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Scarlet Spear: 27.3.16


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41 minutes ago, Dr4gonThund3rB said:

Why did you all have to touch the Basmu? It was balanced, you had to take damage to deal damage, and you could just make it to where it heals back a small percent of the damage dealt not the full damage. Now, those healing pulses are literally useless. They do a maximum of about say 40 damage. Also, sinister reach should be possible on the basmu due to its beam of electricity with its secondary fire. It should also increase the radius of the pulses. Please make the Basmu better. It was tons of fun and I was going to put several forma into it just for the sake of hey, this exists, this is special, I just want to have fun.
I also thought of it more as a feature. It sounds silly, but the Basmu was becoming my new favorite primary, over the Shedu! It is just a somewhat regular gun. While I'd like to see the arcane avenger interaction more balanced/controllable, I also think it was good as it was. People were having a good time and it was not game breaking. It could not kill absolutely everything. Noxes didn't die to it. Arbitration drones took 0 damage whatsoever.
Thank you for the update though.

This MF said balanced 😂😂😂

The gun is underwhelming but FYI you don’t HAVE to red crit in the millions or nuke a room to play this game, you know that right?? 

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23 minutes ago, SukiKitty said:

Tbh if you put a blast radius build on it, it could clear the entire play area of ESO and 1hko all mobs. That was... kinda broken. On top of that, if you stacked it with a frame that could get damage buffs, like a chroma, then you could have this thing doing enough damage to literally overflow the datatype used for the damage and healing numbers, causing a rather spectacular crash. It was exciting discovering that on wave 16 of a condrix assault.

That's just abuse of a bug. Simple fix would be to just prevent that mod from equipping it on that weapon. GG. Balanced. 

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14 minutes ago, itsjustmedude said:

please fix the broken archwing melee 😞

Its really weird that AW melee is in this state when titania that uses similar mechanics, works properly! Feels more like its an intended nerf than a bug unfortunately.

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Anyone else noticing the Distilling or Titan extractors are never returning Orokin Cells now?  I'm pretty religious about pulling and deploying to Ceres and Saturn. Go over a week I have yet to get a single Orokin cell return? Just me ? Bad RNG ? Bueller..

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Hey there! I apreciate all that you guys doing but i have a problem,when the update droped i was in a Scarlet mission,the thing is i recived the emblem but not the credits .Can you take a look at that? Thanks ! (We had like 12 waves before extract sorry if i have no screen capture)

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14 minutes ago, Paymerich said:

Anyone else noticing the Distilling or Titan extractors are never returning Orokin Cells now?  I'm pretty religious about pulling and deploying to Ceres and Saturn. Go over a week I have yet to get a single Orokin cell return? Just me ? Bad RNG ? Bueller..

My extractor gave me an Orokin Cell just last week. Took very many deployments to get there, but it does deliver, eventually. 

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1 hour ago, [DE]Megan said:

Fixed Penta/Secura Penta grenades becoming stuck when Napalm Grenades is equipped, thus rendering the Penta unusable. As reported here: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1174244-penta-grenades-getting-stuck-causing-the-weapon-to-be-completely-useless/

Thank You DE. Thank You so much. Waiting for this thing for almost a month.

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1 hour ago, [DE]Megan said:

Fixed the Basmu's healing pulse receiving exponential copies of equipped Mods with each pulse when under the effect of some conditional buffs, which led to unintended amounts of damage.

so can we get a basmu buff so it's not completely fricking useless again?

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Le 22/04/2020 à 20:18, FallenDisc a dit :

I hate you now. Entire community looked at this weapon like an average thing, nothing fancy. This feature granted weapon some more nice usage. It's not like this weapon nuked rooms or something. This weapon was able to melt enemies in your melee range. Basically every melee can do this. So primary weapon can't do the same what melee do? Why not? I thought that's your attempt at making primaries scale damage, however no. You decided to nerf some of most fun features in game. ONCE AGAIN



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Many Flotilla's in the SS event get to 70 or 80 Murexes in the first 60-90 minutes, then with no less players or teams, fail to reach 100 in the remaining time.

I'm not sure if this is a bug, but it's extremely annoying and I've lost tens of thousands of credits because of it.

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6 minutes ago, nslay said:

So how does -Slash damage work? Does that heal enemies? Do they get overshields and overlife for such ridiculous negative quantities? Or is that an integer overflow?

It brings back any enemies that were killed with slash, that are related to the target. In  Grineer, it is hard to say

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2 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

Fixed the Basmu's healing pulse receiving exponential copies of equipped Mods with each pulse when under the effect of some conditional buffs, which led to unintended amounts of damage.

While it's understandable that this couldn't go on in the state it was in, it is -hugely- disappointing that this very fun mechanism wasn't considered to be reduced, and kept as a feature, instead of just outright clipping it. This bug made the Basmu the most interesting and fun weapon in the game and it probably would've been balanced if it simply could not crit, as without crits, it still struggled to do good damage.

It was fun while it lasted. 

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Not sure if this belongs here, but since this update, whenever i try to get into my starchart on the lander, the game freezes about 0,3-0,5 seconds into the *swoosh* animation that precedes getting into the actual starchart. I tried switching frames and weapons but nothing worked so far.

Edit: Fixed it with PC restart. Should have done that beforehand, sry.

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Rescue missions take longer than normal because, quite often, opening the cell the operative is in does not immediately trigger the 'take them to extraction' script; this isn't something I have encountered until the last couple hotfixes, which leads me to believe it's one of these scarlet spear updates to be causing it. I believe it has to do with checking cells too quickly, but I cannot confirm this 100%; it has happened to me so far only when checking the 2nd or 3rd cells; perhaps it has to do with quick-use Ciphers (Pressing 'y' on the keyboard to auto-cipher).

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