bonus (I had 3900 on Kill Code Senders by the end, not amazing but I think enough for a bonus depending on how it works now? Who knows! I did get a Rank 2 Ground insignia, though).

The missions are repetitive and the grind for rewards seems ridiculous especially since the bonuses are so sporadic. It's really disheartening to see people getting a nice reward for the same/less effort than you put in because it isn't working as it should. You won't lower the cost of the Hema because of the effort of players already put in (myself included), but I doubt all those that miss out on their currency due to bugs won't get any kind of reprieve, will they?

If it was less grindy and there wasn't a time limit on both the event and the Flotillas the bugs wouldn't be so utterly frustrating. The quickest fix would be to reduce the cost of items, seeing as you can't seem to get the rewards to work properly, wouldn't a grind reduction be an easier fix? Why won't you make something that isn't grindy? Especially as you should know by now things are always buggy. Make it less annoying for all by reducing the grind.

Why do you seemingly have no respect for your players time? You show with this stuff that you don't care if people spend 3 hours on something to get next to nothing. You know if you keep releasing badly received, grindy, boring, repetitive, buggy content people will burn out, yes? You will drive people away, yes? Stop doing it then! What's wrong DE? Why do you keep doing this? You know by now your release will be buggy, so why do you never put safety nets in place?

Whatever you think the price should be? Half it. At least. Just half it automatically, because your bugs are automatic. You'll feel all hard done by due to backlash but won't change to reduce it, so I dunno what else to tell you. It's starting to feel like you do it on purpose so you can pretend like you're listening by rolling the grind back later. Do it before you release it. Do it now.

People are scared, cooped up and bored but that doesn't mean a grind fest of an event that is time limited is okay. Do something nice, DE. You know its more fun if we get lots of nice things, right? You know you could really take people's minds off things with that fun right now, right? Right?


Nah. 'course not. I'mma go pick up fruit for a Raccoon. 

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Can you get multiple Victory Payouts?

Now it seems that if you dont wait till 3 hours end, when all 100 ships are driven away, and jump to another relay to play - you loose bonus, it is overwritten by new relay score.

Also - where is over all progress visible - how many sentient ships are there - it is for fomorian for example, when relay is thretenned.

What is the point of time gating bonuses, are you afraid that people will get too much points, then why do bonuses at all???



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28 minutes ago, anonimus_riga said:

Can you get multiple Victory Payouts?

Now it seems that if you dont wait till 3 hours end, when all 100 ships are driven away, and jump to another relay to play - you loose bonus, it is overwritten by new relay score.

@[DE]Rebecca Can we get some clarity on this? Quite a few of us have been dealing with the annoying timegating by helping clear one flotilla, then moving on to a new one and racking up extra points helping out there...but usually the first score is much bigger. Are we going to get dumped on by a limit of one set of rewards per time-gate? If so, that's kinda sorta something we deserved to know up front.

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login into the relay with nothing going on is a waste of time -- having to jump from relay to ship and back again to check if there is something going on in that numbered node is a serious setback and not worth playing

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4 hours ago, Descent-of-Damocles said:

By the time I get close to 5k points, the murex 100/100 is reached. 

Me: as first place in the relay: (Railjack passed 7k)Warframe0270.jpg?width=1204&height=677

Earlier in the day: nobody got 5kWarframe0269.jpg?width=1204&height=677

Well that's just the one you were in, but in other ones we got over 10k and more.

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6 hours ago, Liuskur said:

After  Hotfix 27.3.3, did in one frotilla over 5k points and it got 100/100, almost 6k even i beleive. Went in for another, did around 1.3k there, it got 100/100. Got 2 emails, one had 2.6k credits, other only emblems rank3 - no credits. Feels sad man.

Crap, so it was overwritten by last relay you did. Time gating at work, need to get bonus, only then can do another relay. If you waited, should have gotten first reward x2 - around 10k 

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Also - what does this mean??

"A Scalet Spear Operations Emblem can be earned that represents the cumulative score earned throughout the entire event (not on a wave-to-wave basis)."


Dont remember if I spent some credits in shop, but I had in single wave few times 540 points, one time above 2000, have screen shot

And current standing is

3345/50 000 overall (this was less, but I seems to count earned points during missions)

9435 I can spend with little duck (these include bonus I guess), so bonus victory payouts dont count to over all score then?


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The reward system of scarlet spear is really frustrating.


A succesful mission can reward over 2000 credits, so it's possible to get around 5000 credits per 3 hour flotilla session.

If you get those 5000 credits, your reward will be tripled by giving you another 10000 credits. Sounds nice right? It's such a big increase, that playing without aiming for the bonus is barely worth it.

However, if you pick a flotilla that is not populated enough, you don't get rewards.

However, if you pick a flotilla that has too many people who know what to do, you don't get 5000 before the group reaches 100/100, so you don't get rewards.


The only valuable way to spend time on this event is by aiming for the bonus, because without it your credit income is only a third of what it could be. And whether you get that bonus or not is out of your hands.

I understand that from a design perspective it's nice to have flotillas that are populated, but not too populated. But there's not much an individual player can do to make sure his flotilla is populated, but not too populated. And if there is something players can do, it is the complete opposite: players selecting flotillas based on possible rewards will lead to an unbalanced situation where people leave the flotillas that need more players, while moving towards flotillas that probably have too many players already in the hopes of getting at least some bonus.


Fix the bonus system. Upping the required amount of murex from 100/100 to 200/200 won't fix the underlying issue. While it would increase the possibility of reaching the required 5000 points, it makes it easier for lots of players to miss out on rewards by having an underpopulated flotilla. The main issue as I see it, is that the base credit rate is only a third without bonus.

(A partial solution I see is to reward bonuses for reaching 100/200. When the flotilla finishes above 100 people get their rewards at the end, but this change would allow people to continue fighting for longer to reach the required amount of points in time.)

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3 hours ago, anonimus_riga said:
3 hours ago, anonimus_riga said:

Can you get multiple Victory Payouts?

Now it seems that if you dont wait till 3 hours end, when all 100 ships are driven away, and jump to another relay to play - you loose bonus, it is overwritten by new relay score.

Also - where is over all progress visible - how many sentient ships are there - it is for fomorian for example, when relay is thretenned.

What is the point of time gating bonuses, are you afraid that people will get too much points, then why do bonuses at all???



Guess I can say bye-bye to my rank 3 emblem payout

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I had the same issue, i really invested the full 3hours to achieve rank II(space) on a relay, then went to another where i achieved rank III(space), all within the same murex wave.and both relays achieved the 100/100 goal.

When i got the mail back i received all emblems, no issue, but only the reward for rank II which was (before change) 6.000 credits.
I did not get the rank III reward at all. so i got the lowest tier i achieved and lost the other, nice way to lose time and faith honeslty.

If DE does not wish players to get multiple rewards within one murex wave, maybe they should, either say it in plain text, or make it impossible. not getting a reward is a thing,
but loosing 2h for no reason is kinda pissing me off.

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Presenting: An updating post from today's mess of adventures:

Day 2 Operation Scarlet Spear: What-a-Mess.
It's gonna be cute, like a diary.

> Host left, couldn't complete the mission for a reward.

> Flotilla victory with enough credit for a Rank 1 insignia. Didn't get bonus.

> Scarlet Spear Operations over all progress doesn't seem to update half the time. Oh, no, it just takes ages.

> I just wanna play game. Enough of this waste of time:


> Finished a ground mission but got put into a different Flotilla so I don't know if it counts towards the Flotilla progress. Probably not. Wasn't getting bonuses anyway, I suppose. Will see if I get overall operation progress but I'm logging off now so I doubt it.

This 'diary' is the only fun I am getting out of the event.

Tired and sad, my cat was killed by a car on Saturday and now this

So, I'm going for a nap, more mess updates later probably. 

z Z z

I return with more updates.

> Selecting an instance to go to doesn't seem to correlate with the one you're actually put into. I select a 50/100 one and get put into a 100/100. I need to keep going in and out to find something to play. I've been at it for ten twenty minutes so far, still haven't.

> I have now given up and am AFKing in a Flotilla, waiting to play the game.

> A Hotfix is inbound with promise of restoring lost credits, dealing with health scaling on Ground missions and adding information as to how this all actually works. Red text isn't cute or funny. I'm not holding my breath.

> Over 7k credits were delivered to my inbox. That was nice. Let's see how things progress now...

> Just finished a full 17 run Ground mission. It was fun! 

> Completed a Flotilla, all seemingly worked, it was a blast!


What a mess. What a roller coaster. That's me for today.

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failed mission with timeout, because that thing does NOT take damage from ANYTHING!??


In addition to its damage adaptation, it is immune to harm until the eight canisters surrounding its torso are destroyed.

because 95% damage reduction is not enough... yeaaaaaaaa



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17 minutes ago, anonimus_riga said:






failed mission with timeout, because that thing does NOT take damage from ANYTHING!??


Shot in the belly>Break the glasses>Profit.

Just learn to watch and think and not shot like a blind guy.



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So, odd thing. Last night I did four full Murex runs. Some bug prevented the second run from counting, but between the other three, the scoreboard said my squadmates and I still had 5625(ish?) points total. I AFK'd inside the Flotilla until it reached 100/100, to boot.

I log in this morning and find... two Rank 2 Murex Emblems in my inbox from the same message, and no credits. Both indigo emblems, both rank 2. No payout. Uh. What?

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vor 2 Minuten schrieb Myr_Tsukimiya:

this is a bugged mess....


DE frists fix this event. then extend it by at least a week for how long it took to fix this sh**!

I mean why extending it? Its a War based on the "Lore". Does the Sentients get bored after a month? Why should they stop attacking us? Why not make it a consistent gamemode. Why does it have to be time limited at all? This event is such a nonsense.

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