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My Must-Have Kuva Weapons


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In my humble opinion, 

There are 3 Must-Have Kuva Weapons, and a 3-way tie for the 4th.

Kuva Nukor - A nice (as in OMGWTFBBQ) high damage chaining weapon way better than my maxed+Riven Atomos, like a love-child of the Ignis Wraith and the Amprex on steroids. And-It-Is-A-Secondary. Booyah! Carry this guy to pop L70 trash mobs like strings of balloons, and switch to my Rubico Prime or Chakkurr when the lich shows or the eye opens. Use with Ruinous Extension.

Kuva Bramma - As annoying as it can be to other players (spamming bright colors), this is a peerless explody weapon - Fast AND Furious. It's the reason I started hunting liches. For me, this is used primarily by Nova for Arbitration Defense or Survivals.

Kuva Chakkurr - The shotgun/sniper hybrid from Muppet Labs that looks like a candy cane, and should be spelled with a 'J'. It has good spread when shot from the hip and good accuracy when scoped. It does damage like a beast from the flaming abyss. It is semi-auto with an 11-round magazine, offsetting the slow RoF and slow reload. Replaces Tigris Prime in the Index, but fails to replace my silky-smooth Rubico Prime.

Kuva Quartakk, Kuva Hind, or Kuva Karak?

The Kuva Quartak is Burst (4) when scoped and otherwise auto. The scoped shots are very powerful and literally blow away your target with cool knock-back. IF you put Vile Acceloration AND Shred (or Speed Trigger with Primed Shred) on the KQ, auto becomes AWESOME instead of BROKEN - this also helps the slow timing of Burst mode (delay between shots goes away) and the DPS add to Auto offsets the potential added damage to burst. Others will likly put Shred or Primed Shred on it without the Vile Acceloration, favoring Burst mode, but it does so much damage anyway that I prefer and recommend both. For the fashion framers out there - this, ahem, pairs well, ahem, with Oberon  (you have to see it).

The Kuva Hind cycles between Semi, Auto, Burst (5). If you set the KH to auto and leave it there, it becomes a rock-solid, high damage auto rifle. I still require some RoF, but not as much as the KQ, just Shred is fine. You want to play slow using the high-crit semi, you got that too. Sadly, the signature burst of the KH is really without practical purpose - but who cares? The Auto and Semi are great, and cycling on Alt-Fire is easy.

To me, the Kuva Karak is not as good. Hey, I gave it the potato and 3 forma and like it a lot - just not as good as either of the other two. It really compares directly to the Kuva Hind, which I prefer to the Karak, but I'll be keeping all three.

I'd like to here from others, do you agree? disagree? What weapons surprised you?

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@lukasystemThe Kuva Kohm has eluded me. For whatever reason, the one I declined that one time was my only chance to grab one - about 50-60 larvalings surveyed, the RNG is not in my favor. I do have a clan-mate I team with often who has used it quite a bit, but he didn't keep using it. Wiki reads good, so if you say it's spectacular,  I'll take your word for it.

I will pass on the Brakk, but I have a minion that seems content with it...

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The three you mention, OP, are the ones I use the most from all the Kuva arsenal, and have become some of my most-used weapons in general. Chakkhur is probably the one that "surprised" me the most because it seemed new as an idea in general for Warframe - although it does look a bit silly. I love the reload animation on that one.

Other weapons I find worthwhile are the Brakk and Kohm. I probably should use them more.

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I have a kuva Khom.
Yes it is good/powerfull but I just don't like using it.
I hate the sound it makes. Like im shooting a kid gun with the big plastic balls. plop, plop, plop.
Oh and then there is the spool up thingy.

Got a kuva brakk. Very nice. But since I got a super sweetr riven for my aksomatie. (+crit + multishot) This has become my "main secondary")

Kuva karak I like. I l ike how it sounds, Nice reload spead. Still some stoppingpower but yes at higher levels the stopping power drops.
Though I got a riven for it. I still need to reroll it but yeah... out of kuva.

Kuva Chakkur. Yes love it. weren't it for that long reload speed.
And yes good acuracy when aiming. Except for the multishot bullet. That will miss your target by miles.

Kuva Brama. Nice looking bow, Super powerfull. But again I don't realy love playing with it.
Its so bright in your face 😛 still a very solid weapon.

Kuva seer. I don't realy care for it. Didn't like normal seer, Don't like the kuva version even though its better.

Kuva hammer (forgot the name) I don't like it. But I hate using hamers in general. Because they are so slow to use. But to be fair for a hammer this one is fairly fast.

Kuva Ayanga. I like this one. It's a nice archgun. Also quite decent in normal missions. Yet it doesn't have a good mod sellection because.. archgun.

And those are all the kuva weapons I have.
I did put 5 forma on all of them because of MR.

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@FurianStormI'm surprised you like the Ayanga  - I thought it would compete with my Grattler, but it failed miserably in A-B testing doing mobile defense missions (leveling the Ayanga, then comparing when done). Are you using it terrestrially, or on RJ, or how do you use it?

BTW, nice username :redveil:

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opinion from a guy with all Kuva Weapons fully levelled:


Kuva Quartakk: this one was my first. it,s fairly decent with it's auto hipfire but some prefer to add a fire rate mod to bring it up to par with the other assault Rifles. if you like the vanilla, you'll like this one.

Kuva Karak: honestly, I find the Karak family quite boring to use long-term, and I also have Karak Wraith. unless you simply MUST have all the Space AKs, you could probbaly just stick to the Wraith. both Kuva and Wraith Varients are ok for status but... they're just so damn boring IMO.

Kuva Chakkhurr: GET THIS. I absolutely love this weapon, it's basically Grinlok (one of my favourite rifles) but with explosive rounds. it's more or less as strong as a Sniper, minus the scope. reload is a little lengthy, but totally worth it IMO.

Kuva Drakgoon: pretty strong as well, Drakgoon is kind of underappreciated as a shotgun, and now that slash doesn't bypass shields anymore, it's technically nerfed, but it's great for when you don't want to worry about accuracy at all.. just look in the general direction of your target and I'm certain you'll hit them at any distance with all that spread and multishot. grab Formorian Accelerant mod if you can for added velocity!

Kuva Kohm: total status monster, likely even more so after the status changes. with or without a Riven it's arguably the best Auto-shotgun in the game. 

Kuva Tonkor: probably not as popular since the self damage removal, but the faster reload is nice when you only have one shot. still does plenty damage.

Kuva Ogris : also proabbly shunned since the self damage removal, much easier to stagger yourself as it fires instantly without charging, but for someone like me who is (usually) careful and likes rocket launchers, it's great. Nightwatch Napalm is a lovely bit of extra damage and armor strip to blast survivors and can be used to defend an area in a pinch. makes me really want a heat-seeking rocket launcher...

Kuva Bramma: other people will hate you, but you just won't care. this is my favourite bow in the game and while the blast effects are a little OTT, it just adds to the weapon IMO. it does a ridiculous amount of damage and is well worth the murmur farm. just don't play public with it, or if you do, don't look at the squad chat, it WILL be full of salt directed at you. also bear in mind in will probably get nerfed in the future.

Kuva Hind: this baguette gun is basically another Tiberon prime. I hesitate to say "poor man's" Tiberon Prime, since it takes a little time to get a Lich weapon, but this is still a relatively viable assault rifle with all 3 fire modes: 5-round burst, full auto and a semi fire that uses multiple rounds per shot. definitely an upgrade over the vanilla, but still every bit as ugly. (tennogen rifle skins when?)


Kuva Brakk: pretty much an upgrade, and a slap in the face to anyone who farmed G3 for ages to get the vanilla one. still, it's a very nice secondary shotgun, great alongside a long-range primary.

Kuva Seer: never liked the original, this one is better.. one extra round in the mag is not much benefit, but I like the Corrosive AoE. would have preferred it with an adjustable sniper scope (yes, i know Zoom is the Seer's gimmick, but it's also why you don't see anyone using the damn thing.).

Kuva Kraken: the worst of the bunch. not that much stronger than the vanilla and the Pandero-style fan fire has too much recoil to do anything other than waste bullets. it's not even as good as the Viper at doing that so.. yeah, go for it if you want, but prepare to be disappointed.

Kuva Nukor: holy jesus, at the other end of the spectrum is this thing... not sure who thought a stronger Nukor that can chain between targets was a good ide,a but they were a dman genius! this thing is still VERY strong, and worth picking up.

Kuva Twin Stubbas: really nice machine pistols these: double the capacity (and style) of the regular single Stubba, you could use these as a primary themselves if you wanted; which in my book is a sign of very good machine pistols.


Kuva Shildeg: a really strong hammer, by virtue of being puncture.. it's living proof that Impact is still the worst physical damage type, since the one type of melee you'd expect to have it benefits from NOT having it. might not be to everyone's taste appearance wise, I put the Palatine Skin on mine.


Kuva Ayanga: a massive automatic grenade launcher. need I say More? I will. I LOVE this thing, the reciprocating barrel, the firing sound.. it really does feel like you're using an artillery piece. before this I loved the Grattler most, but this feel like a better Grattler: much better range, so it's more viable in free space, but feels great to use as a Heavy Weapon on the ground too. looking to get a Riven for this and the Grattler.


top 3 for performance: Bramma, Nukor and Kohm

top 3 for fun: Chakkhurr, Ayanga and Drakgoon.






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1 hour ago, Canach said:

@FurianStormI'm surprised you like the Ayanga  - I thought it would compete with my Grattler, but it failed miserably in A-B testing doing mobile defense missions (leveling the Ayanga, then comparing when done). Are you using it terrestrially, or on RJ, or how do you use it?

BTW, nice username :redveil:

Thanks love the name too.
I use the ayanga mostly in normal mission.
I love how it sounds and makes it feel like you realy have a powerfull weapon.
I know that in the end it might not be best weapon ever. But i just love how it feels and sound.

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@(PS4)robotwars7 Thanks for posting, good read - appreciate your mention of the Ayanga having better range than the Grattler and using it in open-world. I do enjoy the feel/sound of the weapon (a lot) just couldn't use it in space very well. Based on your comments, and the other posters liking it, I'm sure I will try it some more..

I don't think there's anything vanilla about the Kuva Quartakk - At the risk of repeating my OP, once I ramped up the RoF it's really nice - but Auto 'disappoints' if built for max burst damage. I found it a 'diamond in the rough'. I use a lot of different guns, varying by warframe and by mission. In my arsenel, the KQuartakk effectively replaces my Soma Prime (maxed with strong riven). To be fair, I have not done actual test comparisons between the KQuartakk and mySoma, KHind or Tiberon P - maybe I will soon... 


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On 2020-04-16 at 9:15 PM, Captain_Rocket505 said:

What elements do you recommend on all of the kuva guns then? I got toxin on my bramma (subtle flexing, 59% on first try), my nukor, dragoon and Shildeg (the hammer). Looking for opinions before I hunt the rest of em 


Like I said I personaly would go Radiation. (use Ash)
But that's my preference I have no clue if its meta or not.
So use at your own risk.

Edited by FurianStorm
Said Viral meant radiation
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