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Whats the worst warframe in the game currently?


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Personally I vote Zephyr.

Her 1 is really heavily designed around the open worlds, and in regular missions it's clunky, limited heavily by being 1-directional movement in maps that don't have a lot of straight paths, and for damage dealing it's laughable.

Her 2 is just a generic "does damage" and it doesn't even do much damage.

Her 3 is good, but takes up an augment slot to be really useful, even then most frames have better survivability tools.

Her 4 is downright annoying to the whole squad, not all that useful, and again takes an augment slot just to be baseline "not a hindrance."

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11 minutes ago, anarchy753 said:

Personally I vote Zephyr.

Her 1 is really heavily designed around the open worlds, and in regular missions it's clunky, limited heavily by being 1-directional movement in maps that don't have a lot of straight paths, and for damage dealing it's laughable.

Her 2 is just a generic "does damage" and it doesn't even do much damage.

Her 3 is good, but takes up an augment slot to be really useful, even then most frames have better survivability tools.

Her 4 is downright annoying to the whole squad, not all that useful, and again takes an augment slot just to be baseline "not a hindrance."

Even then. Zephyr is at least capable of surviving and she has Cc abilities that don't force her to stand still. 

Unlike Banshee. Who has terrible CC and has no survivability at all. Even in a squad she's terrible since you have to babysit her. And her buffing ability needs augment to be truly useful.

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On 2020-04-29 at 1:19 AM, supernils said:

I tried it out just yesterday because of the comments here. Penta with Napalm Grenades doesnt work with the weak spots. Basically it's Catchmoon or gtfo and I dont like being bound to a specific weapon. With other frames I can use whatever weapon I like

Yeah Napalm grenades act freaking weird for a while they could still do self damage as they were not technically an explosion. Normal penta works fine though if a bit hard to do. and its more then just catchmoon, Statacor, sonicor, zarr, angstrum, kulsar, ogris, exodia contagion, acid shells/thermagnetic shells/vulkin blitz and tonkor work with the sonar points. I have heard Quatz, Stug and Castanas work but i haven't tried it personally. 

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Seen alot of Hydroid in this thread, it's a situational frame, that in itself is not exactly a great thing and could make him the worst in the eyes of many. Make sense.
But, using the right abilities, at the right time, and the right place he can be extremely good. Same as Nyx.

You guys can argue which one is the worst, that's fair. But don't go saying they're not good for anything like OP and others, that's just not knowing what these frames can do.


Edited by STUVash
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There's quite a few frames I'd put in the "not worth playing at the moment" bracket. Trinity, Nyx, Hydroid and Zephyr immediately come to mind. Outside of Trinity, the issues I have with the remaining frames can be described in three generic ways. They're unreliable(chaos, tornado, tentacle), underpowered(mind control, barrage) and clunky(tailwind, surge). Trinity has very similar issue to Banshee, where most of what she can provide is not valued by the game, and during times where she was, she almost became mandatory.

On 2020-04-29 at 3:58 PM, Madway7 said:

But Banshee as a glass cannon is in a very weird spot and really needs some tweaks (recastable 3) and a new 4.

No and no. All of her abilities have a solid design base and can be made worthwhile for general gameplay with minor tweaks and cross ability synergies. There is also no need to remove one of the last stationary abilities and make the game even more homogeneous when its issues can be worked out a simply mechanical addition.

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On 2020-04-28 at 6:52 AM, (PS4)grayhyh said:

It used to be wukong for most people including me,wudingdong got a rework so...

Hydroid imo? He aint good for anything except dangling enemies with his tentacles and making them drop more resources,Nekros at least can make his own army and have his own hp with despoil connected to desecrate.

I only say worse in a sense that they feel completely forgotten by DE.

Nyx and Banshee.

Nyx is essentially one of those "whatever she does some other Warframe does better" in terms of powers and abilities. 

Banshee is essentially the same boat, but more like "Ivara is the best girl".

Also I'm gonna have to nominate my main man hydroid too. Ever since the ult got changed from true damage to magnetic he's been suffering pretty hard. Then Khora became a thing and not even his friend Nekros calls him anymore.

Hell, the game still kinda hates CC, so any CC frames are pretty much bleh in terms of power.

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Grendel. Hands down Grendel since release day. Just utterly useless in any situation imaginable other than cosplaying FAT SANIC by painting him blue and equipping his syandana.

He does nothing practical or useful. The only argument can be had for his eating for buffs but all requires too much work in this game's fast pace to be executed to any valid effect. And the same can be said for his 4th ability, which is stupidly slow and sluggish to use unless you use Catapult but then again you can't control when to stop with catapult and you will just keep rolling into a wall because you can't cancel the speed roll.

All in all, a huge fkin disappointment, he (Grendel) feels like that fat friend a prom queen (Gauss) drags around with herself.

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vor 22 Minuten schrieb (XB1)Shakalooloo:

It must be Excalibur Prime.  You hardly ever see anyone use him...

An Overpowered frame makes no fun. Or would you play with a frame who is capable to destroy all enemies with one button.😉😉😉

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After Inaros Rework thread reminded me of the time I tried to make Inaros Kit work as stated it would by the game. I came back to here to say "Inaros".
His kit is amazing, but each cool feature is being jailed behind many restrictions and inconsistencies, making most players to not bother and denying the rest of the players trying to use it properly.


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  • 4 weeks later...

Inaros is one of the worst tanks in the game, let alone frames. His entire kit relies on armor and health, which doesn't scale well against higher level enemies. He also has no abilities that actually benefit a team, other than dying a little slower than most. Especially with the new shield gating, Inaros went from okay at BEST to trash tier with Garuda, Hydroid, and Zephyr. 

There are half a dozen frames that can do what Inaros does but more reliably, with better team synergy, and overall better.
Revenant can put on 0 health, shield, armor, or strength mods and still be unkillable. He's so brain dead easy to play and mod for I'm surprised no one plays him. He also can bomb with his 4, and has one of the best mobilities in the game with his 4+3. He can stun anything that hits him for stupid long, and can delete a % of enemy health, while getting that health back. He does everything Inaros wishes he could do.
Hildryn can buff all allies max shields and shield regen, drop significantly more energy orbs, and strip armor from enemies. All the while having such a huge pool of shields that even an unranked Arcane Aegis or Barrier would make her unkillable even against level 1000+.
Baruuk can stack his resistances using Restraint (50%), Desolate Hands (90%), and Adaptation (95%) to get a total damage reduction of 99.75%. He also has one of the strongest exalted weapons, and can give a 90% damage reduction to his entire team. 

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On 2020-04-28 at 6:14 PM, Tiltskillet said:

Whatever frame I'm playing at the moment is, de facto, the worst in the game.

Depends if I'm logged in or not  😉



Edited by MorradiX
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On 2020-05-02 at 2:09 AM, AuroraSonicBoom said:

No and no. All of her abilities have a solid design base and can be made worthwhile for general gameplay with minor tweaks and cross ability synergies. There is also no need to remove one of the last stationary abilities and make the game even more homogeneous when its issues can be worked out a simply mechanical addition

Are you kidding?

Banshee needs big changes to almost every ability she has.

Maybe the only exception is sonic boom. 

But all the others are really bad. An ability that just makes everything silent? What a joke. It's the worst stealth ability ever. Especially because she has this as a passive already.

The radar thingy shows weakspots. Which is great because the game is all about fast killing and moving on.

Her 4th is just the worst thing ever. You stuck to the ground and deal about as much damage as a fish to a boat would.

Banshee is the worst frame currently.

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On 2020-04-29 at 8:50 PM, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

Easy, it’s not the best tank ability. In fact it’s one of the worst in the game. 100% DR is pretty much redundant to reasonably high levels, and the charges mechanic is not practical for a horde shooter so it gets chewed through like a tiger eating Carol Baskins husband. It also prevents the use of “on damaged” arcanes.

Just because Thralls are meant to die doesn’t make it a good mechanic. I said that Reave existing simply to make up for Mesmer skins failure to be a good tank ability is insulting to Revenants design.

Why would I waste energy casting his 1? I can just kill the enemy normally and not waste 25 energy on them first.

Revenants theme debacle being completely devoid of common sense and logic doesn’t mean the rest of the game is like that.

Wow you fundamentally do not understand how Revenant works. Yes each stack can only negate once instance of damage, but whatever takes that stack becomes stunned for a stupid amount of time. With Natural Talent you can also so powerfully negate the casting time on his 2 that even if you were to take infinite damage during the gap in time between casts, your shield gate would tank 100% of that damage, leaving you fully invulnerable at all times. This also means that he is equally tanky against level 100 and 10000 enemies, which you for sure can't say the same for sure with Inaros. 

You're also using reave and thrall for all the wrong reasons. Thralling an enemy can effectively take them out of the fight, the energy pillar afterwards is unimportant to the rest of his god-tier kit. Not every ability has to be useful all the time. If you thrall an enemy and then reave, it takes a % of health away. Meaning he can obliterate highly resistant enemies or Liches. Not to mention that while his Danse is active, his reave has no casting animation and is so fast that it is arguably one of the fastest ways to travel in the game. 

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1 hour ago, ZepBladez said:

Wow you fundamentally do not understand how Revenant works. Yes each stack can only negate once instance of damage, but whatever takes that stack becomes stunned for a stupid amount of time. With Natural Talent you can also so powerfully negate the casting time on his 2 that even if you were to take infinite damage during the gap in time between casts, your shield gate would tank 100% of that damage, leaving you fully invulnerable at all times. This also means that he is equally tanky against level 100 and 10000 enemies, which you for sure can't say the same for sure with Inaros. 

You're also using reave and thrall for all the wrong reasons. Thralling an enemy can effectively take them out of the fight, the energy pillar afterwards is unimportant to the rest of his god-tier kit. Not every ability has to be useful all the time. If you thrall an enemy and then reave, it takes a % of health away. Meaning he can obliterate highly resistant enemies or Liches. Not to mention that while his Danse is active, his reave has no casting animation and is so fast that it is arguably one of the fastest ways to travel in the game. 

And do you know what that stun does? It prevents Danse Macabre from properly taking advantage of its scaling mechanic. So it only stands to hinder Revenants performance.

All of Revenants casting times are painfully slow, and none of his abilities are good enough to justify it. It’s stupid how one of the few things that’s actually Eidolon related on him is the speed of his animations.

At what point in the game do you need to fight level 10000 enemies? Never. So having a poorly designed tank ability that can technically reach those heights is redundant and only serves to be impractical in normal gameplay.

That % health drain 1 shot is insanely impractical as well. It takes too long to set up and has too limited a range. It gets outpaced by a AOE Damage abilities and even weapons. And since that’s the case if he were to do a survival mission with a squad he has to wait literal hours for every other squad mate to become ineffective against enemies for him to be useful. Having to wait over 5 hours in a mission for your frame to be useful in a mission is terrible design. And the fact that you think that’s god tier is hilarious. Also Reave stopped being effective on Liches.

You realize how heavy an energy drain Danse Macabre is, right? Using it with Reave as a method for moving around sounds incredibly inefficient when there are frames like Gauss who have one cheap to cast ability that gives them an amazing movement option.


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On 2020-04-28 at 9:56 AM, ES-Flinter said:

Limbo has a use in any mission which doesn't required to kill enemies. And in a organized team he is very useful

But when is hydroid useful/ good?

This speaks to the perceptual rift between “effective vs fun”, both of which fall under the category of the best vs worst but are very different.

Is Limbo super effective at mission completion to the point that he is THE most effective at times?


Would I rather use almost any other frame?

Also yes.

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4 hours ago, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

And do you know what that stun does? It prevents Danse Macabre from properly taking advantage of its scaling mechanic. So it only stands to hinder Revenants performance.

All of Revenants casting times are painfully slow, and none of his abilities are good enough to justify it. It’s stupid how one of the few things that’s actually Eidolon related on him is the speed of his animations.

At what point in the game do you need to fight level 10000 enemies? Never. So having a poorly designed tank ability that can technically reach those heights is redundant and only serves to be impractical in normal gameplay.

That % health drain 1 shot is insanely impractical as well. It takes too long to set up and has too limited a range. It gets outpaced by a AOE Damage abilities and even weapons. And since that’s the case if he were to do a survival mission with a squad he has to wait literal hours for every other squad mate to become ineffective against enemies for him to be useful. Having to wait over 5 hours in a mission for your frame to be useful in a mission is terrible design. And the fact that you think that’s god tier is hilarious. Also Reave stopped being effective on Liches.

You realize how heavy an energy drain Danse Macabre is, right? Using it with Reave as a method for moving around sounds incredibly inefficient when there are frames like Gauss who have one cheap to cast ability that gives them an amazing movement option.


The scaling of Danse just JUST fine without need for getting shot more than once, considering even without any scaling it can shred enemies of every faction at and above 180

Like I said, Natural Talent is more than enough to offset any casting time problems. And having that alone makes the times between mesmer casts so tiny that you literally can't die to anything other than a rad proced ally using an ability on you


That was an exaggeration, but the point still stands. Most tanks have a point in which they inevitably fall off. The only true exceptions being Hildryn and Revenant. If you concede that Revenant is viable against level 10000, then you also admit he is already good. "Normal" gameplay suits him more than fine.

The % of health drain requires literally one ability to cast before it's set up, can be cast from a huge distance away, and the cast is free if they are currently under the effect of the mesmer stun. If timed, it takes about 2.5 seconds to get shot, press 1, and press 3. How much damage you deal can also be massivly multiplied by how many times you can hit the same target in one reave. But truly that's only icing on the cake of being an amazing movement ability. It's not an AOE ability, it's movement first and damage second. 
In your hypothetical "he's not useful until 5 hours in", that's so far from true. He's still amazing at bombing with his danse, quick enough to cover huge distances to res downed allies, and can tank against any faction at any level. Far too often I've seen Inaros as the first frame to go down in an arby after 25 minutes in. Even a bad revenant can learn to press 2 to not die.

The Danse drain is REALLY not bad, especially considering that's the only thing you'll really be spending energy on most of the time. Your 1 is free, your 2 only needs to be cast every minute or so, and your 3 has a 50% cost reduction while 4 is active. I've gone more than 20 waves in a T4 defense with only one cast of danse. And Gauss has AWFUL turning when his speed is active. Revenant can turn literally as fast as you can turn your mouse, moves faster, and is invincible while he does it. I'm convinced you're just regurgitating a youtuber's opinion and not looking at the raw data, because you dropped a very telling "sounds inefficient". 

Maybe actually learn something before you sounds stupid online

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22 minutes ago, ZepBladez said:

The scaling of Danse just JUST fine without need for getting shot more than once, considering even without any scaling it can shred enemies of every faction at and above 180

Like I said, Natural Talent is more than enough to offset any casting time problems. And having that alone makes the times between mesmer casts so tiny that you literally can't die to anything other than a rad proced ally using an ability on you


That was an exaggeration, but the point still stands. Most tanks have a point in which they inevitably fall off. The only true exceptions being Hildryn and Revenant. If you concede that Revenant is viable against level 10000, then you also admit he is already good. "Normal" gameplay suits him more than fine.

The % of health drain requires literally one ability to cast before it's set up, can be cast from a huge distance away, and the cast is free if they are currently under the effect of the mesmer stun. If timed, it takes about 2.5 seconds to get shot, press 1, and press 3. How much damage you deal can also be massivly multiplied by how many times you can hit the same target in one reave. But truly that's only icing on the cake of being an amazing movement ability. It's not an AOE ability, it's movement first and damage second. 
In your hypothetical "he's not useful until 5 hours in", that's so far from true. He's still amazing at bombing with his danse, quick enough to cover huge distances to res downed allies, and can tank against any faction at any level. Far too often I've seen Inaros as the first frame to go down in an arby after 25 minutes in. Even a bad revenant can learn to press 2 to not die.

The Danse drain is REALLY not bad, especially considering that's the only thing you'll really be spending energy on most of the time. Your 1 is free, your 2 only needs to be cast every minute or so, and your 3 has a 50% cost reduction while 4 is active. I've gone more than 20 waves in a T4 defense with only one cast of danse. And Gauss has AWFUL turning when his speed is active. Revenant can turn literally as fast as you can turn your mouse, moves faster, and is invincible while he does it. I'm convinced you're just regurgitating a youtuber's opinion and not looking at the raw data, because you dropped a very telling "sounds inefficient". 

Maybe actually learn something before you sounds stupid online

Still, an ability hinder another ability is bad design and should never be present on a frame. But hey at least you acknowledge that Danse scales pretty far.

Natural talent existing doesn’t justify the slow cast speeds. Like take Reave for example. It supposed to be an escape ability, yet you’re liable to be shot 3 times over before you even activate the ability proper.

And do you know how much setup your gun requires? Zero. You press one but and you shoot the enemy dead. Significantly faster that the setup required to kill with Reave. And considering the fact that Thralls can be killed by squadmates. Those enthralled enemies are going to die before you ever get the chance to Reave them.

While Danse is good is still outpaced by abilities like Spores and Peacemakers. And since you’ve said it scales up to level 180 on its own, why ever bother with Enthrall+ Reave? It covers a superior distance, so why use anything else? And if it’s scaling mechanic was actually allowed to work properly it would scale even higher.

So you play with a lot of bad Inaros players then. I’ve had instances where my Mesmer charges would just be torn through in seconds. Other actually good tank abilities are either duration based and don’t have that issue or atleast have some for of grace period mechanic like Nezha that allows you to safely recast it. Revenant has to run away and find a hiding spot in order to safely recast Mesmer.

Gauss has 100% DR, and definitely moves faster and further than Reave.

I’m actually regurgitating my own findings on the frame. I’ve been pushing for a Revenant rework since his release. Which now begs the question of why you’re even trying to convince me that Revenant isn’t complete and utter garbage. 

Edited by (XB1)GearsMatrix301
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