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3 minutes ago, destraudo said:

come on. they were fine before this. now its incredibly easy.  you cannot go into this with expectation of ranking every arcane to 10, but it should be zero issue to max out a bunch of arcanes in a month. 

I can and should. 
That's what the event is here for.

No, they were not fine before cause the operation's prices compared to the time and reward ratio were cancer...and the eidolons are gated behind Cetus night which as you know is not always available when you have free time at disposal. People work , study and have lives , they can't be asked and expected to grind the same two missions for 10 hours a day every day for the next 2-3 weeks. Even with the ongoing quarantine. 
Stop justifying this bullS#&$.

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AND NOW A 4K CRED FOR A SINGLE SINGLE ARCANE WHERE YOU NOW NEED 21 (20 or less if you have a starting one and some spares) 
we know the event have a loooong duration but jesus we have lives outside warframe
this game's getting destroyed by excessive grind and overly priced things

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Even with the buff to points (which really screams of needing to get people to play the event)  the overall cost of arcanes is too high imo... it really does go against 'want to reduce grind' that DE keeps saying in devstreams etc.


Also just a side thought... aren't we still restricted on how much we can earn per 2-3 hour session, the increased points just make getting to 5k quicker.... or have I missed the bit where we can do more than 1 set of '5k' on different relays and get multiple bonuses


EDIT: And none of this changes the fact that we've literally got 2 incredibly repetitive/monotonous missions to repeat over and over and over again... at the very least I hope DE learn from this event that VARIETY is far more interesting and fun than repeating the same stuff over and over like we have in this event.

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30 minutes ago, PsiWarp said:

I hope you still allow their gunfire and projectiles and beams to be frozen by Stasis for the full duration, rather than allow them to completely ignore the ability. The trivialization problem stems from the fact that Stasis freezes enemy activity in the Rift completely, making for boring gameplay (it's target practice).

If the enemies can still move and attack, Limbo will be extremely vulnerable even in his own realm. Therefore, allow enemies to move with diminishing returns, but still freeze their ranged attacks to make use of Stasis' in-built object limit.

This. And also, revert the Venari NERF that you insulted us by calling first a fix, then an exploit, when it's the entire freaking function of her heal posture, as is stated in her ability Tips section. What's next, are you guys going to put nullifier bubbles around the OpLinks so that NO abilities, like Frost's Snowglobe, or Gara's Vitrify, can function to protect the OpLinks? Are you going to make it so Sancti Magistar's or Vazarin's healing no longer works? If you want to make engaging gameplay, make engaging gameplay, don't NERF EVERYTHING that happens to be a smart pick for your ludicrously grindy event.

42 minutes ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

Before: Ground Assault missions started at 5 Points per Kill Code, reaching a possible 2295 points by round 17.
After: Ground Assault missions started at 10 Points per Kill Code, reaching a possible 4104 points by round 17!

Before: Murex Raids started at 10 Points per Kill Code, reaching a possible 1875 by Murex 5.
After: Murex Raids now start at 15 Points per Kill Code, reaching a possible 3888 by Murex 5!

So around 4k for a completely finished mission on either end. Which means, for all of the EXCLUSIVE rewards that we *ought* to collect one of each of, before considering non-guaranteed, still-buggy Inbox credit rewards, and ignoring arcanes, even though you said this event would be completely lucrative for farming them back up in exchange for you taking away doubling up on arcanes, you expect us to run Scarlet Spear a minimum of 14 times. And THEN keep on doing it over and over again for Stance Formas and Arcanes and duplicate decorations. K.

Here's a thought. If you want us fighting Sentients or Grineer or multi-tasking with actually playing with and defending our Railjack, bake credit rewards in for taking out additional crewships or Sentients, or have the time in which the Ground Squads complete each Condrix give a time-based bonus for completion.

Last thing.


You guys previously described the Squad-Link as that it would be a teamwork thing where each crew can accelerate or help the other crew, and then you made it a buggy mess where it's 100% reliant on the ground crews, and where the space crews don't always receive the code! AT THE VERY LEAST MAKE A 1% PER SECOND BUILT-IN KILL-CODE. You know how terrible it feels for a space crew to suddenly just stop receiving kill codes for several minutes in a row, when they see killcodes getting transmitted? It's bogus. Make a contingency. Little Duck is managing this, directing resources, give us Kill Codes from Little Duck every other minute if the OpLinks have been up without receiving a Squad-Link kill-code.

I'm very dead-serious about that last suggestion @[DE]Rebecca please make it happen, guaranteed kill-codes will alleviate a TON of people's bitterness at this event.

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48 minutes ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

1) Limbo’s Stasis usage makes the gameplay of the Scarlet Spear far too trivial.

2) Sentients by design have Adaptation - and the diminishing returns on recasting adheres to the adaptive nature of the enemy. 

This is not intended to change the way Stasis interacts with other enemy factions.

But...but...Limbo by design is supposed to a defensive frame, and he's already useless in Corpus tile sets (because everything gets nullifer abilities now days) and now this? I mean I get where the change is coming from (and to some extent agree with something needed to be changed), but it feels too broad. It's changes like this that kill frames and require further re-works. I would have made the sentients interact differently with the rift altogether i.e. make them stutter (3 sec on, and 3 sec off), or make only their melee attacks work, but not the lasers...and so on. 

As is this means that Limbo will just go back to being an index goalie, until you include nullys in there too of course. Than it's RIP all together.  

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So what would have been so hard about tweaking Venari? I don’t know maybe just making it so she can’t heal the oplink and only the oplink instead of ALL defense objectives? Weird...

What do I know though, I just play the game.

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55 minutes ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

1) Limbo’s Stasis usage makes the gameplay of the Scarlet Spear far too trivial.

I knew they're gonna nerf, uh...I mean 'Fix' Limbo's Stasis just... Because Why not? It happened to Venari 

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1 hour ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

More fixes in progress + Sentients + Limbo tweak!

The formatting of bug reports here is very helpful for us and we appreciate the continued reports as we work on more fixes: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1177822-operation-scarlet-spear-bug-reporting-megathread-read-first-post/page/35/#comments

Additionally, we wanted to provide notice that we are tweaking the way Limbo’s Stasis works with Sentients to account for the numerous reports we’ve seen on how much the event is trivialized by this power.
Limbo’s Stasis duration now has diminishing returns on Sentients and Amalgams when the power is used repeatedly. This choice was made for 2 main reasons:

1) Limbo’s Stasis usage makes the gameplay of the Scarlet Spear far too trivial.

2) Sentients by design have Adaptation - and the diminishing returns on recasting adheres to the adaptive nature of the enemy. 

This is not intended to change the way Stasis interacts with other enemy factions.

While I understand why they want to nerf Limbo a little bit, it is annoying that DE response is super-fast only if something is "stronger" or "effective" than they expected. Limbo is released 6 years ago, and he had his own plane with total jurisdiction over it. The concept is solid, the kit is solid. But somehow with each day passed, there are more and more enemies that are able to hurt Limbo while he's in his rift. Anti-AW rockets in PoE and OV can still kill you while in rift. OV itself also has enemies that can hit things that are inside the rift. Index has them as well. Wolf of Saturn Six even had it as well, Kuva Liches can do it as well, Ropalolyst event had it as well, and although I had quite the experience with sentients during time spent on Lua I don't seem to recall sentients being able to harm you inside the rift. Surprisingly the sentients of Scarlet Spear CAN harm you while in rift, via exploding. Traps on Murex ships CAN harm you while in rift. 

I'm tired of worrying over "I wonder if something can kill me while I'm in the rift" with each new event. 

1) If you want to do "balancing" to ensure something is not "far too trivial", I'd like to request fixing stuff killing me while I'm tucked securely away in rift. It is "far too trivial" for enemies to kill a player that has "no convenient way to deal damage" to enemies that are "not on same plane" with him. (p.s. I'm aware of exodia contagion, but if DE is willing to fix all the cross-rift nonsense, I'll be glad to not have that as well)

2) If you want to do it because of "lore reasons", Sentients and Limbo were in the game for aeons, why now? Not to mention it isn't right to have enemies deal damage to limbo while he's in rift lore-wise too. 


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So what I'm getting from this is that DE is nerfing things to the ground in order to compensate for poor game design. I'm disappointed in the fact that we're being punished for using ingame mechanics you've provided us. Not only did you nerf Venari's healing, but you're punishing Limbo for doing his job. If the OpLink were any bit as resilient as you guys pretend it is, we wouldn't have to rely on such methods. Didn't you guys just address excavator scaling in the friggen' mainline not that long ago? What's next? Are we nerfing Frost, Gara & Nova because they're defense-oriented? Are Trinity & Vazarin next on the chopping block because they can heal defense targets? You're really pushing every other school around aside from Zenurik, and it hurts. Step down from your ivory tower & play the game on our level, no god mode, experiencing what we have to deal with. Please, I implore you to. No amount of charts or statistics will help you understand the inner workings of the event better than your own player-base.

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25 minutes ago, Kamachi said:

Since console players are getting a full five weeks of a much less buggy event with the massively buffed scoring changes, will you at least double the credits we on PC have earned thus far? Or do we get shafted as usual for being the beta testers? This is clearly and objectively unfair toward PC players. Some clarification on this would be much appreciated. 


I agree, this is bs.

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In the next patch, please revert the change made to Venari and allow her to heal Cryopods and the like again. I understand the reasoning behind Venari not being able to heal OpLinks, but for other stationary defendables, it's a feature with a tooltip and everything. I feel like this was changed accidentally, but either way it'd be nice to see this interaction brought back outside of the event.

( @Grav_Starstrider this is how you make feedback and requests without making yourself look like an a**hat. You understand that asking for something from someone while ridiculing them at the same time is not a great way to get the thing you want, or did yo mama not raise you right?)

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Will the Rare Arcanes include Arbitration Arcanes? They're all for Warframes and are counted as Rare. Haven't been keeping up with the news.

Would be nice (for me) since I've done enough Eidolons to get 21+ of all of their Arcanes years ago but haven't collected all the Arbitration Arcanes 😄

Thanks for the changes, hope you guys have a lovely weekend.

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4 minutes ago, Mavolent said:

AND NOW A 4K CRED FOR A SINGLE SINGLE ARCANE WHERE YOU NOW NEED 21 (20 or less if you have a starting one and some spares) 
we know the event have a loooong duration but jesus we have lives outside warframe
this game's getting destroyed by excessive grind and overly priced things

AH no. You still needed 20 if you wanted to double stack before, the change is the addition of 1, so stop being so whiny. If anything farming Legendary arcanes got way easier when they went from JV to PoE, not to mention the one you get every season of Nightwave so cry me a river. 

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53 minutes ago, NightmareT12 said:

I know Legendary Arcanes are precisely the most powerful (Energize, Grace, etc) but seriously I feel 4000 is too much. I was expecting 3K at most 😅

practically one per run. You cannot farm Eidolons like this due to time restraints and you cannot choose your arcanes, so if anything this is cheap.

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5 minutes ago, Mavolent said:

AND NOW A 4K CRED FOR A SINGLE SINGLE ARCANE WHERE YOU NOW NEED 21 (20 or less if you have a starting one and some spares) 
we know the event have a loooong duration but jesus we have lives outside warframe
this game's getting destroyed by excessive grind and overly priced things

There are a total of 3 arcanes that will have that price. Getting those 3 along with other things over the course of a month isnt hard, not even when playing casually, especially when the rewards were nearly doubled per mission. That means those 3 very rare arcanes are still cheaper than the estimated 2500 a pop people were expecting and it means all other arcanes are effectively near half the price they used to be or half of what people estimated the rares would cost.

You are more or less looking at the following under the new reward system.

Common: 500

Uncommon: 750

Rare: 1000

Legendary: 2000

My only question is why they didnt just cut the prices in half instead of increasing rewards. Possibly in order to balance active play versus bonus pay. With a price cut the bonus pay would be worth twice what it is, with an increase in earning the bonus pay stays the same in effectiveness while active play sees a buff.

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Increase the grind, give us more points ... why DE why ... And now Limbo is god in this event so lets nerf them in the progress. Are you guys going to change him back when the event is done then? 

7 years .. and DE rather nerf then fix there game for once...

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Changing Limbo's 2 just for Sentients is a bit too bandaid-y for my liking. Instead a rework of it, promoting proactive play instead of waiting around would be nice. My proposal:

Enemies stuck in Stasis start at 100% Slow (fully frozen).
Every Second past, all Targets in Stasis get their Slow Effect reduced by an amount equal to the quantity of Targets in Stasis, but also take an amount of Damage based on the total Damage they received during that past second. (75% to 80%, affected by Power Strength)
Enemies exiting and re-entering Limbo don't reset their Slow % to 100%.

Why: Instead of pushing 4, then 2 and loop 'til the Objective is done, Players' would have to take care of Enemies in Stasis as fast as they can, to keep all Enemies in it as Slowed as possible. To help with that, Enemies in Stasis "store" received Damage, receiving it again every time their Slow diminishes. To put some more tension on the whole thing, the more Enemies in Statis, the faster its effect drains.

Potential Augment: Stored Damage gets split up and dealt to all other Targets in Stasis.

Allowing Limbos to put Crowds in Stasis, kill the high priority target as they would (lets say a Heavy Gunner) and deal Damage, potentially wiping out, the rest of the Enemies in Stasis. This would allow Limbo to play the role of a Nuke Frame, expanding his kit's usability to Extermination type Missions. For this to work well, Stored Damage should be dealt both whenever the Target's Slow% decreases and when the Target gets killed.

This is a bit of a buff/nerf (more of a buff imo) for two reasons.
A. Just nerfing stuff never feels good.
B. Limbo isn't that strong when put in context of the whole game, but god damn he makes timed defense modes so boring.

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Anything on the UI bugs that affect around 40% of all missions in space?

Not being able to tell what kill code, murex, or even if all op-links are placed is incredibly frustrating.


Then there's also the matter of those who farmed before.

Will people be seeing a wave of bonus credits as compensation?

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36 minutes ago, LemmingOfTheBDA said:

That is if you ever get them...... which you still cannot rely on.

Been getting them consistently since the fixes. Maybe check your account with a support ticket  (I am almost on 300k score for reference on total runs)

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Nothing about how their damage scales and how the OpLinks are made of paper. 

Always nerfing things and not properly fixing the main issues of why people use Limbo. With that "mentality" then nova's 4 should produce adaptation on sentients too.  I mean, it's ridiculous because the sentients can adapt to normal types of damages, not void powers. Warframes' abilities are literally void power, and the sentients CAN'T adapt to that. So no, this doesn't make sense.

Just call it a nerf and be done with it.

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