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DE Support Specialist Behaving Irresponsibly


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I recently got a chat ban for saying 'f**k' in Region chat.

When I asked support specialist [DE]SCA about the duration, he gave me the generic response which states that its maximum duration is up to two weeks, or one week if this is my first offense.

I said that I perfectly understand the maximum duration, and I was simply asking for the actual suspension duration that was applied to my account, which I have the right to know as the account's owner, and someone who has spent real money to advance the said account - its information belongs to me.

[DE]SCA took approximately 60 seconds to reply three times before I asked to specifically be told the duration that was applied to my account, and then failed to answer again over the course of the next 22 hours, and I am still being ignored. How is this support specialist behavior allowed by Digital Extremes?

Edited by Shinsekami
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Just now, KIREEK said:

As you read from the support staff

IF it's your 1st offense, 1 week

IF it's not your 1st offense, it's more, aka 2 weeks

Simply ask yourself if it's your 1st or 2nd offense and voilá, you know the duration

The durations stated are 'up to', one (or two) weeks, not exclusively one or two weeks. This means that the actual duration applied can range anywhere between 24 hours and one full week (or two full weeks). I am the owner of my account, and I have every right to know the exact duration that was applied. This is what I am saying, and it's a right that I am being denied by a Digital Extremes employee.

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It's simple, while they can check things up, they find it unecessary, they know moderators ban durations and more or less the kickbot ban duration, sadly these may change from moderator to moderator and i believe kickbot ends up being updated from time to time, with new words and changes to the kick duration, so the support member is simply giving you an estimate.

I guess you're a VIP and must know the duration at all costs, but please understand that the support staff is trying to deal with many tickets, he will adress details on something if he finds necessary or if it's complex, in your case he's giving you an estimate and moving on with other tickets, it's likely that it's 1 week, they can't really go out of their way every single time to change things done by kickbot or a moderator, you'll have to wait and reflect on what you did.

That's it, just wait for the chat ban to be lifted, you're making things way more comlicated than they should be, the support staff read and adressed your ticket, he's not being irresponsible.

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18 minutes ago, Shinsekami said:

I said that I perfectly understand the maximum duration, and I was simply asking for the actual suspension duration that was applied to my account, which I have the right to know as the account's owner, and someone who has spent real money to advance the said account - its information belongs to me.

I'm curious. Where are you getting from that you have the right to know the duration of a ban.
Just wondering where that's written down. Or do you just made that up?

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You broke the rules and the support staff likely has more pressing matters to attend to regarding players that didnt break the rules and have actual issues.

Also, you basically have no rights since the account isnt actually yours. Read the ToS and EULA a bit more carefully in the future, no matter the game.

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vor 34 Minuten schrieb Shinsekami:

someone who has spent real money to advance the said account

Buddy, spending money has nothing to do with it, it is no where written you need to know how long it will last, if they not told you then there might be a reason for it even.

If i start trashing things in a shop i buyed things for years i also get trown out. Just wait and move on and come back after 2 weeks max and see.

We have to life with our errors and unlike real life we can't allow us everything due money here like some rich snob.

You made a mistake and instead of whining you could take it aslong it is not wrongly accused simply. Complaining over and over will only lengthened it even if you keep pushing against there rules.

Edited by Marine027
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27 minutes ago, WhiteMarker said:

I'm curious. Where are you getting from that you have the right to know the duration of a ban.
Just wondering where that's written down. Or do you just made that up?

1. In DE's Privacy Policy it is stated: 'In cases where this information is linked to your account information, or if the info collected can be used to trace back to a specific person, then we consider this information to be personal data.'

2. A chat ban is a restriction imposed upon a specific account, meaning it is part of the account information.

3. In the Privacy Policy, it is further stated: '


You have the right to view a copy of the personal data we store on you free of charge.'

4. The support specialist is effectively denying me this right.

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2 minutes ago, Shinsekami said:

1. In DE's Privacy Policy it is stated: 'In cases where this information is linked to your account information, or if the info collected can be used to trace back to a specific person, then we consider this information to be personal data.'

2. A chat ban is a restriction imposed upon a specific account, meaning it is part of the account information.

I don't think you got that right...

And even if you got that right, providing you with these personal information isn't part of what support is doing, or what support can handle quickly. Something like an information security officer has to check if you really have the right to access said information etc. A process that most likely wioll take longer than the duration of the ban itself.
So even if you had the right to access the duration of the ban, it would be pointless to ask for it for said reasons...

Edited by WhiteMarker
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1 minute ago, WhiteMarker said:

I don't think you got that right...

So, you mean to tell me that individual properties of an account (defined by restrictions and/or liberties contained within pieces of information bound to a particular user) are not account information? Interesting.

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Just now, Shinsekami said:

So, you mean to tell me that individual properties of an account (defined by restrictions and/or liberties contained within pieces of information bound to a particular user) are not account information? Interesting.

No, I'm telling you that your account is owned by DE. You have the right to use it. You broke the rules and therefore lost rights on the account usage.

The thing is, that both of us aren't well-versed when it comes to data security and the likes. So we both have no clue if you really have the right to know how long the ban lasts.
You can always go for a law suit if DE didn't tell you what you wanted to know. But is it worth it?
We are talking about 1 or 2 weeks of not using ingame chat. That's hardly a long time. Even this thread right here is pretty much pointless and just a childish rant. Get over it, man.
If we take things even further this thread could be considered against the rules. You dislike the fact you got banned without knowing for how long. You are venting on the forum by breaking the rules. Funny, isn't it?

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Sorry to hear about your complications.

While many games (PvP games especially) do not moderate, or welcome at least some extent of trash talk and gallows humor, Warframe attempts instead to curate a more respectful and cooperative decorum. IRL topics (particularly any divisive ones), aggressive or foul language directed toward players and/or used excessively, or just moments where the chat begins to go off the chain from everyone doing a bit of it at once.. all often find some level of pushback in moderation, in order to maintain something close to the decorum they wish to be the foundation for their experience.

Think Disney. You can probably get away with curse words at a Disney amusement park, but security will be likely to intervene should they hear it. ..It's not just that kids could hear it, (and in this case we do have players aged as low as 16) but that the environment that they craft to be the user experience, is one that requires maintaining. Generally, a curse in region chat is not enough.. It can be depending the context, frequency, or current state of chat, should it impact decorum significantly.

We cannot know what the context was, how it was used or directed, the frequency or intent... but we cannot help here in chat. We of course are not mods, or support.. and perhaps we see the value of this curated experience differently than yourself. ...Heck I remember how Diablo2 used to be race wars absolutely non-stop.. sometimes moderation is just flatly good, sometimes it's iffy... but look at it this way: We are inside their store front. They can refuse the right to service to us at any time, as is their right. They ask that to avoid this we curb profanity and remain respectful to fellow players, and not try to make a mess of chat. ..should they be curbing a real flame war, or preventing the murmurs that beget unrest, that decision is 100% theirs to make. As much as that seems to have potential for some sort of Orwellian nightmare.. I've only ever had 1 ban in my entire life. (And I earned it.)

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2 minutes ago, kapn655321 said:

that decision is 100% theirs to make.

I am not asking for the right to ban or unban my own account, I am simply trying to access a part of the data which is linked to my account, i.e. personal data.

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49 minutes ago, WhiteMarker said:

And even if you got that right, providing you with these personal information isn't part of what support is doing, or what support can handle quickly. Something like an information security officer has to check if you really have the right to access said information etc. A process that most likely wioll take longer than the duration of the ban itself.
So even if you had the right to access the duration of the ban, it would be pointless to ask for it for said reasons...

Sorry but what you're saying is absolutely ludicrous. Only one email address and only one https://digitalextremes.zendesk.com username correspond to each individual in-game account. Verifying the ownership of an in-game account according to the email and/or the https://digitalextremes.zendesk.com username requires having eyesight for two seconds. Lol.

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It sounds like you received your answer. If it is your first offense, the chat suspension is up to one week (if the suspension does not end after the first 24 hours, the suspension is one week). If it is not your first offense/suspension, it may be up to two weeks (but is probably one week).

Moreover, I recommend reviewing the EULA regarding account ownership, specifically section 3.b:

"All rights and title in and to [...] your Account and all content included therein [...] are owned by Digital Extremes or its licensors. [...] You acknowledge and agree that you have no interest, monetary or otherwise, in any feature or content contained in the Game. You further acknowledge and agree that you shall have no ownership or other property interest in your Account, and you acknowledge and agree that all rights in and to the Account are and shall forever be owned by and inure to the benefit of Digital Extremes."

The gist of it is that your account (nor the information within your account) does not belong to you. This is par for the course for pretty much any/every online multiplayer game.

Edited by Letter13
Added clarification on times.
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