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Allow for railjack scrapping without owning a ship


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1 minute ago, Traumtulpe said:

Just wow. So many people that can't read, and/or don't understand the issue at all, yet still have to share their worthless opinion/snide comment.

Calling someone else's post worthless... just wow...

The question is: how do you manage to hit the wreckage limit before getting your railjack?

Or: why don't you get your Rauljack first? It's super easy. And then you won't have a problem with the wreckage limit.

Please, do never ever call someone else's opinion worthless.

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1 minute ago, Krankbert said:

If they don't like people calling their opinions worthless they can always try having better opinions.

Here's the thing... The OP is perfectly easy to understand if you know about reaching the wreckage limit makes you impossible to play railjack missions. I didn't know it, and it just didn't make sense, I thought OP cannot play railjack in a sense it's not worth playing, without the possibility of getting better and better wreckages. A lot of people didn't understand either (clearly they also didn't know about this side effect of reaching the wreckage limit). These forums see a lot of pointless crying every day, so I guess people are just a bit more jumpy than they needed to be in this particular case - me included. Yeah, I wasn't nice, I admit, and I was wrong too. But you have to give it to all these people, the OP isn't clear without the background info about the limit. 

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vor 3 Minuten schrieb (PS4)Viveeeh:

Here's the thing... The OP is perfectly easy to understand if you know about reaching the wreckage limit makes you impossible to play railjack missions. I didn't know it, and it just didn't make sense, I thought OP cannot play railjack in a sense it's not worth playing, without the possibility of getting better and better wreckages. 

Maybe the lesson to be learned here is to read the words that are actually there ("he cannot play") and not read words that aren't there ("it's not worth playing").

Edited by Krankbert
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2 minutes ago, Krankbert said:

Maybe the lesson to be learned here is to read the words that are actually there ("he cannot play") and not read words that aren't there ("it's not worth playing").

Wow, you're just asking for snide comments, aren't you? 😂

Edited by (PS4)Viveeeh
Because, you know, the OP isn't perfect English either (no offense at all, this just made it harder to understand)
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1 hour ago, Bronze_Pleb said:

You clearly don't get it you sarcastic smart ass, he doesn't wish to "futze" with them he wishes to be able to play the activity. There is a 30 wreckage part limit and he's gone over it so the obvious thing to do would be sell those parts but for some reason DE doesn't allow the players without a railjack to do that.

Okay, I see where I misunderstood. And while it may be an oversight, the issue still has a pretty easy fix; build the Railjack.

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vor 18 Minuten schrieb (PS4)Viveeeh:

Wow, you're just asking for snide comments, aren't you? 😂



I'm not here to give out life lessons, so this will be my last post.

But maybe you'll want to think about why, in a span of less than ten minutes, the OP's post somehow went from being perfectly easy to understand to hard to understand because of imperfect English.

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33 minutes ago, Krankbert said:

If they don't like people calling their opinions worthless they can always try having better opinions.

So you are saying that your opinion is worthless. Strange way of saying it, but good for you realizing it yourself.

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42 minutes ago, Traumtulpe said:

If this is actually the case it needs to be changed asap. Weird that I hadn't heard of this before.

Just wow. So many people that can't read, and/or don't understand the issue at all, yet still have to share their worthless opinion/snide comment.

This user gets it. 

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1 minute ago, Krankbert said:

But maybe you'll want to think about why, in a span of less than ten minutes, the OP's post somehow went from being perfectly easy to understand to hard to understand because of imperfect English.

Okay, I thought about it, my idea: when the clock started clicking, it was easy for you to understand, hard for almost everybody else. When it hit the 10 minutes mark, everybody else understood, and you have been told why everybody else couldn't see what OP wanted to say. So the topic went both from easy to hard to understand, and from hard to easily to understand. Did I get it right? Did I? ...oh right, you stopped replaying to this post 😢

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This thread descended into madness and i hope a mod will lock it soon.

The issue is there though, a person without a railjack will be prevented from playing if he/she hits 31/30 wreckage limit.

Gathering 31 wreckage doesnt take that long and it really can screw up playing with some friends. Asking why the person can't build the Railjack is pointless too, you should be able to be a crewmember and gain intrinsics and mods and wreckage even if you dont have a clan or railjack and nothing should limit you from playing.

There should be an option in Profile, next to Intrinsics, that allows a player to scrap the wreckage they own.


Edited by Savire510
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This sounds like an oversight. I played with a friend who didn't own a railjack before the update and before each mission a menu popped up for him allowing him to scrap wreckage so he can go bellow the limit and join me.

Maybe DE forgot to add that pop up menu back.

Edited by EDM774
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I have a friend who is currently building the cepehlon and gets the same error. Seems kinda dumb that he is no longer able to play until the ability to sell is available a few days at best.


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11 hours ago, Obviousclone said:

We should allow for warframe formaing without owning the warframe

I want my titania prime to come with 3 forma before I've even gotten the blueprints

Too bad scrapping Railjack components is the equivalent of selling mods for Endo (you get Dirac), which has nothing to do with owning anything or using formas.

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No. Go build a railjack if you want to use the system fully. They've nerfed the build requirements so hard you have no excuse.

Edit: However, they should remove the ban on playing when Wreckage storage is full. That's a bit poop.

Edited by iLightning13
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4 hours ago, Blaze13 said:

I have a friend who is currently building the cepehlon and gets the same error. Seems kinda dumb that he is no longer able to play until the ability to sell is available a few days at best.


This window could as well as say "Your free trial period of playing Empyrean is expired, please buy your own Railjack to continue!"

Someone mentioned above that some patches prior the game gave you the ability to sell wreckage after this message popped up. I don't think that option disappeared on purpose, more like an accidental bug.

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I do agree that being able to scrap wreckages even if you don't own a railjack should be a feature, as you gain nothing but dirac from that anyway. And as others have pointed, as of now there's nothing to do if you hit the cap and you may lose out on some better gear if you keep playing.

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hace 6 horas, iLightning13 dijo:

No. Go build a railjack if you want to use the system fully. They've nerfed the build requirements so hard you have no excuse.

Edit: However, they should remove the ban on playing when Wreckage storage is full. That's a bit poop.


At first i was "ok, probably is too much work to farm the resources even after nerf". Then i took a minute into reading the current requirements....

Sorry to say this OP @Bronze_Pleb, but it really is a lazy complain, back in the day many players had to build railjacks with 30 orokin cells (now it's 3) and a million credits each, plus 3 times the amount for new resource diodes, carbides and such (sure we got some refunding, but the effort and time spent still remained), and now it's not even hard to get those resources, you can legit get everything in a day (even less), besides, it's not like you're supposed to build it in an actual day, it's a space-ship after all.

Edited by lukasystem
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1 hour ago, (XB1)TyeGoo said:

IDC how "cheap" it is to make a railjack, it doesn't matter. What matters is, on purpose, people were allowed to play railjack without having one. And that is a must feature. 

To stay true to that sentiment, people should be allowed to access ANYTHING that bloats inventory, especially considering caps.

True, love how the ppl where so wrong about this and still trying to blame the op friend.

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I like how some people still blame OP's friend for being "lazy" even after my statement that there WAS a menu allowing ppl who didn't own their own ship to scrap parts before entering a mission.

DE just forgot to add that menu back and OP's friend is the one being lazy?


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You all do remember why that exists now right? people complained that wreckage was auto-scrapped when railjack launched, DE removed that, let people know the cap, and then made it so you cant go into a railjack mission without having empty capacity, kind of like sorties and rivens

Why exactly did they do this? oh right, people complained that those components might be better than what they had and how dare DE auto scrap something they didnt even know the stat rolls for.

Also, OP, you could have had your railjack built in the time it took you to hit that wreckage limit by now, especially if it took this long for you to realize it. you don't have an excuse to not have one at least built. as for others? If they hit the limit too again they have no excuse. Its cheap, and a "set and forget" type deal.

what is it with people and complaining about every change even if its somewhat good?

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3 hours ago, Scorpin99 said:

You all do remember why that exists now right? people complained that wreckage was auto-scrapped when railjack launched, DE removed that, let people know the cap, and then made it so you cant go into a railjack mission without having empty capacity, kind of like sorties and rivens

Why exactly did they do this? oh right, people complained that those components might be better than what they had and how dare DE auto scrap something they didnt even know the stat rolls for.

Also, OP, you could have had your railjack built in the time it took you to hit that wreckage limit by now, especially if it took this long for you to realize it. you don't have an excuse to not have one at least built. as for others? If they hit the limit too again they have no excuse. Its cheap, and a "set and forget" type deal.

what is it with people and complaining about every change even if its somewhat good?

But... They said they used to be able to hand select wreckage for scrapping when the cap was hit, only DE somehow left this option out while releasing patch after patch? So unless I misunderstood something again, this is clearly an oversight, not a way to make people build railjacks.

Not to mention, letting players do railjack missions without a railjack, then forbidding them to continue after a while is simply dumb. Lock players without railjacks out of railjack content or not, don't force them into this limbo in between.

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So you are saying it doesn't open up that ui menu for them when you try to launch a mission over the wreckage limit? It is supposed to let you scrap it from there as well as at the dojo console. I just assumed that method was for others that did not have a railjack.

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