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Operation: Scarlet Spear [OVER ON PC]


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Went to flotilla instance 84. Did 2 RJ missions when wave started, went for 3rd and all we got was WAITING FOR KILL CODE. Failed the mission deliberately, then flotilla was staying stuck at 54/100, no progress for long time. Then exited flotilla, went back in, everything was empty - said no waves (no 54/100 or even 0/100 or 100/100, just blank) and leaderboards were empty, but i was among the top before in the RJ board

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Ground assaults are both significantly more difficult and hugely less rewarding than Railjack assaults, this is causing the entire event to collapse as people just sit in their Railjacks waiting for keys which never arrive.

You can complete a full Railjack mission in ~20 minutes but ground assaults take 45+ minutes with a good squad.

Ground assaults could reward more keycodes, more points, or you could add a system which grants bonus points depending on how in-demand keycodes are.

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Hi, it's me again with some harsh critique, destroying the event in it's very basics.

1. Why play the Event for multiple Hours to get a Rank 0 Arcane, if you just can slay 1 or more Eidolon in less time and can get higher Rarity ones?

2. Why play the Event for Hours to get a STANCE FORMA, if all people at this point just can put a normal Forma in the Stance Slot for their favorite Stance? Not to mention, people may have forma'd their weapons so efficient, a red marked Stance due to polarity mismatch doesn't affect much. Might as well put the Forma in the shop for 40 Plat. *laughs in Paracesis and Kuva Weapons*

3. Rewards are just abusing trying to benefit from Coronavirus Lockdowns across the world. Do you really think, people will now play Warframe for 18 Hours, because they have nothing else they can do? Raise the rewards, this is Warframe International, not some bad designed china farmer/korean MMO. 

TL;DR: Pointless Grind, Pointless Timesink, Useless Rewards.

Now about the bugs:

Near Impossible Sortie, because SPY went broken - there is no extraction, enemies triggering (without player intervention) alerts INSIDE VAULTS due to radiation proc. I played a default Spy mission on VENUS and it failed - the extraction wasn't unlocked after successfully opening 3 stealth vaults.

So this update may have broken other gamemodes aswell.

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I still don't understand the scoring and ranks and don't want to sift through 9 pages of stuff.

I think these statements are accurate:

  • a full 5 round Murex run gets you 2,565 points
  • a full 17 round Condrix run gets you 2,565 points
  • your rank points reset every 3 hours when the event timer hits zero so you need to hit rank 3 during each 3 hour window
  • your rank points are cumulative within the 3 hours, meaning you can run back to back missions to try to hit the rank 3 totals

Here's where the confusion comes in.

I got an in-game mail yesterday with a Murex III emblem but only 2,000 store credits. According to the first page scoring post, I should have gotten 10,000 store credits because I hit rank 3?

And on top of that, I have no idea how the overall Scarlet Spear Operations emblem points are working - is this lifetime points throughout the entire event? Or do I have to hit thresholds during the 'attack' window? I'm at 7,020 of 50,000 and have no idea how/why.

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To be honest, they take pleasure in the event, but here only nerves, codes from the earth come for a long time, since in space there are more teams than on earth and the mission takes from 30 to 40 minutes, this is a mockery. What can be the pleasure of such a game, I just do not understand. In a week, or even earlier, there will be no one on earth at all, since people want modulars to shake and earn points at the same time. If this is a rakejack event, then let it be only on the ship, and not sit on a soft spot in two chairs.

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I'm just curious as to how I can participate in the event at all... Spent the last 25 minutes hopping between servers. All were either 100/100, or I'm welcomed by a completely deserted flotilla with 'no murex waves detected' despite it being listed as busy with >30/100.

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Here it is of interest to me, why bind Miss Rail Jack to Earth? After all, this is obviously a failure, since other players will not adapt to others, they play for themselves in the first place, which is exactly what we see. There are more teams on Rail Jack. And why was it to customize people, to simplify the creation of the ship? what would then do a mission on earth? Yes, the rail jack is not in demand in the everyday game, but you did a land mission, aren't you funny yourself? As for me, it’s such a complete fiasco with this event, I was even psychologically tired of such missions that the desire to play was somehow killed.

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Did three ground missions in a row with friends, at least it started to get a bit challenging to break the eye fast enough after a while. But still repetitive as hell, a bit boring and quite tedious. Getting 10k bonus soon was really nice and I started to think that event can be mostly Ok but then we went to a space mission and the hell that was just awful! After 20 minutes of waiting at the point we were just at 4/9 and during next 40 minutes we got no codes at all!

Flotilia chat was full of "player1 got kill code from player2" messeges but we didn't get a single code. Then my friends left, I couldn't protect both RJ and OpLinks and the mission failed leaving me with nothing but some useless focus points. And there was 18 ground squads and 2 space when I got back to the relay! What in the Lotus' name is this?

In a ground mission you can safely extract after 3 eye guys (don't remember the name) and if something bugs you can abort the mission losing like 5 minutes and some loot, but in the space you have to wait for 9 codes to come to extract and there's no failsafe if you get the codes too slowly or don't get them at all.

Sorry, just had to vent my frustration somehow. Not going to do this crap again till some hotfix arrives or something.

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I went down to the ground according to the event, stood for 30 minutes 700+ points, and people get tenser there many times more than on RailJack, do you think people will go to the ground? If only newcomers or who do not have Jack, that's all, check and check. You will change the rewards on the ground and then there will be a balance of teams. I am shocked with such events, everything, good luck to everyone, I have a rest from the game, since I am not going to tear my ass and sit 24/7 for the sake of mystics!

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Encountered a new issue with oplink chat and flotilla choice forcing my friends and I from playing together now, be it mid mission or attempting to join up for start relic runs. Restarting the game temporarily stops it.

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I don't know about you guys, but I am kinda tired of having a multi-page scientific paper with diagrams and data tables I need to go through to have a basic understanding how play this game. Not only it takes time and causes frustration just finally get a full picture, but it is implied that I need to return a review paper of my own to make sure that this stuff works in the future. I am even not sure for whom this event is. Old players will burnout in a couple of days, some of them already did. New players simply cannot boost themselves up to reach this stage of the game, given that there is also no matchmaking whatsoever.


As for actual gameplay... While the baseline action of running around Earth kicking Sentient butts is fine and art and sound is amazing, everything around it is a disaster. Squad Link is one of the crowns of the highly successful TennoCon 2019. It is one of the most advertised features that also had this new promise of game's inter-connectivity. Turns out this is another heavily timed and instanced content island that you get to play for a month before it probably will go full Plague Star mode.


Why? Why is it timed? Why is it a temporary thing that will probably go away in a month and everything will get back to same state as we had back in December? I despise the Eidolon time gating on a molecular level because I can't force myself to play the game that tells me when to play and not when I decide to do so. If that is the case, I have another stock of games I can play and never return if I have to wait. Scarlet Spear has totally the same vibe with timed Murex counter and constantly jumping between instances full of players that make even GeForce Now's cloud rig to cry. If you are fine with me leaving the game and returning to it from time to time, then there is no argument, but I just think this is fudged up, because I or other guys shouldn't leave this game 2 hours after content drop. I would prefer Jovian Concord type of content with a bunch of reworks rather than another god forsaken system that will be abandoned by both DE and community.


I will not comment on pricing of the rewards because people already said it. I just say that I already have 300+ weapons being at MR27, I don't need 301st and 302nd, one of which is just a variant of an old weapon.


So, what is the point of this event for any of the parties anyway? Given that Railjack and Lich updates had a lot of monetary options for players, this update is barely monetized after a 3 month hiatus. Of course it is probably of soon-to-be-dropped Prime Access, but what the hell anyway. Steam Charts (you can roll your eyes and sigh now) shows the numbers lower than numbers from last August.


In the world where people are now forced to stay at home and deal with their work and life issues within 4 walls, this is the perfect opportunity to get some juice from other F2P games and not to be gross. And this content drop does the opposite. DE, you have a perfect set of ingredients to bake a nice loaf of bread, but you are trying to make a chicken soup with expiration date set in April and i am not sure you used a real chicken. I am not sure I want to watch Devstream this week because I can predict the answers to all of this and what action will be taken (or not). Not sure about TennoCon 2020 either from the looks of how things unfolded in the last 6 months.

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This event feels way too grindy, even with the bonus scarlet credits you can get for doing well.  For one thing, even if you put in the effort and invest three hours, there's no guarantee that your hard work will be rewarded since it's very possible that not enough other people will be taking out murexes to reach the goal of 100.  In the instance I just ran, there were a ton of people doing ground missions, and for awhile I was getting a ton of kill codes while doing murex runs; but then at some point I just stopped receiving codes, even though the relay chat said that people on the ground were still sending them.  It stinks that I was putting in as much effort as I could, even getting first place in kill codes received, but we still got less that 50/100 murexes in our instance over three hours.

I think that the event needs to be made less grindy; I can't imagine how anyone except people like me who have all the time in the world could get all the event exclusive rewards, let alone touch the arcanes.  It's almost as bad as the dog days of summer event awhile back.  Also, I think it would be a big boost if entering murex raids prioritized putting you in a squad over putting you in your own railjack; that would be a big help to running those raids quickly, and some people simply aren't equipped to run the raids solo, even if they have their own railjack.

I appreciate all the work that DE has put into this event and the concentrated effort they always make toward pushing out hotfixes to stomp bugs and crashes.  I think this event could be a ton of fun and feel very rewarding if you were able to earn rewards at a rate more proportional to the amount of time and effort that is being asked of you.  Also, please offer an explanation of how the bonus scarlet credit rewards after defeating 100 murexes work; I had to find out about it through Tactical Potato on YouTube.

Edit: Within 15 minutes of posting this, hotfix 3 dropped and allowed murex raiders to choose to fill squads or host, which is awesome.  Y'all work fast!  Thank you!  Also, for the record, even though we didn't kill 100 murexes, I still got a message from Little Duck with an emblem and 10,000 scarlet credits after the timer for the instance finished and I restarted the game.  I probably shouldn't have received that, but I'm certainly grateful and will take it.  I still think that killing 100 murexes for this reward is a steep price; maybe you should get that reward regardless of killing 100 murexes, and then get a bigger reward on top of it if you do kill 100?

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so i logged into to try again and becuase i couldnt see the timers i joined a flottilla instance that didnt have enought time to run a mission and now i wont get my credit bonus from the sprevious instance that i had played b4 lunch... this is from info i have peiced together from wiki and tacticle potato... why why will you not post a clear 1 paragraph explination of the evnt parameters on the event itself.

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I have an issue with progression being tied to one of the instances (flotillas). If I leave to my orbiter or restart a game, how do I get back? Sould I write down the number of that instance? Maybe we need a marker, which one is yours.

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We desperately need a way to know which flotilla instance we have scored in because if we get kicked or disconnected (happening a LOT) we have no way of knowing which flotilla our score is in so we cannot reenter the same fleet and add to our cumulative score. This is a HUGE issue as the rewards are based on your total score in that particular instance. Major oversight.

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After  Hotfix 27.3.3, did in one frotilla over 5k points and it got 100/100, almost 6k even i beleive. Went in for another, did around 1.3k there, it got 100/100. Got 2 emails, one had 2.6k credits, other only emblems rank3 - no credits. Feels sad man.

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3 hours ago, dyewithasmile said:

why why will you not post a clear 1 paragraph explination of the evnt parameters on the event itself.

Because this event is bafflingly complex for no good reason, and it simply can;t be explained in 1 paragraph.

Or 5.

The good idea fairy shot someone at DE in the ass, and now we have this...event.

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If the arcanes purchased are rank 0 the cost looks like it is quite over-priced. Video on youtube looks like the arcanes are rank 5 but I thought I read on this post that the arcanes were rank 0. I can't find where I read that now. Did they possibly remove that information from the forum post?


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