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A Web Based Dps Tool!



The site is now updated for Damage 2.0!


The damage/level table has been replaced with the damage to specific enemy types (Ancient Disruptor, Grineer Napalm, Corpus Tech, and Corpus Moa), mouseovering the specific enemy type shows the vulnerabilities.


You can now also sort weapons based on damage to the enemy types (Ancient, Napalm, etc.).


Mouseovering the weapon stats table shows the original stats (for comparisons).


Not a big update feature-wise, but a ton of testing in-game and in the code. Next update will probably be about adding sentinel weapons, the one after that will likely be fixing page load times, and then perhaps adding more details in tooltips (any ideas are welcome).


Original post:



I've been using a spreadsheet to get a feel for how weapons perform, and how mods affect DPS. But it started becoming a bit of a pain to update/change mods around, and it felt kind of limited. So I tried to fix some stuff through scripting instead, using javascript and a regular web page (no downloading needed), and I thought you guys might get some use out of it too! Check it out (not sure if/how linking works on the forums):




Crash course in current features:

You select the pistol/rifle/etc. category you want at the top, to compare different types of weapons click "add favorite" and it'll get added on top of the other weapons (it remembers "favorites" through cookies, so it should get saved. As long as you stay on the same computer).


Increase/decrease aura/mod levels by using the + / - signs before the mod name. You can max or disable a mod completely by clicking the counter in the middle (for example the "10/10" for hornet strike on Acrid). A mod with a "-/5" as a counter is disabled, a mod with "0/5" is just the base card with no ranks added.


Mouse over the name of the mod to get a tooltip with what stats it increases.


The auras count up to 5, then start over from zero, so you can see how it stacks with more people. The number in parenthesis beside the counter (for example 5/5 (1) corrosive projection) represents how many players are need to get that high a percentage.


The DPS number to the right of the weapon name (for example "Acrid 6005") is the raw DPS value before armor is taken into account. The DPS with armor values is in the table just below and to the right of the name, it lists damage to Ancient Disruptors, Grineer Napalms, and Corpus Techs, levels 5 through 200. This damage does not account for hitting weak spots, but it does factor elemental weaknesses (fire/lightning/etc.) and armor ignore damage (armor piercing, serrated blade, poison, etc.).


You can sort the lists by clicking the names/arrows beside the category name, clicking name will sort by name, clicking it again will reverse the order. DPS means unmmitigated damage (doesn't factor armor), and APDPS means the damage after armor has been accounted for (using a lvl 200 Ancient Disruptor as base).


The "filter name" search box below favorites filters names, typing in "a" will show all weapon names that contains that letter (it's not case sensitive).



There's a ton of things left to work on:

There are no melee weapons currently (the swing mechanics seemed a bit complex).


The continuous (e.g flux rifle) and charge weapons (e.g Paris) just ignore weapon speed mods at the moment, which might not be accurate.


All stats have been entered by hand, so I can almost guarantee that there are typos or swapped stats.


I have checked the formulas and calculated some stats by hand, but there's still a few possible places where small errors might have snuck in.


Some special behaviors might not be modeled correctly, Acrid's DOT, Ogris explosion, Torid poison Cloud.


I haven't figured out a good way to represent the impact of recoil/spread. This might make some weapons seem very good on paper while in reality they might be horrible.



And some design limitations:

It's single target only.


It doesn't account for you being in a group. If you have a nova (2x damage from molecular prime), a Rhino (+50% damage shout), a Banshee with sonar (500% or more to sonar weak spot), and you're shooting a Moa in it's weak spot (fanny pack, 3x damage) with your synapse (electricity 2x damage) through your Volt shield (red crits), will do significantly more DPS than what's listed.


It's based on average DPS for emptying a clip and reloading. Burst DPS on some weapons will be higher, and this doesn't account for damage against shields. This misses things like that freezing damage might be better in some cases, or that you might attack a boss and then reload when he's invulnerable (e,g Vor, the burst DPS might be more important in some cases).


I tested in the latest versions of Chrome/Firefox/IE, I have no idea how good it'll work in anything other than those.


The javascript source is uglified, regular source code can be found on github:




Some caveats on the code; It's almost completely uncommented and it's the very first iteration of a prototype.

Edited by Gogge
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As usual clear your browser cache if you don't see the new update.


Revision 3:

  • Added incremental delay to weapon rendering (1 millisecond per weapon) to try and fix some occasional issues with weapon order getting messed up when sorting.


Revision 2:

  • Added "Void" faction, representing the Orokin Towers/Void or w/e it's called (the T1/T2/T3 void keys).
  • Added Armor/Shield colors and surface shorthand to the details tooltip for factions.
  • Fixed impossible combinations for single element weapons.


The average void faction stats is the relevant stats divided by five (as that's the total number of enemy types), e.g the average armor for Puncture is 0.5 from the Heavy Gunner (Ferrite) and 0.15 from the Lancer (Alloy), divided by five (0.65/5 = 0.13). The base armor used is 140, it's all the armor summed (500 from Gunner and 200 from Lancer) divided by five. The enemy level used is 25 which slightly undervalues elements that affect armor, so keep that in mind if doing harder stuff like T3 survival. I can change the level if people think it's too low, it's what the other factions use so it's just the default.


Armor stats (Ferrite/Alloy) have a mustard color, shields are blue. I also added shortened surface types after the names to separate the armor types, e.g a normal Grineer Lancer uses Ferrite armor so the description is "Lancer (F)", in the void it's Elite Lancers which use Alloy armor so the description is "Lancer (A)". Similarly when there's several surfaces starting with the same letter I added a second one to separate them, e.g the Infested have Fossilized as well as Flesh surfaces so it's separated as "Disrupter (Fo)" and "Runner (Fl)".




I also fixed the listing of impossible combinations. As an example previously when using a Synapse with Cryo Rounds and Infected Clip it would list "Toxic/Magnetic" and "Freeze/Corrosive"as a additional combinations, this doesn't work in-game as the two mods would combine to Viral giving only "Viral/Electric".




Small 11.8.3 update:

  • Added stats for projectiles and "procs per shot" (thanks Darzk).
  • Added sorting for "procs per shot".




The "procs per shot" stat is just the average amount of procs to expect per shot:

procs per shot = projectiles * status proc chance

I did some proc testing in 11.6.0 and it might be worth noting that the actual proc chance in game isn't the status proc percentage, it seems to be balanced around having multiple elements, so the actual chance is divided by 5 or similar. I tested ~100 procs with Stombringer and a Grakata (0.2/5 = 0.04) and seems to be closer to 0.037, but it might just be that it's an 90% elemental mod or it's randomness. If you have a single element a 10% proc chance is actually ~2% for that specific element, base IPS seems to follow the same rule (each one has a ~2% proc chance with a base 10% status proc chance on the weapon). When you add more elements you increase the proc chance for that element by some factor. It might be the elemental %, Wildfire seems to add less procs than Hellfire, but I need to test that more (short test, so might just have been random bad luck), but unranked mods definitely add less than full rank mods. Combining elements gives the combined proc chance (e.g Stormbringer + Hellfire gives double the proc chance of just Stormbringer or Hellfire alone).


So if you have a 10% status proc IPS weapon and add four elemental mods you'd proc something 14% ((0.1 / 5) * 7) of the time. If you have a single element weapon with no mods, like the base Tysis, you should be closer to 10% per shot ((0.5 / 5) * 1). Continous weapons seem to be a bit special too, I haven't figured out how the actual proc rate works yet. Testing with the base Synapse I got around 22 procs over 1728 ticks (5760 shots, three ticks per 10 shots), which is around 1.27% and you'd expect ~2% if it was the 10% base divided by 5 (like the others).


I need to do some more testing to get actual numbers, this is one of the reasons why the status proc thing is taking so long (not sure when I'll get the time).

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What do the numbers beside the mods mean (+16)? Hovering the mouse over different mods show different dps increases and a (+16) doesn't necessarily mean a higher dps.


It's the base DPS increase (not accounting for enemy resistances) per point of the mod, hovering the mouse over shows the maxed mod base DPS increase (e.g 5/5) and the faction specific DPS increase with a maxed mod.

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Gogge, I use your site constantly and I love it so, but I am noticing a small problem.

When I click on one of the tabs, for instance, the DPS one, the weapons sometimes appear out of order.

When pressing it in the pistols section, instead of seeing Brakk, which has the highest DPS with the default mods, i sometimes see Twin vipers, Afuris, and random other weapons instead of seeing Brakk being the highest and the Lato being the lowest. 

Minor bug?

Thank you for everything sir, your contributions to the community are amazing.

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Gogge, I use your site constantly and I love it so, but I am noticing a small problem.

When I click on one of the tabs, for instance, the DPS one, the weapons sometimes appear out of order.

When pressing it in the pistols section, instead of seeing Brakk, which has the highest DPS with the default mods, i sometimes see Twin vipers, Afuris, and random other weapons instead of seeing Brakk being the highest and the Lato being the lowest. 

Minor bug?

Thank you for everything sir, your contributions to the community are amazing.




Others have reported the similar things, I haven't been able to reproduce it so I'm not sure exactly what causes it and it's a huge pain to try and troubleshoot as I can't test stuff.


I think it's probably due to using some new "asynchronous rendering" (setTimeout with a zero delay) that don't handle stuff in the same order I have them ordered in, I've added a small incremental delay to how the weapons are rendered (setTimeout with a weapon number delay, e.g weapon #10 get a 10 millisecond delay before rendering) to see if this fixes the problem (I can just go back to the old way if things doesn't work out).


Try clearing your cache and reloading the page and see if you get the same issue (and try and see if you can find the steps to reproduce the issue so I can try it myself, as I don't get the issue >_<).

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As usual clear your browser cache if you don't see the new update.


11.9.2 revision 6:

  • Updated Bow stats (thanks SonicSonedit).
  • Updated Lanka fire rate.
  • Added an "Ammo Lasts" stat that shows how long the ammo lasts if you just hold down the trigger or spam it (thanks Yorune).

After some testing it doesn't look like Bows care about the listed fire rate, testing it in game the fire animation is just a few frames long and most of the delay is the reload animation. Timing it it looks like it's just the listed reload time between shots (around 1 second on an unmodded Dread). I've changed the fire rate of Bows to 10 which is a ~0.1 second fire time and then a ~1 second reload (0.8 for the Cernos), which is similar to the 1 second observed in game. This gives bows a slightly high burst DPS, but I'll try and think up a good way to represent the actual burst of a bow (suggestions welcome, might just use the reload time instead).


The Lanka doesn't have a delay between charges, so fire rate was slightly increased.


The "Ammo Lasts" stat is just how fast the weapon can go through the ammo reserves.

((Ammo Capacity + Magazine Capacity) / Fire Rate) + ((Ammo Capacity + Magazine Capacity) / Magazine Capacity) * Reload Speed

the first part "(Ammo Capacity + Magazine Capacity) / Fire Rate" is how long time it takes to fire all the ammo (e.g (540 + 100)/10 = 64 seconds for the Synapse), then it adds how long it takes to reload "((Ammo Capacity + Magazine Capacity) / Magazine Capacity) * Reload Speed" (e.g 640/100 * 1.5 = 9.6 seconds for the Synapse). So in the case of the Synapse it takes about 64 seconds to fire all the ammo and then 9.6 seconds to reload, or 73.6 seconds in total. It's not accounting for partial reloads actually taking the time of a full reload (e.g 4.3 reloads is actually 5 reloads in game), but it's meant for weapon comparisons so averages work (you also pick up ammo in game).


11.9.2 revision 5:

  • Added a "Time Firing" stat that shows the percent of time you spend actually firing the weapon when factoring reload time and fire rate (thanks prowlinghazard).

Time firing is the time it takes to empty a magazine divided by the total time it takes to empty a magazine and reload:


As an example the unmodded twin vipers have a magazine capacity of 28 rounds and a fire rate of 25 rounds per second, meaning it takes 1.12 seconds to empty a magazine (28/25), it also takes 2 seconds to reload. The total time to empty a clip and reload is 3.12 seconds (1.12 + 2), and thus you spend ~36% (1.12/3.12), or 1.12 seconds out of every 3.12 seconds, actually firing the weapon.




11.9.2 revision 4:


Small visual bugfix for the base probability when mouse-overing the stats table.


11.9.2 revision 3:

  • Updated Drakgoon stats and added a charge version (thanks FullSupport).

I tested the Drakgoon in-game and the crit multiplier is 2.0 for both non-charged and charged (5% and 7.5% crit respectively from what people datamining claims), shooting a corpus crewman shields non-charged hits for 16 and crits for 32, charged hits for 25 and crits for 51. It seems the codex entry has similar problems as with the Bolto/Akbolto, that it uses the weapon base stats for crit rate while the actual in-game damage uses the crit/multiplier from the projectile that the gun shoots.


The non-charged flak does 15 damage has an I/P/S of 3/3/9 (people datamining) and the charged flak does 25 damage and has an I/P/S of 2.5/2.5/20 (both codex and people datamining agree). Testing in-game shows this to hold up, shooting corpus non-charged does 16 damage both to shields and flesh which matches the 3/3/9 IPS (manually doing the math says 16.05/16.5), if it was 1.5/1.5/12 it would hit for 15 on shields (15.525) and 17 on flesh (17.625) due to damage 2.0 surface modifiers.


The status proc still uses the codex listed 10% for both non-charged and charged. The non-charged fire rate is 3.33.. (people datamining), and the charged version uses the fire rate of 0.8 from the codex.



11.9.2 revision 2:

  • Added the probability of getting a status proc to the "stats" table (thanks Himekaidou and Smitta).
  • Changed the wording of "Procs Per Shot" to "Avg. Procs/Shot" to clarify that it's not the probability.

The actual effect of the procs (corrosive, viral, etc.) are still not included in the DPS, the stats presented here are strictly cosmetic based on the numbers from the armory/codex.


Updated for 11.9.2:

  • Updated Akmagnus from 15% to 25% crit and from 150% to 200% crit rate, status chance from 20% to 25%
  • Changed Akmagnus default mods to a more crit focused build.

The crit build change for Akmagnus removed Heated Charge (+90% fire) and Expel (+30% faction damage), instead it's using Pistol Gambit (+120% critical chance) and Target Cracker (+60% critical strike damage). If you had the Akmagnus in favorites you'll probably have to update the favorite'd versions' mods manually (as that information is saved locally).




11.9.1 revision 2:

  • Renamed Dual Vastos to Akvasto, changed reload speed from 2.0 to 1.75 (thanks Vanhline)


If you had Dual Vastos in your favorites you'll neeed to re-add it after the update as it'll look for "Dual Vastos" which doesn't exist any more.


Updated for 11.9.1

  • Added Akmagnus
  • Updated Bolto/Akbolto to use 5% crit rate.



I've re-verified the Stug damage in game: The explosions do 75 damage and doesn't crit, or at least I didn't see one in two runs through Terminus and some testing in Pluto (tested both against Grineer, factoring Ferrite Corrosive weakness, and Corpus as Shields have no Corrosive weakness). When using a rapid fire macro, as well as manual clicking, it takes around 3 seconds to empty a 20 shot mag (6.666.. fire rate) at ~200 fps. Adding Gunslinger and Lethal Torrent makes the rapid fire macro empty a mag in around 1.5 seconds (showing that fire rate increase mods do work). Turning on v-sync (making it 60 fps) drops the macro to ~4 seconds and manual clicking to around 5 seconds (dropping to 60 fps was very noticeable on fire rate).


So if you're using the Stug (and need to spam shots) turn off v-sync or similar frame limiters and make sure you have 100+ fps.


I've also verified that the Bolto/Akbolto (pistols) actually have a 200% crit multiplier in game, no mods and shooting a Grineer Trooper does 50 non-crit damage and crits for 101 damage (200% crit multiplier). I'm guessing that what's happening is that the bolts that the weapons fire have a 5% crit rate and 200% crit multiplier (what people dataming claims) while the guns themselves have 2.5% and 150% crit multipliers. The armory/codex (or the person who updates the codex) probably uses the base weapon stats for crit/multi while the actual in-game damage calculations use the bolts' crit/multipliers.


The Boltor (rifle) bolts hit for 26 damage and crits for 40 damage, giving it a 150% multiplier (same as Codex).

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As usual clear your browser cache if you don't see the new update.


12.0.1 Revision 2:


  • Added Akstiletto
  • Added Dual Cestra



Updated for 12.0.1!


  • Added Phage
  • Updated the status chance of a lot of shotguns and shotgun pistols
  • Updated Embolist base damage (15->18.5) and added poison proc
  • Updated Flux Rifle base damage (15 -> 17.5) and status chance (9% -> 25%)
  • Updated Latron (40 -> 55) and Latron Prime (45 -> 85) base damage and Latron Prime status chance (15% -> 25%)
  • Updated Hek base damage (140 -> 175)
  • Updated Tigris base damage (180 -> 200)
  • Updated Vulkar base damage (125 -> 145) and status chance (10% -> 25%)
  • Updated Cernos base damage (40 -> 80), charge damage (100 -> 180), charge crit chance (20% -> 35%), and crit damage (150% -> 200%)
  • Updated Dread reload (1.0 -> 0.75), base damage (60 -> 110), base crit chance (20% -> 25%), charge damage (150 -> 200), charge crit rate (20% -> 50%), and charge status chance (15% -> 20%)
  • Updated Miter charge damage (150 -> 250), charge status chance (10% -> 25%), and charge fire rate (0.4166 -> 0.5)
  • Updated Paris reload (1.0 -> 0.8), base damage (45.1 -> 75), base crit chance (10% -> 20%), charge damage (100 -> 150), charge crit chance (20% -> 30%), and charge crit damage (150% -> 200%)
  • Updated Paris Prime reload (1.0 -> 0.7), base damage (65.1 -> 95), base crit chance (20% -> 25%), charge damage (150 -> 200), charge crit chance (20% -> 45%), and charge crit damage (150% -> 200%)
  • Updated Deth Machine Rifle crit rate (0 -> 5%) and crit damage (150% -> 200%)



Huge buff(s) to Latron Prime, Bows, and Shotgun proc rates.


I'll have to do some testing on the Phage to verify it works as it looks like it does, and I'll have to grind a Miter to verify it's base fire rate (very low priority). The poison proc on the Embolist uses the same arbitrary two ticks for poison damage as the Acrid for raw DPS listing, the faction damage (against Grineer/etc.) modifies the amount of ticks based on how fast the gun kills things (the faster you kill things the less ticks it gets).

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Is it me or the base damage for akmagnus is wrong on dpsframe.com ?


The I/P/S values on the site are 20.25, 12.375 (rounded to 12.38), 12.375 (rounded to 12.38) and in game in the arsenal it's 20, 12, 12. The in game arsenal stats seems to round the damage values to whole integers (or maybe it truncates, I haven't looked at it).


What values are you getting and what are they supposed to be?

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stumbled upon your tool just now and love it :D

Just one thing that always bugged me when i calculated WF-weapong dps myself, also seems to be ignored by the tool:

If you use a semi-auto weapon you may have a high firerate (like akbolto with basefirerate of 10shots/s) and high dmg per bullet so the site correctly calculates the possible max dps with that weapon, but you would need to click ten times per second or even faster if using the default mod setups. I tryed that and got up to 6clicks/sec when clicking normally fast (and about 9c/s when raping my mouse :P ) - so the real dps for me with semi-auto weapons would be a lot lower then calculated using the max. firerate.

In case im not missing any way to max out my click/firespeed with semi-auto weapons, it would be nice to have the opportunity to set ones max clickspeed somewhere on the site and then have it calculate the dps for semi-aito weapons using the max c/s as cap for the firerate.

Nothing really importend, just in case you get bored :D

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stumbled upon your tool just now and love it :D

Just one thing that always bugged me when i calculated WF-weapong dps myself, also seems to be ignored by the tool:

If you use a semi-auto weapon you may have a high firerate (like akbolto with basefirerate of 10shots/s) and high dmg per bullet so the site correctly calculates the possible max dps with that weapon, but you would need to click ten times per second or even faster if using the default mod setups. I tryed that and got up to 6clicks/sec when clicking normally fast (and about 9c/s when raping my mouse :P ) - so the real dps for me with semi-auto weapons would be a lot lower then calculated using the max. firerate.

In case im not missing any way to max out my click/firespeed with semi-auto weapons, it would be nice to have the opportunity to set ones max clickspeed somewhere on the site and then have it calculate the dps for semi-aito weapons using the max c/s as cap for the firerate.

Nothing really importend, just in case you get bored :D


Don't forget you could fire such weapons using the scroll-wheel or a macro to maximise your dps.

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