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Current Event is Completely Tragical.



-I have to wait and push the connect button because there are no grups to join
-I'm in an event end the stuff that we need to kill suddenly disappeares and for some reasons we have to abort the mission
-The grind is crazy, a mission gives me 250ish points, and you need 1k for an item to purchase. Terrible amount of grind.
-On the space mission if the group don't want to leave and continue the fight, I can't get out, only with abort? If I get out forcefully, I remove the whole group from the fight and they were pissed for quiet many times now, they wanted to continue.

-Did I mention the grind is crazy with this event? Triple that in your mind, and you start scratching the surface how grindie the event is.

Yes its my choice to play or stop. Yes its my choice if I want the gear I can grind for it. But the story and gameplay is crazy boring. Fun should come first, and grind reward is not fun. Again and again.
I get it, these developers just can't get out of the loop. But then something have to happen, a new director or project coordinator should join the team, because Warframe is the grind, that really need to be changed, if they want the game to be FUN!

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51 minutes ago, EvilChaosKnight said:

2x players (Just us two) got annoyingly boring at ~28 minutes where we were at about 12 condrixes (Mesa and Limbo) so we extracted

I did a full run with a mesa only for 22 min(I was the limbo).The mesa was great(killed the sentiens as they spawned so I could continue to kill the big eye with my exodia)
Probably with 2 more players we could have done it for 20 min.

51 minutes ago, EvilChaosKnight said:

So if we apply the ratio of player count to time in mission, I estimate a single 17 condrix run might take as long as bloody ONE HOUR. Given how you can't bring along any serious damage dealers since you need to have something to cover the OpLink which now is 4 times slower than a full squad btw.

I had another mission with a full squad (with mesa mind you), that took 48 min. I was the limbo again.
I could kill the eye fast but after that killing the little sentients was a big big waste of time without a good mesa(or some other frame).There were revives also...many many things can extend the time when the players are not good.

tl;dr it doesn't depend on the quantity, but on the quality. 😜

Edited by vegetosayajin
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1 hour ago, 40PE said:

Because its boring. 17 rounds, sounds like at least 20-30 minutes or more. Grind, Grind, Grind. Hence the reason why I got frustrated again. 🙂

20-30 minutes is LONG to you?


Go play another game since clearly you don't seem suited to this one.

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1 hour ago, 40PE said:

-I have to wait and push the connect button because there are no grups to join
-I'm in an event end the stuff that we need to kill suddenly disappeares and for some reasons we have to abort the mission
-The grind is crazy, a mission gives me 250ish points, and you need 1k for an item to purchase. Terrible amount of grind.
-On the space mission if the group don't want to leave and continue the fight, I can't get out, only with abort? If I get out forcefully, I remove the whole group from the fight and they were pissed for quiet many times now, they wanted to continue.

-Did I mention the grind is crazy with this event? Triple that in your mind, and you start scratching the surface how grindie the event is.

Yes its my choice to play or stop. Yes its my choice if I want the gear I can grind for it. But the story and gameplay is crazy boring. Fun should come first, and grind reward is not fun. Again and again.
I get it, these developers just can't get out of the loop. But then something have to happen, a new director or project coordinator should join the team, because Warframe is the grind, that really need to be changed, if they want the game to be FUN!

ok, so DE have been really bad at explaining how the event works to those who might not get it straightaway (but what's new? the newbie experience for me was encounter something, look up wiki, rinse and repeat till i knew enough), but some of your gripes are a bit unreasonable. maybe instead of posting when you're angry and frustrated, take some time out and come back when you've cooled down a bit. this rant just makes you look entitled and lazy. the event has been out for ages on pc and there are plenty of sources of info for players from the wiki to youtube to other players to reddit to this forum.

yes, this event is grindy, but that's how warframe is. everything is a grind, but in terms of getting arcanes, this grind is way better than what we had with eidolons and the rng drops. it's up to you. the "exclusive" rewards like the basmu and ceti lacera won't take too long if you're doing things right. you can choose to ignore the arcanes or trade them for plat or do eidolons.

if you're finding the game is not fun like it's supposed to be, take a break, do something else or leave altogether. don't come on to the "players helping players" section and make an angry rant. save that for any of the feedback sections. if you genuinely asked here for help with understanding this event, i'm sure you'd have gotten better answers or someone will have posted a link with information to help you.

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7 hours ago, EvilChaosKnight said:

To be fair to OP, I did some calculations from my overall experience. Keep in mind that more OpLinks = faster scanning. And more players (+Mesa) means faster sentient killing.

4x players (2 pubs, my friend and I) seem to take about 22 (min) to 30 (max) minutes per full run.
3x players (1 pub, my friend and I) bumps it up to 27 (min) to 35 (max) per full depending on pub's gear and skill.
2x players (Just us two) got annoyingly boring at ~28 minutes where we were at about 12 condrixes (Mesa and Limbo) so we extracted

So if we apply the ratio of player count to time in mission, I estimate a single 17 condrix run might take as long as bloody ONE HOUR. Given how you can't bring along any serious damage dealers since you need to have something to cover the OpLink which now is 4 times slower than a full squad btw.

Basically, playing this event solo is not a recommended tactic. If you can't get at least a squad of 3, don't even bother.

45 my friend. the number is 45

45 minute. for solo.

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10 hours ago, 40PE said:

-I have to wait and push the connect button because there are no grups to join
-I'm in an event end the stuff that we need to kill suddenly disappeares and for some reasons we have to abort the mission
-The grind is crazy, a mission gives me 250ish points, and you need 1k for an item to purchase. Terrible amount of grind.
-On the space mission if the group don't want to leave and continue the fight, I can't get out, only with abort? If I get out forcefully, I remove the whole group from the fight and they were pissed for quiet many times now, they wanted to continue.

-Did I mention the grind is crazy with this event? Triple that in your mind, and you start scratching the surface how grindie the event is.

Yes its my choice to play or stop. Yes its my choice if I want the gear I can grind for it. But the story and gameplay is crazy boring. Fun should come first, and grind reward is not fun. Again and again.
I get it, these developers just can't get out of the loop. But then something have to happen, a new director or project coordinator should join the team, because Warframe is the grind, that really need to be changed, if they want the game to be FUN!


10 hours ago, 40PE said:

Because its boring. 17 rounds, sounds like at least 20-30 minutes or more. Grind, Grind, Grind. Hence the reason why I got frustrated again. 🙂

"because its boring"

Is this perhaps the real reason for the post???

"-I have to wait and push the connect button because there are no grups to join"

There i this amazing thing in warframe called recruit chat. Perhaps you should try it. Either posting lf or hosting.  Alternatively simply post lf ground or space in the flotilla oplink chat. When I recruit players via recruit chat I always also post in the oplink chat. I have invited many players via the oplink chat post.

I do not understand why DE decided that, for example, a player can not join your crew after you have completed 1 murex. This leads to that squad being slower to upload kill codes. It also leads to that new player forming their own squad and further slowing down the kill codes. I don't know the condrix limit for ground missions as I have gone into the missions in a 4 player squad.

"The grind is crazy"

Not it is not. Doing either ground or space in 2 hour (should usually be way less time)  you should get a minimum of 30,000 event credits from 2 x 5,000 credit runs from 2 flotillas. Go do something else until the event reset and do again. That is an absolute minimum of 60,000 event credits per 2 x 3 hour event windows.

My best has been 66,000 credits in 3 hours and I expect 35,000 to 50,000 event credits in every 3 hours. Doing ground missions, in 2 hours you can easily do 3 flotilla of 17 condrix runs., giving 4131 credits plus 10,000 bonus credits each. Total 42,393 event credits.

"I can't get out, only with abort"

Welcome to railjack. Why railjack has a different leave mechanic to other game modes is something I don't understand.

Be aware that any player can click the return to flotilla after 2 murex (I have never tried after 1 murex) and everyone still keeps their 936 event credits. This can be useful if the flotilla has way too many murex crews for the hard working ground crews.

"Yes its my choice to play or stop"


If you are a player like me that due to the noise / visuals is unable to do eidolen hunts. Then if I want the arcanes, I need to suck it up and do the event. I am currently at 1,985,000 event credits. A best 5 murex run of 16 minutes 30 seconds and regularly do 18-19 minutes 5 murex runs. Almost always with random players recruited via the in game recruit chat. Best 3 hour credits of 66,000.  My ground 17 condrix runs, again using recruit chat, have taken 28-32 minutes.

Have fun and may RNG be forever in your favor.





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10 hours ago, 40PE said:

-I have to wait and push the connect button because there are no grups to join
-I'm in an event end the stuff that we need to kill suddenly disappeares and for some reasons we have to abort the mission
-The grind is crazy, a mission gives me 250ish points, and you need 1k for an item to purchase. Terrible amount of grind.
-On the space mission if the group don't want to leave and continue the fight, I can't get out, only with abort? If I get out forcefully, I remove the whole group from the fight and they were pissed for quiet many times now, they wanted to continue.

-Did I mention the grind is crazy with this event? Triple that in your mind, and you start scratching the surface how grindie the event is.

Yes its my choice to play or stop. Yes its my choice if I want the gear I can grind for it. But the story and gameplay is crazy boring. Fun should come first, and grind reward is not fun. Again and again.
I get it, these developers just can't get out of the loop. But then something have to happen, a new director or project coordinator should join the team, because Warframe is the grind, that really need to be changed, if they want the game to be FUN!

Add me, I'll help you get 4131 scarlet credits.

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On 2020-04-23 at 7:50 AM, 40PE said:

-I'm in an event end the stuff that we need to kill suddenly disappeares and for some reasons we have to abort the mission

need more explanation on this as could be that all 70 of the murrex on the floaty were defeated so you can not earn more points.
if all team members oplinks get destroyed then mission is over.
if the wave timer reachs 0 an not all 70 are defeated then event mission is over an cant continue.
in space after you do 1 murrex ANY player is able to force the team to return to the floaty.

On 2020-04-23 at 7:50 AM, 40PE said:

-The grind is crazy, a mission gives me 250ish points, and you need 1k for an item to purchase. Terrible amount of grind.

grind isnt hard if the team is pre made to compliment each other to speed things up.
The grind is hard but as alot of players are going more space than ground making the grind harder, but this is cause people are wanting to grind intrincis points cause the event makes it extremely easy.
the longer you stay in ground from the 3-17 waves of condrix affects your score so if team is constantly leaving when they can, then your cheating only yourselves out of points.
same goes with space as if you dont do all 4 or 5 then your score is crap.


On 2020-04-23 at 7:50 AM, 40PE said:

On the space mission if the group don't want to leave and continue the fight, I can't get out, only with abort? If I get out forcefully, I remove the whole group from the fight and they were pissed for quiet many times now, they wanted to continue.

already covered this as the grind for them intricis points in space is quite easy.
an anyone can return the entire team back to the floaty

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