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Scarlet Spear: 2-Days In Feedback Top Items (+ Script Details!)


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Tenno! We are 2 days into Scarlet Spear - the shores have been rocky, but this list aims to address how we plan on making some of those rocks less jagged:

We will update with Dev’s plans for these as we get information:

Score Scripts

As the first 2 days have had numerous issues with Scarlet Credit payouts, we will be running a Script with the next Hotfix (27.3.4). The details are:

If you have accrued any Scarlet Credits, you will receive an Inbox upon login to grant you a duplicate of that amount. The duplicate amount of Scarlet Credits will be reflective of your total Scarlet Credit score over the entire Operation, regardless of if you spent it already.

For Example:
If you’ve earned 7,900 Scarlet Credits, you will receive an inbox with 7,900 more. 

NOTE: This has been issued, as per Hotfix: 27.3.4

Over the course of the Operation thus far, some of the top priority issues were related to receiving incorrect amounts of Scarlet Credits in Murex Raids as well as Victory Payout (as seen in Bugs / Issues below). The culmination of these issues in the beginning days of the Operation is a feel bad moment for sure, which is the reasoning behind the compensation Inbox. The Hotfix notes will detail our changes and fixes to address these Scoring issues.

Tutorials & Tips

We are adding a Tutorial and Tips section to Little Duck’s Screen in the Flotilla to give players more robust information within the game on how to approach the Operation and to answer common questions players might have.

NOTE: This has been addressed, as per Hotfix: 27.3.4

Trade Wares

Since Little Duck’s collection of goods is still missing rare and legendary Arcanes, the question of when they are being added is being asked. We aren’t adding them until we have bugs and issues fixed, and Scoring balanced. 

Bugs / Issues

Some Known Issues: 

  1. Players were receiving the wrong amount of Victory Payout respective to the Rank which is earned in the Flotilla.
  2. Players were earning Victory Payout for Flotillas that didn’t reach 100/100 Murex Driven Away.
  3. Players who reached the 100/100 Murex Driven Away that jumped to a different Flotilla and played a mission, would not receive Victory Payout from the completed Flotilla once the timer expired.
  4. Not all players receive Scarlet Credits upon manual extraction from a Murex Raid mission.
  5. Not receiving Kill Codes in a Murex Raid even though players are uploading Codes in the Ground mission.
  6. Rejoining a Flotilla that you were booted from results in seeing no Flotilla chat or players, making it appear that no progress is happening and you’re deeply alone.
  7. Loading into a ‘zombie’ Flotilla with ‘Zero Murex Waves Detected’.

NOTE: The issues crossed out have been addressed, as per Hotfix: 27.3.4 - We are still aware of an issue with 'zombie' Flotilla instances that is being currently investigated.

Meta Analysis:

Over the course of the past several months, there’s been a lot of repeated bad-to-mixed first impressions on new content releases.

We are doing our best with Hotfixes but, for a Warframe player, the experience you’d want to have with new content is not the one you’ve been getting the first 4-5 days after release (sometimes longer in the case of Liches / etc).We apologize for this frustration. This is a topic we plan on addressing by adapting our approach for the remainder of the year’s Updates. With the release of Warframe: Revised earlier this month, we’re hoping to continue in this direction with revising old, but also adding new in a better way!

That is not to say future Updates will be completely bug free (we’d never make a claim like this), but we hope to break out of the bad first impression cycle in a constructive way. Thank you for your patience!

Please see our past post here to catch up on what Hotfixes have covered, and check back here for updates:


Cheers, Tenno!

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2 minutes ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

We apologize for this frustration. This is a topic we plan on addressing by adapting our approach for the remainder of the year’s Updates. With the release of Warframe: Revised earlier this month, we’re hoping to continue in this direction with revising old, but also adding new in a better way!

Well, here's hoping whenever you guys are able you can expand on it.

Thanks as always Rebb, and thanks for the communicative effort you guys are doing 🙂

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Thanks you for acknoledging the "bad first impression" cycle and I hope future updates will reflect it. Wish you the best of luck in these awful times.

There is also the issue of having too many ground teams and barely any space team (by my perspective) as it seems more rewarding to run ground missions then space missions.

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This event is supposed to be the big introduction to Squad Link as a concept, and showcases it as nothing more than a way for missions to fail entirely outside of your control. You guys didn't bring any beneficial effect to the table, here, for showing why this is a good idea.

Having two thirds of the credit gain being tied to the clunky flotilla victory system also seems like it exists ONLY to make it possible to fail to get that 66% of the payout.

this is the biggest concern to me with this event: not the initial reward rate or how buggy or broken things are, but that all of the core new concepts of the event are purely detrimental ideas.

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vor 2 Stunden schrieb [DE]Rebecca:

That is not to say future Updates will be completely bug free (we’d never make a claim like this), but we hope to break out of the bad first impression cycle in a constructive way. Thank you for your patience!

It would really help to lessen the bad first impression if the discrepance between what you promise and show at Tennocon and Devstreams and what you actually release would be smaller 😉 You know, i called your marketing of Squadlink false advertisment in a few topics now, because thats exactly what it is - and i think you already know that most of it will never make it into the game when you show it but do it anyway because of marketing/promotion reasons.


You set expectations so high with the fake demos you show and with what you say that many will be disappointed no matter what.


Regarding Squadlink, just have a look at this topic (you might not like it or the words used, but it might help you understand):

People are debating whether the whole thing is fake or not (i have my opinion but maybe i am wrong), and thats your fault.

Why do people even have to think about stuff like that? If you would be honest and less cryptic with explanations upfront this wouldnt be a thing,

and i personally probably wouldnt even care about it, but as it stands now i am just disappointed and cant take anything you say there serious anymore.


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One thing I'd like to say, if we put bonus reward bug aside, the grind is not as heavy as some players tend to say. Bug free, one smooth 2hours of SS grants between 15k an 20k (10k bonus points considered in). So if you don't want to get any arcades, but only new stuff, a player needs to perform that score 3 to 4 times... and we have 1 month to do it. Sorry for anyone who reads this and is complaining about the 'grind' but it's complete nonsense...

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13 minutes ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

Over the course of the past several months, there’s been a lot of repeated bad-to-mixed first impressions on new content releases.

Please get better leadership on the dev team, as warframe has been on decline since RNG mods with paid slots were added (rivens)

 Add a test server with player volunteers, instead of using PC players as free alpha testers, to run through updates and events before launching them publicly

Focus on buffs, rewards, and "power fantasy", instead of nerfs, grind, and having our abilities useless/immune

Add meaningful PVP, PVPVE, Clan wars, and bring back Raids & Solar Rail conflicts

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This compensation script for our troubles and lost payouts is pretty nice, thanks for that! 

I still think the 100/100 Murex condition is one of the main culprits for many issues with the reward structure of the event feeling so frustrating. I wish it wasn't there, but maybe you can do it in a way that you still receive the payout even if your flotilla didn't reach 100? Albeit, at a lower %. Like 80/100 would only give you 80% of the normal payout, etc. This is not my idea, it's been suggested by other players in other threads. 

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Over the course of the past several months, there’s been a lot of repeated bad-to-mixed first impressions on new content releases.

Hopefully this means positive things for the future, but I'd say this trend has gone on even longer than just "the past several months".


Just remember that this is a video game, not a job or a chore for the players.

At the top of the list for each bit of content should be "is this fun?" If it fails at that, then just wait until that question's answer is a "Yes".

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Im glad that tutorials are finally being added to the Operation. These need to come with every single new content update.

Also, please take a look at what Brozime said about releasing old events as content in a more frequent manner. This might help with the current COVID-19 situation and working from home.


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This isn't just an issue of polish, there's a major issue where some of the core mechanics are just outright bad ideas which should have been caught in the design phase:

- Why do Victory Payouts even exist? Why did you want to give players the first impression that they're earning 1/3rd of the credits that they actually earn? How is it fun for the players to lose out on 2/3rds of their rewards if they join the wrong flotilla (one that doesn't hit 100 Murex)? How is it fun for flotillas to just finish when you hit 100 Murex and boot everyone out of the game? Why is it necessary to add a 10-minute delay after the attack wave if there's already a big delay caused by the 100 Murex limit?

- Why are you forced to only progress in either Ground or Space assaults? Why can't you combine scores from both? How does this make the event more enjoyable?

- Why did you break matchmaking up by flotilla? Couldn't you have just sent/received keys only from your own flotilla, while still sharing mission instances?

- Why can't you invite friends into your flotilla when they come online later? Why is there no easy way to leave your flotilla and return to it later?

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No Mention about fixing the issue regarding players not logging in and experiencing constant network not responding.
Personally I'd rather the game set me up with a bunch of randoms rather than having to type /join again and again, or trying to trecruit players. That's rubbish. Make it like how matchmaking in normal / railjack missions [i mean non scarlet spear] work.

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15 minutes ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

Over the course of the past several months, there’s been a lot of repeated bad-to-mixed first impressions on new content releases.

We are doing our best with Hotfixes but, for a Warframe player, the experience you’d want to have with new content is not the one you’ve been getting the first 4-5 days after release (sometimes longer in the case of Liches / etc).We apologize for this frustration. This is a topic we plan on addressing by adapting our approach for the remainder of the year’s Updates. With the release of Warframe: Revised earlier this month, we’re hoping to continue in this direction with revising old, but also adding new in a better way!

That is not to say future Updates will be completely bug free (we’d never make a claim like this), but we hope to break out of the bad first impression cycle in a constructive way. Thank you for your patience!

It's nice that you acknowledge this.

Have you considered releasing a test/unstable version of Warframe client where you could test unreleased content with the help of players? I think it would be better than releasing buggy updates to the live game and frustrate people. I saw several comments suggesting something like that. I also remember you saying that some bugs don't appear on dev builds at all, so this more the reason to think about some kind of a test server.

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vor 10 Minuten schrieb [DE]Rebecca:

Meta Analysis:

Over the course of the past several months, there’s been a lot of repeated bad-to-mixed first impressions on new content releases.

We are doing our best with Hotfixes but, for a Warframe player, the experience you’d want to have with new content is not the one you’ve been getting the first 4-5 days after release (sometimes longer in the case of Liches / etc).We apologize for this frustration. This is a topic we plan on addressing by adapting our approach for the remainder of the year’s Updates. With the release of Warframe: Revised earlier this month, we’re hoping to continue in this direction with revising old, but also adding new in a better way!

That is not to say future Updates will be completely bug free (we’d never make a claim like this), but we hope to break out of the bad first impression cycle in a constructive way. Thank you for your patience!

Good thing to notice from DE's part but it really isnt just about bugs. If it was just bugs no one would care. The release philosophy got to the point of always trying to "make farms and changes conservativ" which always ends up them being bad. A little bit of Powercreep isnt inherently bad, I want to care about new weapons but if they are just garbage on release then it's nothing but MR fodder or at best mediocre. The sentient weapons should be much stronger for example with how much of a threat the sentients are supposed to be. The radial damage falloff on AoE weapons is one of those aswell but now they are seemingly forgotten despite the promise that they'll be adjusted upwards.

I want to enjoy new content when it releases, not maybe 4 months later when it at some point eventually gets a substantial buff/improvement. It really feels like DE is not trying to get things right on first release anymore and is instead just planning to fail.

Squad link in this event is a failure aswell. You arent connected to a specific squad, ground team might aswell not be connected to anything, space team is either getting kill codes from everyone (at which point they might aswell not have the need to wait for kill codes) or is just completely unable to progress anything (which is not how the tennocon reveal for it made it sound like).

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1 minute ago, Genitive said:

It's nice that you acknowledge this.

Have you considered releasing a test/unstable version of Warframe client where you could test unreleased content with the help of players? I think it would be better than releasing buggy updates to the live game and frustrate people. I saw several comments suggesting something like that. I also remember you saying that some bugs don't appear on dev builds at all, so this more the reason to think about some kind of a test server.

I don't mean to sound mean or anything, but this. Because right now it looks like you guys could use the extra help.

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Can we please just have tenno reinforcements back while you guys polish the bigger updates. I miss Wednesday rolling around and you guys releasing a new weapon to farm for and craft. I didn't care if they were mediocre or bad. I was just happy with having something to do to hold me over until something bigger was added.

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