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Solution to Current Unfolding Events: A "Council of Design"


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Hello, everyone. The atmosphere surrounding this game has become cold, sad, and barren. Luckily, I have an idea as to how we, as a community, might be able to solve this ongoing Warframe dilemma.

The Problem(s)

Let's cut to the chase. You've probably heard all of these before, but in case you've been living under a rock for the past 6 months, or you've picked literally the worst time ever to return to this game (oh my god, I'm so sorry you have to go through this, I legit feel bad lmaoo), I'll summarize the current problems to the best of my ability.

  • Contradictions of current development practices compared to what the developers have made clear in the past.
  • Listening to the wrong people, and wasting development time to appease to a very, very small amount of people, if not one person who just so happens to be the most abysmal content creator to date.
  • Breaking promises made over the past two Tenno Conventions.
  • Overambition and islands of content that are grindy and separate themselves from core gameplay.
  • The existence of bugs that have plagued the game for as long as it has existed.
  • Change of how gameplay works as response to an ongoing event that effects everything.

These are only some of the few key points that have been shouted to the heavens for so long, the angels started covering their ears in pain.

The Solution

Me and a couple of Tenno have been thinking: what if there was a small group of people just like any other Tenno-- yes, just like YOU --who could help with design choices? What if, instead of constantly listening to their content creators, as important as some of them may be or may say they are, the developers implement some kind of council made of active members of the community, members who have poured thousands of hours into this game, in order to help DE design missions, mods, Warframes, and everything in between?

I present to you: The Council of Design! 

Parks And Recreation Reaction GIF

An original concept not at all inspired by a group that doesn't exist within Warframe, the Council of Design (or the CD) will be able to give the developers the immediate feedback they need in order to whip their thinking gears into shape!

Just imagine... a group of people that the developers can instantly look toward in order to gain insight, feedback, and ideas. I've introduced this idea to a couple of Tenno from around the system, and have gotten a few questions in response that I'd like to answer in this very thread!

Q: This CD group sounds like a group of "elite Tenno" chosen by the developers for absolutely no reason! Wouldn't you agree, Bling?

A: ...what? N-no, there's no elitism to be found in the Council of Design. The CD members are just like you: regular Warframe players who just want to see the game improve! Just because they have a group with inside access to meaningless- *cough* uh, I mean -tons of content doesn't mean that we're treated any differently! 

Q: What would the CD even do any differently?

A: Did you not listen to a word I just said? Members of the CD would be regular Warframe players that have been granted the privilege by the developers to help them out with creating things like augment mods (that DON'T remove the passive of a Warframe in order to function, Robert.), names for Warframes (what if the developers did something cool like taking the English word of the Warframe's theme, translated it to Romaji, and then cropped the word until it sounded like a name. That's such a good idea I can almost Gara-ntee that that's never been done), and even names of a Warframe's abilities! (hah, remember when Revenant was supposed to be an Eidolon-frame, and then became a vampire frame with an Eidolon aesthetic, and then became the lovechild of both? It's a shame we can't seem to get a Warframe with a sturdy theme anymore, which is exactly what the CD would plan on remedying!)

Q: But Bling, aren't you worried that if this idea goes through, the community is going to point blame straight to the CD solely because they're in direct cahoots with the developers?

A: Pfft, nooo, of course not! The developers are great people, and they wouldn't do anything ridiculous, like for example, task us with making Elite Alerts with random enemy encounters and objectives that would end up getting so hated by the non-high-level community that the developers would end up throwing us under the bus and leaving us there to die, and then proceed to trickle little content suggestions to us for the next two years until the developers decide to stick another nail in the coffin of the Council of Design by tasking the entire community with the creation of a Warframe and then not sticking up for the CD when they choose one theme out of ten that the developers give us and the community hates the CD for it, even though the theme is the only thing that the CD would be participating in choosing and the community upvoted those themes to be finalized by the developers in the first place.

Hint. Hint. 

Q: ...wait, so are you or are you not worrie-

A: I'm sorry, but that's all the time we have for today! I just wanted to suggest something that could help bring the community and the developers together again. What do you guys say to that?


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3 minutes ago, Skiepher said:

There is already a Design Council and a Partner Program

frustrated ugh GIF by Equipe de France de Football

You don't know how long it took to layer on sarcastic remark after sarcastic remark, and how disappointed I am to get a response like this thirty seconds into the thread's creation.

I'm legitimately speechless.

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1 minute ago, (PS4)LeBlingKing said:

frustrated ugh GIF by Equipe de France de Football

You don't know how long it took to layer on sarcastic remark after sarcastic remark, and how disappointed I am to get a response like this thirty seconds into the thread's creation.

I'm legitimately speechless.

Sorry I have trouble understanding sarcasm. My bad.

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You don't know how long it took to layer on sarcastic remark after sarcastic remark, and how disappointed I am to get a response like this thirty seconds into the thread's creation.

I'm legitimately speechless.

You expected too much, we chose to play warframe after all, something is clearly wrong with our brains 

Edited by SpectreTheMediocre
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1 minute ago, Captain_Vien said:

What we really need is a group of people to over see development of Warframe. Like a group of people who expand the game and add more value overall


We need a legit testing squad though, just so the limbo fiasco in this operation wouldn't repeat. If DE had given the update to any half decent player, he or she would have told them that limbo was going to cheese it so hard. 

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1 minute ago, Nehra96 said:

We need a legit testing squad though, just so the limbo fiasco in this operation wouldn't repeat. If DE had given the update to any half decent player, he or she would have told them that limbo was going to cheese it so hard. 

I wonder what they think about parking the railjack inside the sentient ship to avoid constant boarding and what they think about boarding parties and enemy ships mostly ignoring the railjack when empty.

Probably they don't talk about those, because they have no idea what causes it in the spaghetti code and just roll with it, lol.

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1 minute ago, (XB1)Grimsley Clause said:

Unfortunately I feel like this would be quickly forgotten after a year or so, then only occassionally given something menial and out of the way to do, while they continue to listen to Partners over these... what, councilors?

That seems unlikely.

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1 minute ago, (XB1)Grimsley Clause said:

Unfortunately I feel like this would be quickly forgotten after a year or so, then only occassionally given something menial and out of the way to do, while they continue to listen to Partners over these... what, councilors?

*gasp* Councilors, that's perfect! 

The Councilors of Design... it's a epithet so basic that it'll just be that much easier to forget! I can't wait for this group to be implemented so that we can do awesome things like vote for an amazing-sounding augment mod, get the exact opposite mod we voted for 15 hotfixes later, and then get blamed for it for like a week before people forget we exist again!

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4 minutes ago, (XB1)Grimsley Clause said:

Unfortunately I feel like this would be quickly forgotten after a year or so, then only occassionally given something menial and out of the way to do, while they continue to listen to Partners over these... what, councilors?

What will be sooner? Forgetting this, or the end of Nightwave intermission II?

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This sounds like a great idea! I'd love to sign up for such a thing as an experienced, maybe ultimately casual but deeply invested player of the game, able to help keep a reality check on more elitist potentials as I look at an 'Event' and see it is not open to new players, when an event should be for EVERYONE.

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2 minutes ago, Zsword said:

This sounds like a great idea! I'd love to sign up for such a thing as an experienced, maybe ultimately casual but deeply invested player of the game, able to help keep a reality check on more elitist potentials as I look at an 'Event' and see it is not open to new players, when an event should be for EVERYONE.

See?! People like you are why this Council of Design would be so beneficial to the game! 

Since you're a Founder, the developers will have to listen to you, and not to some content creator who hates ease of access so much and has so many ties with the developers that they would waste precious development time making mods that literally remove the passives of Warframes in exchange for minimal stat changes, just because of one person's playstyle and opinion. 

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Well, I'll be honest, if we were to look at it objectively, I would of asked a long time ago why a frame had a passive that was used as a nightmare mission modifier.

Implying it's intended to be a detriment.

Then add a companion who can give you -more- of it.

I mean, it shouldn't take a council to see something doesn't add up there.


Also, not only am I -founder-, so I'm super extra special, I'm a contest winner. Yeah, Valkyr Rip line Kills contest. Now, there wasn't specific placings in the top 5, but I'd like to think mine was number one. Style, fun loving, totally not getting absolutely shunted, nahp.

This is, getting painful.

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