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My great dislike for Wukong + bramma combos


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This is no different than Wukong with any other explosive weapon or, really, any other Warframe generously using any other explosive weapon.

I'd rather see the Bramma re-imagined as some sort of superfuture Implosion Grenade Bow system, with a more discreet visual effect, no smoke, and no sound.

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5 minutes ago, (PS4)Hooligantuan said:

This is no different than Wukong with any other explosive weapon or, really, any other Warframe generously using any other explosive weapon.

The difference is a player makes a consious decision to be a pain to me by aiming in my vicinity and i can make a request of him not to do so (which may or may not work).

AI controlled aimbots cannot be made requests of in which case the coding of said aimbot will need to be adjusted.

6 minutes ago, (PS4)Hooligantuan said:

I'd rather see the Bramma re-imagined as some sort of superfuture Implosion Grenade Bow system, with a more discreet visual effect, no smoke, and no sound.

.I really dont want to see changes to either the frame or the weapons itself, only how their combination affects me.Visual changes are one of them.


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1 hour ago, (PS4)Malik_The_Gent said:

*surprised pikachu* I only came here to see what DeMonkey had to say. Will honestly say I was expecting a longer response. 

Life is too busy right now, forums have taken a backseat. Work is hectic (retail), I've had to go through the entire moving process again because of the pandemic and I'm trying to do what I can with regards to supplies for those who can't get certain things since I'm already in the store and can hardly be any more at risk.

For a longer response I'll say this:

Gameplay should always be the utmost priority in a game like this, because people don't mind grinding as long as the grinding is enjoyable.

When mechanics and systems allow for effortless grinding with minimal player interaction, the actual gameplay becomes less fun (especially when it detracts from other peoples gameplay) and people start to feel like they're entitled to that degree of automation to get around the unenjoyable grind. It's an unfortunate catch-22.

Should the clone be able to kill things? Certainly. Should it be able to play the game for you with a certain weapon or weapons? No. 

Even if it means yet another sodding nerf to Wukong, I support it because I don't feel it has any place in the game... plus it will cause people to kick up a fuss again, and DE can only pretend to be blind to Wukong's issues for so long.

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On 2020-04-04 at 2:35 PM, 0_The_F00l said:

1) Let the Celestial twin be able to damage itself with explosives.


2) Make all audio and visual effects of the twin be muted

1st, yes they can do that. 2nd, nah I don't think so. Breaks immersive gameplay. 

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49 minutes ago, ChaosSabre said:

I did read the post. And yet when I brought up that Mirage and Kuva Bramma creates way more visual noise and is more annoying than a Wukong clone could ever be should we tone down her effect as well you went with "But Mirage can be self staggered I want the weapon to hurt wukong clone and that is free aimbot clears" I was directly referring to the visual clutter and yet you deflected that into damage. And now you are deflecting it back into visual clutter. Please do make up your mind and stop being such a crybaby.

There are two aspects:

1) changing the mechanics so it is less desirable to play the specific combination (by introducing self damage on clone is my current suggestion you are free to provide another)- which you repeatedly tried to use as a strawman with mirage, inaros and rhino even though they face the limitations of ammo count , aiming , health regen and self staggers none of which are the case with wukongs clone.

2) change the visual aspects of the weapons explosions  - i am ok with this and you have not brought it up once in our entire discussion until this moment. Anyone who has done so i have acknowledged, - your statements have mostly been about how it is more damaging or more easy to AFK with something else. If you have done so and i missed it then my apologies , do show if that is the case and i will correct myself and we can end this.

My primary objective remains avoiding seeing consistent explosions (and the headache that it causes me) on my screens. My secondary objective is to make AFK game play less effective. though secondary is a personal preference and i do not mind if it is not achieved.

The celestial twin has been around a long time , the reason i have made this know is because it is affecting me now (i also partially believe the explosive weapon changes have made many of the players looks for explosive weapons to use which they wouldn't have before).

53 minutes ago, ChaosSabre said:

And no Wukong clone still has no infinite duration. Please actually play the frame before making such statements. Wukong clone can be killed. It's just that no content currently in the game that is not max level simulacrum can even tickle him. And again. PVE game.

Please let me know what is the duration of the wukong clone at 100% base duration. i will wait.

And as i mentioned that is a game design problem that no one can "tickle" the clone , are you suggesting it be made squishier hmm , that could be a way , but would change the base abilities too much , i really do not want the frame itself to be nerfed.

A PVE game with co operative elements where actions of game design are causing undesirable effects to a player in real life. Hence the discussion.

56 minutes ago, ChaosSabre said:

Your "frequency" of encountering those is way overblown as well. I haven't seen a Wukong Kuva Bramma player in weeks. The problem is nowhere near as big as you want to make it out to be.

Good for you , but i can only speak for myself, we may be playing very different parts of the game where wukong is more common for me and not so common for you.

1 hour ago, Wolfdoggie said:

Sounds like a good idea. What's the problem compared to other stronger things people do more often?

Most other things dont give me frequent headaches 😛


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3 hours ago, ChaosSabre said:

My first point with Mirage was exactly that. I said I play her and the visual clutter she creates is way worse so should we nerf her as well then? Again this all in the end boils down that you don't like it. If you really have such a problem with it put all the graphical effects to low and lower the sound effects. That should fix it. And when it comes to this Kuva Bramma is not even the worst offender. Mirage with a Zarr or Staticor is way worse. Mutalist Cernos with Split Flights is a special case in itself.

I still do not see a reference where you mentioned visual clutter before this, only the damage aspect of it. Please also explain why a visual problem should be fixed with mechanical changes or nerfs?

I already do put my settings to low when I see a wukong with a bramma, it helps a little. So it does not "fix it".

And if I need to cripple my experience to avoid physical pain (which still doesn't go) it's not a solution. 

Might as well stop playing the game. 

Are you one of those that goes "stop playing the game instead of trying to make it change"?

Oh I have had the pleasure of meeting a Mirage with staticors I was here long enough to remember the synoid simulor as well. 

What you seem to miss is I do not run into these players very often, as the stagger caused by these weapons is enough of a downside their use is reduced (I was very happy with the staticor changes as well, guess it doesn't work as well with Wukong cause I haven't really seen them that often) 

If I did see a Mirage almost every other. Mission with a bramma I would have made this post about Mirage. 

I do not, hence here we are. 

3 hours ago, ChaosSabre said:

.Duration of a Wukong clone is how long it can survive. It can be from infinite to a couple of seconds depending on enemy level and what you are facing against.

Yeah and I can be the king of the grineer if I steal the genetic key from the queens and Inject it in myself. Doesn't make my age any less than what it currently is. 

"It can last as long as it can survive" It has infinite duration is what you mean. 

Also tell me how long can a clone survive if you stay in the cloud form? It is invulnerable and it gains health as you move ( before you come back with some more non answers.)

3 hours ago, ChaosSabre said:

.To add coz I forgot: The content I played was relic farming, lich farming and sorties. Ever since I went after a Kuva Nukor lich 4 weeks ago I haven't seen a Wukong using a Bramma. Hell I rarely see Wukongs to begin with. Last time I saw a Wukong was me using him in a spy sortie.

My mission choice wasn't too diff

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1 hour ago, ChaosSabre said:

Literally my first response "I run Mirage Prime with Kuva Bramma. Should we not let Mirage clones shoot as well then? Coz that creates even more visual noise." Not my fault you run in circles all the time. And I still keep calling it out.

My apologies , went back and read your first response , it does say visual clutter ,

I stand admonished.

1 hour ago, ChaosSabre said:

As I said put him against high level enemies. Not only will you get one shot but so will your clone if it gets hit. Healing doesn't help you there. You'll just never see that unless you stay like 3 hours in survival in void. Which comes coming back to the problem being that the game is too easy and not that the combo is too "OP" in regular play

I am again not concerned about the strength of the ability, yet you keep coming back to its power.

It is the super convenient no practical downside to usage and the potential to clutter my screen "PAIRED" with its AFK nature that i have a problem with.

The game being easy/hard/challenging is not the point of the discussion , happy to take it to a thread where we are talking about game balance issues.

Also your statement is defeating itself,

You : Put him against high level enemies and it will get one shot:

Also you: you will not see that in most missions.

So basically it will be working as described (invincible healed aimbot with AOE damage ) in most of the game.

1 hour ago, ChaosSabre said:

So if we do the same missions. And I don't see any Wukongs my only conclusion is that you are just upset you are not being the MVP of that round and the cheese strats make your e-peen look small compared to others

You are free to your opinions , i have repeatedly said my end of mission screen does not make much difference to me,

and i have at times out damaged these players depending on my loadout so the point of feeling diminished is not really relevant.

but i don't really have a means to prove it either way - you can believe me or not , up to you.

I also do not know how you can determine "MVP" , is there a criteria for it, can you explain to me?

I do personally diislike the "Cheese strats " as you mentioned , yes,

1 hour ago, ChaosSabre said:

As for physical pain if even on lowest settings you have issues with this I honestly got no clue how you function in real life if you are ever in traffic or a crowded place.

Anyway you do you. This all just sounds like biased nitpicking to me. I'm gonna out.

I function in real life just fine ,

I don't know about you but i don't get blasted with bright lights and explosive sounds in my regular life.

Again , you are free to your own opinions.

I am also assuming you are not taking me up on that 1000p bet.


Edit: Oh dang realised my previous post was incomplete and you may have gotten only part of my response its below right now. I blame the shoddy internet.

Edited by 0_The_F00l
incomlpete reference.
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3 hours ago, ChaosSabre said:

My first point with Mirage was exactly that. I said I play her and the visual clutter she creates is way worse so should we nerf her as well then? Again this all in the end boils down that you don't like it. If you really have such a problem with it put all the graphical effects to low and lower the sound effects. That should fix it. And when it comes to this Kuva Bramma is not even the worst offender. Mirage with a Zarr or Staticor is way worse. Mutalist Cernos with Split Flights is a special case in itself.

I still do not see a reference where you mentioned visual clutter before this, only the damage aspect of it. Please also explain why a visual problem should be fixed with mechanical changes or nerfs?

I already do put my settings to low when I see a wukong with a bramma, it helps a little. So it does not "fix it".

And if I need to cripple my experience to avoid physical pain (which still doesn't go) it's not a solution. 

Might as well stop playing the game. 

Are you one of those that goes "stop playing the game instead of trying to make it change"?

Oh I have had the pleasure of meeting a Mirage with staticors I was here long enough to remember the synoid simulor as well. 

What you seem to miss is I do not run into these players very often, as the stagger caused by these weapons is enough of a downside their use is reduced (I was very happy with the staticor changes as well, guess it doesn't work as well with Wukong cause I haven't really seen them that often) 

If I did see a Mirage almost every other. Mission with a bramma I would have made this post about Mirage. 

I do not, hence here we are. 

3 hours ago, ChaosSabre said:

.Duration of a Wukong clone is how long it can survive. It can be from infinite to a couple of seconds depending on enemy level and what you are facing against.

Yeah and I can be the king of the grineer if I steal the genetic key from the queens and Inject it in myself. Doesn't make my age any less than what it currently is. 

"It can last as long as it can survive" It has infinite duration is what you mean. 

Also tell me how long can a clone survive if you stay in the cloud form? It is invulnerable and it gains health as you move ( before you come back with some more non answers.)

3 hours ago, ChaosSabre said:

.To add coz I forgot: The content I played was relic farming, lich farming and sorties. Ever since I went after a Kuva Nukor lich 4 weeks ago I haven't seen a Wukong using a Bramma. Hell I rarely see Wukongs to begin with. Last time I saw a Wukong was me using him in a spy sortie.

My mission choice wasn't too different honestly. Though I was more into the non endless ones. (spy, exterminate, MD, capture, rescue) 

Guess we have different experiences, I can only mention mine.

3 hours ago, ChaosSabre said:

.Kuva Bramma already has infinite ammo. You will put a ammo mutation or vigilante supplies on it anyway. It's pretty much impossible to ran out of ammo with that unless you never hit a enemy and that is never gonna happen using it. Hell any weapon in warframe has infinite ammo with a carrier or mutation coz running out of it is only something really bad weapons can do.

It's a combination of multiple things together, you seem to be focusing on individual attributes and though they can exist individually they do not exist together. 

I am still waiting for you to come back with any other combination of abilities and weapons that has all the advantages I already mentioned. 

1)An auto aimbot, 

2)Infinite duration, 

3)Unlimited ammo, 


5) Healing, 

6)AoE damage, 

7)extremely high visual clutter

8)auto relocation at player position 

9) use of direct effect mods 

10) no stagger. 

I will give you a 1000 plat in game if you can find me one (maybe multiple 100p trades to avoid getting banned over the week) that is not using the celestial clone and an aoe weapon.

3 hours ago, ChaosSabre said:

.This in the end is a you problem and nothing else. Most of us want weapons to create even more visual noise than they already do. Coz you know. That's what makes a weapon feel powerful and not just a dinky peashooter. The visual effects and audio it creates.

If something as Kuva Bramma gives you headaches you might wanna consider visiting a doctor about it coz I really got no clue how Bramma can give anyone headaches unless they are refusing to turn down the volume in their gamer headphones.

It is indeed my problem, and I want a means so that it can be mitigated so it is no longer a problem. 

As to powerful weapons, it's your opinion, not mine, that they need to make big explosions. If that was the case all weapons in the game would be making big explosions and cause a visual clutter.

I prefer weapons that are (relatively) subtle. I like weapons like the prisma grinlok, kuva Quartakk and Vaykor Hek for the feel of power. 

And it's not just the audio, it's the video graphics as well that are causing the headaches. And it's not limited to the Bramma, it's just the one which is currently the most observed. 

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14 hours ago, ChaosSabre said:


Keep your plat. Literally the first wukong I saw upon login today. Coz acceltra or kuva nukor is way better to give to your clone anyway.

Please do cry more about a problem that is only a problem for you coz you just got a hate boner for it.


I will indeed keep my plat, cause you are yet to get me what I asked for it. Need a combination that has all those 10 points. 

I will obviously mention problems which I am facing. 

Edited by 0_The_F00l
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Completily going away from the actual problem-solution.

This should be resolved with adding graphic settings options, like "Disable allies effects", "Disable self effects" and "Disable enemies light effects" for things like Condrix/Eidolons. When Wisps come out, I remember people purposedly ulting at my face, also remember something with synoid I think blurring all the screen. So this things would still allow most of the game to be rendered at High Quality.

Still want to be able to solo afk farming on survive/defense Lich missions with Wukong.


Plus, there is a simple solution for this, just leave. I got a Khora at Arbitration that just ulted but never whipped in a pretty horrible map with wall and high ground/low ground slowing down all mission, I left. Got a Limbo at defense missions <100 that ult+stasis, leave. Well, actually don't like to have limbo in anything but mobile/excavation since vazarin exist(ed).

Edited by MPonder
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12 minutes ago, ChaosSabre said:

"I will give you a 1000 plat in game if you can find me one (maybe multiple 100p trades to avoid getting banned over the week) that is not using the celestial clone and an aoe weapon."

So you want a wukong that is not using the frame skills? You had a problem with Kuva Bramma. There is no Kuva Bramma there. You said multiple times oh it's so common and like you can't go a round without a Wukong using it and it's hurting your fee fees.

Taken our of context to suit your own agenda without noticing the actual conditions it is attached with , seems to be a habit with you,

here's the whole thing so you can actually read it again:

17 hours ago, 0_The_F00l said:

I am still waiting for you to come back with any other combination of abilities and weapons that has all the advantages I already mentioned. 

1)An auto aimbot, 

2)Infinite duration, 

3)Unlimited ammo, 


5) Healing, 

6)AoE damage, 

7)extremely high visual clutter

8)auto relocation at player position 

9) use of direct effect mods 

10) no stagger. 

I will give you a 1000 plat in game if you can find me one (maybe multiple 100p trades to avoid getting banned over the week) that is not using the celestial clone and an aoe weapon.

Just so there is no doubt in understanding let me be even clearer :

I want you to show me a combination of any warframe ability and weapon (that is not Wukong with an AOE weapon) , having all of the 10 features i mentioned.

The plat prize is not for finding a wukong with a weapon that is not AOE.

Also the picture is with an Acceltra , acceltra is an AOE weapon if you hadn't realized , so you fail on both fronts even with your wrong assumption of what i meant.

20 minutes ago, ChaosSabre said:

So this is just a Wukong player making your e-peen look small coz you are jelly how big theirs is with so little setup in the end after all.

I really dont get your obsession with my genitals, electronic or otherwise.

Is there some hidden message ii should be worried about?

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8 minutes ago, ChaosSabre said:

Yea but acceltra hits like what two or three enemies unless you group them up with a skill at best. Technically it's a AoE weapon but it's not Kuva Bramma that can kill a whole room with one shot. Thought you had a issue with that type. If acceltra is a problematic aoe weapon then so is khora's whip and kuva seer. Didn't know you had a problem with any AoE that exists. Guess we need to remove Saryn or Banshee from the game as well then. Again thought the issue was with Kuva Bramma and like every Wukong player ever using just that. Coz title clearly says Wukong plus Kuva Bramma. Not Wukong plus Acceltra. Guess you can't read your own posts.

You want the plat you meet my conditions or walk away cause you do not actually have anything , and right now you have nothing.

I am really starting to lose my patience with your inability to comprehend the actual issue, nitpicking and persistently finding strawmen to burn.

Please tell me if saryn and banshee have all the 10 points i mentioned or stop bringing up random frames that have crowd clearing abilities.

And now you are bringing up the Title? after spending majority of your time on other frames and weapons.

19 minutes ago, ChaosSabre said:

And as I said multiple times. Wukong clone doesn't have infinite duration nor is he invulnerable. Nor does it always create visual clutter or easy aoe clears. So you fail at your own list there. Just having a hatred toward a skill that requires less "gameplay" than what you are using doesn't make you right. And again. Now you are just making it even more clear that your problem is with the skill not the actual skill plus weapon combo.

You are either un-informed or have a very short memory , maybe go through the ability description,

i already clarified this. and i already said its a very specific combination of celestial twin + AoE weapon of which bramma is currently the most observant , if it was any other weapon i would have highlighted that too.

Discussion about right and wrong from a video gameplay perspective is pointless, there is no right way , especially in a game like warframe.

You are free to have fun as you want (the actual purpose of a video game), as long as your fun is not hampering mine , that is the crux of the issue ,

i am having the opposite of fun because of a very specific combination.

27 minutes ago, ChaosSabre said:

The reason I keep saying e-peen is coz you clearly have a biased hatred toward a skill that makes the game "easier" for other player but you don't get to have access to it. Removing the visual noise it created and like making it shoot bubbles instead of explosions so your poor fee fees don't get hurt and give you physical pain is just a side traction and isn't the actual issue you are having. It's clear to me you have a underlying hatred towards it coz the Wukong player makes you feel weaker in the game than them just coz you are not using that. And how better to make fun of that than saying it makes your e-peen look smaller than the Wukong player e-peen. And if you didn't notice that E there that doesn't actually refer to your actual genitals but your "gamer" ego obsession that something better than you needs to get nerfed coz it makes you feel like you are not doing well as them and it makes you feel like less of a "gamer" than them.

Coz in the end that's all the issue here is actually.

I do have a bias , i dislike all AFK abilities, i have disliked them since before wukong got his rework, i was not exactly happy with the ash rework but was much more glad to not enter a defense mission and met with ash holes.. But i have written this post now cause of more than my bias regarding effortless abilities.

And my multi forma wukong prime and bramma would disagree with the "you dont have access to" part of it. not sure why you think i do not have access to any frame or weapon.

And again , you seem to really have a short term memory - we already discussed the effect of end of mission screen.

There are much stronger frames in the game than wukong for getting more damage / kills.

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Just now, ChaosSabre said:

Case closed. No further comments needed. Thank you for outing yourself for being a egotistical prick that just wants stuff removed coz they are upset about it and it hurts their gamer ego.

Nitpicker that takes things out of context until the very end ,

happy to see you go.

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4 minutes ago, ChaosSabre said:

You just said you can't have fun unless it's something you agree with and enjoy yourself and called players using pre nerf bladestorm Ash Holes just for using it coz you didn't like seeing that. How is that nitpicking or calling it out of context? This whole thread you made was coz you were salty bout people using wukong clone.

"You are free to have fun in game, unless it upsets me. Else I gotta cry on forums so daddy DE can see this and make it all better for me. Screw those people that like using Wukong and Kuva Bramma together. I don't care about them coz I don't have fun with that. They can all got to hell those WuHoles."

Not just a nitpicker but also a word twister, nice 🙂

My Statement : "You are free to have fun as you want (the actual purpose of a video game), as long as your fun is not hampering mine"

Did i say don't have fun? No , i said don't hamper my fun,

You : i like playing baseball and hitting the ball as hard as i can in a very specific direction cause it is a ball that is made to travel a long distance,

Me: Ok, but you are smashing my windows with your baseballs, could i get some stronger windows or use balls that are not going to  travel that far?

You : You hate baseball.


asholes is a pretty commonly used pun , guess you dont like those either.


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9 minutes ago, ChaosSabre said:

No you are the word twister. The correct way of applying that would be:

Me: I like playing baseball and hitting the ball hard as I can to play this game and win with the best way I can.

You: Can you not hit the ball so loud. It annoys me and I need to put more effort than you to get same distance so that makes annoyed too. Also I don't like that baseball bat you are using. Change that too. It's hampering my enjoyment of the game.

Me: But if I do that not only will I have less fun I'll play the game less effectively.

You: Make all baseball players hit the ball softer coz I don't want to hear that loud sound anymore and they are playing the game more effective than me coz I can't hit the ball as hard as them with the same amount of effort! Also all baseball bats need to be made the way I want them to be made! If you disagree with me you hate baseball and got no clue what you are talking about.

Remember fictional game. No matter how hard you try to bark up that tree someone shooting a digital weapon does not or will not ever cause you physical pain and is just you yourself being annoyed by it.

Sure Ash holes is a pun. But you are also calling someone a A****** just coz you don't like the frame they are using. That's pretty high and mighty stance to take just coz you don't like one skill.

Putting words in peoples mouths.

I think i know what to do here.

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OP, I share the same sentiments on the visual sensory overload while using bramma, acceltra or other flashy weapons. It was really like the miragulor back then all over again. Even at the lowest settings, it still hurts the eye especially when it uses bright blinding colors. I know some others have this visual issue, hence I made this thread. Perhaps you and others who have the same issue can chime in and hopefully DE reads it...

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30 minutes ago, LordNero86 said:

OP, I share the same sentiments on the visual sensory overload while using bramma, acceltra or other flashy weapons. It was really like the miragulor back then all over again. Even at the lowest settings, it still hurts the eye especially when it uses bright blinding colors. I know some others have this visual issue, hence I made this thread. Perhaps you and others who have the same issue can chime in and hopefully DE reads it...

You have echoed the issues i face , i will indeed support in the hopes for a resolution.

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On 2020-04-05 at 8:26 AM, 0_The_F00l said:


Most other things dont give me frequent headaches 😛


I saw a Mirage with Bramma yesterday, how does that effect your headache? When she randomly shot me with it I thought a meteor suddenly hit the planet and destroyed it.

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32 minutes ago, Wolfdoggie said:

I saw a Mirage with Bramma yesterday, how does that effect your headache? When she randomly shot me with it I thought a meteor suddenly hit the planet and destroyed it.

It would be pretty bad i am sure ,

Fortunately the frequency at which i see mirage with a bramma is low.

Might have to do with how it gets staggered if the clone accidentally hits a wall nearby.

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I hate this discussion.

OP has multiple problems with the game and wukong + bramma just exemplifies all of those problems in one package, but that is not well explained.

Op's problems:

1. AFK type abilities

2. Sound effect headaches induced by loud sound effect spam from loud explosive weapons

3. Visual effect headaches induced by high contrast explosive effects

4. A.I in warframe being trash

The reason i hate this discussion is the lack of clarity here, lack of a solution presented, and constant denial from everyone about what the actual problem is. There have been several solutions listed which include play solo, play with people not using an explosive weapon, paly with people not using wukong. The problem is, not everyone wants to play solo, and being in groups with other people means they will usually bring whatever they want and will get the job done the most efficiently with.

hey @0_The_F00l u also complain about how the clone doesn't have self dmg/knockback, my response to u on this is ever heard of "Primed Sure Footed"? NO frame will knock itself back while using this mod even shooting the bramma at your own feet using mirage with the nuclear sized explosion. This discussion should instead be multiple discussions each talking about your different complaints in the feedback category instead of general discussion. Right now this is a convoluted mess of "No, my problem is actually this" when in reality you have alot of different problems with the game here.

It seems like the problem you dislike the most is the SFX and VFX of explosion weapons like the bramma. Ask for a menu option to reduce enemy effects on a slider where the maximum on the slider is default and what it currently is, and 0 on the slider is seeing no powers/weapons at all. If you still have a problem after they either add this option, or change ALL of the explosive weapons to make this a non-issue then u may be too hard to satisfy for what the game can deliver.

Wukong clone stops killing everything when u afk for 60 seconds, this was by design to maintain the removal of AFK type abilities. They changed resonating quake banshee, turret mesa, and WoF ember because you could just activate your power and leave the room for 5 minutes+ at a time. You cannot do this with wukong. Show me a warframe that can let you go get a drink (2 minutes+ required) in a video, without any interaction from the player as that is what defines AFK. Octavia and limbo are the two best AFK type frames i can think of atm and i don't think either of them can get their skills to last longer than 2 minutes (espcially limbos 2 which has half the duration of cataclysm).


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