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Corinth Prime lost its uniqueness


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The Corinth was one of my favorit Shotgun because of two features:
.) You could reload shot per shot (quite fast), now it behaves like most of the other Shotguns.
.) You could lob a granade over enemy heads and forget about it (was even more fun with blast/knockdown before the rework)

Both are gone now it is a mediocre shotgun, thats very disapointing.
Most of the Prime Weapons get better than the standard version this Prime feels definitly worse.
I think I stay with the standard version.

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On 2020-04-05 at 9:30 AM, AceAl24 said:

.) You could reload shot per shot (quite fast), now it behaves like most of the other Shotguns.

Now it behaves like other shotguns aka more shooting less reloading. That's a good thing. As cool as it may be reloading shell by shell, it's super ineffective in a game like Warframe. Don't see how that is a negative.

On 2020-04-05 at 9:30 AM, AceAl24 said:

.) You could lob a granade over enemy heads and forget about it (was even more fun with blast/knockdown before the rework)

How? If anything NOW you can. Base Corinth requires a certain distance to fly before detonating. If you hit a surface before that, it just wouldn't explode. Now you actually have it under control and can pop it whenever once you hit altfire (unless you hit a surface again). Now you can actually let it pop above enemy heads. So what's the problem again?

On 2020-04-05 at 9:30 AM, AceAl24 said:

Both are gone now it is a mediocre shotgun, thats very disapointing.


On 2020-04-05 at 9:30 AM, AceAl24 said:

I think I stay with the standard version.

I'm sorry what? You'd rather stay with an objectively inferior shotgun? I'm heavily confused. On how a detonate trigger on users control and a 20 magazine size suddenly makes the weapon "worse"...it's a bit too late for april fools.

Edited by IceColdHawk
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58 minutes ago, IceColdHawk said:

I'm sorry what? You'd rather stay with an objectively inferior shotgun? I'm heavily confused. On how a detonate trigger on users control and a 20 magazine size suddenly makes the weapon "worse"...it's a bit too late for april fools.

Did you mean... objectively superior shotgun? You were right, it is a bit late for April Fools. Maybe Corinth Prime's current stats are the real April Fools joke, and we'll get the real Corinth Prime in the next hotfix.

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9 minutes ago, Iamabearlulz said:

Did you mean... objectively superior shotgun? You were right, it is a bit late for April Fools. Maybe Corinth Prime's current stats are the real April Fools joke, and we'll get the real Corinth Prime in the next hotfix.

Give me numbers on how it is superior.

To OP: Good for you, enjoy your standard version, because apparently hitting alt fire twice must be hard, or reloading the entirety of the magazine for a way better sustained fire.

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I will say this from the previous thread that discusses the same topic.

On 2020-04-05 at 6:25 PM, DrivaMain said:

I will say this again, Corinth Prime is a more of a sidegrade, not a completely new variant that powercreeped the original. If you can’t stand the reload and alt fire, go back to normal corinth and dump the prime through the airlock after you master it. 

A Sidegrade means the upgrade to the weapon is pretty minor that doesn’t make the previous version irrelevant or an upgrade that introduces trade offs to also not make the original irrelevant. Opticor Vandal is a good example of this.

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21 minutes ago, DrivaMain said:

I will say this from the previous thread that discusses the same topic.

A Sidegrade means the upgrade to the weapon is pretty minor that doesn’t make the previous version irrelevant or an upgrade that introduces trade offs to also not make the original irrelevant. Opticor Vandal is a good example of this.

It also isn't a "sidegrade". Yes it feels a little different in some aspects than it's base version. But that's just feels and not actual performance. In fact, it performs way better than base Corinth in every combat.



And then we have this...


Which by the way means... 2.3s reload for 5 shots or 3s reload for 20 shots. I know what i'm picking.

Now Opticor Vandal is a sidegrade because it focuses more on speed and flexibility than damage. I still think they should've made it an upgrade and just release a new cannon that focuses on speed than damage because, guess what, Opticor was known to be the BFG in Warframe and taking the damage out would make the Opticor, not an Opticor. But hey, that's just me.

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The big problem is the secondary shot....we cant see the range of explosion. DE removed the green dark gas when explode in normal corinth and prime version....not sure why they remove this from normal one....really weird!

And secondary shot its not great...dont have damage for high lvls anymore....

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Le 05/04/2020 à 09:30, AceAl24 a dit :

You could reload shot per shot (quite fast), now it behaves like most of the other Shotguns

Just put "lock and load " in the exilus slot. You'll be able to do the same thing, AND much faster. The corinth prime can do everything the normal corinth does, but better, and with added flexibility. It just requires a little more investment (as all superior goods do, it's a prime after all), and some out ofthe box thinking.

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8 hours ago, IceColdHawk said:

it's super ineffective in a game like Warframe.

So a reload that allows me to cast abilities or dodge without having to start it over is inferior to an uninterruptable 3 second reload in this game!? Sound logic there.
Only reason we have a 20 shot magazine on prime is because of the alt fire which consumes 4 ammo per shot. So this "2.3s reload for 5 shots or 3s reload for 20 shots. " is only in those cookie cutter scenarios when you dont use the alt fire, which is the biggest buff the prime got.

Atl fire shot also has worse visuals, and they applied that to the base version too. Big sound but not effects to follow that up properly. They should just make it detonate on impact. Like the shotgun in Doom.

Edited by T-Shark69
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7 hours ago, Luciole77 said:

And secondary shot its not great...dont have damage for high lvls anymore....

Wtf? It does more than 5 times the damage than base Corinth altfire. And high level scaling has been nerfed anyway so what are you talking about?

The worse visuals sound not so cool i can agree with that but we're lately getting a lot of "questionable" decisions and I don't really like where this is all heading to be honest... 

2 hours ago, T-Shark69 said:
11 hours ago, IceColdHawk said:

it's super ineffective in a game like Warframe.

So a reload that allows me to cast abilities or dodge without having to start it over is inferior to an uninterruptable 3 second reload in this game!? Sound logic there.
Only reason we have a 20 shot magazine on prime is because of the alt fire which consumes 4 ammo per shot. So this "2.3s reload for 5 shots or 3s reload for 20 shots. " is only in those cookie cutter scenarios when you dont use the alt fire, which is the biggest buff the prime got

In that case you still got basically 5 shots which is the same, but not a downgrade. For way more damage and the option to detonate it when I want? I take it. 

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2 hours ago, IceColdHawk said:

5 shots which is the same, but not a downgrade.

The reload in that case for per shot and utility is a straight downgrade.



2 hours ago, IceColdHawk said:

For way more damage

Im sorry to break it to you but at high level it does S#&$ for dmg. Good for spreading status, but not much else.

The only reason worth taking prime right now is that the riven has better stats than normal version. Im hoping to get a reload roll on mine instead of FR.

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4 hours ago, T-Shark69 said:

The reload in that case for per shot and utility is a straight downgrade.



Im sorry to break it to you but at high level it does S#&$ for dmg. Good for spreading status, but not much else.

The only reason worth taking prime right now is that the riven has better stats than normal version. Im hoping to get a reload roll on mine instead of FR.

This sounds like more like a YOU problem. Just accept the fact that Corinth Prime isn't meant for you and go back to original corinth.

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7 hours ago, T-Shark69 said:

Im sorry to break it to you but at high level it does S#&$ for dmg. Good for spreading status, but not much else.

2200 damage does no damage? There currently is a bug that prevents it from using multishot but once that's fixed...i don't see how you wouldn't be able to kill enemies. Besides, if the Prime's alt fire can't kill enemies, the base Corinth's will be even more useless. And primary fire well...i can shoot 4x the enemies before having to reload + fire faster than the base Corinth. The base Corinth has always been slow, clunky and inefficient. The Prime fixes that and i'm glad for that.

8 hours ago, T-Shark69 said:

The only reason worth taking prime right now is that the riven has better stats than normal version. Im hoping to get a reload roll on mine instead of FR.


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So, regarding the explosion of the projectile, wiki states:


The grenade does explode on its own, but only after traveling about 90 meters in its 2 second lifespan. Improving Projectile Flight Speed will increase the distance it will travel before exploding on its own and vice versa if flight speed is reduced the grenade will explode closer to the player. (Though not by much)

  • Reducing flight speed will also decrease the minimum and maximum ranges in which falloff occurs on the normal fire, which is not recommended.

Maybe we could use a new corrupted or augment mod that serves as an exilus or something, hmmm

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14 minutes ago, IceColdHawk said:

And mine:

Then stop making stupid questions like : "2200 damage does no damage?" Go and test it and see the Grineer giving no #*!%s.

15 minutes ago, IceColdHawk said:

Seriously, what the hell is the problem?

Long reload that's not as suited to the type of game this is. Magazine size tuned to the ammo requirement of the Alt Fire that is still not good damage wise. Said alt fire being clunky to use and having worse visuals than originally, that replace the originals visuals as well. Cool factor and uniqueness lost. 

Responses ive seen to this :

1. If you dont like the Prime dont use it, it wasnt made for you. - So it wasnt made for someone who mained Corinth until now?! This is the type of response thrown around in a feedback forum?

2. Use Lock and Load - Baind aid mods are the worst type of "fix". Id be losing an exilus that makes me deal more damage at higher range, to fix a problem that wasnt there before. No, thanks.

3. I didnt like Corinth to begin with. - Then thats your problem. I liked it, and i want to see its improved version catter to the people that liked the original. If you want a different version ask DE for a prisma or whatever.

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41 minutes ago, T-Shark69 said:

Then stop making stupid questions like : "2200 damage does no damage?" Go and test it and see the Grineer giving no #*!%s.

Then go and strip their armor or bring a buffer frame. Multishot is currently not working and with 2 empty mod slots my alt fire 1shots lvl 170 ancients. Of course without crit stats and slow fire rate for status it will have a harder time going through armor surprise surprise...Use primary fire with HM if you want to tear through armor. Get creative. And if you just want to bomb enemies, there are better AoEs out there. Corinth Prime isn't even maxed yet and kills 8 corrupted lvl 170 gunners way faster and with less hassle than Corinth and even Tigris Prime.

Other than effects being changed and "oh no i must click alt fire twice now to go boom" this weapon blows the base Corinth out of the water in literally every scenario.

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44 minutes ago, T-Shark69 said:

Responses ive seen to this :

1. If you dont like the Prime dont use it, it wasnt made for you. - So it wasnt made for someone who mained Corinth until now?! This is the type of response thrown around in a feedback forum?

2. Use Lock and Load - Baind aid mods are the worst type of "fix". Id be losing an exilus that makes me deal more damage at higher range, to fix a problem that wasnt there before. No, thanks.

3. I didnt like Corinth to begin with. - Then thats your problem. I liked it, and i want to see its improved version catter to the people that liked the original. If you want a different version ask DE for a prisma or whatever.

These have long been the issues with "Variants" that look nothing like the original. There's an army of original-haters who just want to watch what we love burn, and probably some nice people too (thanks for giving me an out there, Trump :D).

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16 minutes ago, T-Shark69 said:


Lmao you're hilarious, seriously. Do you even read what you type? Like honestly.

11 hours ago, T-Shark69 said:

The reload in that case for per shot and utility is a straight downgrade.

So if we're assuming you're only ever using it for it's altfire, you're saying 0.7s more reload time is a STRAIGHT DOWNGRADE while completely neglecting the damage difference just so you pat yourself on the shoulder and say you're right when you're ignoring literal proof and numbers being shown right in your face?


So you say it has trouble dealing with "high level armor" huh? Then what in the world were you using base Corinth for? That thing doesn't even tickle them with it's altfire.

11 hours ago, T-Shark69 said:

The only reason worth taking prime right now is that the riven has better stats than normal version.

Before you edit my quote with nonsense and accusing me things, how about you actually back up your own words first? I'm still waiting for any proof on how the base version is better than the Prime. All i'm seeing is people for some reason not able to click altfire twice and thus leaving all their salt on the whole weapon, unreasonably. And it puzzles me because i can't see how people get so bothered with it given the altfire has always been poop except that it now at least deals damage.

Edited by IceColdHawk
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1 hour ago, T-Shark69 said:

2. Use Lock and Load - Baind aid mods are the worst type of "fix". Id be losing an exilus that makes me deal more damage at higher range, to fix a problem that wasnt there before. No, thanks.

You'd be losing an exilus that will reload your weapon as you keep firing with your secondary. Is your secondary underpowered or something? You won't be wasting any time performing any reload, and will simply keep firing. Is that a damage decrease?

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6 minutes ago, IceColdHawk said:

Do you even read what you type?

Do you even read what I type?

7 minutes ago, IceColdHawk said:

while completely neglecting

More like not digressing. 

9 minutes ago, IceColdHawk said:

he damage difference

12 minutes ago, IceColdHawk said:

That thing doesn't even tickle them with it's altfire.

0 x 5 is still 0. If it still doesnt do dmg after the buff, then its a waste of ammo. And the fact that they added a longer, basic reload to make up for the extra magazine it resulted in while doing piss poor damage, is a downgrade (not having higher dmg than base ver.).


14 minutes ago, IceColdHawk said:

how the base version is better than the Prime.

More ammo, same dmg while having better reload speed and mechanic. Better range. Prime is trading those for useless improvements.


16 minutes ago, IceColdHawk said:

And it puzzles me because i can't see how people

Try harder.


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Just now, Bloop said:

You'd be losing an exilus that will reload your weapon as you keep firing with your secondary. Is your secondary underpowered or something? You won't be wasting any time performing any reload, and will simply keep firing. Is that a damage decrease?

"Just use this mod" "Just play this other way" "Just use this other weapon while the fix takes effect"

No bandaids please.

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Just now, T-Shark69 said:

"Just use this mod" "Just play this other way" "Just use this other weapon while the fix takes effect"

No bandaids please.

How is it a bandaid? Explain your case, I've already explained mine.

Shooting your secondary while your primary reloads is not a bandaid, it's called efficiency.

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