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Warframe Revised: Railjack Revisited (Part 1): Update 27.4


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23 minutes ago, Hugothehunter said:

Gj DE but I didn' t see a fix about getting one shotted by the crew ship or it still targeting the tenno outside the RJ, or was it in a previous hotfix?

Definitely should be blinking between shots (wait for the crewship to fire, then hit your boost) and also running Amesha or other shields to protect yourself.

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1 minute ago, Ramflare said:

Right, it still affects players the same doesn't it? In scarlet spear it didn't work at all. So reduced effectiveness is a lot better. I think sometimes you just have to admit that something is way too OP, protective dash's full effect trivialises any mission that requires defense. It made the few things it did affect boring.

You might not know this but limbo trivializes defense missions too.  As does pretty much any other defensive-focused warframe.  What's the difference if there's another in a pile of ample ways to protect the defense objective?  It's not a difficult thing to defend the objective to begin with.

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vor 53 Minuten schrieb Tradebanned:

Can I get a vazarin refund so I can change to zenurik? The cryo got 50K hp+ in defense arbitration, it would take ~20years to make the cryopod full HP. Even in low level mission it's not good. Just make it 10% of the objective health at least. You didnt nerfed it, you just removed it from the game.

Was just in a test survival Kuva Fortress Vazarin is now unusable in any capacity this is unbelievable DE what is it you try to do drive all fun out of rewarding gamemodes? Or do you like to unreward grinding for hours on end to open that abbility? Have a nice Day!

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58 minutes ago, [DE]Megan said:

You may notice some items listed below are striked-through! Over the weekend, we posted a Dev Workshop of these changes, also ran our first ever Public Test Cluster, where Tenno could playtest these Railjack changes before they went live. As we iterated on the feedback gathered, we wanted to show this in our update notes: if we iterated on a change following feedback, we have listed the original planned change with strike-through for the sake of comparison!

I very much appreciate this - in concept, just a shame they don't always include the rationale for the changes.


58 minutes ago, [DE]Megan said:
  • Lowered Boost Speed by 75% 
  • Increased the Boost Speed cost of dodge. 
  • Increased Boost Drain 

I don't know how the math here works, but I'm concerned that this basically kills Boosting for traversal, and I'm not sure how useful it'll be for mobility/manuverability.
Which relegates Lavan Engines to Worst In Slot.

58 minutes ago, [DE]Megan said:

Tripled values of Titanium and Asterite resource drops.

Thank fk.


58 minutes ago, [DE]Megan said:

Each Integrated Avionic Type will now only exist with a single Manufacturer rather than three Manufacturer flavors. What this means is that there won’t be 3x variants of the same Avionic. 

Well, it was either this, or much easier mod/loadout management for the RJ.
Either would have worked for me, but this outcome does offer much less mental juggling.


58 minutes ago, [DE]Megan said:

Rumbled (Atlas, Rumblers Augment): Atlas becomes a Rumbler with Rock Armor that can absorb up to 300% of max Health worth of Damage. 

I'm assuming this works like Iron Skin, meaning no interaction with Adaptation or Arcane Avenger or armor's %DR (for some examples)?

58 minutes ago, [DE]Megan said:
  • Prism Guard (Mirage, Prism Augment): Prism follows above Mirage. Duration changed to 4s. Given its long cast animation, I'm kinda meh on this.
  • Purifying Flames (Ember, Fire Blast Augment): Allies hit by the expanding ring of fire will be granted 4s of Status immunity. Now this is useful (if niche).
  • Power of Three (Ivara, Quiver Augment): Quiver fires three arrows and consumes 20 more Energy. Pretty much pointless with the PvE effects of Quiver, imo.
  • Deceptive Bond (Loki, Decoy Augment): 50% of damage Loki takes is transferred to Decoy, and vice versa. A) Rather less useful against omnicient-aimbot AI than against players, and B) given the hugely different energy economies in PvP and PvE... why wouldn't I just be invisible (and use Savior Decoy, if anything)?
  • Singularity (Nyx, Absorb Augment): Create a ring every 3s that drags in enemies at 15m/s. On the one hand, yay! On the other... the best I can say for it is that it gains 5m range over base Absorb... but why wouldn't I be using Assimilate - and already have a method of dealing with the decreased mobility?

Replies inline in red, obviously.


58 minutes ago, [DE]Megan said:

Ambush Optics (Rubico): -50% Zoom.

PvP's mod ecology has much less competition.
In PvE, however, mod slots are at a premium, because damage mods exist (and are required).

Make in an exilus and we might have what to talk about - otherwise I don't see this seeing use, as is.

58 minutes ago, [DE]Megan said:

Brain Storm (Grakata): On Headshot: +100% Ammo Efficiency for 1s.

Holy ****.
Not headshot kill, just headshot.
(Because it came from PvP, I know.)

Grakata just became the best primary (against humanoid enemies, anyway).

And Wild Frenzy exists.

Seriously: P Grakata, Damage, multi, crit, crit dam, 2 ele, Brain Storm, Wild Frenzy, Stabilizer.


58 minutes ago, [DE]Megan said:

Shrapnel Rounds (Marelok): +200% Multishot, -66% Damage.

This is not balanced for the PvE mod enviroment.
PvP has no +%damage, so you're losing 2/3 of your damage-per-pellet but gaining 2 pellets for a net neutral on average.
Even aside from anything else, PvE has Hornet Strike. Combined with this, you lose ~21% of your damage-per-pellet but gaining +200% damage for a ~238% damage increase.


58 minutes ago, [DE]Megan said:

Added ‘Daily Standing Cap’ information to the Bounties screens in Cetus and Fortuna

Added Riven compatible items component to Riven Unveil screen when Unveiling a Riven and when viewing a Riven via Chat Link!


58 minutes ago, [DE]Megan said:

Banshee, Excalibur Umbra, Frost, Nekros, Nova, Nyx, Saryn, Valkyr, and Zephyr Ability videos have been added to their respective Arsenals! 

Requesting the option to disable videos.
They give me a severe hitch the first time I (accidentally) mouseover any ability in the arsenal.

58 minutes ago, [DE]Megan said:
  • Titania Prime has been given her own unique dodge/roll animations that flow better with her floating movement! 
  • Instead of having to re-aim at your placed Waypoint to remove it (or spam G twice), now you can remove your Waypoint by holding G! G, isn’t that helpful!

Cool.  :)


Not reading the fixes, already gone snowblind.

Edited by CMarsh
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56 minutes ago, [DE]Megan said:

Khora’s Spikes (her default back attachment) are now an Auxiliary attachment to give players more customization options with Syandanas. 

risking having my feedback ignored because of sarcasm, I still choose to say
if only wisp had such technology available to her

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3 minutes ago, 0_The_F00l said:


Also :

The garuda justification for healing is still bull pie ,

You also missed all the other ways for damage reduction through armor boosts and avoidance like icy avalanche and invisibility.

Do those affect defense targets? Never noticed it before.

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Some quick observations:


I can no longer hold down the "swap weapons button" to equip my arch-melee.  The only way to utilize it is through quick melee, so no blocking. If it matters I am on controller.

I know you intentionally made all archguns use their atmospheric stats, but Grattler got hit pretty hard by this change. It now has half the ammo capacity, and its shots seem to have a range limit of about 500-600m.  Also I dont know if its just me but it's startup seems to chug pretty hard now. 

Hydroid's Tidal Impunity augment is broken, it doesnt work on recasts.


Edit: Jesus Christ I just took the Grattler into a corpus Archwing Mobile Defense Mission.  The #*!%ing proximity fuses detonate upon leaving the barrel half the time, making it a seizure and vomit simulator. Please revert this change until something can be done about it.

I noticed I have way more multishot than I should, but at the same time the extra multishots accuracy is abysmal and goes literally all over the place. 

Also Grattler has self damage in space now, I dont have an archgun deployer to confirm if it does on ground or not. 

Edited by TehBoozinCrew
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Only feedback I would give is that why are frame only mods a thing if it affects their exalted weapon. Like for instance ivara has concentrated arrow and soon to be  mod that changes her quiver skill to fire 3 arrows well if she has to temporarily summon her exalted weapon to shoot those arrows why not have the mods that affect her exalted weapon be placed on either the frame or the exalted weapon. And not just ivara but any warframe that has an exalted weapon because some builds I know I do this for ivara I never use her exalted weapon because I don't build her for damage I build her for utility and so I use her 4 so I can alt fire quiver arrows faster. But some mods feel like they should be able to place on your choice of the frame or the exalted weapon since it affects both. 

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yeah, my update seems to be crashing in a weird way its like downloading 50 mb at a time ,then fastforwards to 15-8mb left and goes into update failed but it restarts and goes through this cycle again, so far im up to 600mb left to download from this update 🤔 could maybe eu update servers are busted? i have a friend in  south america  and he seems to have downloaded the update fine  🤔 

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So, you have basically made Railjacks so frigging slow that it would be worth leaving the ship behind at the start of the mission and actually do it using Archwings.
Yeah, great work. ¬¬

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57 minutes ago, [DE]Megan said:

Updated the Relic Pack Relic contents screen (when purchased in the in-game Market and from Syndicates) - it will now show each Relic’s contents better categorized by rarity.

  • Also added ‘Common’, ‘Uncommon’,  ‘Rare’ tooltips over rarity icons. 
  • Spoiler


Could you please centre the reward text?  I think that would look much nicer.


PS:  Please fix Mag Pneuma's right hand.

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I am just happy I did looted the Harrow System before Vazarin changes - good luck saving the Artificial Idiots with your fancy Void powers now, noobs newbies.


And I am not happy about this "we just slow your Railjack down to half" thing. Be slow at speed-based movements parkour game sucks. Even more with the whole "Void-drives from the High-Tech Orokin Era" backstory.

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1 minute ago, Sir_Mustur_Spurclur said:

yeah, my update seems to be crashing in a weird way its like downloading 50 mb at a time ,then fastforwards to 15-8mb left and goes into update failed but it restarts and goes through this cycle again, so far im up to 600mb left to download from this update 🤔 could maybe eu update servers are busted? i have a friend in  south america  and he seems to have downloaded the update fine  🤔 

Just keep letting it cycle and it will finish. 

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Fixed the decoy created by the “Ruse” Kuva Lich ability having a red HUD marker. To avoid confusion of who the real Kuva Lich is, this additional marker will no longer appear. 


...so the decoy isn't a decoy anymore or is that only a friendly lich used ability?

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1 hour ago, [DE]Megan said:

Previously did nothing. Now, will Heal for 500 over 5 seconds, can’t stack

that's about the trinity's blessing on objective. you really didn't listened when people told you that it was useless, did you? this won't matter at any high level, making it literally non-existant. back to the drawing board with this one. it needs to be a percentage. 10 per cent, 20 or more. but flat numbers will ALWAYS fails in warframe, you should get this, by now.

1 hour ago, [DE]Megan said:

Vazarin - Protective Dash

5 seconds invulnerability

60% Heal over 5 seconds

No invulnerability

Heal for 500 over 5 seconds, can’t stack

Works at full effect

again, you're joking? back to the drawing board we goooo. percentage. not flat numbers.


1 hour ago, [DE]Megan said:

Garuda - Blood Siphon

Heals by % of missing health

Doesn’t apply, for flavor we think this shouldn’t.

On live does nothing

this excuse there is ridicule. you want all healing abilities to do something? then there is no reason to exclude Garuda. that just sounds like a "we didn't feel like it, so too bad". please do some effort and put Garuda too, she at least deserves to have healing to objective. not that it's gonna matter by a lot of it's a flat numbers, but still.


1 hour ago, [DE]Megan said:

Nidus - Ravenous

Heal allies standing on it for 20 HP per second

Fine as is, will inherit this behavior. 

On live does nothing

percentage........ 20 HP per second is nothing... this applies to warframes that have either lots of health, but would still be good, or to warframes with lesser health, but have a lot of defensive buff, so 20 point of health matters way more. you messed up big time with this changes.

alright, lets stop with the healing, i hope ya got the message. flat numbers fails in warframe.


1 hour ago, [DE]Megan said:

Moved Market filters to be grouped with the search bar.

  • Added filter to ‘Hide Mastered’ items.


can you please add a filter to filter out EVERY rivens out of trade chat, so my eyes don't have to bleed? thank you.

overall, the biggest problems is that you think flat healing a scalable objective point is in any way viable. you don't balance for early game where objective points have 1000 HP, but for when they have in the thousands more. for EVERY healing abilities, it's either percentage or nothing, as flat numbers will never be as good as percentage. you should know this better than anyone, by now...  why, DE?


please, now do a test server to gather datas on the healing process of defense objective. Vazarin was the only reason i used something else than Zenurik. because i could actually heal defense objective. you think anyone past the starchart will bother using Vazarin for a measly 500 point? this is ridiculous. past a certian level, this amount of HP will be blown away by being grazed by a bullet. all in all, you simply deleted Vazarin unique ability from existence. let it heals as it is before, to it's full aspect. because right now, there is no reason to use it anymore except for self heals. and we already have a lot of other ways to do so... same for a long of healing abilities, as long as anything is flat damage, it fails. you need to get that. but as of now, the best point of vazarin got erased from the game, thanks to your inability to understand how scaling damage and healing works in the game. why? why is this healing change board so badly made, when you had a ton of feedback about it, earlier?

Edited by mikakor
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5 minutes ago, -STR-Strat0va7ius said:




Where are my avionics  ?

Everything is uninstalled and reset - with the simplification, you will need to respec. I see Avionics in your account - please rebuild your loadout with your newly reset collection and quote this post if that's not possible. 

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Archmelee is unusable in regular archwing mission

Blinking away from enemies, stagger alot because of blinking to object
Note: Used Agkuza with Extend Mod

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