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Operation: Scarlet Spear: TennoGen 27.3.8 + +


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27 minutes ago, [DE]Megan said:

Limbo’s Stasis duration now has diminishing returns on Sentients and Amalgams when the power is used repeatedly. This choice was made for 2 main reasons:

  • 1) Limbo’s Stasis usage makes the gameplay of the Scarlet Spear far too trivial.
  • 2) Sentients by design have Adaptation - and the diminishing returns on recasting adheres to the adaptive nature of the enemy


Apparently the sentient adapt to the void now.You know,their "Only Weakness"?

Solo limbo main,Very salty rn 🙂

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27 minutes ago, [DE]Megan said:



  • The Pox, Acceltra, and Shedu have been given explosion FX tweaks for visual and performance improvement.


You literally removed the Acceltra's explosion effect. I guess.... you could call that "an optimization". 🤣

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so honest question when can we buy tennogen on pc with plat because i have less tennogen than id like to have souly because of this for some reason its really hard to justify dollar purchases over plat for me

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What have you done to all our Kuva Liches?

Some have lost their active lich, while some have their active liches replaced.

I lost my active lich.

And all my converted liches have their names changed, and weapons they had changed, all their stats changed basically.

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You had to nerf Limbo, right?

As it was not enough dying inside the cata + stasis up running, because your faulty AI logic was still triggering inside the Stasis and looping for ever (whirlwind and lightshow Sentients damaging people inside a rift), no, you simply had to change it entirely. Just get rid off Limbo all at once, srsly.

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1 minute ago, NitoNiwatori said:

O__O!! with this last update my lich is gone .. omg!!! 4 of riven mod and ton of loots ...... are gone with him  ... now I got no lich active ... 


My lich that I vanquished changed names and my current lich disappeared but also showed up and talked to me with a different name.

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i can't play right now, can anyone confirm if the score is also gets doubled via inbox messege? because if not, this is going to be one third less score than before. also the rare and legendary arcanes should have been 2k and 2.5k not 2k and 4k.

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31 minutes ago, Revanx said:

Thanks for the hotfix.

Curious if we will be reimbursed for grinding the event on release or not?

i want exactly double my current score for grinding it so far if they're going to increase it by almost double... especially with 4k an arcane holy cow.

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Yeah I spent plat on a lich for a specific weapon, damage type and percentage now it's gone. 

Having similar issues with names changes in previous liches. DE Please respond to this problem.

[Edit] Just to be more specific, my lich is no longer active, the planet it was occupying doesn't show said occupation anymore and a random lich is speaking to me with no signs of it occupying a planet and no kuva lich symbol available to view the lich.

Please roll this back or something, spending plat on this kind of trade that was 1. an insane deal I most definitely will not be able to get again if this isn't fixed and 2. extremely hard to farm for a replacement is giving me major anxiety. 

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Anyways you included an Operator in the main client for opening Warframe despite marking the image as a spoiler. Should probably crop that, assuming we're still keeping The Second Dream a secret after all this time.

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