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Scarlet Spear: 27.3.16


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On 2020-04-22 at 1:53 PM, --Q--FSK41 said:

Can we get old enemies back?

no 😄 But really, if your referring to the tougher enemies and such, Maybe it should be added as a challenge mode of the event and whatnot. A certain friend of mine still cant kill a thing in space murex, and they really try. it really depresses them(i dont exactly get it either), but weakened enemies does alot more for the masses enjoyability than having every enemy be able to tank a full magazine from a 2000p+ kuva chakkurr riven'd 60% element chakkhurr buffed by mirage P's eclipse with 300% ability strength teamed up with a 3 other mirage P's with eclipse on...and linked so the buff attaches to everyone....Not that im saying im using such a horridly gamebreaking build buttttt my point still stands, people shouldnt HAVE to put actual effort into breaking the game balance utterly just to kill normal enemies in an event....Alternatively, a slow-nova and a limbo and a frost and nobody bothers with killing any enemies because the enemies cant even attack.

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20 hours ago, -IK-KurokoNiiChan said:

wrong stat

Unfortunately not friend, they seperated prime/vandal/kuva/etc. dispositions from base weapon dispositions, so your prime weapons and kuva weapons are going to get less buffs than the normal version of the weapon.

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On 2020-04-22 at 6:16 PM, zzjcop said:

EXCUSE ME?I bought Basmu riven mod for 1k, it used to deal 100K Pulse damage and now only 40???

If it is too op, just make it normal, not make it RUBBISH !

From now on I don't believe this game would be any better

ha i bought five basmu rivens for 60p apiece and sold them for 1k 😛 and now the salttttttttttttttt rains down.

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On 2020-04-22 at 3:10 PM, kuryux said:

Indeed, well remembered! Its a great source of focus for a niche, I mean those that already can do tridolon effectively and still need focus, but dont u agree that tridolon has been popular among a much broader audience thanks to the arcanes? And now pretty much everyone has r5 of all arcanes they need and often those they dont need too.

there are people who don't have time or patience to grind SS, and are too new to warframe to know about what's going on. there will be plenty of people farming arcanes on tridolon.

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So, shiny new bug.  Let's chalk this up to yet more shenanigans with Railjack.  The flux energy doesn't seem to be magically refilling at the end of combat, but other resources are now magically disappearing.


Single player mode.

Run either a single or multiple missions.  Craft sufficient forward artillery charges to replace what was used.  In my case, 5 capacity.  You can jump mission to mission, and have the right number of charges remaining.  The second you go back to dry dock you lose two charges.  If you exit the clan area, then return, the menu still says there are 2 less charges than should be present.  All missions in question were carried out on Earth proxima.

Repeatability: three total runs over four hours.  Bug continues to repeat.  When I then craft two charges for the artillery at the clan console, it shows I have the full 5.

Consistency: 4 total runs in that time.  3 of 4 showed the same failure.  In the one instance of the artillery charges working correctly the flux energy demonstrated incorrect quantities. 



This wouldn't be so bad, but the issue is that you run into an area with crewships, and assume that you'll need to buy enough time to craft one set of charges in-battle.  What you discover is that the charges are magically gone....and there's no reason.  

It's great to be sitting at 9-8-8-8 with 761 intrinsics, and just not caring.  The only thing remotely interesting is the combat drift, but drifting while trying precision shooting is like getting drunk and trying to thread a needle.  There's going to be a lot of profanity and things just aren't going to work well.




On 2020-04-22 at 2:10 PM, kuryux said:

Indeed, well remembered! Its a great source of focus for a niche, I mean those that already can do tridolon effectively and still need focus, but dont u agree that tridolon has been popular among a much broader audience thanks to the arcanes? And now pretty much everyone has r5 of all arcanes they need and often those they dont need too.

I disagree.

Before Scarlet Spear I was grinding Eidolons because of the absolutely terrible RNG with their drops.  After literal months of grinding I didn't have the arcanes I wanted.  This is a true statement, but forgets something quite critical about things.


Let's say I'm a new player.  I have gotten access to the operator form, and I've been pointed to the Plains of Eidolon to get my first amp.  In order to level up with the Quills I need to do some hunting.  Whether this be a single Teralyst, or hundreds of Vomvalysts.  In the process, I get cores and I get shards.  Theoretically, I can face off against a bunch of Eidolons, and plow all of those shards into focus.  25k or 40k isn't a lot, but it's infinitely better than the daily cap requiring affinity farming.

Now along the way, I level up with the Quills, and get an amp that is better than sneezing at enemies.  I've gotten enough focus to unlock Naramon or Zenurik.  The former allows stealth affinity grinding while the later is the go-to for energy and slowing enemies.  50+ eidolon slayings later, and I have at least 50 arcanes.  21 a piece to fully level up....oh boy.  Now the grind has sucked all of the fun out of the room.  I guess this is why people were so angry that it now takes 21 arcanes to fully level up.  Sucks to be a newbie.


In short, Eidolons are bad RNG.  People who could power grind them did, but for newer players they offered arcanes and focus.  The longer term player had focus done before Eidolons existed, thus their value was relegated to RNG arcane drops.  That's not their fault, it's DE.  Focus is a functionally abandoned system, and Eidolons dropping stuff at 5% was a bad numerical decision.  Neither of these things would have been fixed if Scarlet Spear didn't allow us to grind for the arcanes we actually wanted, rather than the 50th copy of arcane warmth.

-hint -hint -if DE wants to fix this give us some more focus paths that are waybound, so we can unlock things.  Nearly 8 million focus on each tree, 615 brilliant, 364 radiant, and 21 synthetic shards with literally nothing to use them on is exceptionally frustrating.  Unairu is literally the most expensive tree, and with 10 more unlocks operators might actually be something more than a dash speed and support.

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We are all still waiting for that Nikana Zaw Skin Visual Bug fix .......

Edit: In the arsenal, the scabbard is doubled, so I will take a wild guess that the scabbard we should see in the missions somehow 'travels' to the arsenal I guess. This doesn't happen to the Non-Zaw Nikanas. Hope this information helps with the bug fix ! 

Also, the bug is even worse if you choose to disable 'Visible when holstered', this is the case where the double scabbard started.

To conclude,

'Visible when holstered' disabled:

No Scabbard in missions

Empty scabbard and floating attachments in the orbiter and arsenal, it is doubled....


'Visible when holstered' enabled:

Seems okay in orbiter and arsenal but double attachments

No Scabbard in Missions


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10 hours ago, iHeuksal said:

Because he gave up on these devs as most of us thread lurkers did with the game.

There is no sense in posting stuff anymore where the Devs won't take a bite off from it.

thats not the reason but ok

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18 hours ago, CrazyCa7 said:

Fix the CHATTTTTTT disconnections!!!!😡😟😟😟😟😟😟

Agreed! I can’t play most missios without chat disconnecting halfway through and me losing track of what the squad is up to. The only way to remedy this is to keep on spamming squad chat every 5s, which is a pain and doesn’t help anyone. 

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After being done fighting Bosses, the Health and Names over Enemies simply doesn't display.
This is especially frustrating after being done with a Kuva Lich, because the bug is the same.

Then there is hacking - since we use the Parazon to hack, when we're finished with it, the weapons in our hands get switched.
This, on the other hand, is frustrating when doing Spy and you want to quickshot an Enemy with a silent Weapon - but you shoot it down instead all loud and everyone is alarmed.

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21 hours ago, PalaceOfStars said:

So you'll want to go back to the drawing board and find another word with less blood on it to advocate unfiltering.

I am more focused on the actual principle of automatically banning (which in this case equals "punishing") anyone simply for using a normal english word, that is also used within the game itself ("Kinethic Siphon Trap"). Just as there is no logical way anyone could come up with "Kinethic Siphon Trap" being hurtful (or claiming DE has the designed the game to be hurtful, since it includes an item used for trapping enemies, called a trap), there is no logical grounds for auto-banning anyone based on this word alone. There just isn't, from a logical point of view it is not only ridiculous, it also smells of censorship (something currently plaguing the world we live in).

I would also like to point out that this in no way is a defense for using the same four-letter word in a derogatory fashion. In fact I very much hope that anyone using "trap" in such a way would be comprehensively sanctioned and banned. And this includes all the idiots just having to test "what happens".

Overall I think verbal abuse should be punished much harder, not only in Warframe but in online games overall. Yes, there is a risk of losing money (a "paying customer") when handing out long bans, but currently there is a lot of toxicity online. In this regard Warframe and its playerbase generally shines (in a good way), I see more slurs in League in a week than in Warframe during a whole year (excepting the "stab it you &%¤!&!"-period when liches were first introduced, which was toxic as f*ck). I have nothing against banning, and speaking of League my team has a "no tolerance"-policy and always report players venting trash, slurs, homophobia (surprisingly common, btw), and the idiots do get temp banned.

So banning & low or no tolerance for abuse is just fine, but auto-banning because of normal words (even used within the game) is "not so fine".

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On 2020-04-22 at 12:51 PM, [DE]Megan said:

Scarlet Spear: 27.3.16

Railjack Fixes:

Thanks for getting this. However, controller users still cannot perform Drift and Vector maneuvers, as I've gone over here.

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vor 21 Stunden schrieb CiaranKriess:

no 😄 But really, if your referring to the tougher enemies and such, Maybe it should be added as a challenge mode of the event and whatnot. A certain friend of mine still cant kill a thing in space murex, and they really try. it really depresses them(i dont exactly get it either), but weakened enemies does alot more for the masses enjoyability than having every enemy be able to tank a full magazine from a 2000p+ kuva chakkurr riven'd 60% element chakkhurr buffed by mirage P's eclipse with 300% ability strength teamed up with a 3 other mirage P's with eclipse on...and linked so the buff attaches to everyone....Not that im saying im using such a horridly gamebreaking build buttttt my point still stands, people shouldnt HAVE to put actual effort into breaking the game balance utterly just to kill normal enemies in an event....Alternatively, a slow-nova and a limbo and a frost and nobody bothers with killing any enemies because the enemies cant even attack.

May I see your build,i can help you ingame and show you how to deal with them,tell me a time and I ll try to help you ingame I show you builds tell you the mechanics etc. It is really not hard to deal with them,of course a Level 170 armored Sentient takes some time to kill.You need some form of CC to stop them and kill them in peace.

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15 hours ago, effion said:

thats not the reason but ok

How do you want to know something about someone who ain't you personally?

Other than that, the facts are clear. Warframe is slowly dying and becoming more and more a fashion frame game with their overrated Tenno Gen stuff instead of fixing persistent bugs since 2015 and earlier. Hell, there is still the exploit about Ivara and some specific melee weapons not breaking her stealth when spinning, its more than 5 years old by now.

Just in case people misunderstand this as "so what?"-ish, every "fast slide" movement will absolutely break her Prowling. This is not the case with some specific mechanics.

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4 minutes ago, iHeuksal said:

How do you want to know something about someone who ain't you personally?

Other than that, the facts are clear. Warframe is slowly dying and becoming more and more a fashion frame game with their overrated Tenno Gen stuff instead of fixing persistent bugs since 2015 and earlier. Hell, there is still the exploit about Ivara and some specific melee weapons not breaking her stealth when spinning, its more than 5 years old by now.

Just in case people misunderstand this as "so what?"-ish, every "fast slide" movement will absolutely break her Prowling. This is not the case with some specific mechanics.

he was at work, thats why he didnt get 1st post


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On 2020-04-23 at 3:31 AM, .OwOkin. said:

basmu bug was fun while it last, cleared entire eso by just reloading

it was having me think of a reverse build low mag high reload to max pulses it was uniqe as had to actuly think of a new weapon build and not just copy paste the builds that buff the crit or elimental stat for max dammage as really does anybody actuly use mods that affect reload speed seems like if it isnt heavy, combo ,crit, stat or elimental its not used in the mod layout  

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