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5 minutes ago, LemmingOfTheBDA said:

That is if you ever get them...... which you still cannot rely on.

I found simply playing in the first two hours of each wave and not starting a new Flotilla in the last hour to be a pretty solid tactic for consistently getting the bonus.

That aside, calculating without any bonus is just dumb. That would imply you playing always in deserted Flotilas or close to the end of the period, which is frankly just player error.

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hace 37 minutos, [DE]Rebecca dijo:

Second: Ground Assault and Murex Raid Scoring will be increased - which means Scarlet Credit earning has been increased!

Before: Ground Assault missions started at 5 Points per Kill Code, reaching a possible 2295 points by round 17.
After: Ground Assault missions started at 10 Points per Kill Code, reaching a possible 4104 points by round 17!

Before: Murex Raids started at 10 Points per Kill Code, reaching a possible 1875 by Murex 5.
After: Murex Raids now start at 15 Points per Kill Code, reaching a possible 3888 by Murex 5!

I insist the Earth / space score is not the problem, but the time and effort that each one demands is much greater on Earth (you get almost the same score as space). Going to RAILJACK is a walk and there are also individuals from Mr 4 who do not contribute anything to the gameplay since they stay AFK. Today with these changes everyone is going to prefer space as it pays more, the problem is that there are not many teams on Earth, there are not enough points. Sorry for my English

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vor 36 Minuten schrieb [DE]Rebecca:

Second: Ground Assault and Murex Raid Scoring will be increased - which means Scarlet Credit earning has been increased!

Before: Ground Assault missions started at 5 Points per Kill Code, reaching a possible 2295 points by round 17.
After: Ground Assault missions started at 10 Points per Kill Code, reaching a possible 4104 points by round 17!

Before: Murex Raids started at 10 Points per Kill Code, reaching a possible 1875 by Murex 5.
After: Murex Raids now start at 15 Points per Kill Code, reaching a possible 3888 by Murex 5!

Are you increasing victory payouts aswell to go along with this? If not you are encouraging doing one full run in a relay and then ditching it to move on to the next. If the max bonus remains 10k doing 2 full runs of either makes you lose out on victory payout points. That's exactly against encouraging to stay with your flotilla. 

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45 minutes ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

Before: Ground Assault missions started at 5 Points per Kill Code, reaching a possible 2295 points by round 17.
After: Ground Assault missions started at 10 Points per Kill Code, reaching a possible 4104 points by round 17!

Before: Murex Raids started at 10 Points per Kill Code, reaching a possible 1875 by Murex 5.
After: Murex Raids now start at 15 Points per Kill Code, reaching a possible 3888 by Murex 5!

This is why you need #*!%ing test servers! Was it worth the week and a half of flaming and hate you guys got because ya'll decided to save a few bucks by using PC as free stress testers?

45 minutes ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

We have added the Rare and Legendary Arcanes to Little Duck’s Trade for 2000 Credits Per Rare and 4000 Credits Per Legendary. This will launch in the next Hotfix with the above Scoring changes.

Higher than I would have liked but I can see the reasoning. Otherwise Legendary arcane market will be destroyed. Thats still easily 1-2 guaranteed legendaries of choice per 1.5-2 hours.

45 minutes ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

The formatting of bug reports here is very helpful for us and we appreciate the continued reports as we work on more fixes: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1177822-operation-scarlet-spear-bug-reporting-megathread-read-first-post/page/35/#comments

Additionally, we wanted to provide notice that we are tweaking the way Limbo’s Stasis works with Sentients to account for the numerous reports we’ve seen on how much the event is trivialized by this power.
Limbo’s Stasis duration now has diminishing returns on Sentients and Amalgams when the power is used repeatedly. This choice was made for 2 main reasons:

NO! NO NO NO NO #*!%ING BANDAIDS. Theres already so much unintuitive unexplained S#&$ in this game with what ability works on what, what CC works on what. We dont need even more. Just fix #*!%ing Stasis! Just because he doesnt #*!% sentients now doesnt mean Grineer and Infested arent a cakewalk.

Give Stasis a 10s fixed duration timer. While under this timer Limbo gains %1500 damage as long as he and the target are both in the Rift. Now Limbo stands out as having the highest conditional damage buff in the game. Spam casting Stasis becomes annoying as #*!%. And it works the same on everything.

Not that the frame as a whole doesnt need a teardown and rework but its a start.

Alternatively give some units the ability to throw nullifier pulse grenades and give null fields a proper rework so they dont completely #*!% every other duration/quantified ability.


The extension is nice. Hope all ya'll at DE are staying safe and keeping self distancing. If you're ordering grocery deliveries remember to disinfect all the bags with alcohol or lysol spray. Fomites dont give a S#&$ if you're in a hospital or not.

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As someone who ran murex at 12 min, and bellow 20min solo (though only have a 23min run uploaded it's trash) 


I have to agree with people that the prices of the Arcanas are entirely wrong. They're way to cheap.


I suggest double, or even tripple, their prices. 


It'll only take 84 000 credits to get one legendary from r0 to r5, if a group does 1 ground run (~20min) or 1½ murex run (~20min) and then switch relays to do it again, and gain an additional 10k bonus. That's almost 30k creds for only 2- or 3 runs. 


As in, you only have to do around 6 ground runs to get a legendary to r5. Please, have mercy on the plight of me and my fellow feeble kin, I know, I know, it's to easy and to fast to get the rewards and the event is a bit of a snore. But still I believe, and have the outmost faith, in DE making the right changes to the event and hopefully ramping up the prices and possible removing limbo from the game. I'd like to suggest removing frost, vauban, mesa, khora and a few others if possible. If not, then I might actually have to move, jump, and god forbid even attack an enemy. I know this might anger some of my fellow bretheren in arms, having to fight enemies, move around, not being in a coma etc. for a reward is a horrid and inhumane thing to ask from us, but as I previously stated I have the outmost trust that we will rise to the challange. 


Thank you DE for all the hard work and endless hours you put into making body-clipping syndanas and 380$ value packages!

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vor 45 Minuten schrieb An8rchy:

-No decrease on the overpriced arcanes (bronze are 1k per arcane....)
-RJ is not only buffed, but still the better option
-It has been so long after Limbo was useful for something other than defence and md, soooo he gets tactical nerfed on the operation ?

Why ? Decrease shop costs, double ground payouts to make it SIMILAR to Rj, Stop balacing items through bonuses

With a meta squad ground is actually as fast as railjack.
There is just more active playing required to do it at that speed than in the RJ mission by going limbo and chill.

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45 minutes ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

Additionally, we wanted to provide notice that we are tweaking the way Limbo’s Stasis works with Sentients to account for the numerous reports we’ve seen on how much the event is trivialized by this power.
Limbo’s Stasis duration now has diminishing returns on Sentients and Amalgams when the power is used repeatedly. This choice was made for 2 main reasons

why U hate solo players so much ;-;

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23 minutes ago, Luthier_Marke said:

The prices for rare and legendary arcanes are ridiculously grindy. If rares were at 1750, a player would need 35k which is about 8 or 9 perfect murex runs; likewise if legendaries were at 2250, a player would need 45k which is about 11-12 perfect murex runs. When you consider the time for this, it clocks at about 4.5 hours for rares and 5.5 hours for legendaries; instead of the 5.5 hours for rares and 7.5 for legendaries.

I thought the point of this event was to give access to arcanes without doing trade nor eidolons, but seems I was mistaken, its becoming an actual incentive to do those things...

It sounds like you're not doing your runs very efficiently. One murex run should take 11-14mins with no kill code hang, but if there is a hang and your murex runs are taking 30mins or more, which you are suggesting with your strange math, then you are wasting your time and should either play in a different relay or play ground missions which take around 20mins without really possibly being slower as with space due to kill code hang. 9 perfect murex runs is much closer to 2 hours than it is to the time you suggested.

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1 minute ago, Elyann said:

The credits requirements for rewards still sound pretty damn absurd.

There's no way people are gonna get those weapons and arcanes with these prices.


come on. they were fine before this. now its incredibly easy.  you cannot go into this with expectation of ranking every arcane to 10, but it should be zero issue to max out a bunch of arcanes in a month. 

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Love how quick DE is to look into something perhaps a bit broken.  Speaking of broken, they were going to look into vacuum on Railjack a few months ago, right?  Wonder how that's going?

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38 minutes ago, Raylo555 said:

Limbo mains everywhere are sweating bullets.

1- On the ground you can throw out the oplinks once you defeated all sentients to avoid stray fire, additional protection during the damaging phase doesn't mean anything if your goal is to kill sentients and still have the means to kill them very fast, also, the areolyst's weak spots don't get banished which causes problems if your Limbo is slow in the head.

2- In space, all your focus is towards killing sentients, and not even the increase in spawns I think will overwhelm a meta build, meaning no sentient is going to stay in the cataclysm long enough to adapt, or long enough to deal significant damage if they manage to unlock themselves from stasis.

Everything's fine, just keep shooting, you've done this since you picked up the game

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12 minutes ago, Ceejay said:

abilities are exploits tbh, please make more content that abilities don't work on, people could use the abilites you made for frames and exploit them we would not want that ofc, i love warframe buy plat thank you.

I second this notion. It annoys me how Loki can exploit the game by using his invisibility ability to go invisible.

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2 minutes ago, Krehlmar said:



I have to agree with people that the prices of the Arcanas are entirely wrong. They're way to cheap.


I suggest double, or even tripple, their prices. 



I believe you must be out of your mind , operator .

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Since my last post got deleted let's go again: Why DE do you not learn? Instead of fixing the event itself, you nerf Limbo which is basically required to get far in the freaking thing? Why won't you learn? Do you not like to admit mistakes?

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44 minutes ago, [DE]Rebecca said:


Limbo’s Stasis duration now has diminishing returns on Sentients and Amalgams when the power is used repeatedly. This choice was made for 2 main reasons:

1) Limbo’s Stasis usage makes the gameplay of the Scarlet Spear far too trivial.

2) Sentients by design have Adaptation - and the diminishing returns on recasting adheres to the adaptive nature of the enemy. 



Are you going to nerf how Mesa's peacemaker works on them as well then? Or rather, how well it works inside a murex where each cast has diminishing returns?

Because she is going to allow limbo to continue to trivialize the event. Diminishing returns (if i remember correctly) is only for enemies affected multiple times by an ability or effect.

With mesa in every squad (as was limbo) nothing sentient is going to live beyond its first encounter with a stasis bubble.


The effect of this change this is simply 'you have to kill them' for the squads that were 100% avoiding it. HOWEVER, this was few and far between in my experience as most squads tend to end up with a mesa and that mesa tends to kill everything.

IF THIS IS IN FACT ACCURATE: then why didnt you simply change it to something reminiscent of survival life support... a dwindling meter that has to be kept up by killing sentients. Would have done the same thing without feeling like youre actually attacking limbo for doing exactly what he was designed to do. 


Let me take this moment to link this:


This was my original concept, which rebecca had open on her account for several hours the day it was created (back then you could actually see who was viewing your thread) and this concept was created 8 months before limbo and his 'rift' was introduced into the game. 

'void energy' based frame. 'rift'. abilities pass through the rift... 


youre welcome. 

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