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49 minutes ago, RAZORLIGHT said:

Your math is wrong, the 10k bonus is gone since DE is just doubling your earned points (10k max cap).

If it would be like you explained, the scarlet credit income would actually be fair.

@RAZORLIGHT No, LilPisces' calculation is (technically) correct.

Your Bonus Victory Payout is your Earned Credits (Ground or Space, whatever is higher) times two (capped at 10.000)

So if you run two rounds Condrix (17x2) you earn 7.344 (3672x2) Credits
That results in a Bonus Payout of 10.000 (7.344x2 = 14.688 but max. 10.000)

Total Earning = 7.344 + 10.000 = 17.344


The change you're quoting only says that everyone participating in the (successful) wave will receive the Bonus Payout, not just the top player on each scoring board. 

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Everyone who says the Arcanes are too expensive / too grindy

Did you ever played Eidolon Hunt?

The prices are WAY too cheap,  if you have a good farm squad you can get a guarantied Energize for 10 min of play time that's insanely cheap and not grindy at all

Why the f are you all expecting to get ALL Arcanes to max rank but with little to no effort in like a week; if anything these prices devalue all the time players invested into hunting Eidolons

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5 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

2) Sentients by design have Adaptation - and the diminishing returns on recasting adheres to the adaptive nature of the enemy. 

Adaptation to what? That they are more resistant to TIME STOPING when stasis is casted? 

Come on, don't nerf frame because of what they are supposed to do (like venari healing objective is literally a tip in game). The event is grindy, and players find ways to make it more bearable. Limbo falls, then another frame will be the go to because of the same reason. The more this cycle repeats, the less fun players will have, and I don't think I need to finish this train of thought. 

There's no shame that the players figure out an effective way to play your game. There are millions of us that have hundreds or thousands of hours on this game. In a way this is the game: Tenno finding and utilizing the most effective tool for the task. The last several major updates has been so disappointing, and I don't think THIS mindset is going to help you turn this trend around. 

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17 minutes ago, S3TH said:

@RAZORLIGHT No, LilPisces' calculation is (technically) correct.

Your Bonus Victory Payout is your Earned Credits (Ground or Space, whatever is higher) times two (capped at 10.000)

So if you run two rounds Condrix (17x2) you earn 7.344 (3672x2) Credits
That results in a Bonus Payout of 10.000 (7.344x2 = 14.688 but max. 10.000)

Total Earning = 7.344 + 10.000 = 17.344


The change you're quoting only says that everyone participating in the (successful) wave will receive the Bonus Payout, not just the top player on each scoring board. 

mmhh ok, i will try it but this shows again how flawed their whole concept is.

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The event is still horrible you gave the points a small increase and didn't even touch the overall over priced rewards now your adding more over priced rewards for 2000 and 4000 per arcane that's 40,000 and 80,000 points for ONE arcane you made this event so grindy and unfun after I get the sentient gun and the new simulacrum I'm never gunna play another grindframe event again 

We want to make things less grindy and less RNG based  that's the biggest lie iv ever heard 

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6 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

Scoring Calculation Issues:
Earlier today / we released a revised scoring post with the following details:
Ground Assault missions started at 8 Points per Kill Code, reaching a possible 4104 points by Round 17!
After: Murex Raids now start at 12 Points per Kill Code, reaching a possible 3888 by Murex 5!

However, players are receiving a 2820 and 3672 for Space and Ground respectively. While this is still an increase from before, it is not the amount we announced. 
The correct numbers in the next Hotfix will be:
After: Ground Assault missions will reach a possible 4131 points by Round 17!
After: Murex Raids missions will reach a possible 3960 by Murex 5!

We sincerely apologize for another day of unintended scoring results, and this will be fixed next Hotfix. We know this has been confusing and we regret that we’ve caused so many misunderstandings due to calculation errors. 


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il y a 52 minutes, (XB1)toughdragon17 a dit :

The event is still horrible you gave the points a small increase and didn't even touch the overall over priced rewards now your adding more over priced rewards for 2000 and 4000 per arcane that's 40,000 and 80,000 points for ONE arcane you made this event so grindy and unfun after I get the sentient gun and the new simulacrum I'm never gunna play another grindframe event again 

We want to make things less grindy and less RNG based  that's the biggest lie iv ever heard 

Do you even know how many eidolons runs you should have done to get one rank five legendary arcane ? With SS you 'just' need 6 to 8 hours, it's like a 10th if not a 20th of the time you would have put in eidolons...

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1 hour ago, -CSN-Yuheri said:

Everyone who says the Arcanes are too expensive / too grindy

Did you ever played Eidolon Hunt?

The prices are WAY too cheap,  if you have a good farm squad you can get a guarantied Energize for 10 min of play time that's insanely cheap and not grindy at all

Why the f are you all expecting to get ALL Arcanes to max rank but with little to no effort in like a week; if anything these prices devalue all the time players invested into hunting Eidolons

Thank you, its good to finally hear some common sense. Triple the prices of the arcanes and keep the market alive. The only reason anyone should want to farm Scarlet spear instead of eidolons is because they can CHOOSE their arcanes instead of relying on rng. (Just to note i do not sell or buy arcanes, i just recognize the time and effort people put in to help make the market work)

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@[DE]Rebecca Thanks for the fixes. But we still have a problem needed to adress. From my point of view earth revard is way lower if we look how long is mission.
My best ever earth run is 24 minutes (4 people squad). My best ever space run is about 15 minutes (avarage something about 18 minutes) (4 people squad, no delay between codes). If we compare reward to mission duration, earth way worce than space in general (in the next patch it would be 172 points/minute for earth (best), 264 points/minute (best) - 220 points/minute (average)  for space). So please ask someone to fix this.

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Over here the scoring changes mean jackS#&$ to me cause 2/3rds of the space missions I run I don't receive any killcodes. I was looking forward to empyrean so much and waited patiently after the release for DE to sort things out and was really hoping releasing an event would mean they've gotten a grip on the game mode. Nope. Railjack is a glorified lander with absolutely no combat function and then the mode is completely dependent on another game mode that I have no way of influencing as a player and on top of that  THE MISSION CRITICAL FUNCTION OF THE OPLINK IS BUGGED TO HIGH HELL. I'd assume that's the one thing devs would ensure is most functional and nope. I don't mind the grind or the prices or the scoring but atleast offer some semblance of stable gameplay but I guess even that's too much to ask these days.

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4 hours ago, Huggalump said:

Ember: rework, much stronger now.

Gauss: buffed after introduction, much stronger and more playable.

Wukong: more playable? This one might be questionable if the criteria is just "buffs" haha, but he's certainly played much more

Bows: flat damage increase (I think it was something like 2x damage?)

Viral: much stronger.

Shields: shield gating, 25% dmg reduction

Enemy: different armor scaling, overall result is armor reduction. Also, accuracy reduction while we're in certain movements

Titania: vacuum, a couple minor reworks

I'm sure there's more, but this is off the top of my head.

The community asks for challenging content, so we can't also complain when overpowered abilities get nerfed. And yes, turning the game off around a defense objective is overpowered. 


I stand corrected about the buffs but I kinda meant buffs in a way that a frame that is barely used, being buffed because he is really struggling, the only frame which was that is wukong but he needed a whole rework not just buff.

I just had enough of DE's incompetence, everything that remotely excels in a way and is somehow fun gets nerfed to S#&$, it's a PvE game for gods sake.

The game isn't fun anymore, frames barely have an effect on content being released because the content is being design to nullify all frame abilities and rely on brute force and bullet sponges, instead of being fun and engaging and requiring work and diversity in frame choices.

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3 hours ago, ValinorAtani said:

Funny thing is they excused the Arcane Changes with "Build Diversity". What an empty statement they made few weeks ago. Khora and Limbo will be shredded just because we're using the core gameplay which seems diametral to DEs stupid mission gameplays design. Thats just hilarious. I mean no wonder that those support Frames and squishy ones arent used. And they really wonder why people stick to Inaros, Rhino etc.

Arcanes are almost overwhelmingly better, unless you wanted to run 2 of the same thing, which was usually not good anyway. Khora is a really bad example of a nerf, but Limbo is a good nerf, as it keeps him relevant, just not trivializing levels of powerful.

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13 minutes ago, nooneyouknow13 said:

You know, I'm completely fine with the limbo change. But could the sentients please stop being status immune? Even just to 4 stacks like the liches would help.

I thought maybe they could be normally effected by status, but develop status immunity as they adapt? That would keep gameplay interesting too, by making you want to use operator to remove status immunities.

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2 hours ago, theCyanideX said:

At least they're fixing the issues instead of banning players for 7 days and rolling back their gains earned when using Limbo to trivialize the event.

Limbo isn't an exploit, the developers made the mistake to give him op levels of power.

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5 hours ago, Huggalump said:

Really? Damn, there's really a lot of info with arcanes that I glossed over. 

Okay, you explained it well and I'm taking the L here. Personally, I still don't feel a need to max everything from the event, but I can definitely understand your perspective now. 

If it's worth anything, guardian is good even at low levels. At level 3, I wouldn't say the functionality is drastically reduced.

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4 hours ago, _junguler said:

what even is the point of getting arcanes when the obvious choice is energize and guardian? that's 2 out of 2 slots filled, why even bother with the rest? either increase the number we can equip on our warframes or change some of these arcanes that apply buffs to weapons to be equipable on those weapons.

There's many, many, many, many, (and I can't stress this enough) many cases when you either don't need guardian or benefit much less from it than other arcanes. Same goes for energize. Hyldrin uses shields to cast powers, I'm pretty sure there's a frame that uses health for it... There's literally no use for energize there (Inaros also has largely inconsequential abilities, or chroma, who doesn't need energize)... Wukong has huge diminishing returns from guardian as he can get 1000 armor for 30secs on command, Nezha doesn't usually need or want more armor on top of his dr, Rhino becomes unable to benefit from guardian basically immediately... 

As for arcanes being weak, you have access to free attack speed, free damage, free critical chance... Completely broken shield regen (aegis), or free speed (a bit more of a niche), free ammo (pistoleer)...

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3 hours ago, HeatherEV1991 said:

While I understand the change and agree wholeheartedly that it was overpowered, GOSH DANG IT I BUILT A WHOLE LIMBO BUILD JUST FOR SCARLET SPEAR THAT I'VE BEEN DOING SO WELL WITH.

Don't worry! You can go back to your now beautiful simulacrum and create a new build that is maybe a bit more balanced!!!

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Am 2.4.2020 um 17:02 schrieb RandomTrollz:

So nerf everything eh? Not even limbo stasis is safe.

I mean you can't deny that Limbo isn't vastly overpowered though. The only reason he is not being played a lot is simply because he is annoying and boring to play as and with.

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23 minutes ago, Radiofloyd said:

There's many, many, many, many, (and I can't stress this enough) many cases when you either don't need guardian or benefit much less from it than other arcanes. Same goes for energize. Hyldrin uses shields to cast powers, I'm pretty sure there's a frame that uses health for it... There's literally no use for energize there (Inaros also has largely inconsequential abilities, or chroma, who doesn't need energize)... Wukong has huge diminishing returns from guardian as he can get 1000 armor for 30secs on command, Nezha doesn't usually need or want more armor on top of his dr, Rhino becomes unable to benefit from guardian basically immediately... 

As for arcanes being weak, you have access to free attack speed, free damage, free critical chance... Completely broken shield regen (aegis), or free speed (a bit more of a niche), free ammo (pistoleer)...

these cases you mentioned altho are true but are the exceptions and not the norm, even if they are not needed in these cases the other arcanes are far more niche and situational to even bother investing in.

i'm a casual player, i don't change loadouts or even warframes for different missions/situations, so energize and guardian are the best choices if you want to set it and forget as i usually do.

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9 hours ago, Circle_of_Psi said:

Pretty BS if you ask me, ALL Arcane's should be 1,000 (regardless) of it's status in-game. 20 runs (wave 17). To "farm" the Arcanes.

Now the Limbo nerf alone is quite stupidly unnecessary, as of actual once, Limbo is actuality being used as he should be and the only excuse was that it was making the event "too farmable/exploit" as stated. Sure there might be other frames that can help, Forst and god knows what else, but STILL the issue of being Scaling. (Still not fixed).

I don't know about others but unless you have a legit "Meta" Weapon, then you're doing little to nothing damage to, even the Sentients and alone with that other hostile, that has an "RD" stage, where you can't even damage it. There is a few other weapons that are "only" being used, due to that very reason, Limbo got this "Nerf". Gonna nerf them next are we?.

The event is still and yet not gonna be played by meny (and still today and even after this hotfix) will still be the flopped mess. Cuz once this thing ends, it's gonna be back to the old Cetus Fight (that barley anyone does now). To try farm an "RNG/Roll the dice" game. (Let alone market players, scamming you out of plat and hell, real money at this point).

So, all in all, nothing changed.

So you want to screw over people’s investment to Arcanes before this event (be it grinding Eidolons or spending plat) dropped even further? More reason that this community can’t play nice with each other.

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