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Open Call for Warframe Ability Ideas!


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1. Stitch- Rips apart an enemy and sews it back together while packing it with void energy to create a explosive while generating void threads.

2. Under tow- Materialises Roots to pull the explosive under to store and prepare for planting.

3. Cosmic Cycle- Cycles through the desired elemental damage on the selected bomb.

4. Dead line- uses void threads to create a pull pin system for the bombs and stitches them together for a chain explosion while moving them rapidly underground with the roots to cover more ground with the detonation.

Passive. Void pool- when below 20% health the broken warframe leaks out void creating a supply of void threads for more ability usage.

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Passive (Unstable): Each ability have a hard time keeping the warframe balance in check.

Each ability has their own Instability progression being raised, using an ability raises all abilities instability by a really small amount, but a larger one for the designated ability's progression, toggle abilities raises the amount over time, other type raises the amount on cast.

Multiple Toggle Abilities can run at the same time.

If one ability's instability reach 100% a shock occur inflicting a status effect followed by an explosion status effect in a large radius.

The Warframe is then forced to use an alternate version of the now broken ability and gain a set of buffs which efficiencies are related to the Instability progression of each abilities upon detonation. This alternate version may be seen as good or bad depending on the point of view and current situation at hand.
This state last for a while until all systems re-calibrate, which also reset the Instability progression on all abilities, it is the only way to reset them all.

The state cannot be canceled even if the warframe falls in a pit (typical way of removing a running ability to reset its effect).

1-Toggle ability
Highlight the enemies heat through walls, radius is at least the same as Codex Scanner.
In this state, all attacks ignore walls and objects but don't gain infinite punch through.
The Instability progression of this ability tend to briefly disturb silhouette of the enemies behind walls.

Shock status = Electricity
Broken buff = Instability%.1stAbility * (+% Accuracy)

Broken ability version: The post process effect used to see through walls is disturbed, the range at which you see enemies is reduced and restored randomly making it hard to see the enemies that are far away BUT you're now seeing weak spots on all enemies until systems are restored.
Nearby allies may suffer the glitchy inconvenience while also benefiting from the weak spots visual if they were close to the detonation.

Weak spot multiply the damage inflicted on the target.

2-On Target Toggle ability
The Warframe create a disturbance around him or its ally target, altering their perceptive image. The flow is being adjusted to make one look like an enemy related to the current mission's pool of enemies.
In this state, the target is treated as "Non-Visible", until they attack or the effect run off.

The Instability progression of this ability disturb the disguise more and more until the Warframes appearance is restored.

Shock status = Radiation
Broken buff = Instability%.2ndAbility * (+% Radiation Damage)

Broken ability version: the disturbance wrecks havoc, the disguise is off and all enemies in a large radius suffer radiation damage every second until systems are restored.
Each headshot damage is also sent to a nearby enemy.

Nearby Allies also suffer the radiation status but only once.

3-Toggle Ability
The warframe tendrils shine as they're being fueled with Void Energy.
While the ability is active the Warframe benefits from the Operator focus tree and abilities. Void Dash, Void Burst, Void Mode and all the traits related to the focus tree can all be used indefinitely until the effect run off.

However, not only having the ability active will raise the Instability Progression, replicating Operator's void actions will also add to the Instability Progression. Making it limited and harder to use than the 1st and 2nd abilities.

Shock Status = Void

Broken buff = Instability%.3rdAbility * (+% Damage)

Broken ability version: The flow of Void Energy is disturbed, the warframe can't use the operator abilities properly. Void Mode now also teleports in a random nearby area, Void Dash has a small chance to happen when starting to move, bullet jump is now fueled with void energy catapulting the warframe in the aimed direction akin to Zephyr Tail Wind.
Piercing through every enemies it encounters in its way.

4-Cast Ability
Redistribute the excess of instability to a safer area.
Effectively bringing down the highest Instability progression among the first 3 abilities to the same amount of the one below. The value we removed is being added to the 4th ability.

Shock Status = Heat

Broken Buff = Instability%.4thAbility (+% Heat Damage +% Multishot)

Broken ability version: The redistribution system is stucked in an infinite loop until next system restore. It keeps draining ALL the instability from the first 3 abilities and storing it all in the 4th one.
The sum of instability is being stored as Heat energy and released after 5 seconds in  large radius to force a reset of all systems.
Damage and radius are both increased relative to the amount of excess stored.

PS: I red along the lines of multiple pages, alot of designs are about splitting the parts of the frame, or fixing him. My idea is to have an in-between, Warframe works fine at first, and after too more uses it breaks. I didn't read all pages but I felt like this wasn't appearing that often. Cheers.

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Passive; *frame name/groot* adapts by the last damage type received is added to all weapons as bonus damage. The added amount is determined by the stored damage meter. (Meter multiples by how many deaths the frame has suffered per mission)

 1. Tendril drain; *frame name/groot* sends out its tendrils, leaching armor and pooling damage in a meter and rag-dolling all enemies in its path. 
(Damage is determined by last damage received+ void damage)

2.Void growth; the orokin roots of *frame name/groot*  emerge from the surface and erupt with seedlings that embed, grow and leach health (self and allies) from enemies affected by the explosion radious, adding to the damage meter.

3. Orokin bestow; envelope *frame name/groot*, allies and operaters in a damage buffing orokin root like armor that degrades [similar to rhinos iron skin]. The rank of equiped focus school determines the element and strength of the buff.

4. Magnetar; (held drain)*frame name/ groot*  combines self energy and depletes stored damage to generate an unstable magnetar erruption. Proc'ing magnetic, radiation, heat and void damage. Surviviors and SELF have a % chance to be staggered and blinded for a duration. Damage is multiplied by how many deaths suffered.

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Somnus The Broken

Assembled from the remnants of Warframes destroyed during the Old War and held together by Void energy.


With Old War memories a fresh nightmare relived, the Tenno has brought together the broken, the betrayed, the bones of frames.

Held together by void energy and sheer will, born in sleep, Somnus rises from the old war, ready to fight the new.


Passive) Energizing Dreams: Energy regeneration
From the school of the Arcane, the dream of Zenurik shares the Tenno ability to regenerate energy (1 energy/sec) with Somnus.

1) Void Talons: Single target damage buff.
From the school of fighters, the dream of Madurai allows Somnus to increase his or an ally's damage output by 5%/10%/20%/40% for 30 seconds
Augment) Eternal Talons: Hold to cast Void Talons on allies within affinity range for 75/50/30 energy.

2) Void Scales: Radial armor buff
From the school of the indomitable, the dream of Unairu grants additional armor to allies within 10/25/40/60 meters.
Augment) Sundering Spines: Allies affected by Void Scales return 5/15/25% of damage to the attacker.

3) Disorienting Disarm: Radial blind with disarm chance
From the school of the tacticians, the dream of Naramon blinds enemies within 10/15/20/25 meters for 7/10/12/15 seconds. Affected enemies have a 15/20/25/30% chance to be disarmed.
No augment.

4) Rejuvinating Guardian: Team overshields and health regeneration.
From the school of the protectors, the dream of Vazarin helps Somnus to protect (200/400/600/800 shield replenish/overshields) and heal (30/s) allies within 10/12/14/16 meters for 15/20/25/30 seconds.
Augment) Enduring Aegis: Allies in range when Rejuvinating Guardian is cast become invulnerable for 3/5/7 seconds.


Unranked: 115/115/140/200
Rank 30: 340/350/215/205
Sprint: 1.05


Team effort between me and Roopurt5!

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Passive: “Boundless Energy” the warframe does not consume energy but rather his own health to perform abilities. As a result of being held together by orokin energy vines. He has increased heath regeneration and provides energy regeneration for his team.

Ability 1: “Lacerate” The warframe lashes out in front of him dealing damage to targets in a line. This attack saps the energy from their shields and restores some of his health in the process

Ability 2: “Energy Well” creates a circular area on the ground that damages and ensnares enemies who step on it. Allies who step into the circle receive energy regeneration per second.

Ability 3: “Supercharge” the next ability cast gains added power, granting additional effects. “Lacerate “now deals damage in a cone in stead of a straight line and “energy well” deals electricity damage arcing from snared enemies to those outside the affected area.

Ability 4: “Untamed Overgrowth” the broken warframe is held together by energy vines. These vines engorge and grow apart. Spreading the broken pieces apart, the operator is now controlling a large energy vine monster with slower movement speed and devastating heavy melee attacks.

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From a lore perspective, being assembled from parts means that Brokenframe doesn't have the benefit of an Orokin-crafted theme the way other Frames have. (eg. Ember having a fire theme, Titania the fairy, Mesa the gunslinger) All he has is the Void Energy holding him together. Thus, I think the Void should serve as his theme in lieu of proper Orokin craftsmanship. And since pure Void Energy is the Operator's "thing", we have an opportunity here to have a frame that blurs the line between Operator and Frame. Ability VFX would primarily be Void-themed, with faint signs of the Operator's presence "bleeding through" (think translucent extra hand doing the same motions as your Frame's hand, positioned just above said Frame hand).

Passive: Your Operator's active focus school influences your abilities

#1 "Void Ball" - Throw a bit of Void Energy like a Wizard casting Fireball, stripping Sentient Resistances. Affected enemies killed within X seconds will cause an AoE with 200% Status Chance, doing X [School] Damage in X meters.
Vazarin: Viral
Madurai: Heat
Naramon: Blast
Zenurik: Electric
Unairu: Corrosive


#2 "Power Dash" - Brokenframe surges forward like a Void Dash, unleashing a small explosion of Void Energy where he stops, damaging and knocking down anyone nearby. Meanwhile, non-Corrupted enemies along the dash 'path' are affected based on School. There is no cap on how many enemies a dash can hit, but only up to X are counted for scaling the effects below. Hit Enemies who were Corrupted by #4 will instead have their Corruption buff increased by X% in intensity for the remaining duration of their Corruption.
Vazarin: Brokenframe gains X Health regen per enemy hit. Enemies hit receive a DoT of X Void Damage per tick per enemy hit for X seconds.
Madurai: Brokenframe gains +X% Additive Status Chance per enemy hit. Enemies hit will suffer +X% Status Duration per enemy hit.
Naramon: Brokenframe gains +X% Additive Crit Chance (Stacks with Avenger/Adarza/Harrow #4) per enemy hit. Enemies hit are stunned for X seconds per enemy hit.
Zenurik: Brokenframe gains +X% Ability Efficiency per enemy hit. Enemies hit are slowed by X% per enemy hit for X seconds.
Unairu: Brokenframe gains X Armor per enemy hit. Enemies hit will suffer -X Shield/Armor per enemy hit for X seconds.


#3 "Void Sentry" - Deploy a makeshift turret made from parts much the same way Brokenframe is. Turret has X Health, Armor, Damage per shot, etc., and lasts for X seconds, with X% Status Chance. The turret's damage type is determined by School.
Vazarin: Viral
Madurai: Heat
Naramon: Blast
Zenurik: Electric
Unairu: Corrosive


#4 "Critical Mass" - Unleash a massive explosion of Void Energy, Turning up to X enemies in the AoE into Corrupted, and damaging the rest. Brokenframe, companions, allies, and the newly Corrupted in the AoE receive a buff (determined by School). The various "parts" as shown in the concept art are visibly blown away as shrapnel in the explosion. After X time, they fade into existence near "you", and move back into their proper positions. Corrupted enemies are semi-frenzied; attacking anyone and everyone who is not 'Tennofaction' or another Corrupted. Enemies remain Corrupted for X seconds before the effect fades and they revert to their original faction(s).
Vazarin: Non-Corrupted get X% of health restored instantly. Corrupted gain massive life steal, remain corrupted for +X% of normal duration.
Madurai: Non-Corrupted gain +X% to all Elemental damage (Any source, not just guns). Corrupted gain +X% all damage, explosive AoE for X Void Damage in X meters on death or end of duration (whichever happens first).
Naramon: Non-Corrupted gain Invisibility for X seconds. Corrupted gain X% chance to stun enemies for X seconds on doing damage to them.
Zenurik: Non-Corrupted gain "Energy Creator" (Kills have X% chance to generate an additional Energy Orb) for X seconds. Corrupted gain Electric AoE around themselves, damaging nearby enemies with a small chance to proc Electric status.
Unairu: Non-Corrupted gain X% DR for X seconds. Corrupted gain massive damage reflection (if source is non-Tennofaction).

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I've decided to create an engaging support frame with worthwhile skill synergies, a bit of damage potential and a different play style from other support frames!

Passive: (Merge) 40% damage reduction and 40% critical damage increase to weapons while wall latching.

1st ability: (Lash) swings an elongated tendril from the arm horizontally dealing damage and knocking enemies down in a wide area in front of the warframe {the more enemies hit the more damage is dealt on the next cast of this ability}.

2nd ability: (Neutralize) for a set duration the warframe and nearby allies will receive a 70% damage reduction {hitting enemies with Lash will increase the duration of the ability}.

3rd ability: (Transfuse) charges the equipped melee weapon causing it to produce energy waves {if Neutralize is active the weapons status chance is increased by 50% at 100% power strength}.

4th ability: (Soul Tree) erects a white (Orokin) tree that provides life steal to weapons while within its range until it sustains enough damage to be destroyed {damage taken in by the tree is converted into a small amount of energy} {the tree may receive a % of the health stolen by warframes that are affected by its buff to heal itself}.

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Ygdrasil, Root of the Void

Passive: Ever-Growth

Materials are assimilated into Ygdrasil.

The lower the health value the more barren the frame looks.
Always starts at 50% health value.
Drops heal the frame for 2.5%.
Yggdrasil has no energy. 
Energy orbs are converted (on pickup) to 5% Shields and reduce cooldown of Germinate.
Germinate meter, showing cooldown of Germinate ability.

1: Nidhogg 
Procures a javelin from scrap by reaching inside itself and hurls it at a foe. Piercing enemies.

Cost: 10% health.

Can be cast without a target.
Does Puncture damage. Has punch-through. Applies Puncture status.
Damage, size, and punch-through values scale with amount of health used on cast.

2: Manifest
Void rushes from frame, armor drops to ground. Possesses target.

Cost: None

Become target unit, does not alert enemies unless hostile actions are done.
User is affected by Bullet Attractor status.
Target is stripped of shields.
Upon exiting, target is killed and you are returned to casting point. Recast to exit.

3: Transpire
A storm erupts from inside the frame.

Cost: Destroys shield. Drains player to 50% health over duration. Can only be cast when above 55% health.

Does Void damage to nearby targets at intervals from energy bursts from the frame.
Duration is increased with Duration mods and amount of health used as cost.

4: Germination

The frame becomes immobile and roots of void particles emerge from legs. Rooting nearby enemies.

Cost: No cost. Cannot cast if at full health. Stops after 1.5 seconds of being at full health. Stops if there is no rooted unit.  

Is channeling. 
Tethers to nearby enemies applying Rooted. Rooted enemies are Banished and suspended.
Drains percentile health per tick from each target, healing you for 1% of your health per target. 
Has a cooldown indicated by meter.
Nidhogg can be cast during Germinate.

Nidhogg during Germinate:

Cost: Unroots a unit.

Requires target to cast. Is seeking.
Dragon-like particle projectile, originating point from random rooted enemy.
Hits target then does a cone behind the enemy. Does Void damage. No status chance.
Does flat damage value that scales with Power Strength.

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Passive - "Mimic" Enables warframe to develop status damage resistance against combatants and sentients.

1rst ability - "Subdue" Temporarily suppress combatant abilities. Providing 20% Tau resistance in addition to Subdue, will reset sentient status resistance.

2nd ability - "Chaotic Reach" Upon taking damage to store (like wukong's Defy or Harrow's Covenant) enables an vine like extension of the right arm (extending up to 10m) would release the stored damage back combatants in addition affecting combatants with an opposing/altered elemental/status effect

3rd ability - "Time Lapse" Ability to bend/slow time enabling extra damage against combatants (2x Finisher Damage on affected combatants).

4th ability - "Void Surge" (working in conjunction with your tenno) your tenno temporarily exiting the warframe using Ai to perform a void dash causing an AOE (3 meter) radial damaging enemy combatants over 8 seconds. (the radius would max at 15m)

Exalted Weapon - "Simitars Fury" Dual Vine Whips 

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Bloodless Passive: can't be poisoned or bleed, knockdowns stagger instead. Optional:when dead (not downed) instantly revive once per mission with half shields/health/armor/energy. defenses regenerate over 30 seconds

Ability 1: Patch yourself up with enemies that you killed (channeled like desecrate) small armor/ammo/health buff. [Strength/Duration/Efficiency]

Ability 2: Pull enemies to your location (360 degrees but short range) and apply stun/electricity as well as removing a % of shields/armor. [Strength/Range/Efficiency]

Ability 3: Supercharge a piece of your armor to become a sentient, around an ally (or hold ability for yourself) it will do one of these at random: small health restore, deflect projectiles, and stun enemies who get to close. [Duration/Efficiency]

Ability 4: Shed all your armor and Channel your "True Form". (think moving orb of plasma) your "True Form" is tethered to the armor, lash out at enemies and do 50/50 of slash/electricity damage. All abilities can be cast in this state. [Range/Strength/Duration/Efficiency]

I'm liking a lot of the abilities i see so far in the thread! Keep going!

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1. Void Choke: The warframe can extend it's arm and grab a target from a distance. It can rip the life essence from the target eventually killing it. It is also optional to throw the target. 

2. Paradox: The warframe can stop time in a radius around itself. What ever damage is done to a target will be applied when the ability ends. 

3. Implosion: The power of the void becomes uncontrollable and the frame turns into a black hole. It sucks everything in within the radius and eventually explodes forcefully releasing everything it captured.

4. Void cannon: The frame's big arm turns into a giant gun. (like the archwing guns). Fire type can be altered by ability strength. Low strength is a mini gun and high strength is a pulse cannon. With each kill the Frame is granted a high armor %.

Passive: With each void ability kill the frame becomes unstable and void tentacles grow from its body smacking enemies randomly.

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Passive: Uses health instead of energy for abilities, 1% lifesteal on all attacks. No shields normally.

1st: Tithe: Marks 1-8 targets on press, on channel it siphons health from them and keeps warframe stationary.

2nd: Void's Bounty: Activating produces ammo for equipped weapon. Channeling drains health to gain shields at a 4:1 efficiency, always overshield, affected by efficiency/strength.

3rd: Swarm: Warframe turns into a cloud of parts and energy(like wukong's cloud but lots of flying bits and glowy worms) to damage enemies inside. Using melee key or fire/altfire will add attacks from melee weapon or primary/secondary at enemies inside the cloud. Enemies  with armor have it stripped away instead of health and add it to the warframe as temporary health.

4th: Oro Theft: Hijack an enemy's body and use it as your own! (Launches oro like void dash at target enemy and becomes player controlled. Uses enemy weapons and movement abilities, can use warframe abilities at cost of enemy health).

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An imperfect copy of your team mates warframe abilities.
It's abilities are "To copy" the  abilities of its target. for example. when you target your first skill, to your team mate ember, you will get the fireball skill as well as your frame, one if its part will change appearance to ember depends on the warframes trademark.

Example again. You use its ultimate and the target is umbra, you will get the excalibur sword and also as well the appearance, like the it's trade mark. scarf.

It has no shield and mana but has fixed 4500 HP

So here are the abilities: 

Passive:  Controllable Decay- Each ability copied will decay your life by 0.5% per second. 

F - First skill of target warframe will be copied imperfectly by 65%. and as well the targets selected appearances. 

S - Second skill of target warframe will be copied imperfectly by 60%. and as well the targets selected appearances.

T - Third ability of the target will be copied imperfectly by 55%. and as well the targets selected  appearances.

U- The last ability of the target warframe will be copied imperfectly by 50%. and as well the targets selected appearances.

Augment for the warframe: Life for a life - Each killed enemy will gain hp by 0.3%


I'll share the augments for its abilities later if this proposal of mine will catch the eyes of the devs. thankyou


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17 hours ago, (PS4)BlitzTheWolf05 said:

(Note: Im not good at making names, so I won’t be naming them. If this is chosen, the Devs can name them to what they see fit!)

Passive: When this frame damages a specific enemy, it will gain percentage for a meter that will tie into its kit. The percentage will determine its first ability’s effectiveness, with the percentage going up the more he damages the enemy

(If they damage a small more mobile target, a Grineer Manic for example, their legs will be gain percentage, increasing the movement speed given by their 1 if the legs are chosen.) 

(If they damage a more moderate enemy, like the troopers for example, their arms will gain percentage, increasing the critical chance and attack speed given by their 1 if the arms are chosen.)

(If they damage a heavy target, like the Bombards for example, their torso will gain percentage, increasing the Armor and Health given by their 1 if the torso is chosen.)

(If they damage a very small target, a drone for example, their head will gain percentage, increasing the energy gain given by 1, if the head is chosen.)

(Each percentage has a cap at which it will go, but you can decide that since I’m not the smartest!)


Ability 1: The Broken Frame will choose a body part (Legs, Arms, Torso, and Head) and they will use them on either themself or their allies. If used on themself, The frame will infuse the chosen body part with the void energy sewing the body together, improving the stats that correlate to that body part. If used on an ally, the frame will throw that body part at the ally, improving the stats that correlate to that body part. However throwing the body part will cause the body part to be replaced by void energy. The more body parts lost, their Health and Armor will decrease, but their speed will increase greatly. (Legs will improve movement speed, Arms will increase Critical chance and Attack speed, Torso will increase Armor and Health, and Head will increase energy gain.)

(The percentage they gain from from their passive, will affect the buffs strength)


Ability 2: The Void the sews the body together, will lash out in tendrils at selected enemies. If latched onto an enemy, Health regen will be gained, and the more enemies attached to the frame, the greater the Health regen. Enemies affected will take a heavy slow, and damage reduction

(The frame can do all actions while they latch onto enemies, since the void has somewhat a mind of its own)


Ability 3: The frame can shoot out their Arms and Legs, as if they were rockets, that explode upon impact with either terrain or enemies, causing Blast and Frost damage upon impact. These limbs will come back if you refire the ability while looking at the limb. But if not they will stay there for a duration. You will get the same missing limb debuff stated in the first ability. Also the thrown limb will act as a deployable once it makes impact, draining from nearby enemies in its radius. The drained enemies will be slowed, and their armor will be drained. Allies in the area will gain armor progressively in the area.


Ability 4: A spectral copy of the Frame’s body parts will appear on their body, and the percentage of the buffs from their 1 will be maxed out fully. The percentage will slowly drain overtime but if you deal damage, you can keep the buffs up and running. The Ability will end once the the all body percentages are at 0% (So if you keep your damage up you can keep this going indefinitely) The thrown body parts from the 1 and 3 will not debuff the frame any longer, and you can throw multiple as if you had infinite limbs. The void energy tendrils that would lash out in the second ability will sprout out automatically, constantly keeping the frame healed.


Thats the frame I guess I was inspired from Harrow and Nidus’s kit, to have a survival heavy frame but with a lot more team play


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Alright, I'll throw my hat into the ring here

Passive: Each time the warframe takes cumulative damage equal to 10% of its maximum health, a fragment of it is broken off and flies in a random direction (This also alters what the warframe looks like). This lowers the frame's armor by 5% but increases power strength or movement speed by 5%. This ability can stack up to 10 times. Healing does not reset this ability. Fragments that are walked over are reattached to the warframe and grant a small amount of health and energy.

1st Ability; Ricochet: The warframe fires a fragment of itself towards an enemy. If it connects, it will deal a moderate amount of damage and knock the enemy prone. The fragment will ricochet to nearby enemies up to 3 times, producing the same effect. The ability can be held to fire the fragment faster and further. Damage scales with equipped mods on current melee weapon. This ability automatically procs the warframe's passive once each time it is used.

2nd Ability; Reconfigure: Selectable buff ability. Tap to swap between three buffs, each of which last for a duration and whose effects decay linearly over time (e.g. their strength is directly proportional to the percentage of time remaining) 

  1. Overshield Buff: Fully restores shields and grants 200% overshields which decay back to 0 overshields over duration (Visually, the tendrils emerge and wrap around the body)
  2. Armor Buff: Scrap material is gathered from nearby granting a 100% armor bonus which decays back to 0 over duration (visually chunks of metal or whatever else are pulled by the tendrils and attached. Visual effect depends on the tileset)
  3. Speed Buff: Doubles movement speed which decays back to normal over duration (Visual lengthening of limbs/wider gaps between the pieces of armor as the tendrils expand)

3rd Ability; Disassemble: The warframe's physical form explodes, its remaining parts (6 + however have not been detached from its passive) seeking out enemies and pinning them in place. For several seconds the warframe exists only as a humanoid form of void energy. During this period it is immune to all damage, regenerates health slowly, has increased movement speed, and its attacks inflict additional void damage. Once this period ends all scattered fragments are returned to the warframe (This does NOT restore energy/health).

4th Ability: Entrench: The warframe's energy tendrils root it in place, drawing power from the ground/surrounding mechanical systems. This ability prevents the warframe from moving but grants it 50% damage reduction. Its right arm reconfigures to become a powerful cannon capable of launching large orbs of void energy. While in this mode, the warframe may aim the reticle towards a dropped fragment and press 1 to instantly transport there. (This will allow the player to still have some mobility while in this form and encourages the balance between keeping fragments dropped and collecting them to restore energy and health)

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Passive: While affected by a status proc, gain 10% resistance to that damage type.

Ability 1: SLING (25 energy) A thick tendril shoots out towards the player's targeting reticle latching onto an enemy or onto terrain.  The tendril then contracts, pulling the player to the latch point rapidly.  Enemies too close to the path of travel will be knocked down and suffer slight impact damage.  If the reticle target is an enemy they are knocked down and receive significant impact damage.

Ability 2: RIP (50 energy) Several thin tendrils assault the targeted enemy, ripping a piece of their armor, weaponry, or body off and temporarily attaching it to the warframe.  The target enemy takes significant physical damage.  While the piece is attached the warframe gains a temporary buff based on the enemy's type. A few examples of possible buffs include:

  • Grineer melee units: Melee attack speed up
  • Grineer light infantry: Physical weapon damage up
  • Grineer heavy infantry: Armor up, blast damage up
  • Corpus light infantry: Shield regen up, shield regen delay down
  • Corpus robotics: Shield capacity up
  • Corpus heavy infantry: Electric damage up
  • Infested runners/leapers: Sprint speed up, jump height up
  • Infested ancients: Health regen up
  • Infested mutalists: Toxin damage up

Ability 3: RAVAGE (15 energy per second) The warframe begins thrashing wildly about, tendrils extending in all directions and flailing like whips.  Enemies caught within the effect's radius are ragdolled, thrown away from the warframe, and take significant slash/impact damage.  If stacks of RIP have applied bonus weapon damage, RAVAGE also benefits from it.  While RAVAGE is active the warframe's speed is reduced by half and normal weapon attacks are disabled.

Ability 4: AMALGAMATE: (50 energy +10 energy for each active RIP buff) The tendrils holding the warframe together surge with void energy, enhancing the cohesion of its parts.  The effects of all active buffs from RIP are enhanced, and shared with nearby allies.  Additionally the warframe gains a temporary boost to sprint speed, melee and ranged attack speed, and  armor regardless of what RIP buffs are active.

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So this is my idea, a Warframe that harnesses the chaotic reality-bending properties inherent to the void to break reality, and its enemies



The chaotic nature of the void energy used by this Warframe causes the energy to spill out from time to time

Every 10 seconds, the Warframe grants a small strength, duration, range, or efficiency buff to a random Warframe in range for 10 seconds

Ability 1:

The Warframe bends reality the laws of physics, allowing it to be here when it should be there

Teleports to a location that is highlighted if the button is held with a few seconds of invulnerability as reality settles around it

Effected by range mods (range of teleport)

Ability 2:

The Warframe shapes the laws of physics to its advantage, absorbing attacks and warping them into a shield

Absorbs damage from attacks and converts it into a DR shield that lasts maybe 20 seconds base, reduction is based on absorbed damage and capped at 90%

Effected by strength and duration mods (efficiency of damage conversion, duration of shield)

Ability 3: 

The Warframe releases a pulse of reality-bending void energies and weakens and confuses surrounding enemies

Enemies within a radius are stunned for a short while, and debuffs enemies by removing a percentage of armor, a percentage of shield capacity, or applying a longer-duration rad proc for Grineer, Corpus, and Infested respectively. The debuffs are all temporary, and the percentages are capped at 90%

Effected by strength, range, and duration mods (strength of stat reduction, range of pulse, duration of effects)

Ability 4:

I'll admit I'm stealing this from HynvictSanngRa, but it's a fun idea

And I cited it, so ha

The Warframe channels the chaotic energies of the void into itself and other Warframes, empowering them and their weapons for a short time

Grants a buff to all Tenno in range that switches from primary/secondary weapon damage increase, to melee damage, to Warframe power strength, and finishes with a short burst of damage that scales with enemy level as the energy used to strengthen it and it's allies abilities destabilizes and goes 'kaboom', the first buff in the cycle can be selected by the player, a la minelayer and friends

Effected by strength, duration, and range mods (strength of buffs and slight boost to damage at end, duration of buffs, range of buffs)


So that's my thing, I also have a possible name, Infractus. It's Latin for broken, which makes sense, but it's also similar to fractal, which I think of as ordered chaos, which is the theme of this Warframe idea. Chaos harnessed by a being pushed beyond its breaking point. It might be a bit cheesy, but I think it's cool.

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Passive: Broken is a mish-mash of strung together warframe parts, and as such takes 25% less damage from Impact, Pierce, and Slash damage types, and has the duration of such effects reduced by half.

Ability 1: Disassemble (activated)- The warframe's individual parts separate and operate autonomously for X time. One arm fires your Primary weapon at random nearby enemies, the other your Secondary, and your legs operate any melee weapon you have.

Ability 2: Severed Reach (toggle)- The warframe's reach with Melee weapons is doubled and attack speed increased by 15% as long as this ability is active.

Ability 3: Sew Chaos (activate)- The warframe's connecting tendrils lash out to nearby enemies and incapacitate them for X time as they swarm over their body and inhibit their movements while damaging them.

Ability 4: Possess (toggle)- The warframe disassembles and latches onto an enemy unit until toggled off, energy runs out, or the target dies. The target takes periodic direct Pierce damage while possessed, and while active the player gains some control of the target. You can move them, aim their weapon, and make them attack with it. When under your control the unit moves at half speed and turns slower as they attempt to resist your control.

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Passive ability - broken warframe will get 1 extra revive per x enemies was killed by void energy.

[1st] Void Spirit - shoot out the void energy to the target if target was killed by this ability they will transform into Void Spirit, that Void Spirit will fight for you side for x duration, if Void Spirit can kill the enemies they will transform to Void Spirit too.

[2nd] Broken Part - deploy some part of warframe that will stun enemy around part of warframe for x duration, that enemy also take void energy damage.

[3rd] The Consumer - assemble every fallen body around him for stack up 1% reduction incoming damage and 1% damage increase per one fallen body, drain energy every time when use, there are no limit stack but will consume high energy continuously. (start at 1 energy and continuous x energy per second.)
[4th] One for all - Become immune to all incoming damage for short duration and destroy yourself, that make you dead suddenly but will explode a huge void energy damage around. 

Sorry for my bad english :]

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Passive: This Warframe causes nearby technology to breakdown just like he has. Enemy weapons have a small chance to jam if they land a hit on him. Security cameras and barriers may flicker briefly if he gets close to them. The window is small, but it can maybe be just what you need ...

1st ability: Lash, The Warframe stretches it's arms out and lashes at enemies with it's tendrils. This deals damage, but also has a (medium-high) chance to steal extra ammo, energy, health or even armour as the Warframe adds pieces of the enemy to itself!

2nd ability: Nano-Repair, The Warframe activates a shield that increases status chance and status duration from procs affecting the warframe and allies. But it also inverts the effects of physical damage status procs! Puncture damage increases their attack damage, slash procs result in health gain and impact damage increases speed. Some elemental procs are affected too, electric status will charge the warframe's energy, magnetic effects will regenerate shields, corrosive damage boosts armour instead. The more procs affecting the warframe = drain more energy.

3rd ability: Helping Hand, The Warframe pops his right hand off. The hand is now running around on the ground like Thing from the Adams Family and is under the control of the player. It drains energy over time but the hand is much harder to see than a full warframe, much faster, and can jump really high. It can also stealth kill. The main body is still vulnerable while being controlled. Hold down the button to instead charge a rocket punch!

4th ability:  Breakdown, The Warframe pushes itself to it's limit. Bolstering the power-strength of allied warframes, but at the cost of releasing electricity and fire in a wide radius around it as it moves. If the Warframe runs out of energy while this ability is active, it will begin draining Health to continue to power Breakdown, and it can cast it's other abilities at the cost of Health as well.

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Passive - Kills create detritus that is picked up to add armor

No Energy. Abilities are cast with health.

1 - Void Disruption. Wave AoE. Makes enemy weapons explode, disarming them and dealing damage.

2- Plating Conversion. Detritus armor buff is converted to healing. 

3- Containment Failure. Channeled. Bolts of a random basic elemental damage fly out and strike enemies in range. Small radiation damage aura.

4- Jade Light Container. Area selected becomes a CC zone. Deals void damage.

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That frame looks awesome. Here's some ideas for abilities:

Note: No particular order here, unless I express otherwise (ie. not numbered weakest to strongest ability).


Rebuild: Reaches out with void energy and rips armour from his enemy, temporarily grafting it to himself for an armour boost


Void Extension: Extends his body parts via the tendrils to give greater reach and perhaps an innate increase in dodge. (can also be balanced by having damage taken reduce the range of his limbs a bit at a time)


"Memories"(Possibly a fourth ability) : Fueled by memories from multiple dead Tenno, the Broken Warframe goes into a rage, extending the tendrils running through its body outward to become multi-directional melee weapons (puncture and impact damage?). With a random chance the void energy surges and teleports the Warframe into an enemy (at the cost of a small bit of additional energy), effectively "telefragging" the enemy.


Infusion: Supercharges the currently equipped weapon with void energy, causing a damage boost that quickly drains energy. Boosts the innate damage of the passive ability damage type while active.


Passive Ability: Damage type that did the most damage to the frame in the last 30 seconds gives the Warframe an innate bonus of that damage type. Can perpetually change



Cheers. o7

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I have a Passive Idea: Overflow. So basically upon activating the ability, there is a chance that the ability will not activate correctly and will instead give the warframe a sizable damage and speed buff, because the void energies within the warframe has gone over the limit. 

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Passive - How about passive ability depending on the fraction prevailing on the mission. 

For example:

Grineer - a warframe gains an increase in armor and a small increase in health, but it loses shields.

Corpus - the number of shields is increasing, but the amount of health is significantly reduced and losing armor.

Infected - health is significantly increased and health regeneration is added, however, it is deprived of shields and armor.

Santients - it is deprived of shields, the armor is slightly increased, and also some semblance of adaptation appears, however, resistance increases only to 25-30%.

1st ability: Tears off part of his body and throws at the enemy. The torn part will return after a while (3-5 seconds)

2nd ability: It breaks into pieces and makes a forward movement (Like Wukong "Cloud Walker")

3rd ability: Releases one of its parts up to generate a field (Like Corpus Nullifier). Enemies entering this field get a chance to jam weapons or can only fight in hand-to-hand combat.

4th ability: Completely rebuilds his entire body into a kind of gun and shoots with a powerful energy charge with diverging rays (Like BFG from DOOM). The ability consumes a little energy for rebuilding and continues to take up a certain amount after rebuilding to maintain the state (in the rebuilt state it is impossible to move). A shot consumes a large amount of energy with the possibility of a charge (a charge increases the range of destruction).

This is my idea of the abilities of this warframe, which are based on its modularity. I apologize for possible mistakes, I do not speak English very well.

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