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Open Call for Warframe Ability Ideas!


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well its a broken warframe made from other warframe parts. as its passive you are able to pick 3 other warframe abilities (this can change based on players decision at the arsenal) the broken warframe can use these abilities if it meets the level requirements. for its 4th ability maybe have it along the lines of it turning into a pylon that boosts allies and weakens enemies.

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With the design of the intertwining parts being similar to the tree-like decorations within the void, I figured i'd go with a void/constructing based themed warframe set of abilities.

Passive: Corrupted Transference: Whenever you  defeat an enemy that has the Bullet Attractor (void damage based) Status effect, regain 10 energy. For every 10 kills, gain 1 stack of void corruption, which boosts the next ability used in different manners, up to a max of 10 stacks.

1st Ability, Growing Convergence: Energy cost 25. Launch a tendril forwards in front of you, stabbing the enemy and dealing puncture damage. If the enemy is hit but not killed, you are drawn towards the enemy quickly, closing the gap between you and the foe. If the enemy is killed by this ability, instead an area of effect burst is triggered, causing all nearby enemies of the killed enemy to gain the Bullet Attractor status effect. If you have at least 2 stacks of void corruption, launch an additional tendril onto other nearby foes per every 2 stacks of void corruption and expend 1 stack of void corruption. You still only get pulled to the initial target if you are pulled at all.

Power strength increases the damage of the tendrils.

Range increases the distance from which you can hit enemies with the tendrils.

Duration increases the status duration of Bullet Attractor.

2nd ability, Ablative Maneuver: Energy cost 50. The warframe breaks down into pieces for several seconds, forming into a non-physical form with its components surrounding it, and causing impact damage to any enemies that he passes through as the physical fragments of his body impacts the foe. using any other ability toggles ablative maneuver off. The warframe is immune to all physical based damage types while in this form. If you have a stack of void corruption, Ablative Maneuver will make you immune to all damage types, and expend 1 stack of void corruption.

Power strength increases the damage to enemies you pass through.

Range increases the speed of movement while in this form.

Duration increases the time you spend within this form.

3rd ability, Erratic Discharge: Energy cost 75. In a cone in front of the warframe, unleash a high number of electrical energy bullets. Holding the ability longer before releasing builds up more bullets to unleash. If you have a stack of void corruption and fully charge the ability, multiply the number of projectiles fired by the amount of stacks of void corruption you have, and expend all current void corruption stacks.

Power strength increases the damage of the electrical bullets.

Range increases the distance before falloff damage is attributed to the projectiles.

Duration does not change this ability.

4th ability, Void Resonance: Energy cost 100. When used, expend all current void corruption stacks. Regain 10% of your max hp per stack of corruption used, and gain a reinforced buffer for the amount that would be gained that exceeds your max hp. While this buffer is up, your weapons gain 50% void damage and 25% flat status chance. Allies within a short range of you gains the flat status chance buff, and retain it for several seconds leaving the area of effect.

Power strength increases the amount of hp gained per stack of void corruption and the amount of void damage you gain. 

Range increases the distance from which teammates can be affected by the buff near you.

Duration increases the time in which your allies can be out of your range of you and retain the buff.

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Passive: Void Scavenger - Allows to get Parts(P) from killed enemies. To reach full potential.
Parts(P) get from killed enemies by the player and allies with transferred Glitch Guardian(3) at any distance or within the Ability Range from the player by his allies. 

Passive: Separation - applying a status, combined statuses have additionally chance to apply 1 of 2 statuses of which they consist =15% (example amount)

Ability 1: Aboroflora curse - Cast a curse of Aboroflora roots on enemies. (cast mechanics like Equinox "Rest & Rage")
Debuff enemies: 

  • slow down enemies
  • reduce enemy taken damage 
  • increases enemy done damage 

- Max Roots num =5 (example amount)
- When enemy killed the roots spread to nearby enemies
- X2 Parts(P) drop from killed enemies
Possible Augment: Extra Loot Chance =15% * Roots Num (example amount)

Ability 2: Void Upgrade - Buff player with Void Upgrade and share to allies his power.

  • Increase Casting Speed =20% (example amount)
  • Allies spend the player’s energy on using abilities

- Toggled Abilities

Ability 3: Glitch Guardian - A special guardian created from the remaining parts of the Broken Warframe.
- Sentinel with own weapon
- Has several modes (mechanics like Khora "Venari")
- It can be “transferred” to allies. In this case, the ally receives all the buffs received by the player (even if the ally is outside the radius of imposing buffs). An ally gains all the benefits of a Sentinel, but also receives a debuff depending on the Sentinel Mode. (only the player can change the Sentinel Mode) Modes:

  • Attack mode - When killing an enemy: the Sentinel gains DMG Glitch increasing the damage done to the wearer (buff mechanics like Rhino "Roar"). Debuff(if the Sentinel is transferred to an ally) reduces movement speed    for each stack
  • Defence mode - When the owner takes damage: the Sentinel gains DEF Glitch giving evasions chance to the wearer. Debuff(if the Sentinel is transferred to an ally) increases the duration of all negative statuses for each stack
  • Support Mode - When using abilities: the Sentinel gains SUP Glitch increasing energy efficiency. Debuff (if the Sentinel is transferred to an ally) increases the taken damage for each stack

- Sentinel transferring duration 60-120s (example amount)
- Ability strength increases the maximum number of stacks, not their strength
- Ttransfer and return of the Sentinel consumes Parts(P) = 10 (example amount)
- Sentinel respawn time =45s (example amount)

Ability 4: Imitation - Imitate the random non-ultimate ability of other frames having a buff or debuff effect. (abilities of allies in the squad are excluded from the list)
- To obtain Imitate ability, all available Parts(P) are used. Minimum 20.
- The number of charges of the Imitate ability depends on the number of Parts (P): (example amounts)

  • 20 Parts(P) = 1 Charge
  • 40 Parts(P) = 2 Charge
  • 60 Parts(P) = 3 Charge
  • 80 Parts(P) = 4 Charge
  • 100 Parts(P) = 5 Charge or 6(+1 as a bonus)

- Press: Receive / Re-select Imitate Ability
- Holding down:    Using Imitate Ability
Possible Augment: Imitate ability gets an augment effect

Examples for Imitation:


- Ash - Smoke Screen
- Atlas - Petrify
- Banshee - Sonar
- Banshee - Silence
- Baruuk - Lull
- Chroma - Vex Armor
- Ember - Immolation
- Ember - Fire Blast
- Equinox - Rest (Rest & Rage)
- Equinox - Rage (Rest & Rage)
- Equinox - Pacify (Pacify & Provoke)
- Equinox - Provoke (Pacify & Provoke)
- Excalibur - Radial Blind
- Excalibur Umbra - Radial Howl
- Frost - Snow Globe
- Gara - Splinter Storm
- Garuda - Blood Altar
- Gauss - Kinetic Plating
- Grendel - ???
- Harrow - Penance
- Harrow - Thurible
- Hildryn - Pillage
- Hildryn - Haven
- Hydroid - ???
- Inaros - ???
- Ivara - Prowl
- Khora - Ensnare
- Limbo - ???
- Loki - Decoy
- Loki - Invisibility
- Mag - Magnetize
- Mag - Polarize
- Mesa - Ballistic Battery
- Mesa - Shooting Gallery
- Mesa - Shatter Shield
- Mirage - Hall of Mirrors
- Mirage - Sleight Of Hand
- Mirage - Eclipse
- Nekros - Terrify
- Nekros - Desecrate
- Nezha - Fire Walker
- Nezha - Warding Halo
- Nidus - Larva
- Nidus - Parasitic Link
- Nova - Null Star
- Nova - Worm Hole
- Nyx - Mind Control
- Nyx - Psychic Bolts
- Nyx - Chaos
- Oberon - Hallowed Ground
- Oberon - Renewal
- Octavia - Metronome
- Revenant - Enthrall
- Revenant - Mesmer Skin
- Rhino - Iron Skin
- Rhino - Roar
- Saryn - Molt
- Saryn - Toxic Lash
- Titania - Spellbind
- Titania - Lantern
- Trinity - Well Of Life
- Trinity - Energy Vampire
- Trinity - Link
- Valkyr - Warcry
- Valkyr - Paralysis
- Vauban - ???
- Volt - Speed
- Volt - Electric Shield
- Wisp - Wil-O-Wisp
- Wisp - Breach Surge
- Wukong - Cloud Walker
- Wukong - Defy
- Zephyr - Turbulence

It would also be funny if 3 random parts of any (non-prime) frames were used to create it.    

If there are mistakes, I apologize for this. My native language Russian, so I also attach the original.



Passive: Void Scavenger - Позволяет получать Части(P) из убитых врагов. Для раскрытия полного потенциала.
Части (P) получают от убитых врагов игроком и союзниками с переданным Защитником Глитча (3) на любое расстояние или в пределах диапазона способностей от игрока его союзниками.

Passive: Separation
При применении статуса комбинированные статусы имеют дополнительный шанс применить 1 из 2 статусов, из которых они состоят =10% * Части(P) / 100) (example amount)

Ability 1: Проклятие корней Aboroflora на врагов. (механики как Equinox "Rest & Rage")
Debuff enemies:
    - Замедляет врагов
    - Уменьшает получаемый врагом урон
    - Увеличивает наносимый врагом урон
- Макс кол-во Корней =5 (example amount)
- Когда враг убит, Корни распространяются на ближайших врагов
- X2 Частей(P) выпадает из убитых врагов
Possible Augment: доп шанс получения лута =15% * Корней (example amount)

Ability 2: Void Upgrade - Усиливает игрока Силой Бездны и позволяет делиться его силой с союзниками.
- Увеличение скорости применения способностей =20% (example amount)
- Союзники тратят энергию игрока на использование своих способностей
- Потоковая способность

Ability 3: Glitch Guardian - Особый страж созданный из оставшихся частей Broken Warframe.
- Является стражем и имеет свое собственное оружие
- Имеет несколько режимов (по механике Khora "Venari")
- Может быть "передан" другому игроку. При этом союзник получает все бафы полученные игроком (даже если союзник находится вне радиуса накладывания баффов). Союзник получает все преимущества стража, но также получает дебафф в зависимости от режима стража. (режим стража может изменить только игрок) Режимы:
    - Атакующий режим - При убийстве врага: страж набирает DMG Glitch увеличивающие наносимый урон носителя (как оружием так и способностями). Дебафф (если страж передан союзнику) уменьшает скорость передвижения за каждый стак.
    - Защитный режим - При получении урона владельцем: страж набирает DEF Glitch дающие нашс уклонения. Дебафф (если страж передан союзнику) увеличивает длительность всех статусов действующих на носителя за каждый стак.
    - Режим Поддержки - При использовании способностей: страж набирает SUP Glitch увеличивающие энергоэффективность. Дебафф (если страж передан союзнику) увеличивает получаемый носителем урон за каждый стак
- Длительность передачи стража 60-120с (example amount)
- Сила способностей увеличивает максимальное кол-во бафов, а не их силу
- Передача и возврат стража использует Частей(P) =10 (example amount)
- Время возрождения стража =45s (example amount)

Ability 4: Imitation - Имитирует случайную не ультимативную способность других фреймов имеющую эффект баффа или дебаффа. (из списка исключаются способности союзников в отряде)
- Для получения Имитируемой способности используются все доступные Части(P). Минимум 20.
- Количество зарядов Имитируемой способности зависит от кол-ва Частей(P):
    - 20 Частей(P) = 1 Заряд
    - 40 Частей(P) = 2 Заряд
    - 60 Частей(P) = 3 Заряд
    - 80 Частей(P) = 4 Заряд
    - 100 Частей(P) = 6 Заряд (+1 как бонус)
- Нажатие: Получение/Перевыбор Имитируемой способности
- Зажатие: Использование Имитируемой способности
Possible Augment: Имитируемая способность получает эффект аугмента



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0 Passive #####################

Void Battery - warframes passive energy regeneration , energy orb and any other form of energy regeneration is removed , instead Operators void Blast is used to restore energy to warframe at 20% base energy per void blast used

meaning 5x void blasts and you have 100% energy back , party members can restore energy as well with void blasts

1 Void  Link ###################

Self buff -increase warframe and Operator, movement speed , cast speed , attack speed , weapons reload speed

ability can be recast at any time

ability strength- how strong buff will be

ability duration - how long buff will last

ability range - no effect

ability efficiency - ability cost

2 Void Cloak ##################

Self buff - become half transparent warframe and operator , enemies have less chance to spot you and hit you , gain up to 50% all damage resistance , ignores enemy unit collision , immune to status effect

ability can be recast at any time

ability strength- how strong buff will be

ability duration - how long buff will last

ability range - no effect

ability efficiency - ability cost

3 Void Sentry #################

Turret - pick up any 5 orbs ( energy or life ) from enemies , at 5 orb stack , place a sentry turret under warframe that looks like an void crystal , can hold up to 15 orbs ( 3 turrets )

enemies cannot target turret , turrets deal percentage base damage for better late game scaling with Void only damage , turret can attack all targets in range , only 3 turrets can be placed (works like Wisps 1 ability )

ability can be recast at any time

ability strength- more % damage

ability duration - turret attack speed 

ability range - turret range

ability efficiency - ability cost

4 Void Zone ####################

Area buff -create a sphere of void at targeted location , friendly units in this zone have their damage type changed / converted to Void type for any ability or weapon type.

ability and any attacks used from the zone that hit targets outside will count as void , players have to stand in zone to receive a buff , only 1 zone can be placed

increase void damage in zone by % amount 

ability can be recast at any time

ability strength- more % buff

ability duration - zone duration

ability range - zone range

ability efficiency - ability cost

OK the idea behind this frame is to have something with void dmg vs future sentient enemies , he will be fast and durable-ish ( i think ) to play with and his 4 can be used on eidolon hunts + operators get a bit of love and turrets can be used in a smart way

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Im thinking of a rather unique energy system since he is a collection of parts he might be very "unstable"

Some interesting ideas:


-Only gets energy by using certain abilities(decays over time), getting too much will "overload" his patchwork system and he will "explode" with a damage AOE



Ability 1


-Shoots a beam at a target dealing void elemental damage and draining energy (can split to up to 2 more enemies)

(If the Beam hits a shielded enemey (corpus etc..) it will absorb more energy and has a chance to "shatter" the enemies shield for AOE damage)

-the beam will get more powerful but also unstable depending on how much % of his max energy he has assimilated increasing the chance of malfunctions like disabling a random Ability for X seconds, breaking his shields etc...


Ability 2

Assimilate(a lot of work):


-Consumes Points earned through Absorb to shoot out a tentacle that will take control of an enemy while his original body falls apart

-New Host will get a stats/speed buff  depending on warframes statistics to keep up with the rest of the team (simulates standard weapon mods in case they are not set for the current weapon category the enemy has, will use "replacement" weapon if current equipped weapon is not usable on the playerside)

-Leeches continous Energy from the Host till Malfunctions occur which will boot you out of the current host (requires resource management and timing to maximise)

Ability 3


-Creates Points (less than Absorb)

-Opens Chest compartment to unleash tentacles that aim at nearby enemies in a cone infornt of you

-Buffs you depending on enemy faction and heals the warframe

-Creates a big Frontal Shield that will Reflect enemy fire for X seconds (and stun them) if no enemy is nearby


Ability 4

-Can only be activated near Overload/on the brink of exploding

-Consumes ALL energy points earned

-Warframe Shields itself from the AOE Damage and starts to emit Shockwaves of AOE damage


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the name of the broken frame is Trivun

due to spoilery reasons i cant go into the origin details of the 3 former warframes and their origin and why they died but since they are held together by the void energies now Trivun is a totally new frame incorporating one defining ability from each of the former fallen warframes.

this former elite squad of warframes consisted of 3 warframes and they worked so good together because they fullfilled very specific roles and supported each other fluidly. one of them was their tank, the frontman who rushed in drawing the enemy attention and gave his teammates time to act. another was the tactician of the team he oversaw the battlefield and coordinated the attack plan. the last of this former elite squad of warframes was a protector whose compassion kept not only the family but all in need alive during crisis.

Ability One:

When you press the ability normally you switch into the aspect of the tactician, debuff the enemy with a slow that pulse outward with a damage bonus buff for the squad. Holding the ability just activates the buff at a lower energy cost


Ability Two:

When you press the ability normally you switch into the aspect of the tank, buff the squad with Armor and charge forward exploding with a shockwave of impact on arrival. Holding the ability to activate just gives you the buff at a lower energy cost.


Ability Three:

When you press this ability normally you switch into the aspect of the healer, buff yourself with a health over time buff after you teleport to a point of your aim in a long range. Holding the ability just activates the buff at a lower energy cost.


Ability Four:

When you press this ability normally you switch into no aspects but release the void energy bindings on yourself as the former elite team appears around you and each of the ghost of the fallen trio acts out their ability. tank charges in but now pulls all together where you aim in addition in a reasonable but not too far range (15m?12?). the tactician continues to fire his ability consecutively specifically at heavy units. healer teleports to the most injured allied warframe on the map and heals it to full before teleporting back to the specter trio pulsing healing waves. Trivun himself shed of all the parts that made him whole anew and released the binds that held him together to form the specters shines as a cackling void energy form in humanoid shape and energy tendrils latch onto nearby enemies heads and deal damage. after each specter did their signature move they continue to fight on for a short duration like 5ish seconds? tank bashes enemies with fists, tactician is basically a specter turret firing his beams and healer just heals without teleporting. when you hold the ability you charge it with more energy and increase the damage of the void tendrils.


Passive Ability:

Trivun shares a damage reduction aura of 15% with everyone in affinity range.



there are alot of flaws in it i think. i want to take this frame serious and not see him as broken but mended like he overcame the tragedy and failure or betrayal of the past and became something new and radiant. about everyone is broken in one way or the other but if we look at our essence of who we are we can mend our broken pieces leave the past behind and be healed. 

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Passive - Triple jump, or double roll in midair

Fracture - The warframe splits along its seams to reveal its infested heart. Damage done to the heart destabilises it, allowing you to store power. When you recast (or use this as a resource for a powerful 4th ability) it unleashes all in a beam that multiplies the damage absorbed by a high number.

Possible 1st ability - The left arm breaks off and shoots like a glaive, bouncing between 5 enemies (or less) before returning to the player.

Possible 4th ability (Muscular, definitely inspired by MHA) - The crystalline strands binding the warframe together furiously multiply and bolster the limbs of the warframe. Movement speed is drastically increased and the user equips an exalted weapon that matches the type that they have equipped formed from crystal, or possibly just the mother of all fist weapons. The damage on this should be obscene and the energy drain equally so. Perhaps a resource to build up to limit the usage of it, making the times you do get to use it special.

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The idea I'm basing my concept off is that since this frame is made of random parts and held together with void energy, this void energy has to be strong enough and flexible enough in its application that this warframe can function properly and on-par with existing ones. To me this means that this void energy is bound to the warframe and can manipulate the parts that the warframe consists of regardless of if they're actually attached or not, and is likely able to do so better than it would be able to manipulate things that are not part of the warframe.  

furthermore, I'd like this frame to go into a sort of fire support role since there aren't too many of those yet.

Passive: flexible existence

[Warframe]'s abilities scatter and manipulate its parts over the battlefield. each part on the field instead of attached to the warframe reduces armor and shields, increases maneuver speed and gives a chance of proccing cold on melee attackers and incoming projectiles being converted into shields and ability power on the next cast instead of dealing damage. stacks and can turn into overshields. touching a part on the field automatically picks it up.

1st ability: fracture

tapping the ability key: [Warframe] throws out a part of itself towards the cross hairs, dealing blast damage to the first enemy it hits. whether it hits the terrain or an enemy, the part will fall on the floor and remain there.

holding the ability key: [Warframe] recalls all thrown out parts, dealing minor damage to all enemies they touch and guaranteeing an impact proc on them.

2nd ability: reclamation

[Warframe] disassembles itself into a storm of parts and surges towards a part lying on the floor. This part is automatically picked up. Ignores parts along the way. Enemies hit are dealt damage and suffer a knockdown. does not ignore the terrain.

3rd ability: siphoning pulse

[Warframe] and all parts lying on the field emit a strong magnetic pulse, centered on themselves and attracting all weapons from enemies, disarming them for the duration. This ability will show a number indicating how many weapons were taken. the parts will grant increased reload speed to allies in an area around them and slow enemies' attacks in the same area.The enemy slow is a static amount while the strength of the reload speed buff is a percentage per disarm. the total percentage is then divided over all parts on the field, ignoring [Warframe]. Recalling parts through holding the 1st ability (or not having any parts on the field) centers the aura on [Warframe] and for the full strength of all parts added together. can't be recast while active.

(I'll use a ridiculous example as numbers can always be tweaked after the mechanic exists: 30% slow, 50% reload speed per disarm, 5 parts on the field, 9 enemies disarmed. total reload speed boost: 450%. aura per part:30% slow, 90% reload. boost aura after recalling all parts: 30%slow, 450% reload, centered on [Warframe] )

4th ability: Assimilate

[Warframe] emits an aura of void energy, temporarily bonding to equipment worn by enemies inside it, slowing, reducing armor and accuracy. kills on enemies under this effect temporarily grant multishot to the killer. synergy with 2nd and 3rd ability: enemies under this influence also count as parts for their respective mechanics. (also works on infested since equipment of the parasite's host is still visible)



The vision i had is that this warframe is very resistant to getting shot at and excelling at shooting, with some repositioning ability. since getting shot at is a large part of combat, the focus of this frame's defense is restoring a depleting amount of shields instead of health. once the shield is penetrated (or ignored), reduced armor will quickly put a stop to your shenanigans if you don't manage how many parts you have thrown out properly. 

That said, seeing how these abilities work together makes for a good melee frame as well. even against the infested, though they can't be disarmed, as the slow will still affect them.

As a support frame, your role would be to hinder enemies to make them easier to kill while providing much wanted dakka to your allies.


Edit: forgot ability names

Edit2: wording on 4th (temporarily assimilating equipment of enemies inside it => temporarily bonding to equipment worn by enemies inside it


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Frankly, the artist has done an amazing job with the theme, and the void theme makes it very interesting

I considered that the fact that the warframe was "glued" by void was an important part of the warframe, more than the broken aspect. (void glue tho)

Passive Reconstruction : Has no shields, 100% of energy used is converted into health, even channeled abilities

1 Scrap : Rip space in front of you with void energy, survivors of the slash are lifted and stripped of their armor. Triggers Surge on impact.

2 Surge : Void energy leaks through your warframe, attaching itself on ennemies around you. The less health you have the more ennemies are affected. When those ennemies die they surge with void energy, exploding and giving you back energy

3 Shatter : Lose 50% of your armor and regenerate energy around you (including yourself) for a few seconds. Triggers Surge around you.

4 Void abomination : Drop on all fours and use every scrap of metal at your disposal to brutally murder your ennemies. Scrap makes you leap forward and shatter makes you cleave. RIP AND TEAR

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Passive: Absorb, the warframe has no inbuilt shields but is able to absorb dead enemies parts to enhance his abilities. Enemies have a chance to drop body parts which will restore health and energy to the warframe, these parts also have a chance to provide one of three buffs which would boost his armour, his base health or his movement and reload speed.

1st ability: Corruption, the warframe releases a wave of void energy with a chance to convert them into a friendly corrupted version the lower the enemies health the likely they are to be corrupted. This does more damage and has reduced casting time depending on how many buffs are currently active. He can only have so many corrupted allies at a time.

2nd ability: Reconstruction, he is able to break down his own body consuming a portion of his health to immediately grant himself one of the buffs.

3rd ability: Assimilation, While this is active his pickup range is greatly increased and enemies who are killed nearby will have their bodies broken down dropping more loot and more parts.

4th ability: Disassembly, The warframe sets his body into overdrive enhancing his abilities, the buffs are consumed twice as quickly but their effects are increased. Corruption now even more damage and has a higher chance to corrupt enemies, Reconstruction instead consumes health to release an explosion of void energy damaging all enemies around him and Assimilation will now drain health from nearby enemies and corrupted allies to heal him.

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Passive: Every time it uses any of its abilities it gains a buff, with the tendril parts glowing to indicate currently having a buff; Tank (High health + armor), Speed (Buffs melee speed, movement speed, fire rate, and reload speed), Damage (Gains a damage buff for all attacks). Buffs linger when switching modes, but don't stack (Can have all 3 buffs at the same time, but can't have multiple of the same buff). Buff is given to all nearby allies as well

1st ability: Void tendril comes out and latches onto an enemy, and slams it around like a whip. Length of the slamming depends on how far away the enemy is. Longer = lower damage but higher area covered. 50% (?) AOE damage at max range, latched enemy always gets 100% damage. Causes knockdown on all enemies affected

2nd ability: Void tendril extends and pulls multiple enemies closer, disarming them

3rd ability: Tap to sacrifice half of the player's current health to do (health sacrificed * nearby enemy levels) damage in an area around the player, hold to force radiation procs on enemies within an area around the player, giving temporary lifesteal on irradiated enemies

4th ability: Pulls in enemies around the player and merges with them, taking their combined health and shields, using that value to determine the effective health of some kind of amalgamate form made out of the unlucky victims. Moves 50% slower in this form, but has an exalted whip. Is a toggle ability, and enemies are thrown back out upon ability deactivation, with health taken away proportionately equal to how low your health was when you deactivated the ability. (If used at 50% health, then enemies thrown out are at 50% health upon deactivation)

Keep your friends close, but keep your enemies closer

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I suggest a energy-hungry fraim with endless Void energy



"Infinite Energy" -  high energy regeneration and energy regeneration just like a Death Orb but with cooldown


Ability 1: 

"Energy Flow" - power-up of used weapons take into account the type of weapon 

energy based weapons crop 2x,

classic weapons crop 1x,

living vepens (plague) crop 0.5x



Ability 2:

"Energy attack" -  you can choose three types of damage reinforced with void energy

Impact - red boot

Puncture - blue hand

Slash - white end of the leg


Ability 3:

"Energy Field" - shares energy and buff strength in a specific area



Ability 4:

"Energi Tendrils" - spreads tendrils in a given area which immobilize the frame (although you can't move, you can turn aroundthe) and enemies. Inflicting damage/s. using this ability you can't activate others ability and this ability does not deactivate used ones.



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Collector - Passive

Killing enemies will grant the broken frame broken stacks, more broken stacks collected more stronger abilities and stronger shields, can even play around with more broken parts will alter the frame appearance. depending on faction 

grinner - bulky broken armor
corpus - tech broken armor
infested - Organic parts
sentients - broken sentients armor
amalgams- broken amalgams armor


1- Pendulum Swipe - Use your broken parts or collected parts to deal nasty a
       horizontal swipe.

2 .Puppet Master - Summon void strings to create reanimate enemies into broken specters.

3  Tear- Tear your enemies apart with void strings to get broken stacks and creates shields also strips armor, shields if enemies are close to die they become broken specters.

4 .Garbage Disposal - Spin attack that release all broken stacks becoming a broken tornado sucking enemies in. 



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Passive Ability every 30 seconds do a void explosion if the health is lower then 40%(damage and range can be increase with mods) and give 20% bonus to all operator void damage with in 30 meters 1 ability create a small void rift deal void damage to enemies over time close to the rift and reset sentient damage resistance 2 Ability give 50% damage bonus to one or more Warframes but the take 50% more damage too 3 Ability  give to it self a defense and shield bonus but losemovement and melee attack speed for a small period of time active the ability again as the effect is still on reverse the bonus 4 ability active a random 4 ability of the other Warframes but with 30% bonus in all status minus efficiency

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His passive is the ability to take less damage from distance weapons like rifles and other guns

Ability 1: shatter: when active, the frame is able to throw objects in the environment and parts of his body like daggers torwards enemies( like banish)

Ability 2: exoskeleton: when active, the frame gets a shield buff, but has decreased speed. When it hits its breaking point or the ability runs out of time, it will shatter and send off a shockwave, knocking down nearby enemies. (The shield will outline the frame and is the color of the energy.)

Ability 3: earthquake, sends a concussive blast that knocks down enemies. Also sends up spikes from the ground.

Ability 4: spear hands: turns his hands into spear tips, similar to exalted blade

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Passive: Mismatched: When using your right arm, you have higher shields and armor, when using your left arm, you have higher movement speed.

1st Ability: (Insert Name Here): Switches which arm you are using.


2nd Ability: Sword / Shield: When using left arm, your movement speed decreases temporarily, and you get increased melee speed, fire rate, and block effectiveness. When using right arm, your maximum shields go down temporarily, and you generate a spherical shield around yourself and your allies.

3rd Ability: Brain / Brawn: When using left arm, all enemies in given area are immobilized for a duration. When using right arm, your block effectiveness increases significantly and you automatically block with your melee.


4th Ability: Broken Phantom: Pieces of the frame fly out and impale enemies, and you turn into a phantom made of void energy, when you can teleport instead of move, and you attack by firing void energy at enemies. 
(NOTE: Broken Phantom would be treated like an exalted weapon, and would therefore have a high energy drain) 

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Passive - Transferal Noise : Progressive Gas damage procs to enemies within 1.2 Range of the Warframe 

1 - Overcharge : Energy drains slowly to give primary weapons a blast damage AOE at a cost of -25% to fire rate at max rank
2 - Enemy Pressure : Holding 2 energy begins to drain into a growing pool of fog from the Warframe, when released the warframe pushes back enemies, after the AOE is released the Warframe falls to pieces and begins a required 'build up time' to re-assemble. During this 'build up time' the Warframe is not targetable and still somewhat mobile as a mess of gas-vines-and-scattered-components until 50% re-built. At which point only secondary weapons can be used. 

3 - More Focus : Warframe is able to use Primary and Secondary weapons simultaneously on cast for ability duration. Weapon zoom and overall effectiveness can be overcharged pending there is enough energy to do so in which case both classes of weapons will experience the overcharge effect.

4 - Nebulous : Warframe becomes an AOE cloud of its features and components. Both primary and secondary weapons may be used to little effect as they'd spin wildly within the nebulous mass of Warframe attachments. After the duration of this ability has concluded a required re-build time is extended whereby teammate or operator-mode self-recovery could be considered.

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Passive: Sanctuary Shield, When Broken Warframe's shield is destroyed she/he gains a Bonus shield that gives her immunity for puncture, slash, impact and magnetic damage for 10 seconds.

First Ability: Void's Ressurection: Broken Warframe targets a enemy, spewing out a void dart. When this enemy dies, they become energized by the void and they gain double their normal stats, The ability lasts for 15 seconds. The ability cannot be casted on liches, bosses and plains/ fortuna animals.

Second Ability: Energized Return: Broken Warframe becomes energized by the void, she/he gains a buff; everyone that damages Broken Warframe gets 15% of the damage that they dealt back to them. This ability gains 2 mana per second.

Third Ability: One for all: Broken Warframe Gives a buff to her/him and its allies, raising the armor of all allies by 15% of their max.

Fourth Ability: Void Transfer: Broken Warframe spawns the energy of the void and opens up, revealing all the energy, she is now able to spew out void energy orbs, these fly through the air landing on the place that you chose, the orbs cost 15 mana to shoot. 

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1 minute ago, Zarong374 said:

Passive: Mismatched: When using your right arm, you have higher shields and armor, when using your left arm, you have higher movement speed.

1st Ability: (Insert Name Here): Switches which arm you are using.


2nd Ability: Sword / Shield: When using left arm, your movement speed decreases temporarily, and you get increased melee speed, fire rate, and block effectiveness. When using right arm, your maximum shields go down temporarily, and you generate a spherical shield around yourself and your allies.

3rd Ability: Brain / Brawn: When using left arm, all enemies in given area are immobilized for a duration. When using right arm, your block effectiveness increases significantly and you automatically block with your melee.


4th Ability: Broken Phantom: Pieces of the frame fly out and impale enemies, and you turn into a phantom made of void energy, when you can teleport instead of move, and you attack by firing void energy at enemies. 
(NOTE: Broken Phantom would be treated like an exalted weapon, and would therefore have a high energy drain) 

This is like lucio from overwatch


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Passive:  Scavenger- Enemies have a chance to drop parts of their armor/flesh when damaged/killed, grineer enemies give extra armor, corpus enemies give extra health, and infested enemies give extra shield, orokin gives whatever their original faction would, sentients give a slight maximum energy increase, Meter has a chance to decay slightly when hit, and starts halfway filled by tenno parts when the meter has all tenno parts it is white as it gains parts it becomes green, and as it loses the tenno parts it becomes red (These can be lost through ability use and if you lose the parts you have less health, shield, armor and energy based on max, tenno parts do not drop and can be recovered using the 3rd ability, the frame also gets smaller as he loses tenno parts)

Ability 1:  Void Separation- forcefully strips parts of of the target that lowers its max stats based on what the parts give you (grineer have less armor, corpus have less shield, infested have less max health, and sentients are incapable of using abilities for 5s) sentients can only be affected by this ability once every 10s

Ability 2:  Spitting Image- Creates a copy of the warframe that automatically attacks enemies, the copy is made out of any excess parts and cannot be created if meter is not above half, the copy has increased stats based on the parts attached to the warframe when casted (grineer gives armor, corpus gives shields, infested gives health, and sentient gives a slight adaptation that decays, similar to the mod "Adaptation"). Should the warframe go down while this ability is active transference is transfered to the clone, however the warframe is still bleeding out and if the warframe is not revived the clone will fall apart (transference can only be transferred in this way once every 90s)

Ability 3:  Attraction- Pulls all parts in a 20m radius onto warframe and recovers all tenno parts anywhere on the map (tenno parts do not decay and they are teleported onto the warframe when this ability is used) onto the warframe, this ability also pulls and staggers all enemies in a 10m radius, and all parts being pulled have a chance to hit enemies with a guaranteed status proc (grineer parts do slash, corpus parts do electricity, and infested parts do toxin, orokin do whatever there original faction does, sentient does void which strips sentient protections)

Ability 4:  Void Overflow- Launches out all parts in a radius using a massive burst of void energy, the blast strips sentients of their protections and has a guaranteed proc, this ability also completely depletes the part meter (including the tenno ones) causing the warframe to be about the size of a kuva jester until more parts are picked up (the size makes the warframe harder to hit, but it has less health shield armor and energy) the warframe also becomes incapable of casting abilities for 5s.

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Broken Warframe abilities:

Passive: Increased Puncture and Corrosive damage resistance. 

Ability 1 - Salvaged Armor: On cast, fallen enemies grant a 50 second Armor buff to "Broken" and Allies within 20m up to a max of 200.

Ability 2 - Scrap Barrage: "Broken" launches shards of their body at enemies dealing Impact and Puncture damage.

Ability 3 - Wear and Tear: Increased weapon crit chance for allies and decreased weapon damage to enemies for 30 seconds.

Ability 4 - Rise from the Wreckage: On cast, "Broken" creates a "Scrap Beast" ally that can be buffed by Salvaged Armor and Wear and Tear. It deals Slash and Electric to enemies with it's claws.

Author's note: Well, here's the best I came up with. Enjoy.

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Broken warframe


You and Allies in the party gain higher sentient resistance. The less people they are the more they get


Conduit ability where operators get 5% or the buffs warframes in the party casts(since operators get no boosts from warframes)



Ability 1

Upon activation fires a close range wave of sentient energy which the enemy has no resistance for . Small to medium dmg .no mana cost but recovers like 5 mana per use with a decent reload time based on dmg chosen.


Ability 2

Upon activation cast a dmg aura that can be selected from a list of a few like radiation, corrosive ,magnetic. Allies get the buff but it increases their resistance to said effects instead. Could have a second function that switches it where the user gets defence and others get dmg increase. The more players the higher the drain. 


Ability 3

Overload skill malfunctions and explodes doing great aoe dmg with a reassemble time. While its separated its core stays in one place and can be damaged by enemies. After it fully reconnects the health is restored.

Ability 4 

Upon cast triggers a random 4th  ability from other warframes in the party(or find 4 it's made out of and picks from those abilities) one should be a group heal.


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Passive: Makeshift Design
When receiving damage to shields: The sapience of your warframe's system will cause it's tendrils to counterattack in a aura around your frame. Regardless of ranged or melee attacks, the tendrils will attack sporadically against anything around it. 
When shields are completely depleted: The sentience of your warframe goes into fight-for-your-life; rushing, to charge your weapons giving all attacks a boost in damage for a short time. Once the attack boost ends, the tendrils retract into the warframe and begin charging sheilds. 
When receiving damage to health: your warframe will lose parts of it's chassis. With limbs and parts missing, your warframe gains increased dodge chance from all attack types. Upon gaining health, limbs regenerate and dodge chance decreases. 

Ability 1: Error

Your warframe rejects some of the hosts living inside it, and launches a mortor of tendrils with randomized effects on landing. These effects can be: burn/cold/toxic/or shock. Upon leveling up, these effects have a greater chance to stack on top of eachother to create radiation/gas/magnetized/etc. 

Ability 2: Failsafe

Upon using this ability, your warframe flushes out and resets it's system. While in this stasis, it will remove all damage effects with a cooldown (slash, burn, toxin, shock, etc.) are removed from the warframe. With each level up, the reset time lessens. 

Ability 3: Hotswap

When ability is in effect, all ammo that your warframe cannot pick up, will be converted to the ammo type of the weapons they have avaliable. If your frame's ammo is entirely full and they come accross packs of ammo; every pack of ammo increases their critical chance until the skill is deactive. If the frame has their health full and comes across a health orb, it will heal energy. If the frame's energy is full, energy orbs will heal health. 

Ability 4: Transplant Rejection

As the tendrils try siphoning an enemy in hopes of finding a new host, two things begin to happen. 1: Your warframe's neuroptics goes into a melee frenzy, having increased attack speed, move speed, power, crit chance, and crit damage. 2: The tendrils search through host after host, destroying anything insufficient to what the broken frame can offer them. 

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Passiv: Kills increases a "Spare part" meter. Ability kills are more effective then weapon kills.

Ability 1: Flagello(Lach) 

Press the ability to grow out a tendril to whip enemies in front of you. 

(Range increases the angle he/she is able to whip)

Ability 2: Lutum(Scavenge)

Hold the ability to make the frame go down to the floor and absorb enemy corpses to regain some health.

(Duration decreases the energy drain and range increase the absorption range) 

(Has a chance to increase the spare part meter per corpse)

Ability 3: Furor(Anger)

Press the ability to make the frame curl up before he/she releases and sends splinters of the frame. The splinters do damage and take control over enemies but you get an armor debuff. You can press the ability again to release the splinters earlier but with a damage decrease and control time decrease.

(Strength for more damage but higher debuff. Duration for longer control but longer casting time. Efficiency for lower debuff)

(Consumes the spare part meter (if its full) instead of giving an armor debuff)

Ability 4: Sphaeram(Aura)

Press the ability to cycle between Ice, Fire and Lightning. Hold the ability to activate the selected element. Ice, gives out a chilling aura that slows enemies and gives you and allies an armor buff. Lightning, gives out an electric aura that stuns enemies and gives you and allies a speed buff. Fire, gives out a burning aura that burns enemies and gives you and allies a strength buff.

(Drains the spare part meter instead of energy)

(Strength to increase the buffs and damage. Range for bigger aura. Duration and Efficiency for decreased drain)

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