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Do you think the nail is in the coffin?


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7 hours ago, Aldain said:

Anyone else notice where they just said the board is a place where you type opinions despite calling what they were saying the truth a bit further back?

Gotta love the good old "Trolling by the seat of my pants hypocrisy" that shows up every now and then.

You said troll and I got excited 

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2 hours ago, (PS4)sweatshawp said:

Hey man it kinda makes me look dumb when I don't read the provided links in a debate. 


This is not an academic meeting or the practice of science. This is a place to post comments or start conversations. In here we are not forced to test our knowledge, wits or our academic proficiency. This is not a debate or a place to prove concepts. We make proofs in mathematics, physics, science. However I don't come here empty handed saying random things. If people want to find out if what I'm saying is true or not, they have to search for the links themselves. 

People need to think for themselves. I don't have any obligation to provide links or information. 

Edited by Felsagger
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1 hour ago, (PS4)SolarPhantom82 said:

91% I thought it was 60%  with DE is if having control. .  If it is 90 that would explain alot ...


DE is committing a lot of fundamental mistakes in terms of game design and delivery, suffice to see the reactions on the PC news of their last three releases. However we all have the valid excuse of the Pandemic. So I'll postpone this conversation when the Pandemic is over. DE is not in their complete force due to the quarantine. Health goes first. This conversation is a luxury that we are having now. 

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1 hour ago, Felsagger said:


This is not an academic meeting or the practice of science. This is a place to post comments or start conversations. In here we are not forced to test our knowledge, wits or our academic proficiency. This is not a debate or a place to prove concepts. We make proofs in mathematics, physics, science. However I don't come here empty handed saying random things. If people want to find out if what I'm saying is true or not, they have to search for the links themselves. 

People need to think for themselves. I don't have any obligation to provide links or information. 

True to an extent. Me saying hey this “thing is how it is” without providing any type of evidence regarding how I know things in any situation makes one look stupid no matter what. The idea that it’s only used for your above examples is false. As one he can make a claim should also be ready to prove such claim. Telling one to go find out for themselves shows you lack knowledge of given content and if you don’t you give the impression of such

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4 hours ago, (PS4)sweatshawp said:

True to an extent. Me saying hey this “thing is how it is” without providing any type of evidence regarding how I know things in any situation makes one look stupid no matter what. The idea that it’s only used for your above examples is false. As one he can make a claim should also be ready to prove such claim. Telling one to go find out for themselves shows you lack knowledge of given content and if you don’t you give the impression of such

I'll answer academically this post. 

"More people would learn from their mistakes if they where not so busy denying them". It is strange that all of the sudden a set of individuals try to throw off rhetoric over an item of almost no importance when people are loosing their battle against SARS-CoV-02. The tone of those apologists overcome the quotidian life so their rebuke goes hard enough on those non believers who question the performance of a company and a game. They abide for their time spent defending against those who throws "dirt" on a company that created a bait cycle of consumption moved by programmed obsolescence. 

Such discourse is battled with insults, derogatory remarks, snide, snarky responses, and accusatory proselyte tone when the scientific method is not being applied. The tone of disappointment on DE performance seems to displease the ears of such people who invested their time in their wherewithal of the 'kult spiele' or cult to the game. Who am I to question the impeccable record of a developer who let the customers perform the beta testing for them when an expansion is thrown in? Who dares to see failure when the ethos of this game is based on the claim 'The game is free if you don't like it, pick another game' rebuttal? 

I don't come here to critique a great concept or bash over those users who spent time with the game. I went through MR28 juggling the details over a game that breaks the boundaries of an RPG/MOBA/Action genre. The persistent online game is a feat on itself and DE where the few who went through parametric estimation of usage and behavior of items. They found many interesting theories on distribution of preferences, physiology of attachment and the transactions of game editing based on a tendency or optimum solution that trivialize content. We are aware about what type of problem DE is trying to solve from a game development stand point. The massive online battle arena seems to be an open problem that requires full dedication and comprehension due to the challenges such problem offers. Warframe threw some light on how complex the problem of balancing is while they keep relevance, novelty and innovation. 


But we can reach a consensus on the following points. 

1. People's time should be respected. When an individual spend time obtaining an item and modifying it, he expects more than 90 days of use without degradation or downgrade. 

2. People should be informed about the changes when they take place showing why those changes are taking place. Change must justify better performance. 

3. DE doesn't owe us anything. But if we want to foster a good relationship between partakers we have to be sincere listening to our concerns with the game in a formal matter. 

4. Video gaming is not essential for our existence but professionalism is. DE should maintain a professional atmosphere in their delivery, for example being exhaustive playing their own game, cutting churn with a balance of retention of veterans and acquisition of new players.

5. We don't want to scrap a project that gave us so many good hours of fun. Everything in this world pass away however we feel inside us that such game design idea should not be simply be left as only potential. 


Answering your post directly, when we write claims we should focus on what outcome we want to create. In here we are not doing any practice of science. We are simply having discussions about an entertainment. Any comment suffice despite if the comment is informed or not. Here reputation doesn't hold any importance because there is no economical remuneration for such sustainability. However our society should value the will to find the truth for themselves. Individuals should struggle their truth instead of other people doing the meta cognition for them. Yes, it saves time, help other individuals get in a more delicate discussion but despite how informative such conversation becomes DE already made up their mind and established what business strategies they will follow despite of those strategies hurts or not the game. We hold no weight on their decisions. That is the crude reality of it. 

I invest time on the scientific method when the other half is serious enough attending what I have to say. DE is not motivating professionalism, they seem busy trying to irk constantly the customer. Their approach gives the FALSE impression that they want to kill the project while Hello game seems to be busy rescuing their game in No Man's Sky. 


I hope this gives you a better idea of how many people feels with the performance that they are witnessing. 

Edited by Felsagger
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9 minutes ago, (PS4)SolarPhantom82 said:

Valiid excuse ?  the pandemic had nothing to do with railjack or lichers and only effected scarlet spear two weeks before release, and it was two weeks late so I dont event give they that excuse..  

Technically speaking you are correct. 

When a developer comes up with the idea of taking out SIMULACRUM, then you know for sure that warframe is about to die. 


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It’s about to get far worse people.  I regret getting Titania prime access abs accessories because I’d hoped DE would actually listen to the community and go back to the developers who cared about their game , act or not.  This further explains the focus on cosmetics, the state of Kuva Liches and Railjack, plus all the lies and broken promises DE have told abs delivered in the past 3 updates alone.  Fellow players I’d suggest not spending anymore money on the game, but ultimately the decision is up to you.

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Look! A thread that predicts doom and destruction!

I hadn't seen one of these in... days.


Yeah, I haven't been looking very hard. But after years of "DE IS MURDERING THE GAME" threads, my vision does get a bit blurry when I'm subjected to a new one of these unhelpful, quickly-blocked pieces of opinion-making.

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3 minutes ago, Dhrekr said:

Look! A thread that predicts doom and destruction!

I hadn't seen one of these in... days.


Yeah, I haven't been looking very hard. But after years of "DE IS MURDERING THE GAME" threads, my vision does get a bit blurry when I'm subjected to a new one of these unhelpful, quickly-blocked pieces of opinion-making.

I think i seen something like this before. 2016-17 i think. It too was about DE and some chinese company.

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Not gonna lie, OP, there is really no point making a post like this, cuz you'll just have "Die-Hard-Fans" saying how wrong you are, even if there is proof right in their faces.


It happens, but hey sit back and enjoy the show!

Edited by Circle_of_Psi
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If it hasn't happened yet, then don't worry about it.

If it does happen though then DE might as well ban me now, because I don't want to see the Tencent x DE relationship happen.

I have 3600+ hours here, a big clan that I have made a lot of friends with, and has collected pretty much everything in the game. So if you want to do this DE that's fine, but just know that I enjoyed your game, and it will be a lot less enjoyable with Tencent. I will not play anymore, and will abandon the idea of supporting you entirely. I would say this is worse than the Coronavirus but it sure feels like it.

Edited by Lucidess
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This guy says that the shareholders are planning on selling the company and all their assets? 🤔 I’m not sure where that comes from when the document shown is a breakdown of revenue

edit: Where does this guy get his info when he says things like Leyou is in position to sell their company? I know the document he keeps bringing up and I don’t recall mention of intent to sell. I feel the need to dig deeper and verify

Hmm. Okay, got some info that lets me feel comfortable paying for DE’s work

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27 minutes ago, Circle_of_Psi said:

even if there is proof right in their faces.

What proof? What content has DE released that is more grindy and/or more anti-consumer than older content.

  • Frost Prime release: Sub 1% drop chances. (Forma were also like this on release)
  • Gradvius Dilemma: Do this one mission 100 times to get the reward.
  • Archwing: Super low drop rates for new Archwing parts, as well as weapons, and oh boy a whole new set of mods with low drop chances (sound familiar?).
  • UI 2.0: Still in my experience the buggiest update of all, so much so that the entire game was unplayable for awhile after it initially released.
  • Law of Retribution Rewards: 1%-ish drop chances on a mission you can only do once a day.
  • And that is just stuff I can remember off the top of my head...

DE has a long reputation of massive grinds and broken updates, attributing current grind and broken update issues to them being purchased by a Chinese company is pointless fear mongering. Take off your rose tinted glasses, the problem isn't that DE has changed, the problem is that DE hasn't changed.

Edited by DrBorris
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