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Scarlet Spear: Launch Hour Feedback Top Items


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For Full Operation Details see here: 

Tenno! We are approaching the 7th launch hour - THANK YOU for helping us fix the earlier crashes so quickly with your reports. We are well on our way to get to polish and tweaks as the fires get fixed up. Thank you for dabbling in the 7 hours of Scarlet Spear so far to give us feedback toward the following. These are our Top Items right now. We will update with Dev’s plans for these as we get information:

1) Scoring
The hottest item on the list, we are getting data and stats together to audit the Scoring. Reward turn-in was based on approximations of playing a full best-performing run per day to get the event exclusives (+ bonus payouts) but we will absolutely be responding and and working on this! The store is not complete as we anticipated the need to balance this entirely - Stay Calm and OpLink on. 

MAR 25: The bonus payouts have been partially improved here, but bugs remain: 

2) Matchmaking
Players right now have the option to pre-form Squads (i.e through normal means or /Join on people in your Flotilla), but there are optimizations to be made in the flow of matchmaking that are being discussed specifically for Railjack. 

MAR 25: Matchmaking has been improved here:

3) Condrix Health Scaling
We are working on remodeling the scaling on the health of the Ground Assault Condrix. We expect a fix very soon on this. 

MAR 24: This has been improved here:

4) World-State Score Clarity vs. Mission
There is a clarity issue where viewing the score in your Orbiter lags behind your active score in the Murex. The Orbiter Score gets updated after Murexes are complete to consider bonuses. The Flotilla is real time for the active Murex Waves. This is causing some confusion, but we will be making this more real-time soon. 

5) Arcanes
Rare and Legendary Arcanes are not in the store yet and will be added once event scoring / stress tests are balanced. 

6) Bug Fixes
There are several bugs that have been reported that will be fixed as fast as we can with Hotfixes - head over here to report:


7) Crashes 
If you crash, always provide a WAR-##### Crash report when able. We have fixed the most rampant crashes from today but are continuing with remaining offenders. 

😎 Wave Completion
Completing a Murex attack Wave (100/100)  for a Flotilla will result in bonus Scarlet Credits if you committed to your Flotilla to earn Rank I, II, or III. This is an important part of score balancing, but also important for overall achievability which we are monitoring (whether to increase the amount of Murex, etc). This is part of the stress test. 

MAR 25: Partial Improvements with new scoring / Victory Payout logic here: 

9) Console
Console Tenno - your build is in development, and when released should include most of the above issues resolved! 



Thanks again, and feel free to link your existing posts here on Feedback if you have it! 

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Awesome to hear/read, but do we get a possibility to pre link to clan squads, or friend squads? Cuz we got sittin there for 30 mins and only got ONE Kill Code while there where 10 ground and 3 railjack teams.

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The 100 murex limit needs to go. The timer on its own is whatever (kinda pointless) but the murex limit actually puts us against other players in the rewards because we are literally taking each other's ability to play away. Once most relays have reached the 100 murex there is nothing to be done. Why are you sabotaging your own event?

Also not being able to invite players outside of the flotilla is stupid with how unstable RJ is. Sometimes clients just not get rewards from it, sometimes the murex progression displayed in the star chart is just wrong but you still have to reform squad in the off chance it's actually correct.

Actually what were you thinking? This is completely backwards and just promotes toxicity. Stop trying to stretch content out, it only makes it worse.

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6 minutes ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

9) Console
Console Tenno - your build is in development, and when released should include most of the above issues resolved! 

Wait. What do you mean most? Wouldn't it be smarter to hold back our update a bit to get ALL of these fixes? I get you want to get the update out to us quick, but come on, important fixes like this need to be in the build!

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Timegate shouldn't be more then 5 minutes.
Waiting an hour+10 minutes once the counter reaches 100/100 feels awful.

Trying to get a squad together to run the railjack portion is a nightmare.
Lack of matchmaking+flotilla player cap+timegate makes it damn near impossible.

-Hope you're playing at a time where the event isn't being timegated
-Find an instance that has murex kills open, less then 100/100 (you will be jumping instances a lot until you find one)
-Have to then hope there are 4 available player slots to invite everyone (if not, then go find another instance LOL)
-Get past any bugs you run into (like your friends getting randomly dropped, and being unable to invite them back because the flotilla instance filled up)
-Hope you don't randomly get a mission fail because the flotilla instance reached 100/100 and kicked your squad back to the lobby
-Get an incredibly low amount of rewards

Trying to stay civil about how poorly put together this event is is pretty hard. Rewards need more 0's on the end and the timegates need to be removed.

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8 minutes ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

2) Matchmaking
Players right now have the option to pre-form Squads (i.e through normal means or /Join on people in your Flotilla)

Well, I hope it will work better because on paper - maybe it works, but doesn't work at all for me and many other players. Public matchmaking is non-existent at this point - just throws me into solo mission, both Earth and Railjack. Cannot find any public squads which makes those missions unfun and boring. 

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2 minutes ago, Drachnyn said:

The 100 murex limit needs to go. The timer on its own is whatever (kinda pointless) but the murex limit actually puts us against other players in the rewards because we are literally taking each other's ability to play away. Once most relays have reached the 100 murex there is nothing to be done. Why are you sabotaging your own event?

Also not being able to invite players outside of the flotilla is stupid with how unstable RJ is. Sometimes clients just not get rewards from it, sometimes the murex progression displayed in the star chart is just wrong but you still have to reform squad in the off chance it's actually correct.

Actually what were you thinking? This is completely backwards and just promotes toxicity. Stop trying to stretch content out, it only makes it worse.

this is a good sum up yes it promotes toxicity and it's a slog to farm a decent amount of stuff so that doesn't help at all if you want me to wait 20 minutes doing nothing I have a better idea let me boot up Monster Hunter World instead is also has a month long event that is actually rewarding in 10 minutes if you are lucky you can get 3 weapons but in warframe no 4 hours to get 1 weapon is much better right?

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Why is there a 10 minutes timer at all, let alone a second 10 minutes timer right after?
Why the arbitrary wait times and time-gated content? I just don't get it and would like to know why those things exist.
Eidolon hunting also has it, and it's awful. Why are players not able to do the content they want whenever it's convenient for them?
Thank you for clarifying.

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I spent 50 minutes in a solo Murex raid and in that time, I received two kill codes.




I know there were people transmitting codes. Because in that time, the wave counter went from 43 to 81. And then I got punted with a mission fail after that time for some anomalous reason. OpLink didn't die; it was sitting pretty at 16K health. If it was a 'Jack breach, that'd be a rather stealthy one. It's probably something ado with the fact that we get punted on the reset of a Murex wave.

Is there something I'm missing here?

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The intent is to provide players with a sense of pride and accomplishment for unlocking different arcanes.

As for cost, we selected initial values based upon data from the Open Beta and other adjustments made to milestone rewards before launch. Among other things, we're looking at average per-player credit earn rates on a daily basis, and we'll be making constant adjustments to ensure that players have challenges that are compelling, rewarding, and of course attainable via gameplay.

We appreciate the candid feedback, and the passion the community has put forth around the current topics here on Reddit, our forums and across numerous social media outlets.

Our team will continue to make changes and monitor community feedback and update everyone as soon and as often as we can.

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9 minutes ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

Completing a Murex attack Wave (100/100)  for a Flotilla will result in bonus Scarlet Credits if you committed to your Flotilla to earn Rank I, II, or III.

I don't know what that means. How do I 'commit' to a flotilla? Which ranks - the ones I can see in my orbiter? What bonus credits, and where would I see how many bonus credits I get when?

Does it make a difference if I leave one of the scarlet spear instances to go to my orbiter and return to a different one vs. repeatedly grinding missions without leaving the flotilla?

None of this is communicated in any way, shape or form in the game.

11 minutes ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

Reward turn-in was based on approximations of playing a full best-performing run per day to get the event exclusives (+ bonus payouts) but we will absolutely be responding and and working on this!

That is not even remotely realistic. People join together for e.g. a ground mission (or not - one ground mission I got 3 others of which one promptly left again, the second ground mission I was completely alone), and leave after 20-30 minutes IF you're lucky. By that time you have maybe 6-8 Condrixes down. Do that three times in a row and for a week and things start to really get boring.

Assuming that people can consistently do a whole 17 Condrix run every day for a month (how long would that even take? 60-90 minutes uninterrupted?) is a massive stretch. This game is played by people that work and have children and stuff...

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19 minutes ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

😎 Wave Completion
Completing a Murex attack Wave (100/100)  for a Flotilla will result in bonus Scarlet Credits if you committed to your Flotilla to earn Rank I, II, or III.

I got a score of 2200 with two friends. They got the 10k credits of tier 3 reward, while I only got the 2k for the tier 1.

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59 minutes ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

1) Scoring
The hottest item on the list, we are getting data and stats together to audit the Scoring. Reward turn-in was based on approximations of playing a full best-performing run per day to get the event exclusives (+ bonus payouts) but we will absolutely be responding and and working on this! The store is not complete as we anticipated the need to balance this entirely - Stay Calm and OpLink on. 

Serious question because my friends and I played this from the start and got radically different scores by the end, am I crazy or is that intended?  I know there are other places in the game where the reward values are assigned apparently at random so I really can't be sure if this is intentional or not. 

59 minutes ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

 - Stay Calm and OpLink on. 

Does that mean things are going to be retroactively adjusted cause I remember staying calm and DogDaysing on and when the "fix" for that came there was no adjustment for people who had been actively participating and the new kill stealing mechanic that you added to the game essentially ruined my enjoyment of the rest of the event. So I'm more than a tad hesitant to OpLink on especially when the game modes associated with this are not particularly enthralling. 

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how much time would one be expected to put into this event? I know there are the baseline minimums for exclusive content then optionals for things like arcanes.


I'd just like to know if I'm expected to put in a weeks worth of grind to complete this event/thing, also factoring in mission stability and account updating issues

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Really cmon you were scaling the rewards based on people just getting the exclusives?Its not like youre gonna put in every arcane into that store seriously DE you should know better than that.I mean you announced this event as a way to get our arcanes up to rank 5 after the recent changes.

And get rid of that 100 murrex limit or atleast increase it to like 1000 people dont want to fight each other over getting points.The community has always been one of the most friendly ones in gaming period why are you now trying to make us race/fight each other.

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The length of the rotations and the majority of credits coming via bonuses makes it opaque how well you're doing (credits-wise), and really pushes people to play for a solid three hours to maximize their time to credits gain ratio.  That's the min-max way of explaining the problem, but on the other, more casual hand it means you get onto a flotilla with only so much time left on it, end up getting kicked out of your mission early because the rotation ended, and leave without any bonus and a bitty amount of credits and end up feeling super discouraged and disillusioned.

I really think all this complexity just isn't necessary.  Just increase the base credits gain and set the rotations thing aside.  It's a fun idea in theory, but in practice it's just another timed/scheduled event like Eidolons that dissuades people from wanting to participate, promotes toxicity/increases pressure on players to perform and is a hair-puller for everyone involved.

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Re: scoring

This really needs to be communicated better within the game. A few lines of dialogue, text, and UI would’ve helped with this; more audio-visual aid. Nobody knows that the rewards scale with time, and you cannot expect the majority of your players to read a lengthy forum post. 

Re: hard cap

Just do a soft cap and warn players about it. Hard caps are never fun to hit. 

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It's incredible how an event with such simplistic, repetitive actual gameplay has so many massive issues from the messy, pointless framework elements of trying to make the event "feel" like it's a community fight. Squadlink contributes literally nothing to actual gameplay and apparently just serves as a point for the railjack portions to randomly fail. The waves and instances are also just another avenue for things to break or kick people out of missions or have arbitrary cooldown periods.

I think you guys have formed a bad habit of caring a lot more about presentation and showiness than the quality of the actual content, and this event in particular feels like the biggest recent example of the actual gameplay being crippled by it.

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vor 25 Minuten schrieb rachjumper:

Timegate shouldn't be more then 5 minutes.
Waiting an hour+10 minutes once the counter reaches 100/100 feels awful.

Trying to get a squad together to run the railjack portion is a nightmare.
Lack of matchmaking+flotilla player cap+timegate makes it damn near impossible.

-Hope you're playing at a time where the event isn't being timegated
-Find an instance that has murex kills open, less then 100/100 (you will be jumping instances a lot until you find one)
-Have to then hope there are 4 available player slots to invite everyone (if not, then go find another instance LOL)
-Get past any bugs you run into (like your friends getting randomly dropped, and being unable to invite them back because the flotilla instance filled up)
-Hope you don't randomly get a mission fail because the flotilla instance reached 100/100 and kicked your squad back to the lobby
-Get an incredibly low amount of rewards

Trying to stay civil about how poorly put together this event is is pretty hard. Rewards need more 0's on the end and the timegates need to be removed.

Adding on to the list: sometimes clients just dont get scarlet credit rewards from the murex raid, wasting even more time.

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